Engel, Mary M., recipient.

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The "marraines de guerre" scheme was a system of philanthropic pen-pal correspondence begun during the First World War in France. The system was first proposed in French newspapers and quickly caught on with French women to aid the war effort. Wartime godmothers (marraines de guerre) would correspond with servicemen godsons (filleuls de guerre) on a regular basis and supply them with emotional support via letters and also send them such small luxuries as they could afford in the form of packages of food, tobacco, chocolate, clothing, knitted items, etc ...

Mrs. René Engel [ Mary M. Engel] served as a war godmother from 1914 to 1919 from the addresses of 58 rue Lhomond, Paris, France and 38 Avenue du Petit Parc 38, Vincennes (Seine), France. It is not clear from this collection whether Madame Engel only coordinated the "godmother" letters from others, some from Americans, or also wrote them herself.

From the guide to the World War I "filleuls de guerre" letters sent to Mary M. Engel, 1914-1919., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf World War I "filleuls de guerre" letters sent to Mary M. Engel, 1914-1919. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Alcide, René. person
correspondedWith Allant, Léon. person
correspondedWith Bachelet, Emile. person
correspondedWith Badet, Lucien. person
correspondedWith Baldeuyns, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Bara, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Bara, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Baralle, Louis. person
correspondedWith Barouf, Georges. person
correspondedWith Barrat. person
correspondedWith Basmadjean, Michel. person
correspondedWith Basse, Herman. person
correspondedWith Battiaux, Louis. person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Hubert. person
correspondedWith Bellier, Albert. person
correspondedWith Bellier, Alphonse. person
correspondedWith Bellot, Georges. person
correspondedWith Bélot, Léon. person
correspondedWith Bernier, Charles. person
correspondedWith Berteau, Macel. person
correspondedWith Berthelot, Louis. person
correspondedWith Bertin, Charles. person
correspondedWith Bertrand, Marcel. person
correspondedWith Blasselle, Hector. person
correspondedWith Bleriot, Jules. person
correspondedWith Blondelle, Eugène. person
correspondedWith Boghossian, Jacques. person
correspondedWith Borho, J. person
correspondedWith Bouille, A. person
correspondedWith Bourry, Fernand. person
correspondedWith Bozadjean, D. person
correspondedWith Bracq, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Bracq, Charles. person
correspondedWith Bracq, Hippolyte. person
correspondedWith Bracq, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Bracq, René. person
correspondedWith Bricont, Jules. person
correspondedWith Bricont, Paul. person
correspondedWith Bricout, Henri. person
correspondedWith Bury, Louis. person
correspondedWith Bus, Armand. person
correspondedWith Caby, Alexandry. person
correspondedWith Campanil. person
correspondedWith Caniez, Léopold. person
correspondedWith Cannone, Charles. person
correspondedWith Canon, Henri. person
correspondedWith Capelle, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Caprieliau, A. person
correspondedWith Carayan, Bared. person
correspondedWith Carbonnelle, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Carlier, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Carlier, Léon. person
correspondedWith Carlier, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Cehilingerian. person
correspondedWith Cheminais, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Cheveniaud, Jean-Marie. person
correspondedWith Chilot, Roger. person
correspondedWith Choqnet, Raoul. person
correspondedWith Christiaens, Louis. person
correspondedWith Claguelin, Théophile. person
correspondedWith Clarisse, Fernand. person
correspondedWith Clavelin, Théophile. person
correspondedWith Cloeteus, Henri. person
correspondedWith Cloeteus, Paul. person
correspondedWith Cochon, Léonce. person
correspondedWith Cocu, François. person
correspondedWith Collet, Celestin. person
correspondedWith Colpin, Armand. person
correspondedWith Commier, A. person
correspondedWith Commier, Victor. person
correspondedWith Constant, Collet. person
correspondedWith Copen, Henri. person
correspondedWith Coppelle, Louis. person
correspondedWith Coquart, Alphonse. person
correspondedWith Cordonnier, Louis. person
correspondedWith Coreau, Marcel. person
correspondedWith Corvillain, Jules. person
correspondedWith Crion, Achille. person
correspondedWith Crouzette, François. person
correspondedWith Cuvillier, Octave. person
correspondedWith Dain, Charles. person
correspondedWith Dakessian, Aris. person
correspondedWith Dakessian, Diran. person
correspondedWith Dauchet, Léon. person
correspondedWith David, Charles. person
correspondedWith Décorte, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Défossez, Henri. person
correspondedWith Degrelle, Joseph. person
correspondedWith DeGroote, Constant. person
correspondedWith DeGroote, Paul. person
