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1. OFFICIAL copies of briefs of Pope Clement Xl. [Giovanni Francesco Albani] to James Edward, the Pretender, son of James II. of England; 23 April, 1712-16 Sept. 1719. Lat. f. 1. Amongst them is the copy of a letter from [Count?] Castelblanco to the ...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Antonio Grimaldi] Prince of Monaco to Card. Gualterio; Monaco, Mentone, etc., 21 Oct. 1709-29 Dec. 1727. Fr. Signed, but a few holograph. Four volumes. At the end of Vol. IV., from f. 268, are drafts of letters from Card. Gualterio to the...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Giovanni Antonio Cardinal Da Via, Bishop of Rimini, and Legate of the Romagna and of Urbino, to Card. Gualterio; Rimini, Ravenna, Bologna, etc., 16 March, 1707-19 Oct. 1726. Ital. Holograph; with a few signed. Six volumes. At f. 213 of Vol...
British Library |
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LETTERS of various members of the family of Gualterio to Luigi Gualterio, Archbishop of Myra, etc.; 2 May, 1723-18 June, 1757. Ital. The writers are: His uncle, [Card. Filippo Antonio Gualterio ?]; ff. 1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 22, 28, 33, 40, 47, etc. His fat...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Pisani, Procuratore, of Venice; 26 Sept. 1716-9 Feb. 1726. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Procurators Pisani: 1716-1726.: Ital.
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Abbé Jean d'Estrées [nephew of Card. d'Estrées, and French Ambassador in Spain] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, Paris, etc., 21 Jan. 1703-28 Feb. 1718. Fr. Partly holograph, but mostly in cipher. Three volumes. At. f. 229, Vol. I., is a co...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Michel Ange de La Chausse, Chealier, French Consul at Rome: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1709-1723.: Fr.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Chev. de la Chausse: 1709-1723.
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Antonio Felice, Card. Zondadari, Archbishop of Damascus [Papal Nuncio in Spain, etc.], to Card. Gualterio; Milan, Madrid, Avignon, Rome, etc., 20 June, 1702-3 June, 1722. Ital. Holograph or signed. f. 1. 2. Copy of a letter of Card. Gua...
British Library |
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REGISTER of letters of Card. Gualterio principally to the Hon. John Hay, styled Earl of Inverness, and also to the Pretender, [the Hon. James Murray, son of David, 6th Viscount Stormont], styled Earl of Dunbar, and some others; 16 Nov. 1726-11 Nov. 1...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Lieut.-General [Jacques] Julien to Card. Gualterio; dat. Puy en Velay and Bourg St. Andéol, 16 March, 1707-19 Jan. 1708; Orange, Paris, Avignon, etc., 28 July, 1708-9 Sept. 1711. Fr. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. Among the enclosures are cop...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Clairambault [French Consul at Leghorn] to Card. Gualterio; Leghorn, 28 June, 1717-9 Oct. 1719. Fr. Holograph. At f. 92 is a letter of Joly, written in the name of M. de Clairambault; 28 Nov. 1718. Fr. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualteri...
British Library |
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1. DRAFTS of letters of Card. Gualterio to John Caryll, styled Lord Caryll, Secretary of State to the Pretender; 18 Aug.-6 Oct. 1711. Ital. In a secretary's hand, with corrections by the Cardinal. f. 1. 2. Letter of [Charles, Earl of] Middleton [Sec...
British Library |
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REGISTER of letters of Card. Gualterio to various correspondents, chiefly Italians, including, in some instances, drafts or copies in his own hand; March, 1706-8 Nov. 1727. Ital. Three volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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1. Two letters of "Il Principe di Baden" [Ferdinand Maximilian, Crown Prince, son of Wilhelm, Margrave of Baden-Baden (?)] to Cardinal Carolo Gualterio; Baden, 1 Sept. 1664, 22 Dec. 1668. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. Sixteen letters of Maximilian Maria Ema..., 1664-1727
British Library |
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1. THIRTEEN letters of Maria Joanna Baptista, Duchess Dowager. of Savoy, Queen of Cyprus [widow of Charles Emanuel II.] to Card. Gualterio; Turin, 17 Jan. 1714-22 Apr. 1723. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. Twenty-eight letters of Victor Amadeus II., Duke of ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Luis [Francisco] de la Cerda y Aragon [Duke of Medina Celina] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, 2 July, 1706-14 April, 1710. Span. A few signed; the greater number in cipher, without signature, and with decipherings. f. 1. 2. Copies of letter...
British Library |
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VOL. I. 15 Oct. 1706-24 Dec. 1712. Among the enclosures are-1. Petition of Taddeo Schiauina, "gentilhuomo di Cesena," to Card. Gualterio; n.d. Ital. f. 98. 2. "Copie d'une lettre écrite a Tudela, par un officier de l'armée d'Espagne, le 29 Aoust, 17...
British Library |
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LETTERS of G Ascevolini, Avvocato, to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Frascati, etc., 1 Sept. 1714-15 Sept. 1727; with many undated. Ital. Holograph. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Letters to, from G. Ascevolini: 1714-1727.: Ital.G-Ascevo...
British Library |
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LETTERS of F[erdinando] Cardinal d'Adda to Card. Gualterio; Osimo, Rome, etc., 27 Dec. 1706-24 Dec. 1718; with a few undated. Ital. Chiefly holograph. At the end is a notice of the family of Adda. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Le...
British Library |
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LETTERS addressed to Card. Gualterio by 1. Count [Jean Jacques] Audiffred de Mortigliengo; Turin, 28 Aug.-18 Dec. 1726. Fr. f. 1. 2. , Marquis de Coudrée; Veneria and Turin, 30 May, 1714-7 Jan. 1722. Fr. Holograph. f. 8. 3. Lozilière; Turin, 2 Aug....
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of D. Thomas Southcott, General of the English Benedictines, to Card. Gualterio; Paris, 26 June, 1722-15 May, 1725. Fr. f. 1. 2. "Extrait d'une lettre de . . . . sur l'affaire des Catholiques en Angleterre," relative to the bill for trying...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Maffeo Farsetti [Vice-Legate of Ravenna, and Governor of Fano] to Card. Gualterio; Rume, Ravenna, etc., 24 April, 1709-19 Oct. 1710; Fano, 30 Oct. 1710-28 Feb. 1713. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Frà Tommaso del Bene, Grand Prior of Pisa, to Card. Gualterio; Florence, 27 Dec. 1701-2 Dec. 1727. Ital. Holo-. graph, or signed. Four volumes. Paper. Small Quarto. Amongst enclosures are letters of Mario Tornaquincj, Governor of Leghorn; ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERs of Francesco Farnese, Duke of Parma, his Duchess, Dorothea Sophia [daughter of Philipp Wilhelm, Elector Palatine, and widow of Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma, half brother to Francesco], and his brother, Antonio Farnese, to Card. Gualterio...
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbate Simonotti; 25 Dec. 1707-28 Dec. 1715. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Rainero Simonetti, Apostolic Prothonotary, afterwards Archbishop of Nicosia, Governor of Rome, and Cardinal: Correspondence with Card. Gualte...
British Library |
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1. SEVENTEEN letters of A[ndré] H[ercule] de Fleury, Bishop of Fréjus, and Cardinal [Preceptor to Louis XV., and Prime Minister of France], to Card. Gualterio; 14 March, 1717-20 Aug. 1727. Fr. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card....
British Library |
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DRAFTS of letters of Card. Gualterio to the "Chevalier du Bourk;" 21 June, 1711-16 Oct. 1723. Fr. Corrected by the Cardinal, f. 1; and to Madame du Bourk; 24 Sept., 20 Dec, 1712. Fr. f. 253. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspon...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Count Antonio Azzurini Conti, Castellan of Faenza, etc., to Card. Gualterio, under cover in many instances to his secretary, Domenico Lucci, and to Antonio della Sapetta; Faenza, Venice, London, Paris, Rome, etc., 17 July, 1708-3 August, 1...
