Barboncito or Hastiin Dághaaʼ (ca. 1820–1871) was a Navajo political and spiritual leader. His name means "Little Bearded One" in Spanish (barbón = bearded and -cito = diminutive). He also was known as Hástiin Dághá ("Man with the Whiskers"), Hastiin Daagi, Bistłahałání ("The Orator"), and Hózhǫ́ǫ́jí Naatʼááh ("Blessing Speaker"). Barboncito was born into the Ma'íí deeshgíízhiníí (Coyote Pass People) clan at Cañon de Chelly (Canyon de Chelly, present day Arizona) in 1820 and was a brother to Delgadito.
Barboncito was a gifted negotiator, as well as talented ceremonial singer. Shortly after the Bosque Redondo treaty was enacted, Barboncito died in 1871, at the age of 50 in his home village at Cañon de Chelly.