The Royal Society (active 1660)

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referencedIn MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz.:-A. Letter from Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Italian statesman, to Nassau William Senior, economist, forwarding a publication of the Sardinian government on charitable institutions; 4 Jan. 1842. French. For a..., 1100-1936 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 329). (1) Appointment of Birch as chaplain to Princess Amelia; 1761. Copy. f. 4. (2) Testimonial for Carlo Alfonso Guadagni of Florence, M.D., for the Royal Society, circ. 1760; signed Antonio Niccolini, Saverio Manetti (of Florence, Pro..., 1663-1765 British Library
creatorOf HAWKINS PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 134). General correspondence; 1798-1860, n.d. Partly printed. Partly copies. Partly French. Among the correspondents are Philip Bliss, John William Burgon, John Frederic Daniell, Edward Edwards, Sir Henry Ellis, Josiah F..., 1798-1860 British Library
creatorOf AYRTON PAPERS. Vol. XVI (ff. 281). Genealogical and other collections relating to W. Ayrton, W. S. Ayrton, and their family and relations; 17th cent.-1876, n.d. Preceded (f. 1) by a note on the contents by the compiler, W. S. Ayrton, 31 Oct. 1876. In..., 17th century-1876 British Library
referencedIn REPORTS and other papers relating to various libraries and public records, by, John Caley and others. Included are Accounts of the libraries of the Inns of Court, the Royal Society, St. Paul's Cathedral, and St. Martins-in-the-Fields, ff. 1-20;-Outli..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn C. Conference Literature83877-83897. Anne McLaren Papers. Conference literature; 1950-1994. Loose papers and publications including programmes, papers, notes, proceedings and abstracts from conferences, symposia and talks around the world on exper..., 1950-1994 British Library
referencedIn ROYAL SOCIETY PAPERSCollections relating to the Royal Society (incorporated in 1662) made by Thomas Birch while Secretary of the Society (1752-1765), consisting of letters, articles or communications sent for consideration, many of which were subsequ..., 1660-1765 British Library
referencedIn SIR WILLIAM ASHLEY PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 393). Papers relating to the Consumers' Council set up by the Ministry of Food; Feb.-July 1918.John Robert Clynes, PC; MP: Papers of, as Chairman, rel. to the Consumers' Council: 1918.includes:ff. 20-22, 104,... British Library
referencedIn HAWKINS COLLECTION. Vol. XIII (ff. 46). Extracts relating to music and musical instruments, from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1670-1702, made by James Grassineau; 1743.Royal Society: Extracts from 'Philosophical Transactions' ..., 1743 British Library
referencedIn FLEMING PAPERS. Vol. XII. May 1947-May 1948.ff. 1-218. Papers and correspondence include:Athenaeum ClubAustria, April 1947British Association for Advancement of ScienceFourth International Congress of Microbiology, July-Aug. 1947Honorary degree, Char... British Library
creatorOf PETTY PAPERS. VOL. XLV (ff. ii + 94).1. ff. 1-4. Part of a dedication to Charles II on ship-building; [1661]. Printed in Double Bottom, pp. 4-6. The original is Bodl. Lyell empt. 32, ff. 1-4.2. ff. 5-10. Letter from Petty to Viscount Brouncker; 29 Oc..., 1661-1686 British Library
referencedIn BIRCH MISCELLANEA.Miscellaneous papers, mainly copies of letters and other writings (in Birch's autograph with the exception of artt. 1-3, and 12), viz.:-(1) A preface in defence of Moses being the first to use alphabetical characters in writing; in..., 18th century British Library
creatorOf Summons to Royal Society on the occasion of its three hundred and fiftieth anniversary; 8 Jan. 1912. Latin. Printed form, completed in MS.Royal Society: Summons to, on its 350th anniversary: 1912: Lat: Printed. British Library