British Library |
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DRAFTS of despatches of Filippo Antonio Cardinal Gualterio, Nuncio in France, to the Papal Secretary of State; 23 Nov. 1705-22 Dec. 1707. Written by Domenico Lucci, or other secretaries, and corrected by the Cardinal. Ital. Two volumes. Paper. Folio.
British Library |
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1. NINE letters of Card. [Michael Frederic] d'Althann [Bishop of Vacia] to Card. Gualterio; Vacia, 18 Dec. 1719; Vienna, 27 Jan. 1720; Naples, 30 June, 1722-13 Jan. 1728. Ital. and Spanish. Signed. f. 1. 2. Nine letters of Card. Emeric Csaky [Archbis..., 1708-1728
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Princess of Piombino [Maria, daughter of Gregorio Buoncompagni, Prince of Piombino, and wife of his brother, Antonio, also Prince of Piombino] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Albano, etc., 10 Dec. 1712-8 July, 1727. Ital. Holograph. Many at ...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Giacomo Jacobutij, Auditor of the Papal Criminal Court, and Governor of Ravenna: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1706-1709.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with G. Jacobuzzi: 1706-1708.: Ital.includes:f. 72 Vinc..., 1706-1709
British Library |
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Letters of [François de Vintimille] Comte du Luc [French Ambassador to Switzerland and Vienna] to Card. Gualterio; Soleure, Vienna, Paris, etc.; 8 Feb. 1711-18 Sept. 1726. Fr. Signed. Partly in cipher, a key to which is prefixed. Paper. Folio.Charles...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Card. G[iorgio] Cornaro, Bishop of Padua, to Card. Gualterio; Padua, 7 Jan. 1707-27 Dec. 1721. Ital. Chiefly holograph. At f. 18 is a priced list of printed books; and at f. 460 the draft of a letter of Card. Gualterio to Card. Cornaro; 22...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with M. de Frémont: 1710-1724.: Fr.Nicholas de Fremont, Sieur d'Auneuil; French Minister at Venice: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1710-1724.: Fr.
British Library |
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Vol. II.Joseph de La Tour Guion, Bishop of Cavaillon, afterwards Archbishop of Avignon: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1707-1725.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Bishop of Cavaillon: 1707-1725.: Fr.
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Jean Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de] Torcy [French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] to Card. Gualterio; 19 July, 1700-17 Dec. 1726. Fr. Signed, or holograph. Many in cipher, with deciphering. Two volumes. Paper. Folio., 1700-1727
British Library |
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Vol. I.James Dempster, Secretary to Qu Mary of Modena: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1714-1718.: Fr. and Ital.includes:f. 39 Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with J. Dempster and his widow: 1714-1721.: Fr. and Ital. f. 49 J...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Victor Marie] Duc d'Estrées, Marquis de Coeuvres, Maréchal de France, and Vice-Admiral, to Card. Gualterio; Naples and Tonlon, 29 May, 1702-50 Oct. 1706; Versailles, Paris, etc., 10 June, 1707-20 May, 1721. Fr. Chiefly holograph. f. 1....
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Jonqueretes, of Avignon, to Card. Gualterio; Avignon, 7 Dec. 1707-12 Feb. 1710. Fr. Holograph. f. 3. 2. Letters of Jonqueretes, son of the preceding, to the same; Avignon, 29 March, 1707-18 Nov. 1727. Holograph. Fr. ff. 1, 17-50. 3. Let...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of the Princess of Monaco [Marie, daughter of Louis, Comte d'Harcourt Armagnac, and wife of Antonio, Prince of Monaco] to Card. Gualterio; Monaco and Mentone, 15 Feb. 1709-Jan. 1723. Fr. Holograph, with the exception of four, which are si...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Philip V., King of Spain, and of his wives [Maria Luisa, daughter of Victor Amadeus II., Duke of Savoy, ob. 1713; and Isabella, daughter of the Duke of Parma], to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, Zaragoza, etc.; 20 Jan. 1706-8 Dec. 1727. Span. ...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. Otthoboni; 19 Feb. 1709-30 July, 1713. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Pietro Otthoboni, Cardinal, Bishop of Ostia: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1706 -1726.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardin...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of de la Martinière [French Chargé d'Affaires in Switzerland, in the absence of the Marquis d'Avaray] to Card. Gualterio; Soleure, 26 June, 1715-4 Dec. 1726. Fr. Signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to M. de la Martinière;...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of the Abbate Carlo Camillo Botti, and his uncle, the Abbate Lazaro Botti, to Card. Gualterio; Ravenna, etc., 19 Jan. 1708-26 Mar. 1713. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Many in cipher, with decipherings. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualte...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Cardinal Gualterio with Giovanni Francesco, Cardinal Albani, Pope under the name of Clement Xl. [l700-1721]; in the following order: 1. Letters from Card. Albani to Gualterio; 10 Nov. 1697-16 July, 1705. Ital. Holograph, with the ex..., 1700-1721
British Library |
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COLLECTION of papers relating to the government of the Romagna, under Card. Gualterio, Legate, 1706-1709. Ital. Two volumes. Paper. Folio., 1705-1709
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marquis Beretti Landi; 3 Sept. 1712-30 July, 1718. Ital. Two volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Letter of the Magistrates of Ravenna, desiring the suppression of a lottery; 15 Jan. 1708, f. 1. 2. The Magistrates of Cesena, respecting creditors for expenses in the passage of the Imperial troops; 6 Feb. 1708, f. 3. 3. Letters of Gaeta..., 1708-1709
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. de la Trémoille; 26 Dec. 1706-3 Dec. 1716. French; a few in Italian. Included are a few letters in cipher, deciphered, without signature, addressed to the Card. de la Trémoille; 14 July, 1708-2...
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Hon. John Hay, [3rd son of Thomas, 6th Earl of Kinnoul, styled] Earl of Inverness [Secretary of State to the Pretender], to Card. Gualterio; 1721-1727: with many undated. French. Quarto.Colonel John Hay, soi disant Earl of Inverness; s..., 1721-1727
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of L[ouis] A[ntoine] de Noailles, Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, to Card. Gualterio; Paris and Conflans, 10 April, 1713-8 Feb. 1728. French, with a few in Italian. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. de...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Giuliano Colonna, Prince of Galatro, to Card. Gualterio; Naples, etc., 14 Nov. 1702-3 April, 1708. Ital. Holograph; a few in cipher, with decipherings. At f. 8 is a letter of T[oussaint] Card. de Janson de Forbin; Rome, 5 May, 1703. Ital. ...
British Library |
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DRAFTs and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marquis de Torcy; with memoranda of affairs to be transacted with him, etc.; 1708-1719. Ital. ; a few in Fr. Chiefly autograph. At f. 8 is a long report on the characters of the several members o..., 1708-1719
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Jacomo Oddi [Governor of Rimini, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Rimini, Perugia, Collevecchio, Fabriano, etc. 18 Jan. 1708-10 Aug. 1722. Ital. Chiefly holograph; a few signed. f. 1. At f. 24 is a letter of the Consuls of Rimini, 22 Oct. 1708...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Count [Annibale ?] Maffei, Viceroy of Sicily, to Card. Gualterio; Palermo and Cambray, 15 April, 1714-26 July, 1724. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. Letters of Paolo Alessandro Maffei to the same; 1 June, 5 July, 1712, 12, 13 March, 1713. Ital. ...
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Letters of the same; Camerino, Rome, Lucca, etc., 7 Jan. 1716-4 Nov. 1724. Ital. Holograph. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Carminati; 26 Dec. 1713-18 Sept. 1715. Ital. f. 395.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Co...
British Library |
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LETTERS and papers transferred to Cardinal Gualterio by the Executors of Cardinal Alessandro Caprara [ob. 1711], Protector of the English Catholics at Rome. Five volumes. The contents are :-, 1686-1715
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Melchior] Card. de Polignac [Auditor of the Rota, 1706-1710, French Plenipotentiary at the conferences at Gertruydenberg, 1710, and Chargé d'affaires at the Court of Rome, 1724] to Card. Gualterio; dat. 12 Feb. 1707-20 Sept. 1727. Fren...
