Actor-Managers, Inc., was a New York theatrical production organization which in February 1928 staged Simon Gantillon's French play MAYA (1924), in an English translation by Ernest Boyd, with Aline MacMahon in the lead role of a prostitute. City authorities contacted the producers and demanded that the show close, lest the owners of the theater, the Shuberts, be penalized under the provisions of the 1927 "Wales Padlock Law," a morals act which gave the authorities the right to close a theater whose owners were deemed in violation of the law for up to one year. The producers of MAYA offered to make textual cuts, and received letters of support from various prominent critics, actors, and other citizens, but the play was closed.
From the guide to the Censorship files on the play, Maya, 1927-1928, (The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.)