correspondedWith Delacroix, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Delartre, Ernest. person
correspondedWith Delemme, Jean Baptiste. person
correspondedWith Delhal, Albert. person
correspondedWith Delord, Alphonse. person
correspondedWith Delrive, François. person
correspondedWith Demaux, François. person
correspondedWith Demolline, Théodore. person
correspondedWith Demonveaux, Henri. person
correspondedWith De Prins, Gérard. person
correspondedWith De Ravet. person
correspondedWith Dereux, Louis. person
correspondedWith Derumez, Louis. person
correspondedWith Descamps, Firmin. person
correspondedWith Desmet, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Devingle, Albert. person
correspondedWith Dolmarie, Armand. person
correspondedWith Doppler, Charles. person
correspondedWith D'or, Henri. person
correspondedWith Douce, Georges. person
correspondedWith Dubois, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Dubois, Louis. person
correspondedWith Duehatelet, Wilmer. person
correspondedWith Duffand. person
correspondedWith Dumesnil, H. person
correspondedWith Dupine, Louis. person
correspondedWith Dupont, Albert. person
correspondedWith Dupont, Georges. person
correspondedWith Duppy, Georges. person
correspondedWith Duqnesnes, Clément. person
correspondedWith Duqnesnes, François. person
correspondedWith Durienc, Rodolphe. person
correspondedWith Durieux, Maurice. person
associatedWith Elizabette Neill. person
correspondedWith Empain, Paul. person
correspondedWith Farineau, G. person
correspondedWith Fassotte, Nicolas. person
correspondedWith Fauquenot, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Fidéle, Verdriere. person
correspondedWith Flachot. person
correspondedWith Fleurant, A. person
correspondedWith Fleury, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Florimond, Garisis. person
correspondedWith Foirest, Fernand. person
correspondedWith Fontaine, Césarie. person
correspondedWith Fontaine, Victor. person
correspondedWith Fortier, Georges. person
correspondedWith Fossé, Louis. person
correspondedWith Fouquet, A. person
correspondedWith Fournard, Victor. person
correspondedWith Fromont, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Furst, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Gauthier, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Gavet, Albert. person
correspondedWith Geerts, E. person
correspondedWith Gerard, Theophile. person
correspondedWith Ghesquier, Jean. person
correspondedWith Gilleroy, Victor. person
correspondedWith Godon, Magloire. person
correspondedWith Goorden, Victor. person
correspondedWith Gosset, Henri. person
correspondedWith Gosset, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Gotliborsky. person
correspondedWith Gramont, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Granger, H. person
correspondedWith Gravez, Jules. person
correspondedWith Grisel, Charles. person
correspondedWith Groenweghe, Charles. person
correspondedWith Guejay, V. person
correspondedWith Habéchian. person
correspondedWith Haittiger, Hipolyte. person
correspondedWith Halbout, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Hamelin, J. person
correspondedWith Harter, Henri. person
correspondedWith Haug, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Hemled, Alfred. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Heymans, Philémon. person
correspondedWith Hiest, Valéry. person
correspondedWith Hulpian, Camille. person
correspondedWith Huysmans, Louis. person
correspondedWith Jacques, Stéphane. person
correspondedWith Jaladert, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Jamgotchian, Manoug. person
associatedWith José Ohime Chevalier person
correspondedWith Jovenin, Henri. person
correspondedWith Joye, Henri. person
correspondedWith Kenleneer, Jean. person
correspondedWith Kircher, Edmond. person
correspondedWith Kircher, Lucien. person
correspondedWith Kurkdjean, Noel. person
correspondedWith Ladrière, Jules. person
correspondedWith Laignel, Albert. person
correspondedWith Lambert, Emile. person
correspondedWith Lambin, Louis. person
correspondedWith Lambin, Zépher. person
correspondedWith Lanz, Marcel. person
correspondedWith Lardé, Constant. person
correspondedWith Larue, Jean. person
correspondedWith Lasson, Victor. person
correspondedWith Laude, Olivier. person
correspondedWith Lebou, Noel. person
correspondedWith Lebuffe, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Leclerc, René. person
correspondedWith Leclère, Felicien. person
correspondedWith Leclerq, Carlos. person
correspondedWith Leclerq, Eugene. person
correspondedWith Lefèbre, Apollon. person
correspondedWith Lefèbre, Jean-Baptiste. person
correspondedWith Lefevre, Charles. person
correspondedWith Legardeur, Léon. person
correspondedWith Léger, Eugène. person
correspondedWith Legrande, V. person
correspondedWith Legrand, René. person
correspondedWith Lelou, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Lemaitre, G. person
correspondedWith Lenoir, André. person
correspondedWith Léon, Verdriere. person
correspondedWith Leroux, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Leroy, Henri. person