British Library |
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VOL. I. Letters of Count G. Carminati to Card. Gualterio; Camerino, Rome, etc., 16 Feb. 1707-5 Nov. 1715. Ital. Holograph. Included are letters from Domenico Bracci, Merchant; Marseilles, 25 March, 1709. Ital. f. ll; [Louise], Comtesse de St. Clement...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Urbano Giori to Card. Gualterio, principally on public affairs; Rome, 17 July, 1705-7 May, 1714. Ital. Holograph. Many are undated. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Letters to, from U. Giori: 1705-1714.: Ital.Urbano Giori...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Don Joseph Molines, Auditor of the Rota [afterwards Inquisitor-General of Spain], to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 6 July, 1709-26 Feb. 1715. Span. and Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to D. ...
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Marques de Villamayor [Spanish Ambassador at Turin, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Turin and Genoa, 15 Sept. 1703, 5 Aug., 2, 9 Sept. 1704, 25 Nov. 1713-10 Sept. 1721. Spanish. Holograph or signed; a few in cipher, with decipherings. Amongs...
British Library |
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LETTERS of G[iulio], Card. Alberoni [Prime Minister of the King of Spain] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, etc., 30 July, 1717-1 March, 1721. Ital. and French. Holograph, or signed. The following papers are included 1. Copy of letter of Card. Alberoni to...
British Library |
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OFFICIAL despatches from the Papal Secretary of State, and other Ministers of the Court, to Monsgr. Gualterio; 1697-1709. Ital. Twenty-two volumes. Paper. Quarto., 1697-1709
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Abbate Giulio Imperiali [Vice-Legate of Ferrara, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Brussels, Rome, Ferrara, etc., 15 June, 1704-14 Sept. 1712. Ital. Holograph. At the beginning is inserted a copy of correspondence between the Abbate Imperiali,...
British Library |
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REGISTER of papers of intelligence, general and particular, addressed by the same to the same; 16 Aug. 1700-28 Dec. 1705. Written by Domenico Lucci and other secretaries. Ital. Five volumes. Paper. Folio.
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Maria Beatrice, Queen of James II., written after the abdication of the King, and addressed to M. Gualterio, when Papal Nuncio in France, and in subsequent years; dated from St. Germain and Chaillot, 22 Jan. 1701-28 Feb. 1718. Italian a...
British Library |
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1. TWELVE letters of Louis, the Dauphin, son of Louis XIV., to Card. Gualterio; 20 April, 1696-31 Jan. 1711. Fr. Signed with seals. f. 1. 2. Eight letters of Louis [Duke of Burgundy, son of the preceding] to the same; 17 Apr. 1700-1 Feb. 1711. Fr. Si...
British Library |
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LETTERS of James Edward, son of King James II., and known as "the Pretender," and "the Chevalier of St. George," with enclosures; 25 Jan. 1706-23 Jan. 1728. French. Holograph or signed; with a few copies. They occur in the following order, viz.: 1. "...
British Library |
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VOL. I. 1. Letter of Lord Caryll to [Card. Gualterio]; St. Germain, 2 Oct. 1701; enclosing copies of a Latin letter from James, the Pretender, to the Pope, dat. St. Germain, 2 Oct. 1701; and of the will of James II., 8 Sept. 1701. Fr. f. 1. 2. Letter..., 1701-1716
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Niccolo Giudice, Major-domo of the Pope's household [Cardinal in 1725], to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 28 July, 1705-13 Oct. 1725. Ital. Chiefly holograph, f. 1. 2. Drafts and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to N. Giudice; 15 April, 171...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Card. Gualterio with Italian ecclesiastics, 1700-1728; alphabetically arranged under the names of writers. Seven volumes. Paper. Quarto. The writers are:, 1700-1728
British Library |
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Vol. I.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Spaniards: 1696-1728.: Span.includes:f. 1 Francisco Gonsalez de Alvares: Letter to Card. Gualterio: 1696.: Span. f.2 Juaña de Moura-Contarini, Marquesa de Castel Rodrigo; wife of D Cont..., 1696-1728
British Library |
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Vol. I.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with M. Amelot: 1705-1724.: Fr.Michel Amelot, Marquis de Gournay; French Ambassador in Spain: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio.: 1705-1724.: Fr.
British Library |
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LETTERS of Leone Strozzi to Card. Gualterio, principally on subjects connected with books, coins, etc.; Rome, 1 Sept. 1705-17 Dec. 1712. Ital. Holograph; with a few signed. Paper. Small Quarto.Leone Strozzi: Letters to Card. Gualterio: 1705-1712.: I...
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Continuation of letters of the same, as Nuncio in France and Legate of Ravenna; Rome, Paris, Ravenna, etc., 23 Jan. 1712-10 May, 1727. Ital. Chiefly holograph . f. 1. 2. Letter of the same to [Luigi (?)] Gualterio; 26 March, 1729. Ital. f...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Alamanno Salviati [Papal Nuncio in France, Vice-Legate of Avignon, subsequently Cardinal] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Paris, Avignon, Urbino, Pesaro, etc., 13 July, 1707-24 March, 1724. Ital. Partly holograph; many in cipher, with deciphe...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Alessandro Abbate Tamisier, to Card. Gualterio, on political and personal matters; Ravenna, Paris, etc., 23 June, 1706-30 Aug. 1728. Fr. and Ital. Holograph, or in a secretary's hand. Some in cipher, with decipherings. Ten volumes. Paper. ...
British Library |
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CONTINUATION of drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to Dempster, Secretary to Mary of Modena; 8 Oct. 1715-23 May, 1718. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with J. Dempster and his widow: 1714-1721.: Fr. and Ital....
British Library |
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LETTERS of Giovanni Michele Teroni, Administrator of the Bishopric of Orvieto, and Bishop of Venosa, to Card. Gualterio; Orvieto, Venosa, etc., 18 [Jan.] 1718-3 Oct. 1724. Ital. Holograph. Paper. Folio.Giovanni Michele Teroni, Bishop of Venosa and Ad...
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Grand Prior del Bene; 2 August, 1706-5 Nov. 1720. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with T. Del Bene, Grand Prior of Pisa: 1701-1727.: Ital.Tommaso Del Bene, Grand Prio...
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Abbate Rainiero Simonetti [Auditor of the Nunciature of Naples, Governor of Masserano, subsequently Cardinal] to Card. Gualterio; Brussels, Naples, Osimo, Masserano, Rome, etc., 24 April, 1706-11 June, 1724. Ital. Holograph. Some in ci...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Diario Corrente: 1715-1719.: Ital.Diaries and Memoranda: Card. F. A. Gualterio: 1715-1719.: Ital.
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Letters of the same; Rome, 3 Jan. 1711-11 June, 1712; Avignon, 19 Oct. 1712-22 Dec. 1717; Rome, 15 June, 1718; Avignon, 26 Dec. 1718-15 Feb. 1719. Fr. Holograph. Partly in cipher, with decipherings. f. 1. At f. 12 is a petition of Bartolo...
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Letters of Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, to Card. Gualterio; 2 Jan. 1719-15 Oct. 1721. Ital. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. 2. Draft of letter of Card. Gualterio to the Grand Duke; 2 Apr. 1703. Ital. f. 181. 3. Letters of "La P[rincipiss]a...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Francesco Maria Ruspoli, Prince of Cerveteri, Marquis of Riano, etc., to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Vignanello, etc., 17 Aug. 1706-17 Dec. 1718. Ital. Holograph. A few in cipher, with decipherings. f. 1. At f. 65 is a letter of Alfonso Gonz...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Spaniards: 1696-1728.: Span.includes:f. 1 Domenico Giudice, Prince of Cellamare: Letter to Card. Gualterio: 1715.: Span. ff. 3, 18, 23, 25, 37 José Carrillo de Albornoz, Conde de Monte..., 1696-1728
British Library |
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1. Two letters of [Carlo IV., de Gonzaga], Duke of Mantua, to Card. Gualterio; Venice, 29 Sept. 1707, 4 Feb. 1708. Ital. Signed. The first with seal. f. 1. 2. Drafts of two letters of Card. Gualterio to Madame de Noailles, relative to the projected m..., 1663-1727
British Library |
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Papers of Filippo Antonio Gualterio, 1696-1728
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marquis Rinuccini; 23 Dec. 1707-22 Nov. 1727. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Carlo Rinuccini, Marquis; Prime Minister of Tuscany: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1705-1727.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardin...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Count Pietro Biringucci to Card. Gualterio; Florence, Pisa, Leghorn, etc., 3 Feb. 1712-11 June, 1726. Ital. Holograph. Two volumes. Paper. Quarto.
