Margaret Brown McLellan was born on 21 August 1900 , the daughter of James Kirkwood McLellan, an overseer with the General Post Office in Glasgow. In 1918 she came to the University of Glasgow to study medicine and graduated MB ChB in 1923 . She took the following classes: Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry in 1918-1919; Anatomy and Physiology in 1919-1920; Materia Medica, Surgery, Therapeutics and Pathology in 1920-1921; Surgery, Clinical Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health, Diseases of Children, Clinical Medicine, Midwifery between1921-1923. She married Dr Robert Lindsay MacKay c 1925 and they moved to Wolverhampton. In the Medical Directories she was listed as a Justice of the Peace, but there were no further details of her medical career. She died on 12 August 1993 .
From the guide to the Papers of Margaret Brown McLellan, (Mrs R L Mackay), 1900-1993, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1923, (Glasgow University Archive Services)