creatorOf MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, viz.:-A. Letter from Alexander Pope, the poet, to Dr William Cowper, the antiquary, thanking him for his letter and verses, and recommending classical models; Twickenham, 5 Feb. 173½. Copy. Printed in The Correspond..., 13th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn 41667. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS,, 1300-1928 British Library
creatorOf PETTY PAPERS. VOL. III (ff. iii + 225). Letters, etc., from Petty and his wife to Robert Southwell senior and Sir Robert Southwell; 1663-1683. Including (ff. 1-58, 224-225) notes, reports and letters by Petty and Southwell to Henry Oldenburg, secreta..., 1663-1683 British Library
referencedIn Vol. V (ff. 255). D.includes:ff.1-3 Francis Dale, of Hoxton; brother of S Dale, physician and apothecary: Letters to T. Birch: 1733, 1751.ff. 5-45 Samuel Dale, physician and apothecary, of Braintree: Letters to T. Birch: 1736-1738.ff. 46-66, 67 (... British Library
creatorOf PETTY PAPERS. VOL. VI ( ff. ii + 154). Correspondence, 1683-1698, with related papers; 1663-circa 1700. Including some relating to the twin-hulled ship. The correspondence between Lady Petty and Southwell is not printed in the Petty-Southwell Corresp..., 1663-1705 British Library
referencedIn BIRCH'S LIFE OF MILTON'An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Mr. John Milton. By Thomas Birch M.A. and F.R.S.', as prepared for the press; circ. 1738. Prefixed to A Complete Collection of the ... Works, etc., 1738, 2 vols. Pr..., approximately 1738 British Library
creatorOf Arundel Manuscripts, approximately 1100-approximately 1640 British Library
creatorOf Anne McLaren Papers. Appointments to Boards and Committees Vol. I; 1974-1993.Contents:1. Invitation to become charter member of International Society for Research in the Biology of Reproduction; 1967.2. Invitation to join Royal Society Population St..., 1967-1993 British Library
referencedIn ST. ÉVREMOND COLLECTIONSCopies, in the autograph of Pierre Des Maizeaux, of letters and portions of longer works, etc., by Charles Marguetel de Saint-Denis, Seigneur de Saint Évremond, 1701-1703, being evidently taken chiefly from the author's own MS..., 1701-1703 British Library
referencedIn PETTY PAPERS. VOL. XLIX (ff. 138). Papers relating to scientific and educational institutions: Gresham College, the Royal Society, the Dublin Philosophical Society, philosophy, mathematics, education, etc.; 1575-1687. Most formerly Bowood Box H.1. ff..., 1575-1690 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS RELATING TO VARIOUS SOCIETIES, with which Birch was connected. A few letters are interspersed, the names of the writers of which are to be found in the Index of the present Catalogue. the principal contents are as follows:-(1) The Society for..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn BIRCH CORRESPONDENCECorrespondence, etc., of Thomas Birch. The contents may be divided as follows:-(1) Rough drafts of letters (without names of addressees), notes and extracts from books, etc., in Birch's autograph. ff. 1-103 passim, 144, 159, 209-..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn HAMILTON AND GREVILLE PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 109). Miscellaneous papers mainly belonging to the Hon. Charles Francis Greville:-(1) Scientific commonplace books, 17th cent., consisting chiefly of an abstract of Ioannes Magirus, Physiologiae Peripateticae..., 1600-1812 British Library
referencedIn HARINGTON PAPERS. Vol. XVI (ff. 25). Miscellaneous letters chiefly addressed to Samuel Bave, M.D., and to his grandson Charles Bave, M.D.; 1642-1743, n.d. English, Latin and Italian. For their provenance see F. J. Poynton, Memoranda ... relating to t..., 1642-1743 British Library
referencedIn L. Royal Society83956-83963. Anne McLaren Papers. Royal Society material; 1969-2005. Work relating to the Royal Society, the British Association, population research and conferences, initiatives with the Vatican and on sustainable consumption, the ..., 1969-2005 British Library