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LETTERS of Don Alessandro Albani [brother of Pope Clement XI., elected Cardinal in 1721] to Card. Gualterio; 21 Jan. 1712-24 Feb. 1723. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Among the enclosures are original letters of 1. Carafa; n.d., f. 23. 2. Bartolomeo Parigi...
British Library |
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1. THREE letters of J Stafford [Secretary to Mary, widow of James II. ?] to Card. Gualterio; St. Germain, 20 Nov. 1712, 5, 12 March, 1713. Fr. Signed. f. 1. 2. Two letters of Dempster [Secretary to the same] to the same; 30 Sept. 1714, 19 Jan. 1716. ...
British Library |
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"CATALOGUE des liures Chinois, apportés de la Chine par le Père [Jean François] Foucquet, Jesuite [afterwards Bishop of Eleutheropolis], en l'année 1722;" arranged in classes. Paper. Quarto.Jean François Foucquet, Jesuit Missionary, afterwards Bishop..., 1722
British Library |
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LETTERS of [David] Nairne, private secretary to the Pretender, to Card. Gualterio, relating partly to the affairs of the Prince, and partly to those of his own family; 5 Jan. 1715-30 Jan. 1720. French. Holograph. Among them are the following letters:...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of du Bourg [Chargé d'Affaires at the Court of Vienna] to Card. Gualterio; 28 Nov. 1716-7 Oct. 1719. Fr. Portions of some of the letters in cipher. Signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to M. du Bourg; 10 Apr. 1717-24 Oct....
British Library |
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Vol. II.Gaetano Stampa, afterwards Cardinal Archbishop of Milan: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1707-1724.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Card. Stampa: 1707-1724.: Ital.includes:f. 13 Alessandro Bonneval, Count; ...
British Library |
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1. NINETEEN Ietters of Louis XIV. to Card. Gualterio, with passport, etc.; 4 Apr. 1696-8 Jan. 1715. Fr. Holograph or signed; the latter with countersignature of the Minister Colbert; with seals. The first three letters are accompanied by Italian tran...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Benoit] de Maillet [French Consul-General at Leghorn] to Card. Gualterio; Leghorn, Marseilles, etc., 30 Aug. 1713-29 Sept. 1726. Fr. Chiefly signed, but, a few holograph. Among the enclosures are 1. Letter of [Joseph Emmanuel] Card. de la...
British Library |
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1. DRAFT of memorial of Card. Gualterio to the Pope, respecting his administration of the diocese of Todi; n.d. Ital. Holograph. f. 1. 2. "Tenor bullæ pensionum favore Emi. domini Cardinalis Gualterii super fructibus mensæ Archiepiscopalis Firmanæ et..., 1709-1726
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS and papers addressed to Cardinal Gualterio; 21 May, 1708-l Nov. 1727. Fr. and Ital. Among the writers are:-[John Caryll, styled Lord] Caryll; 21 May, 1708-23 Aug. 1711. ff. 1-26;--Lorenzo Mayes, agent at Rome for the English Cat...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Giovanni Andrea Doria, Duke of Tursis, to Card. Gualterio; Genoa, etc., 11 Nov. 1713-23 Feb. 1726. Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Letters of Livia Grilla Doria [daughter of the Marquis Antonio Grillo, and wife of the preceding] to...
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbé Alessandro Tamisier; 30 Sept. 1709-7 April, 1728. Ital. A few only are in the handwriting of Card. Gualterio. Five volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Vernon; 9 Dec. 1713-24 Oct. 1722. Ital. Paper. Quarto.F-de Vernon, Count: Correspondence of him and his wife with Card. Gualterio: 1713-1727.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence wit...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Card. F. A. Gualterio with various Italians; 1698-1728. Chronologically arranged. Three volumes. Paper. Folio. The writers are: T P A[gostini]; Rome, 19 June, 1703. Vol. I. f. 48. Acquaviva; Ferrara, 13 Jan. 1712. Vol. II. f. 182. C..., 1698-1728
British Library |
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Vol. II.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with M. Amelot: 1705-1724.: Fr.Michel Amelot, Marquis de Gournay; French Ambassador in Spain: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio.: 1705-1724.: Fr.
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VOL. I. 1. "Instruzioni ai Prelati che sono eletti alla Vice-Legatione di Ferrara;" in 29 chapters. In a later hand is added the note, "Deve essere di Mr. poi Card. [Fabrizio] Serbelloni, che fu Vice-Legato nella Sede vacante di Clemente XI., 1721,"..., 1705-1707
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of the "Chevalier [Tobias ?] du Bourk" [Envoy of the Pretender to the Court of Spain] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, etc., 3 Nov. [1703?]-19 Aug. 1726. Fr. Holograph. A few in cipher. 2. Letter of Anna Bourke to the same; Rome, 19 Mar. 1712. ...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Michel Ange de La Chausse, Chealier, French Consul at Rome: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1709-1723.: Fr.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Chev. de la Chausse: 1709-1723.
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Lorenzo Casoni, Archbishop of Cesarea [Legate of Ferrara and Bologna], to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Ferrara, Bologna, etc., 21 Feb. 1702-24 Dec. 1718. Ital. Holograph, or signed; some in cipher, with decipherings. The greater part ar...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Giovanni Andrea Doria [Prince of Melfi] to Card. Gualterio; Genoa, 26 Feb. 1707-23 Feb. 1726. Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Letters of Anna Pamfilia Doria "Principessa Duchessa" [daughter of Camillo Pamfilio, and wife of the prec...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [François] de Camps, Abbé de Signy, to Card. Gualterio; Paris, 14 Feb. 1717-26 July, 1723. Fr. Signed. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Letters to, from Abbé de Signy: 1717-1723.: Fr.François de Camps, Abbé de Signy: Lette...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Count Benedetto Laurenti to Card. Gualterio; Todi, 29 Feb. 1716-29 Dec. 1716. Ital. Holograph. Included are letters of the following members of the same family; viz. Maria Olimpia Gualteria Laurenti [sister of Card. Gualterio ? and wife...
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Rocca; 8 Aug. 1716-19 Jan. 1727. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Ignazio Rocca, Count: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1716-1727.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Count Rocca: 1716-...
British Library |
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DRAFTS of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Comte du Luc; 19 Mar. 1712-13 Mar. 1717. Fr. Paper. Quarto.Charles François de Vintimille, Comte du Luc; French Ambassador to Switzerland and Vienna: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1711-1726.: Fr.Fili...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Diario Corrente: 1715-1719.: Ital.Diaries and Memoranda: Card. F. A. Gualterio: 1715-1719.: Ital.
