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ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. A Miscellaneous Music Book from Kensington Palace; 1832. A volume belonging to ‘L. Lehzen’ and presented by her to Queen Victoria on Dec. 24, 1832. 53 miscellaneous pieces for piano solo or for voice and piano, many anonymous...., 1832
British Library |
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MUSIC PUBLISHING: album of receipts, agreements and letters of musicians, chiefly relating to the firms John and Thomas Preston (John Preston & Son), and Coventry and Hollier; 1773-1863. Mostly receipts for copyright in musical compositions. The sign..., 1773-1863
British Library |
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVIII (ff. i + 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th c..., 19th century
British Library |
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GLEES, canons, etc., inclduing, "Ye mariners of England," and a setting of the Lord's Prayer and Creed; 1783-1812. Vocal score. Paper. Quarto.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812., 1783-1812
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CANONS, catches, and glees, by John Travers, Samuel Webbe, (father and son), Joseph William Holder, John Wall Calcott, John Davy, William Horsley, William Crotch, William Hawes, and James Elliott. Principally autograph. At the end, f. 72, is an "Ode ..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
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ANTHEM on Psalm xcv. for two choirs of eight voices; 16 Feb. 1785. Full score. Paper. Oblong Folio.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812.includes:f. 53 James II of England; Mary of Modena: Letter to, from Princess Anne: 1688.:...
British Library |
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COLLECTION of Canons, glees, catches, etc.; 1784-1801. Vocal score. Paper. Oblate Quarto.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812., 1784-1801
British Library |
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MATERIALS for a dictionary of music, derived from the works of Grassineau, Burney, Chambers, Walther, Overend, and others, with essays, notes, copies of letters, etc., by John Wall Callcott; 1797-1802. Thirty-six volumes. Paper. Small Quarto., 1797-1802
British Library |
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVII (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th centur..., 19th century
British Library |
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XIX (ff. 11). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th century..., 19th century
British Library |
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"A PRACTICAL Dictionary of Music, interspersed with historical, biographical, and theoretical articles, by John Wall Callcott;" containing the dedication to Charles Burney, Mus. Doc., the introduction, and articles from A to AZ. Two volumes. Paper; "..., 1798
British Library |
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COPIES of correspondence between John Wall Callcott and A[ugust] F[riedrich] Kollmann; London, 16 Oct. 1798-17 Jan. 1803. At f. 42 b is an account, in German, of an "Orgel-Concert" in St. Catharine's Church, Hamburg, given by [Georg Christoph] Kollma...
British Library |
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ORIGINAL, LETTERS Of musicians, arranged as in the preceding volume ; 16th-19th centt. The names of writers are given in the Index. Among them are:-Dr. Thomas Augustus Arne. Sir Henry Rowley Bishop. Dr. William Boyce. Orlando Gibbons. Henry Lawes. Ma..., 16th century-19th century
British Library |
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COMMONPLACE book of John Wall Callcott, containing, among other matter, "Account of the Graduates Meetings, a Society of Musical Professors established in London;" 1790-1796, f. 6; and, reversing the volume, an "Accotint of the Funeral of Dr. [Samuel..., 1790-1802
British Library |
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1. DIXIT DOMIINUS for four voices with orchestral accompaniment, in parts, by Giovanni Battista Mazzaferrata. f. 1. For the treble part see above, Add. 34,279 A, f. 18. 2. " Nisi Dominus," for three voices, with strings, in parts, by Giovanni Battist..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
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ORIGINAL score of the song, "These as they change;" 4 Feb. 1791. With a few corrections attributed to Haydn. Paper. Oblate Quarto.Franz Joseph Haydn, composer: Corrections attributed to, in a piece by J. W. Callcott: 1791.John Wall Callcott, composer...
