Paquet, Basil T., 1944-

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Vietnam War veteran Basil T. Paquet founded First Casualty Press in September 1971 with fellow veterans Larry Rottmann and Jan Barry Crumb . Paquet both edited and contributed to Winning Hearts and Minds: War Poems by Vietnam Veterans and Free Fire Zone: Short Stories by Vietnam Veterans . Paquet won the Wallace Stevens Award for Poetry in 1969 .

From the guide to the First Casualty Press Records., 1960-1981., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf First Casualty Press Records., 1960-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn First Casualty Press Records., 1960-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn First Casualty Press Records., 1960-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn First Casualty Press. First Casualty Press records, 1960-1981. University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbott, Gregory person
correspondedWith Abbott, Gregory L. person
correspondedWith Adams, Bill person
correspondedWith Aitken, James person
correspondedWith Allen, Bert person
correspondedWith American Friends Service Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, R. A. person
correspondedWith Anderson, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Apple, Lynn N. person
associatedWith Atkin, Carol person
associatedWith Baber, Asa person
correspondedWith Baber, Asia person
associatedWith Barry, Jan, 1943- person
associatedWith Bartling, Peter B. person
correspondedWith Bartling, Peter R. person
associatedWith Basil Paquet person
correspondedWith Bayless, David person
correspondedWith Beattie, Paul person
correspondedWith Berenbak, Peter person
correspondedWith Berry, D. C. person
correspondedWith Bittle, Camilla person
correspondedWith Blanchette, Patricia person
associatedWith Blanco, Nathan person
correspondedWith Bobrowsky, Igor person
correspondedWith Bodey, Donald L. person
correspondedWith Boggis, Jay person
correspondedWith Borden, Robert H. person
associatedWith Boyer, Dennis person
correspondedWith Boyer, Dennis L. person
correspondedWith Boyer, James person
correspondedWith Bradley, Douglas J. person
associatedWith Bravar, Stephen person
correspondedWith Bravar, Stephen M. person
associatedWith Bronder, Howard person
correspondedWith Bronder, Howard George person
correspondedWith Brownstein, Stanley person
associatedWith Brown, Steven person
correspondedWith Brown, Steven E. person
correspondedWith Bruno, Anthony person
correspondedWith Burnson, Laurie person
correspondedWith Bush, Ronald A. person
correspondedWith Buster, Robert D. person
correspondedWith Casey, Michael person
correspondedWith Cassidy, Tom person
associatedWith Chambers, Robert person
associatedWith Chianelli, John P. person
correspondedWith Chianelli, John P., Jr. person
associatedWith Childs, Geoffrey person
correspondedWith Childs, Geoffrey S. person
associatedWith Clinton, L. DeWitt person
correspondedWith Clinton, L. De Witt person
correspondedWith Clodfelter, Mike person
correspondedWith Cole, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Coleman, Horace person
correspondedWith Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith Cote, Raymond W. person
correspondedWith Cram, Robert person
correspondedWith Crawford, Jack person
correspondedWith Cross, Frank A., Jr. person
correspondedWith Culhane, Claire person
correspondedWith Currer, William J. person
correspondedWith Davis, George person
correspondedWith Dawson, Fielding person
associatedWith Deskin, Skip person
correspondedWith Deskin, William C., Sr. person
correspondedWith Dewey, Al person
associatedWith Dewey, Al A. person
correspondedWith Dietz, Frederick W., Jr. person
correspondedWith DiZazzo, Raymond person
correspondedWith Dorris, James R. person
correspondedWith Douglass, Richard N. person
correspondedWith Downey, Mark person
associatedWith Driscoll, Gregory person
correspondedWith Driscoll, Gregory V. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Angus person
correspondedWith Earl-Clark, David person
correspondedWith Egendorf, Arthur person
associatedWith Egendorf, Arthur, Jr. person
correspondedWith Ehrhart, William D. person
correspondedWith Ellis, R. Joseph person
correspondedWith Emeny, Mary person
associatedWith Erhart, William D. person
correspondedWith Ettenson, Paul person
correspondedWith Fegho, John A. person
associatedWith Feghorn, John person