British Library |
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VOL. I. Letters of the Bishop of Sisteron to Card. Gualterio; 21 Aug. 1719-1 May, 1721. Fr. Holograph: some in cipher. f. 1.Pierre François Lafitau, Bishop of Sisteron, French Agent at Rome: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1719-1725.: Fr. and It...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Ranucci Pallavicini [Governor of Rome, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 7 March, 1705-9 Jan. 1712. Ital. A few only are holograph; the rest are in a secretary's hand and chiefly unsigned. f. 1. 2. Drafts and copies of letters of Ca...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Fabrizio Paulucci [Papal Secretary of State] to Card. Gualterio; Rome. 23 Aug. 1710-28 Oct. 1724. Ital. Holograph, or signed.2. Drafts and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. Paulucci; 26 Nov. 1704-4 March, 1725. Ital. f...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Lord Lovat to Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Bishop of Imola, Papal Nuncio in France, afterwards Cardinal; 1703-1706, 1713. They were written during Lovat's residence at Paris and St. Germain to the time of his mission to Scotland, Jan.-May, 1..., 1703-1713
British Library |
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1. LETTER of Philip I., Duke of Orleans, to M. Gualterio, Papal Nuncio; Paris, 20 Apr. 1700. Fr. Signed. f. 1. 2. Nine letters of Elisabeth Charlotte [daughter of Charles Lewis, Elector Palatine, and wife of, Philip, Duke of Orleans] to the same; 1 F...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Joseph de La Tour Guion, Bishop of Cavaillon, afterwards Archbishop of Avignon: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1707-1725.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Bishop of Cavaillon: 1707-1725.: Fr.
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of the Abbate G[iuseppe] Guerra [Vicar-General of Card. Gualterio as] Bishop of Imola and of Alatri, to Card. Gualterio; Imola, Alatri, etc., 3 Nov. 1703-18 Dec. 1722. Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Copy of letter of Card. Gualterio ...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. Da Via; 4 Aug. 1707-17 Oct. 1722. Ital. Two volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Papers relating to proceedings of the clergy in reference to the Papal constitution Unigenitus; 1715. Fr., Ital. and Lat. f. 1. 2. "Memoire sur l'édition des Conciles imprimée au Louvre en 1715, par les soins du Père Hardouin, Jésuite," f..., 1715-1728
British Library |
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VOL. I. Letters of C. Bentivoglio to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 22 July, 1704-16 Dec. 1711. Ital. Holograph, or signed. Principally of an official character., addressed to Card. Gualterio as Legate of the Romagna, Bishop of Todi, etc. Interspersed in the...
British Library |
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1. LETTER of Louis XV. of France to the Cardinal [Melchior] de Polignac; Rambouillet, 7 Nov. 1730. Fr. Signed. f. 1. 2. Five letters of "Louis d'Orleans" [Louis, Duc d'Orléans, Regent of France] to the Abbé [Luigi] Gualterio; Paris, etc., 15 May, 172...
British Library |
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ORIGINAL letters of, and relating, to, James Stuart, the "Pretender," etc.; 1689-1772, 1774 1. "Un chyffre de noms entre sa M Majetsté Britannique et M. le Cardinal [Louis Antoine] de Noailles," f. 1. 2. L. Inese [? Secretary to the Pretender] to Car..., 1689-1774
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Niccolo Grimaldi, Legate of Bologna, to Card. Gualterio; Bologna, etc., 15 Dec. 1706-12 April, 1714. Ital. A few holograph; the rest signed. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. Grimaldi; 13 July, 1707-9 Nov. 170...
British Library |
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1. CORRESPONDENCE of Card. F. A. Gualterio with the Secretary of the "Con-gregatione della Propaganda" at Rome; 11 Feb. 1714-4 Oct. 1726. Ital. f. 1. The secretary, during the greater part of the period, was Silvio Cavalieri, and many of the letters...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Giacomo Jacobutij, Auditor of the Papal Criminal Court, and Governor of Ravenna: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1706-1709.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with G. Jacobuzzi: 1706-1708.: Ital.includes:f. 160 Faen..., 1706-1709
British Library |
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1. A FEW copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Nunziato Maria Buti. Mostly undated. Ital. f. 1. 2. Various papers conected with Signor Buti's correspondence, including original letters to him from Padre Giuseppe Felice; 7 Aug. 1711. Ital. f. 30. Ab..., 1711-1726
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Count Antonio Maria Fedi to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 16 May, 1702-22 Dec. 1708. Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Fedi; 12 April, 1706-16 Feb. 1708. Ital. f. 229. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Ant...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Toussaint de Forbin de Janson [French Minister at the Court of Rome] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 10 May, 1701-17 May, 1706; Paris, etc., 18 August, 1706-13 Feb. 1713. French, with a few in Italian. Partly in cipher, with deciphering...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Giovanni Francesco Negrone [Bishop of Faenza] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 9 March, 1706-26 Jan. 1709. Ital. A few holograph; the rest signed. f. 1. 2. Two letters of Niccolo Negrone [nephew of the preceding ?] to the same; Ascoli, 6...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Card. Gualterio with [Jaques Vincent Languet] Comte de Gergy [French Envoy Extraordinary to Florence, Minister Plenipotentiary at Ratisbon, and Ambassador at Venice]; 1709-1727. Three volumes. Paper. Folio., 1709-1729
British Library |
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LETTERS of Count Giovanni Angelo Gazola to Card. Gualterio; Piacenza, etc., 19 June, 1711-9 June, 1727. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Two volumes. In Vol. II. are included a few letters of Girolamo Gazola, Canon of Piacenza, brother of Giovanni; Piacenza,...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Cardinal Gualterio with various persons, chiefly Englishmen; 1701-1728. The writers are: George Bagnal; Madrid, 3 Mar. 1721. Fr. f. 287. John Cary; Lisbon, 20 May. 1726. Fr. f. 376. James [Cecil, Earl of] Salisbury; Hatfield, 20 Feb..., 1701-1728
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. [Guillaume] Dubois [Archbishop of Cambray, Prime Minister of France] to Card. Gualterio; Versailles, 23, 30 March, 1723. Fr. Signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbé [afterwards Cardinal] Dubois; 12 Nov. 1...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Emmanuel Théodose de la Tour] Cardinal de Bouillon to Card. G ual terio; Rome, etc., 4 Jan. 1700-28 May, 1708. Fr., with one in Ital. Chiefly signed, but a few holograph. f. 1. Interspersed are Notes of conversations of Card. d'Estrées, e...
British Library |
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1. Letters of A[lessandro] Aldobrandini, Archbishop of Rhodes [Nuncio Apostolic to Venice, and subsequently to Spain; afterwards Cardinal], to Card. Gualterio; Piacenza, 20 Jan. 1705-9 April, 1706; Naples, 11 Aug. 1711; Venice, 3 Feb. 1714-17 Sept. ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Fulvio Astalli, Legate of Ferrara, etc., to Card. Gualterio; Ferrara, Rimini and Rome, 1 June, 1706-14 Dec. 1720. Ital. Holograph or signed. Several in cipher, with decipherings. f. 1. At f. 199 is a letter of Sebastiano Pamphilio...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [César] Card. d'Estrées to Card. Gualterio; Venice, 3 August, 1701-30 Sept. 1702; Madrid, 23 Jan. 1703-14 Sept. 1703; Bayonne, Paris, etc., 3 Nov. 1703-10 Dec. 1714. Fr., with a few in Italian. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. At f. 191 is a p...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of the Marquis Averardo Salviati, Envoy from the Graud Duke of Tuscany to the Court of France, to Card. Gualterio; Paris, etc., 1 Jan. 1703-14 Feb. 1707. Ital. Holograph. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marquis Salviat...
British Library |
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1. LETTER of "Carlo [Maigrot] Vescovo di Conon" to Card. Gualterio, thanking him for portions of a work, "De Synicâ Religione;" 26 [Sept. 1715]. Ital. f. 1. 2. "Des lettrés de la Chine, et des degrés de litterature, où ils entrent après des examens r..., 1707-1723
British Library |
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LETTERS of Ercole Michele d'Aragona, Governor of Faenza, Rieti, Orvieto, etc., and Archbishop of Mileto, to Card. Gualterio. Ital. Holograph; with a few signed. Three volumes. Vol. I., 16 May, 1707-30 Dec. 1715; Vol. II., 4 Jan. 1716-27 Dec. 1718; Vo...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Pierre Balthasar de Fougasse], Marquis de la Bastie, to Card. Gualterio; Avignon, 25 Feb. 1709-5 Dec. 1723; Paris, etc., 6 June, 1724-6 Aug. 1725, and Florence (where he was the resident French Minister.), 26 August, 1725-21 Nov. 1727. Fr...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Sinibaldo Doria [Vice-Legate in Avignon, and subsequently Cardinal] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 25 May, 1706; Avignon, 5 Jan. 1707-26 Aug. 1711; Genoa, 3 Out. 1711; Rome, 2 Jan. 1712. Ital. Holograph, or signed. At f. 251 is a copy of a lett...