British Library |
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ESSAYS on musical subjects, by John Wall Calcott, viz.:-" On Musical Literature," f. 4;-"On Musical Manuscripts," f. 108;-"On the Catch Club," f. 148;-"On the Life and Writings of Franchinus Gafurius," f. 172;-"Thoughts on the Musical Terms .used by..., 1801-1804
British Library |
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DRAFTS of essays, etc., by John Wall Callcott, viz.:-Translation of part of The first Book of The Elements of Harmony of Aristoxenus; 22 Aug. 1797, f. 2;-"On Musical Manuscripts," f. 7 b; -"Review of Dr. [Thomas] Busby's Musical Dictionary, for the B..., 1797-1801
British Library |
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CATALOGUE of the library of John Wall Callcott; 1795-1805; with a few notes on music, etc. Paper. Small Quarto.Catalogues of Libraries, etc: J. W. Callcott: 1795 -1805.John Wall Callcott, composer: Catalogue of his books: 1795-1805.: Autogr., 1795-1805
British Library |
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OVERTURE and airs in "The Mistakes of a Day," a comic operetta; 25 Nov.-3 Dec. 1785. Full score. Paper. Oblate Quarto.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812.
British Library |
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GLEES, catches, etc.; 1785-1806. Vocal score. On f. 65 is a "list of the candidate pieces for prize medals [of the Catch Club], 1792." Paper. Oblate Quarto.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812., 1785-1806
British Library |
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FULL score of songs, viz.:-"These as they change; " [4 Feb. 1791,] f. 2;-"Sisters of Acheron;" 26 Jan. 1815, f. 15;-"Angel of life;" 28 Aug. 1799, f. 21;-"Friend of the brave;" f. 27;-"Till Hymen;" 3 Feb. 1807, ff. 33, 73 b;-"In life's gay scenes;"...
British Library |
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SEVENTEEN LEFTERS of A[ugust] F[riedrich] Kollmann to John Wall Callcott, D.Mus., on musical subjects; 28 May, 1798-26 No-f. 1806. Included also are:-a note from Dr. Callcott to W[illiam] H[orsley], with answer., [Mar. 1799] f. 16 b; and a copy by D...
British Library |
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"ELIJAH, an Oratorio," to words by Thomas Skelton Dupuis, of Christ Church, Oxford; 1785. Full score. Paper. Oblate Quarto.Thomas Skelton Dupuis, of Christ Church, Oxford: Elijah, an oratorio: set to music by J. W. Callcott: 1785.John Wall Callcott, ..., 1785
British Library |
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"THE Bard, an ode," to words by Thomas Gray; 17 June, 1786. Full score. Paper. Oblate Quarto.Thomas Gray, poet: "The Bard," set to music by J. W. Callcott: 1786.John Wall Callcott, composer: Musical compositions: 1785-1812.
British Library |
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DOVASTON MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS (SERIES II). Vol. III. Collection of songs, duets, glees, etc., together with a few keyboard pieces, mostly from published sources but including items composed by friends; compiled 1803-1813. The vocal music includes works ..., 1803-1813
British Library |
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DOVASTON MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS (SERIES II). Vol. IV. Collection of songs, duets, glees, etc., together with a few keyboard pieces or arrangements, mostly from published sources; compiled 1805, 1815-1824. The vocal music includes works by R. J. Stevens, D..., 1805-1824
British Library |
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"ODE to the Humane Society," to words by Edward Burnaby Greene; "performed for the first time at the Music School, Oxford June 24, 1785, as, an exercise for the Degree of Bachelor in Music." Full score. The names of the principal instrumentalists are...
