Violet Hueffer i. e. Hunt

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Violet Hueffer [i.e. Hunt] (1862-1942) was a novelist and socialite, whose works include short stories, novels, and a memoir of her Edwardian years. Her works include The Maiden's Progress: a Novel in Dialogue (1894); Zeppelin Nights: a London Entertainment (1916) and The Wife of Rossetti: Her Life and Death (1932). Her personal life became a topic of scandal. She was associated with Oscar Wilde, who nearly married her, George Henry Boughton, Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd, Somerset Maugham, H. G. Wells, and later, Ford Madox Ford (1873–1939), then known as Hueffer. She lived with Ford at her Kensington house, South Lodge on Campden Hill Road. Ford attempted to divorce his first wife, but, as a Roman Catholic, ran into difficulties and the divorce may never have happened. It became a scandal when Hunt was reported in the press as being "Mrs Ford Madox Hueffer." His first wife, Elsie Hueffer sued for libel, and won. Hunt died of pneumonia during the blitz in 1942.

Francis Wolle (1889-1979) received his master’s degree in English at the University of Colorado and continued his graduate work at the Sorbonne and at Columbia University. He began teaching at the University of Colorado in 1913, spending forty-four years on the University of Colorado Department of English faculty. Wolle served six years as chairman of the English department. He was associated with more than eighty plays during his time at CU and was the director of University Dramatics from 1914–1940. Between 1917 and 1933, Wolle wrote, produced, and directed fifteen University of Colorado musical comedies. Wolle served overseas in the army during World War I. He advanced to the rank of captain. Upon his return to Colorado he was named commander of a company that later became the Colorado National Guard. During World War II this unit was called to service. Wolle chaired a committee that helped with navy training on campus during the war. He married Muriel V. Sibell on October 26, 1945. After Wolle retired from the University in 1959, he became active in youth ministry at the Episcopal Church in Boulder. He was ordained as a priest of the Episcopal Church in April 1973; he was granted special permission to be ordained despite age restrictions, and became the oldest man to receive ordination.

From the guide to the Violet Hueffer [i.e. Hunt] letter to [Francis] Wolle (MS 205), [n.d.], (University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Special Collections Dept.)

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