correspondedWith Leroy, Léon. person
correspondedWith Lesboquoy, O. person
correspondedWith L'hote, Henri. person
correspondedWith Lidig, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Locheron, Fernand. person
correspondedWith Machien, Théophile. person
correspondedWith Malen, Emilien. person
correspondedWith Malézien, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Malvoisin, Antoine Joseph. person
correspondedWith Manessier, Charles. person
correspondedWith Marcels, Albert. person
correspondedWith Marchienne, Amédée. person
correspondedWith Marchienne, Eustache. person
associatedWith Mary M. Engel. person
correspondedWith Masse, Achille Louis. person
correspondedWith Masse, Louis. person
correspondedWith Massolo, Giovanni. person
correspondedWith Masson, M. person
correspondedWith Massonnat, Georges. person
correspondedWith Mayette, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Mayeux, François. person
correspondedWith Méandre, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Mely, Charles. person
correspondedWith Méresse, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Mériaux, Eloi. person
correspondedWith Meurant, Emile. person
correspondedWith Michaux, G. person
correspondedWith Michea, Victor. person
correspondedWith Mihaïlovitch, Tcheda. person
correspondedWith Mikaelian, Vart. person
correspondedWith Milcent, Fernand. person
correspondedWith Millecamps, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Milleville, H. person
correspondedWith Minet, Victor. person
correspondedWith Mocq, Honoré. person
correspondedWith Molin, Elysie. person
correspondedWith Mollement, Louis. person
correspondedWith Mongel, Emile. person
correspondedWith Monier, Cléophar. person
correspondedWith Monier, Léonare. person
correspondedWith Montagne, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Moriels, Albert. person
correspondedWith Morin, Maurice. person
correspondedWith Moutailler, Louis. person
correspondedWith Mullier, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Neel, Fortuné. person
correspondedWith Nefontaine, G. person
correspondedWith Nidart, L. person
correspondedWith Nobécourt, Siméon. person
correspondedWith Noclain, Jules. person
correspondedWith Novarre, Albert. person
correspondedWith Parmentier, Albert. person
correspondedWith Pâté, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Pennequin, Louis. person
correspondedWith Piat, Henri. person
correspondedWith Piquet, E. person
correspondedWith Placquet, Jules. person
correspondedWith Placquet, Sylvain. person
correspondedWith Plumet, Henri. person
correspondedWith Poirette, Eugène. person
correspondedWith Pollet, Louis. person
correspondedWith Poras, Alexandre. person
correspondedWith Pruvost, Emile. person
correspondedWith Quenentte, François. person
correspondedWith Raes, Hippollite. person
correspondedWith Ramond, André. person
correspondedWith Ramus, Henri. person
correspondedWith Ravaux, Paul. person
correspondedWith Reaes, Léon. person
correspondedWith Redempt, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Regnier, L. person
correspondedWith Rijbeare. person
correspondedWith Roger, Alexandre. person
correspondedWith Rolland, Lucien. person
correspondedWith Rolland, Simon. person
correspondedWith Rosbach, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Rougeon, Georges. person
correspondedWith Roux, S. person
correspondedWith Rusch, François. person
correspondedWith Rusen, Achille. person
correspondedWith Saint Martin, René. person
correspondedWith Sandras, Henri. person
correspondedWith Sibenalu, Pierre. person
correspondedWith Solorio, Alexis. person
correspondedWith Storez, Adolphe. person
correspondedWith Storez, Albert. person
correspondedWith Strobbe, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Tabary, L. person
correspondedWith Talbaux, Jules. person
correspondedWith Talvat, René. person
correspondedWith Tavernier, Dean. person
correspondedWith Théry, Lucien. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Albert. person
correspondedWith Thomé, Raymond. person
correspondedWith Tirlemont, Henry. person
correspondedWith Torck, Julien. person
correspondedWith Trancfort, J. person
correspondedWith Vancoille, Georges. person
correspondedWith Van Degreute, Jutes. person
correspondedWith Van der Bossche, Sergent. person
correspondedWith Vaneslande, Désiré. person
correspondedWith Van Ghÿseghem, Prosper. person
correspondedWith Vanhearsbrouch, Camille. person
correspondedWith Vanhee, Hector. person
correspondedWith Vanloq. person
correspondedWith Van Welsenmers, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Varlet, Georges. person
correspondedWith Vasseur, Edouard. person
correspondedWith Venrett, Hypolitte. person
correspondedWith Verbrugghe, Auguste. person
correspondedWith Vercoutter, Lucien. person
correspondedWith Verdière, Louis. person
correspondedWith Viste, Boniface. person
correspondedWith Wagner, Charles. person
correspondedWith Wambre, Adolphe. person
correspondedWith Waneghe, Marcel. person
correspondedWith Waxin, Gustave. person
correspondedWith Ymmery, Alberl. person
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