British Library |
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COI,LECTION Of glees, catches, rounds, etc. by Samuel Webbe, sen., John Wall Callcott, John Stafford Smith, Henry Purcell, Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne, William Lawes, and other English composers of the 18th cent. Paper; ff. 53. xixth cent. Oblong Quart..., 19th century
British Library |
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1. ONE of the vocal and one of the instrumental parts of a sacred composition for three or more voices, set to Latin words (Job vii. 16, sqq.), apparently by a French composer of the 18th cent. f. 1. 2. Violin sonata, op. 16, by Felice Giardini, used..., 18th century-19th century
British Library |
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COLLECTION of glees, catches, and part-songs, by S. Webbe, Callcott, Stevens, Elliott, W. Hawes, and others of the best-known glee-writers of the 18th cent., with some madrigals and other pieces of an earlier style. Five volumes. Paper; ff. 148, 228,..., 19th century
British Library |
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AYRTON PAPERS. Vol. IV A (ff. ii+200). Letters, etc., 'From Composers, Performrs and other Musical Characters'; 1802-1847, n.d.includes:ff. 1-2 Robert Nicolas Charles Bochsa, composer and harpist: Correspondence: 1822.ff. 3-5b John Wall Callcott,..., 1802-1847
British Library |
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A DICTIONARY of Musicians, by John Wall Callcott, containing A to PA. Imperfect; wanting several leaves. With pencil notes by [William] Horsley and Dr. [William] Crotch. Paper. Quarto.William Horsley, composer: Notes to Callcott's Dictionary of Music..., 19th century
British Library |
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Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell: being anecdotes and sayings of Dr. Johnson, extra-illustrated, 1738-1840 (inclusive), 1784-1837 (bulk).
Houghton Library |
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COMMONPLACE book of John Wall Callcott; containing, among miscellaneous philological and musical notes and extracts, copies of his correspondence with August Friedrich Kollmann, 16-30 Oct. 1798. Paper; circa 1798-1802. Octavo.John Wall Callcott, comp..., approximately 1798-1802
British Library |
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1. "OVERTURE in C;" 7 Jan. 1784. Full score. f. 3. 2. Anthem on Psalm lxxvii., "I will cry unto God;" 4 Apr. 1784. Full score. f. 14. 3. "Jubilate in Deo," Psalm c., English version; 10 July, 1784. Full score. f. 26. 4. "Ode to Evening," to words by ...
British Library |
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1. "UEBER die Theorie der Musik". . . ."von Johann Nicolaus Forkel;" Göttingen, 1777. Printed. f. 3. With translation by John Wall Callcott; 1804. f. 126. 2. The preface and introduction to the "General History of Music," translated from the German o..., 1777-1804
British Library |
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"PROPTER Sion," a sacred cantata; 8 Mar. 1800. Full score; with pencil corrections by William Crotch, Mus. Doe. At the beginning is a "testamur" from Charles Burney, S[amuel] Arnold, Edmund Aynton, and others, 17 June, 1800, of J. W. Callcott's stand...
British Library |
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LECTURES and essays by John Wall Calrcott, viz.:-"On the Octave;" 22 Dec. 1798, f. 3;-"Critical Examination of the Musical Theory of Kimberger," f. 67;-"Essay on the Diminished Triad in Music B D F,"with an appendix on Dr. [Benjamin] Cooke's opinion;..., 1797-1801
British Library |
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVI (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th century..., 19th century
British Library |
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GLEES, songs, duets, etc., including, "The Fryer of Orders Grey," and "The Red Cross Knight; 1789-1799. Vocal score. At f. 55 b is a glee, "The leaf that falls in autumn's hour," words and music by Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, R.A. Paper. Oblate Quart..., 1789-1799
British Library |
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COPIES of correspondence between the same; 19 Jan.-28 Feb. 1799. Paper. Octavo.August Friedrich Christoph Kollmann, organist and composer: Correspondence with J. W. Callcott: 1798-1803.John Wall Callcott, composer: Correspondence with A. F. Kollmain:...
British Library |
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SONGS, TRADITIONAL AIRS, ETC., mostly by 18th and early 19th cent. English and French composers, including Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, Thomas Augustine Arne and Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, copied by Eliza Lane; signed and dated '30th Janry 1819' (f. 1). Preced...
British Library |
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XX (ff. i + 32). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th cent..., 19th century
British Library |