British Library |
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Vol. I.Gaetano Stampa, afterwards Cardinal Archbishop of Milan: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1707-1724.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Card. Stampa: 1707-1724.: Ital.includes:f. 114 Pietro Francesco Masini, Gov...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Giovanni Girolamo Acquaviva], Duke of Atri, to Card. Gualterio; Atri, Giulia, Chieti, Rome, etc., 19 July, 1701-13 July, 1709. Ital. Holograph. f. 1. Included are letters from Philip V., of Spain, to the Duke of Atri; Buen Retiro, 20 ...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to J. N. Guiducci; 14 Nov. 1711-4 Aug. 1716. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Jacopo Niccolo Guiducci: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1710-1726.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with J...
British Library |
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1. SEVEN letters of [Charles Jean Baptists Fleuriau, Comte] de Morville [French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] to Card. Gualterio; 17 Aug. 1722-18 Feb. 1727. Fr. Signed; two, at ff. 3, 13, holograph. f. 1 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualte...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Claude Théophile de Besiade] Marquis d'Avaray [French Ambassador in Switzerland]; dated partly from Paris, and principally from Soleure, 25 August, 1715-2 Dec. 1726. Fr. Portions of some of the letters are in cipher. The first letter i...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Alessandro Bonaventura, Almoner to Pope Clement XI., to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 29 June, 1706-14 Dec. 1709, and 5 Dec. 1715. Ital. Holograph. f. 1. At f. 140 is a letter of Sebastiano Pamphilio [Bonaventura], Bishop of Montefiascone; 13 ...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Card. Pietro Otthoboni [Bishop of Ostia, Protector of France at the Court of Rome, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, etc., 15 June, 1706-5 Oct. 1726. Ital. Holograph, or signed; many in cipher, with decipherings. Two volumes. A letter of Gio...
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Gazola; 10 Dec. 1712-15 Dec. 1725. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Count Gazola: 1711-1727.: Ital.Giovanni Angelo Gazola, Count; Parmese Envoy to England: Corr...
British Library |
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Vol. VII ( ff. 173 ). 1718.includes:f. 108 Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Letter to J. Dempster: 1718.: Ital.: Draft., 1718
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbé d'Estrées; 10 Dec. 1702-22 March, 1718. Italian and French. Chiefly in a secretary's hand, with corrections by the Cardinal; but a few holograph. Two volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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TABLES of ciphers, used by Card. Gualterio in his correspondence with various persons, viz.: Cardinal Acquaviva, f. 3 b. M. Amelot, f. 5 b. The Comte du Luc, French Ambassador in Switzerland, f. 7 b. Il Sigr. Benigni, f. 9. Cardinal Bentivoglio, f. 1...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Sebastiano Antonio Tanari [Bishop of Ostia, Legate of Urbino] to Card. Gualterio; Pesaro, Urbino, etc., 19 Jan. 1707-23 Dec. 1723. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. Tanari; 26 May, 1707-23 Nov. ...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marques de los Balbases; 15 March, 1710-21 Jan. 1719. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Felipe Antonio Spinola y Colonna, Marques de los Balbases: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1706-1721.: Span. and Ita...
British Library |
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REGISTER of Despatches of Filippo Antonio Gualterio partly as Papal Vice-Legate of Avignon, and partly as Nuncio in France, to the Papal Secretary of State; Jan. 1700-Dec. 1707. ltal. Written by his Secretary, Domenico Lucci. Copies of letters to oth...
British Library |
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VOL. XXII. Continuation of the same; 5 Jan.-9 Nov. 1709. Among the enclosures are 1. Original petition from the city of Rimini to the Pope; n.d. Ital. f. 68. 2. Memorial of Count Guido Martinelli; n.d. ltal. f. 88. 3. Copy of letter from G[uillaume] ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Francisco Pio de Savoya Moura y Corte Real [General in the Spanish service in Sicily, Governor of Madrid, Governor and Captain-General of Catalonia, etc., son of Gibberto Pio, Prince of S. Gregorio] to Card. Gualterio; Messina, 8 Oct. 1...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Queen Mary of Modena, widow of James II. of England, to Cardinal Gualterio; 18 Aug. 1710-25 April, 1718. Fr. and Ital. Paper; ff. 137. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Court of St. Germains: 1706-1727.Jam...
British Library |
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DRAFTS of letters of intelligence from the same to the same; 14 July-15 Sept. 1701. In a secretary's hand; with corrections. Ital. Paper. Folio.Fabrizio Paulucci, Cardinal, Papal Secretary of State: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1700-1726.: It...
British Library |
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1. LETTER of Card. A[rmand Gaston] de Rohan to Card. Gualterio; Paris, 11 Dec. 1719. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Card. de Rohan; 5 July, 1718-21 April, 1728. Ital. f. 2. 3. Twenty-two letters of [Armand J...
British Library |
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LETTERS of J[ean] F[rançois] Foucquet, Jesuit, titular Bishop of Eleutheropolis, to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 8 Feb. 1723-15 April, 1727. Fr. Holograph. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Letters to, from J. F. Fourquet: 1723-1727.Jean F...
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Abbate Pietro Francesco Albicini to Card. Gualterio; 1707-1718. Ital. Holograph; a few in cipher, with decipherings. Six volumes. Paper. Quarto and Folio., 1707-1718
British Library |
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Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Count Biringucci; 28 Sept. 1715-30 Sept. 1719. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Count Biringucci: 1712-1726.: Ital.Pietro Biringucci, Count: Correspondence with Card....
British Library |
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1. LETTER of Leopold I., Emperor, to Cardinal Carolo Gualterio [great-uncle to Card. Filippo Antonio Gualterio]; 4 Jan. 1670. Lat. Signed; and countersigned by Leopoldus Guillielmus, Comes in Kinigsegg; with seal. f. 1. 2. Six letters of Eleonora Mag..., 1670-1727
British Library |
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LETTERS of Card. Giuseppe Vallemani, Archbishop of Athens, to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 7 June, 1706-7 Oct. 1721. Ital. Holograph. Three volumes. At f. 223 of Vol. III. is a letter of Count Rinaldo Vallemani, Fabriano, 10 Feb. 1719; and at ff. 225-232 a...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Ercole d'Aragona, Governor of Faenza, Orvieto, etc., as well as to others, Governors of Italian towns, etc.; 17 May, 1707-1 July, 1719. Ital. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Corresp...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Francesco del Giudice [of the family of the Dukes of Giovenazzo and Princes of Cellamare, Cardinal Protector of Spain, and Minister of Spanish affairs at Rome, and afterwards Prime Minister of Spain and Inquisitor-General] to Card...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marquis Bentivoglio; 6 Dec. 1708-20 Feb. 1717. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Bentivoglio family: 1704-1727.: Ital.Luigi Bentivoglio, Marchese: C...
British Library |
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1. "REGISTRO di lettere segrete a N. S.:" corrected drafts by Msgr. Gualterio of his secret letters to Pope Clement XI.; 13 Dec. 1700-7 May, 1705; but chiefly in 1700, 1701. Ital. f. 1. 2. Registers of letters from the same to the same; being copies ...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Jacopo Niccolo Guiducci, with a few of his brother the Abbate Giuseppe Maria Guiducci, to Card. Gualterio; Florence, etc., 18 Oct. 1710-15 Oct. 1726. Ital. Holograph. Three volumes. Jacopo seems to have acted as an agent for forwarding des...
British Library |
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Vol. II.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with M. de Frémont: 1710-1724.: Fr.Nicholas de Fremont, Sieur d'Auneuil; French Minister at Venice: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1710-1724.: Fr.