associatedWith First Casualty Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Flanagan, Jim person
correspondedWith Flynn, Daniel person
correspondedWith Flynn, Michael person
correspondedWith Forman, William H., Jr person
associatedWith Fries, Larry person
correspondedWith Fries, Larry K. person
correspondedWith Fritzinger, Dennis person
correspondedWith Funge, Robert person
correspondedWith Goldhammer, Art person
correspondedWith Goldstein, Harvey person
correspondedWith Gott, George person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, Ed person
correspondedWith Grajewski, Julian person
correspondedWith Gray, Amlin person
associatedWith Greenwood, Bruce person
correspondedWith Greenwood, Bruce Walton person
correspondedWith Griffin, Tom person
associatedWith Grothus, Edward person
correspondedWith Grothus, Edward B. person
associatedWith Hahn, Robert person
correspondedWith Hahn, Robert C. person
associatedWith Hall, Ralph person
correspondedWith Hall, Ralph E. person
correspondedWith Halpern, Sue person
correspondedWith Halvorsen, S. person
associatedWith Hardin, E. R. person
correspondedWith Hardin, E. R., III person
correspondedWith Harris, James Frances person
correspondedWith Hasford, Gustav person
correspondedWith Hassett, Steve person
correspondedWith Hatch, Stephen R. person
correspondedWith Hathaway, W. Stephen person
associatedWith Hawley, Carroll person
correspondedWith Heinrichs, Ken person
correspondedWith Helman, B. F. person
correspondedWith Henry, Lynn person
correspondedWith Holloway, Frederic Lord person
associatedWith Holloway, Fred L. person
correspondedWith Hounshell, William person
correspondedWith Hudak, Edward J. person
associatedWith Hudak, E. J. person
correspondedWith Huddle, David person
correspondedWith Hulley, James J. person
correspondedWith Hunt, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Daniel B. person
correspondedWith Jackson, John person
associatedWith Jacobson, Jake person
correspondedWith Jacobson, Philip person
associatedWith Jan Barry person
associatedWith Johnson, Michael person
correspondedWith Johnson, Michael F. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Michael H. person
correspondedWith Karlin, Wayne. person
associatedWith Kemp, Don person
correspondedWith Kemp, Donald G. person
correspondedWith Kimpel, John M. person
correspondedWith King, Coretta Scott person
correspondedWith King, Peter B. person
associatedWith Kingry, Phillip person
correspondedWith Knaster, Julian person
correspondedWith Kohler, Harrison person
correspondedWith Kramer, Larry person
correspondedWith Krohn, Herbert person
correspondedWith Lackman, Carol person
correspondedWith Lanzek, James person
associatedWith Larry Rottmann person
associatedWith Lawless, Gary person
correspondedWith Leinsdorf, Joshua person
associatedWith Lerner, Charles person
correspondedWith Lerner, Charles Philip person
associatedWith Levy, Marc person
correspondedWith Levy, Marc S. person
correspondedWith Lewallen, John person
correspondedWith Licciardi, Richard person
correspondedWith Little, Loyd person
correspondedWith Livingston, Gordon S. person
correspondedWith Livingston, Richard person
associatedWith Lucas, Peter person
correspondedWith Lucas, Peter B. person
associatedWith Lupo, Robert person
correspondedWith Lupo, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Lytle, John person
associatedWith Madden, William person
correspondedWith Madden, William M. person
associatedWith Mahoney, Peter P. person
correspondedWith Mann, Polly person
correspondedWith Martin, Earl person
associatedWith Martin, Earl E. person
correspondedWith Martin Luther King, Jr. person
correspondedWith Martin-Trigona, Anthony R. person
correspondedWith Maxham, Jerry person
correspondedWith McClelland, Barry R. person
correspondedWith McCormack, Allen E. person
associatedWith McCurdy, Robert J. person
correspondedWith McCusker, Michael person
correspondedWith McGarry, Thomas person
correspondedWith McGovern, George person
correspondedWith McGuiness, Daniel M. person
correspondedWith McLain, Jack person
correspondedWith McLane, Robert person
correspondedWith McLaughlin, Robert person
correspondedWith Merlati, Sam person
correspondedWith Meyerowitz, Lee person
correspondedWith Miller, Robert person
correspondedWith Millette, Leo H. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, John, Jr. person
associatedWith Moore, Scott person