referencedIn BARROW BEQUEST. Vol. IV. "A Supplementary Chapter to the Biographical Memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart." An account of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club, with biographical notices of the Presidents of the Society, and of some of its most distin..., 1848 British Library
referencedIn PROFESSOR SANDERSON's Lectures on various branches of Natural Philosophy;-A treatise on technical chronology;-A briefe journall of the seige against Latham House, in 1643 ; transcribed from the original manuscript;-Extracts from Lhuyd's Lithophylaciu..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn (I. ff. 402). 1720-1725.John Wallop, Viscount Lymington; and (1743) Earl of Portsmouth: Warrant signed, by, as Commissioner of the Treasury: 1720.George I of England: Warrants signed by: 1720-1727.Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke: Warrants to, as ..., 1720-1725 British Library
creatorOf CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF SIR JOSEPH BANKS, Bart., P.R.S, partly in the hand of his sister, Sarah Sophia Banks; 1777-1820. Partly French. Partly printed. The present correspondence was not used by W. R. Dawson for his calendar of The Banks Letters..., 1777-1820 British Library
referencedIn SIR WILLIAM ASHLEY PAPERS., Vol. VII (ff. 565):-(i) Papers relating to the Working Classes Cost of Living Committee appointed by the Treasury; March-Nov. 1918. ff. 1-14, 16-428, 432-434. (2) Papers relating to the Committee on Farming Costs and Cost..., 1918-1919 British Library
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 292). Miscellaneous theological and literary works, 17th Cent. Ineluded are :-1. " A Coller of SS. composed of severall gemms, and made up into ye forme of a chayne for a Judge," and " A Coller of SS. consistinge ..., 1553-1685 British Library
referencedIn ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. CCXVIII (ff. 102). Correspondence and papers too large for inclusion in the preceding twenty-seven volumes (Add MS 43229-43255); 1 June 1803-9 Oct. 1854-Extra large folio.includes:f. 1 Callinicus V, Patriarch of Constantinopl... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCCXX (ff. 558). 1848.includes:f. 1 Richard O'Keefe, of St. John's, Newfoundland: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1848.ff. 2, 14-23, 28, 30, 155, 299, 326, 382, 399, 436, 441, 488 Edward Cardwell, Viscount Cardwell: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: ..., 1848 British Library
referencedIn MINUTES of the proceedings of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, taken by Emanuel Mendes da costa, F.R.S., F.S.A.; 17 Mar. 1757-1 Apr. 1762. Autograph. Included are printed lists of the Fellows of the Royal Society, 1757-1761, ff. 2... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 316). (1) Form of assignment of livings, etc., in the patronage of Lord Brereton; 1668. f. 1. (2) Three receipts for money paid by William Polden of Wakefield, as executor for Mrs. Mary Leake of York; 1633. ff. 2, 132, 277. (3) Acknowledg..., 1625-1770 British Library
creatorOf Anne McLaren Papers. Appointments to Boards and Committees Vol. II; 1994-2004.Contents:1. Letter regarding changes to ORRB Journal; 1994.2. Invitation to become Head of House at New Hall, Cambridge; 1994.3. Invitation to become member of Wellcome Tr..., 1994-2004 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III (ff. 493). K-R.includes:f. 1 Conte Camillo Benso di Cavour, Sardinian statesman: Letter to N. W. Senior: 1842.: Fr.f. 1 John Kintzing Kane, American jurist: Letter to Sir R. I. Murchison: 1857.f. 3 Sir Robert John Kane, FRS 1849: Lette... British Library
referencedIn Royal Society.Royal Society: Seal. British Library
referencedIn SIR WILLIAM ASHLEY PAPERS. Vol. III A, B. (ff. 239, 248). Papers relating to the Food (War) Committee of the Royal Society; May 1915-jan. 1917; Feb. 1917-April 1919., 1915-1919 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXVII (ff. 238). June 1829-1830.includes:ff. 1, 7, 17, 148 Aleksandr Ivanovich Ribeaupierre, Russian diplomatist: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: 1827-1833 or 1834.: Fr.ff. 5, 150, 157 Army of Russia: Correspondence and papers of Prince L... British Library