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Filippo Antonio, Card. Gualterio, to James Edward, "the Pretender," and his mother, Mary of Modena; 1702-1728: written partly in his capacity of Nuncio in France, and partly as Agent for the Pretender and Cardinal Prot..., 1702-1728
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Henri Charles Arnaud], Abbé de Pomponne [French Ambassador at Venice], to Card. Gualterio; dat. Venice, to the end of 1709, and subsequently at Paris, Versailles, etc., 10 Dec. 1706-5 Jan. 1730. Fr. Holograph, or signed. Many partially in...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Anne Jules], Maréchal Duc de Noailles, to Monsigr. Gualterio; Marly and Versailles, 9 Nov. 1703-5 April, 1705. Fr. Holograph. f. 1. 2. Letters of [Marie Françoise, daughter of Ambroise, Duc de Bournonville, and wife of the preceding], ...
British Library |
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VOL. II. 1. Letters of the same; [1722?]-19 Jan. 1725. Fr. Holograph. Mostly unsigned, and without dates. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letter, of Card. Gualterio to the Bishop of Sisteron; 30 July, 1720-17 April, 1721. Ital. and French. f. 175. 3. Letters of P...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Vincenzo degli Atti, Bishop of Orvieto, to Card. Gualterio; Orvieto, Rome, etc., 10 Sept. 1706-7 April, 1714. ltal. Holograph. f. 1. At f. 234 is a letter of Frá Giovanni Battista Dominici; Massa, 23 June, 1712. Ital. Holograph.2. Draft...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Pietro Marcellino Corradini, Archbishop of Athens, to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 23 Jan. 1708-21 May, 1727. Ital. Chiefly holograph, but some signed. f. 1. At the beginning is a letter unsigned, addressed to Signr. Corradini. Ital.2. ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Fabio Olivieri [Secretary of Papal Briefs, etc., Cardinal in 1715] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 2 Aug. 1711-24 Dec. 1718. Ital. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. 2. Drafts and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to F. Olivieri; 8 Sept. 1707-16 Apr...
British Library |
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DRAFT of a report by Card. Gualterio on the characters of the several Cardinals, and on the measures to be taken by the French Court to ensure an election, in an anticipated conclave, of a Pope favourable to its interests [1716 ?]. Ital. Holograph, w..., 1716-1724
British Library |
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DRAFTS of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbé de Pomponne 14 Dec. 1706-5 March, 1727. Fr. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Abbé de Pomponne: 1706-1727.: Fr.Henri Charles Arnauld de Pomponne, Abbé, French Ambass...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Don Annibale Albani [afterwards Cardinal, nephew of Pope Clement XI.] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 6 Jan. 1704-10 Nov. 1708. Ital. Partly holograph; many in cipher, with decipherings. f. 1. At f. 261 is a letter of "Frà Giovanni da Fano, C..., 1701-1708
British Library |
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LETTERS of Count F de Vernon [Sardinian Minister in France, 1719-1723] to Card. Gualterio; Turin, Paris, etc., 31 Jan. 1713-15 Jan. 1727. Ital. Holograph, or signed; many in cipher. Included are a few letters of the Countess, his wife. Ital. Signed; ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of d'Iberville [French Minister (?) at Genoa] to Card. Gualterio; 23 Dec. 1706-2 Jan. 1712. Fr. Holograph or signed. A few, from 9 Oct. 1709, are dated from Paris. f. 1. Included is a letter of, Baron de Wessenberg, on the subject of the s...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Frà Carlo Antonio Donadoni, Bishop of Sebenico, to Card. Gualterio; Venice, etc., 6 Aug. 1718-24 Oct. 1722, and Sebenico, 11 Jan. 1723-9 Oct. 1727. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Amongst enclosures are original letters from G[iorgio] Cardinal Co...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters from Card. Gualterio to Don Alessandro Albani [afterwards Cardinal]; 8 March, 1710-3 Aug. 1720. Ital. Paper. Folio.Alessandro Albani, Cardinal 1721: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1710-1723.: Ital.Filippo Antonio Gu...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Lorenzo Verzuso] Beretti Landi [Marchese di Castelletto Scazzoso, Spanish Ambassador to Switzerland, and subsequently Plenipotentiary at Cambray] to Card. Gualterio; Lucerne, 4 Aug. 1708-14 Aug. 1716; the Hague, 8 Oct. 1716-14 Nov. 1720; ...
British Library |
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LETTERS relating to military affairs in the Romagna, viz.: 1. Letters of Antonio Maria Rasponi to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 15 Aug. -21 Dec. 1708. Ital. f. 1. 2. Letters of Col. Oratio Rasponi to the same; 18 Aug.-11 Nov. 1708. Ital. f. 9. Among the enc..., 1708
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS papers relating to French affairs; 1726-1759, viz.: 1. "Istruzione per Monsigr. Illmo. [Luigi] Gualtieri, Cameriere d'onore di nostro Sigre. destinato à portar la Beretta Cardinalizia al nuovo Emo. Sigr. Cardinale de Fleury;" [Sept. 172..., 1726-1759
British Library |
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VOL. I. Letters of Cosmo III. de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, to Card. Gualterio; 28 May, 1695-20 Dec. 1718. Ital. Chiefly holograph. A few, not holograph, have seals. At f. 1 is a letter from the same to [Giannotti Gualterio] Archbishop of Fermo;...
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Abbate Albicini; 9 June, 1707-9 Jan. 1714. Ital. Paper. Folio.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with Abbate Albicini: 1707-1718.: Ital.Pietro Francesco Albicini, Abbate: Corresp...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS papers relating to England: 1701-1727. Three volumes. Paper. Folio., 1701-1727
British Library |
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LETTERS of D. Carlos Felipe Antonio Spinola Colonna [Marques de los Balbases, Viceroy of Sicily, etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Genoa, Palermo, Messina, Madrid, etc., 8 Jan. 1706-19 Feb. 1721. Span. Signed; a few in cipher, with decipherings. Two volumes....
British Library |
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COPIES of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Duke of Tursis; 28 Sept. 1715-2 Nov. 1720. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Filippo Antonio Gualterio, Cardinal: Correspondence with the Duke and Duchess of Tursis: 1713-1726.: Ital.Giovanni Andrea Doria, of Genoa; Gene...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Card. Gualterio with French Ministers of State; 1700-1727, viz.: 1. Letters of [Michel de] Chamillart, Controller of Finance, and Minister of War; with enclosed papers; 4 June, 1701-20 Jan. 1720. Fr. Signed; with a few holograph. f...., 1700-1727
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Princesse des Ursins [Anne Marie, daughter of Louis de Trémoille, Duc de Noirmoutier, and wife successively of Adrien Blaise de Taleyran, Prince de Chalais, and of Flavio Orsini, Duke of Bracciano] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, Vittoria,...
British Library |
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PAPERS relating to Lord Lovat's plot for invading Scotland, consisting of drafts in Lovat's hand, official papers, etc.; viz.:-1. " A memorandum of the Lord Lovat's Commission to the King and Queen ": a draft of Lovat's narrative of his commission fr..., 1701-1713
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Claude] de Bully [formerly Secretary to the Comte de Gergy] to Card. Gualterio; Leghorn and Florence, 1 Apr. 1715-31 Mar. 1716. Fr. Holograph. At f. 197 is a draft of a letter from Card. Gualterio to M. de Bully; 4 May, 1715. Fr. Paper. ...
British Library |
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1. LETTER of Michael [Wisniowieczki], King of Poland, to Card. [Carolo] Gualterio; Warsaw, 31 Dec. 1670. Ital. Signed, and with seal. f. 1. 2. Letters of Maria Casimira [daughter of Henri de la Grange, Marquis d'Arquien, and widow of John III. Sobies...
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Abbate Nunziato Maria Buti [Secretary to Card. Gualterio] to the Cardinal; 1711-1727; with many undated. Ital. Holograph. Six volumes Paper. Quarto., 1711-1727
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [James Drummond, 4th Earl, styled] Duke of Perth [Governor to the Pretender, whilst a minor] to Card. Gualterio and his brother, J. B. Gualterio [styled Earl of Dundee]; St. Germain and Rome, 25 May, 1706-28 Dec. 1718. French. Holograph..., 1706-1720
British Library |
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LETTERS of Count Ignazio Rocca to Card. Gualterio; dated principally from Piacenza, 17 Aug. 1716-15 Dec. 1727. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Two volumes. Many of the letters at the end of Vol. II. are undated. Paper. Folio.