correspondedWith Mueller, Quentin person
correspondedWith Munzell, Michael person
associatedWith Needle, Jeff person
correspondedWith Ness, Noel person
correspondedWith New England Small Press Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Nizarre, Frank person
associatedWith Novak, David W person
associatedWith Noyola, Robert person
correspondedWith Nygren, Edward L. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Tim person
correspondedWith Olmstead, Charles W. person
correspondedWith O'Meara, Rick person
associatedWith O'Neill, John person
correspondedWith O'Neill, John T. person
correspondedWith Overholser, Stephen person
correspondedWith Paquet, Basil T., 1944- person
correspondedWith Parry, Patrick person
associatedWith Paula Kay Pierce person
correspondedWith Pelfrey, William person
correspondedWith Peterson, James M. person
correspondedWith Peterson, Vernon person
correspondedWith Pierce, Brad person
correspondedWith Pitts, Oran person
correspondedWith Platke, Stan person
correspondedWith Porsche, Don person
correspondedWith Poulter, S. L. person
correspondedWith Povey, George person
associatedWith Preston, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Primm, Alex person
correspondedWith Purcell, Charles M. person
associatedWith Ramsdell, Sheldon person
correspondedWith Ray, Martin person
correspondedWith Receveur, Donald, Jr. person
correspondedWith Rendleman, Danny L. person
correspondedWith Reser, Phil person
associatedWith Richman, Elliot person
correspondedWith Riesenmy, Robert P. person
correspondedWith Rogers, David person
correspondedWith Rotman, Richard E. person
associatedWith Rottmann, Larry, 1942- person
correspondedWith Rudoi, W. H. person
associatedWith Ruhl, Kipper person
correspondedWith Saner, Reginald A. person
correspondedWith Scahill, James Vincent person
correspondedWith Schlosser, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Schuster, William person
correspondedWith Sessions, David person
correspondedWith Setian, Ralph person
correspondedWith Shanahan, Michael person
correspondedWith Shatan, Chaim F. person
associatedWith Shea, Joseph person
correspondedWith Shea, Joseph M. person
correspondedWith Shea, Richard H. person
correspondedWith Sherman, G. person
correspondedWith Shibla, Vernon person
correspondedWith Shields, James person
correspondedWith Silverman, H. person
correspondedWith Simon, William J. person
correspondedWith Singley, William P person
associatedWith Slivka, Sigrid person
correspondedWith Slivka, Sigrid P. person
correspondedWith Smith, Steven P. person
correspondedWith Soldati, Joseph A. person
correspondedWith Sossaman, Stephen person
correspondedWith Stein, Jeffrey person
correspondedWith Stern, David person
correspondedWith Swift, Paul person
correspondedWith Tavela, John person
correspondedWith Taylor, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Tharp, Michael Eugene person
correspondedWith Thorne, Landon person
correspondedWith Trail, Ben D. person
correspondedWith Tripp, Nathaniel person
correspondedWith Tyson, K. G. person
correspondedWith Uhl, Michael person
correspondedWith Vaughan, Lantry D. person
correspondedWith Vietnam Veterans Against the War corporateBody
correspondedWith Vigus, William E. person
correspondedWith Vinson, Paul A. person
associatedWith VVAW corporateBody
correspondedWith Warner, Edward R. person
correspondedWith Warner, Pate person
correspondedWith Watkins, Donald G. person
correspondedWith Watts, Carroll person
associatedWith Wayne Karlin person
correspondedWith Weiss, Ritchie person
correspondedWith Weschke, Bernhard P. person
correspondedWith Westphall, Victor David, III person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Tommy J. person
correspondedWith White, Larry person
correspondedWith Whitton, George M. person
correspondedWith Willard, Larry person
correspondedWith Winslow, John R., Jr. person
correspondedWith Wolfe, Gerry person
associatedWith Wood, Larry E person
correspondedWith Woods, Richard person
correspondedWith Yohn, Tim person
correspondedWith Younkin, Burrows person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Coventry (Conn.)
Publishers and publishing
American poetry
Short stories, American
Authors and publishers
Small presses
Veterans' writings, American
Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975
Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975


Birth 1944



Ark ID: w6894krt

SNAC ID: 46378890