referencedIn Royal Society: Signet Warrant for grant of a licence in mortmain to: 1724. British Library
creatorOf A. Anne McLaren Papers. Royal Society International activities; 1994-1997, n.d.Contents:1. Report of NATO Science committee meeting; Oct. 1994.2. Notes and slide printouts for talk on the Royal Society's International activities; n.d.3. Copy of a l..., 1994-1997 British Library
referencedIn C. Letter from Francis Aston (circa 1645-1715), Secretary of the Royal Society, to the astronomer Johann Hevelius (Jan Hevel) at Danzig; 15 Dec. 1682. Autograph. Latin. Concerning Halley's comet and the production of Hevel's globes and celestial atla... British Library
referencedIn Vol. III, ff. 257, XVIII cent.includes:ff.1-3 Royal Society: Dedication to George II by T. Birch of his History of: 1757.ff. 4 -7, 13 -14 William Murdin, Vicar of Shalford: Preface to his 'Collection of State Papers. . . ': 1759.f. 9 John Loc..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn MAPS, ETC.Maps, Plans, Diagrams, etc. Artt. 2, 4-7, 9-11, 13-17 are printed or engraved.(1) 'An Everlasting Almanacke wherein ... to finde out the daies of Regard according to the ... church of England ... 1629'. In Pell's autograph. f. 1. (2) 'A New..., 17th century-18th century British Library
creatorOf PETTY PAPERS. VOL. XLIV (ff. i + 118). Papers concerning shipping, the Admiralty, etc; circa 1661-1686. Formerly from Bowood Boxes G and H.1. ff. 1-36. Papers concerning shipping, navigation and Petty's experimental 'double bottom' boat; circa 1661-c..., 1656-1690 British Library
referencedIn WARREN DAWSON PAPERS. Vol. XLII. Correspondence and papers of Sir Joseph Banks; 1773-1814, n.d. Partly autograph, partly copies made by Dawson. Many dates assigned in this section are derived from Dawson's catalogue entry, Add. 56311, item 46. The or..., 1773-1937 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
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Place Name Admin Code Country
Palestine, Asia Minor
Arctic, Arctic
Canterbury, Province of, Kent
Tiverton, Devon
London, England
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bishopthorpe, West Riding of Yorkshire
Kerry, Ireland
Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire
Jamaica, Central America
Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire
London, England
India, Asia
Goodnestone, Kent
London, England
Dunfermline, Fifeshire
Ireland, Europe
Walkeringham, Nottinghamshire
Sutton-le-Marsh, Lincolnshire
Masachusetts Bay, New England
Ireland, Europe
Clayworth, Nottinghamshire
Sheffield, West Riding of Yorkshire
Warham, Norfolk
Latham House, Lancashire
Wellow, Nottinghamshire
Mount Athos, Greece
Gretna Green, Dumfriesshire
Glasgow, Scotland
Penzance, Cornwall
Hemingby, Lincolnshire
Charlton, Kent
Clare, county of, Ireland
Kerry, Ireland
Egypt, Africa
Falkland Islands, South America
Herculaneum, Italy
Cambrai, France
London, England
Maidstone, Kent
Greenwich, Kent
London, England
St Petersburg, Russia
Bremen, Germany
West Looe, Cornwall
Coleman St, London, Coleman St
London, England
Peking, Chihli, China
East Indies, Asia
Greece, Europe
Bourges, France
Paris, France
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
Soviet Union, Asia
Prince Edward Island, North America
Hale, Hampshire
Pontefract, Yorkshire
Ireland, Europe
Hereford, Herefordshire
Arabia, Asia
Marnoch, Aberdeenshire
India, Asia
Fenchurch St, London, Fenchurch St
East Winch, alias Pedders Winch
Eaton, Cheshire
Hebrides, Scotland
Ellington, Huntingdonshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Ulster, Province of, Northern Ireland
Stanley, the Falkland Islands
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Orkney Islands, Scotland
Shetland Islands, Scotland
Lancashire, England
Brasted, Kent
Kent, England
Coningsby, Lincolnshire
Peking, Chihli, China

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Active 1660

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Ark ID: w6300s99

SNAC ID: 48907436