British Library |
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LETTERS of the Marquis Carlo Rinuccini [Minister of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Ambassador at the Courts of the King of Spain and the Elector Palatine of the Rhine] to Card. Gualterio; 1705-1727. Ital. A few only are holograph. Four volumes. Paper..., 1705-1727
British Library |
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DRAFTS and copies of letters of Cardinal Gualterio to [David] Nairne, Private Secretary of the Pretender; corrected by the Cardinal; 20 Jan. 1714-4 Nov. 1719. Ital. Four volumes. In Vol. I. are a few drafts of letters to Mr. Dempster., and one to the...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Jean Michel de Pressiat [Banker, Expediter of Bulls at the Court of Rome] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 1 June, 1707-5 Dec. 1725; with many undated. Ital. and Fr. Holograph. f. 1. Among them is a copy of a letter from Thomas de Mobant to M....
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Bartolomeo Massei, Archbishop of Athens [Papal Nuncio in France, etc., afterwards Cardinal], to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Monte Cavallo, Paris, etc.; 14 May, 1708-10 May, 1728. Ital. Chiefly holograph; the rest signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts and ...
British Library |
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COPIES of Letters of Card. Gualterio to the Marques de Villamayor; 23 Dec. 1713-7 Feb. 1719. Ital. Paper. Quarto.Villamayor, Marques de; Spanish Ambassador at Turin: Correspondence with Card. Gualterio: 1703-1721.: Span. and Ital.Filippo Antonio Gual...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of d'Anneville [Chargé d'affaires at Genoa] to Card. Gualterio; dat. Rome [1707 ?], and Genoa, 30 March, 1709-13 April, 1715. Fr. Holograph or signed. f. 1. At f. 114 is a copy of the letter of Card. de Bouillon to Louis XIV., resigning t...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Théodore de] Chavigny [French Envoy to Genoa and other parts of Italy, 1720, 1721 ; to Spain, 1722; Hanover, 1723; London, 1724; and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Diet of Ratisbon, 1726] to Card. Gualterio; Genoa, etc., 20 April, 172...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Luigi] Marquis of Bentivoglio, to Card. Gualterio; Ferrara, 13 August, 1707-15 Dec. 1717. Ital. Holograph, or in a secretary's hand. Many in cipher. Two volumes. Included are letters from Giacinto Vicoli to ; Rimini, 19 June, 1708. Vol. I...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Comte] de Lannoy to Card. Gualterio; Valencia, 19 Feb. 1716-3 Aug. 1718; Reggio, Tivoli, Rome, etc., 5 March, 1719-21 May, 1722; Madrid, 12 July-15 Aug. 1722; Lisbon, 15 Sept.-l Dec. 1722. Fr. Holograph. Paper. Folio.François Hyacinthe de...
British Library |
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DRAFTS of letters of Card. Gualterio to the Princesse des Ursins; 20 Feb. 1708-30 Dec. 1719. Fr. At f. 218 b is the plan of a house and grounds of the Cardinal at [Corgnolo ?], and at f. 268 b is the plan of a house occupied by the Princess in Rome. ...
British Library |
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1. Six letters of "Tommaso Cardinale di Alsazia" [Thomas Philippe Hennin de Bossut, of Alsatia, Archbishop of Malines] to Card. F. A. Gualterio; Malines and Vienna, 21 Dec. 1719-30 Nov. 1725. Ital. Signed. f. 1. 2. M[artin de Ratabon], Bishop of Ypre..., 1703-1725
British Library |
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VOL. I. Letters of M. Carichon; Rome, 6 July, 1706-27 Dec. 1710. Fr. Chiefly holograph, but a few signed. Many partly in cipher with decipherings. Included are original letters to J. J. Carichon from Carichon, his brother; Toulon, 29 May, 1707, and L...
British Library |
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LETTERS of [Henri Thiard], Card. de Bissy, Bishop of Meaux, to Card. Gualterio; Meaux, Paris, etc ., 11 July, 1706-1 Dec. 1726. French and Italian. Signed. At f. 38 is a copy of the "Lettre Circulaire" of Card. de Bissy, on the subject of proceedings...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Card. Giuseppe Sacripante [Prodatario to Pope Clement XI., etc.] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, 31 May, 1706-14 Aug. 1725. Ital. Signed. A few holograph. The first letter is also signed by Ulysse Giuseppe [Gozzadini], Archbishop of Theodosi...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of D. Felice [Caietano ?] d'Aragona [brother of the Duke of Laurenzano ?] to Card. Gualterio; Madrid, Messina, etc., 1 Oct. 1715-11 Dec. 1723. Ital. Chiefly holograph. f. 1. 2. Two letters of Card. Emmanuel Arias to the same; Seville, 21 F...
British Library |
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PAPERS relating to military affairs in the Romagna, during the Legation of Card. Gualterio; 1707-1709. Ital. and Fr. In three volumes. Paper. Folio., 1673-1709
British Library |
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LETTERS of Cardinal Francesco Acquaviva [Papal Nuncio in Spain in 1706, and afterwards Cardinal Protector of Spain and Minister of the King of Spain at Rome] to Card. Gualterio; 4 July, 1706-12 Dec. 1724. Ital. Chiefly holograph. Some in cipher, with...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [François] de Callières, Cabinet Secretary of the King, to Card. Gualterio; Paris, 1 Aug. 1706-13 April, 1716. Fr. Holograph or signed. f. 1. 2. Drafts of letters of Card. Gualterio to M. de Callières; 8 Feb. 1707-11 Feb. 1713. Fr. f. ...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Carlo Albani [nephew to Pope Clement XI.] to Card. Gualterio; Rome, Bologna, etc., 13 Jan. 1712-10 Sept. 1719. Ital. Holograph, or signed. f. 1. 2. Copies of letters of Card. Gualterio to Carlo Albani; 6 Jan. 1714-3 August, 1718. Ital....
British Library |
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LETTERS of J[oseph Emmanuel] Cardinal de la Trémoille [Auditor of the Rota, and Agent of France at the Court of Rome] to Card. Gualterio; 15 Oct. 1706-28 Dec. 1718: with many undated. Ital. and Fr. Chiefly holograph. Two volumes. Paper. Quarto.
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of Card. Gualterio with various natives of France; 1698-1727; in chronological order. Four volumes. Paper. Folio. The names of the writers of letters to Card. Gualterio are[Antoine] d'Aboville; Fribourg, etc., 1713-1726. Vol. II. ff. 2..., 1698-1727
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Joseph Antoine] Crozat [Agent for the Duke of Orleans ?] to Card. Gualterio, relating principally to negotiations for the purchase of the collection of paintings, etc., of Queen Christina of Sweden from the family of Odescalchi, and of...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of [Jean Baptiste Henri du Trousset] de Valincour to Card. Gualterio; Paris, St. Cloud, etc., 30 Sept. 1714-13 Dec. 1727. Fr. Holograph. f. 1. 2. Drafts of two letters of Card. Gualterio to M. de Valincour; 8 Jan., 26 March, 1727. Fr. f. 3...
British Library |
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LETTERS of Antonio Vidman [Governor of Fermo and Macerata ?] to Card. Gualterio; Fermo and Macerata, 17 Aug. 1708-17 Dec. 1718. Ital. Chiefly holograph. At f. 305 is a copy of a letter of Card. Gualterio to A. Vidman ; 23 Oct. 1715. Ital. Paper. Qua...
British Library |
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1. LETTERS of Du Pré [French Envoy at the Court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany] to Card. Gualterio; Florence, 3 Dec. 1706-27 April, 1709. Fr. Chiefly signed, but a few holograph. f. 1. 2. Letters of Le Bailly Lorenzi [son-in-law of M. du Pré] to the sa...
British Library |