Mrs. Walls recalls working at the "Kentucky Standard" newspaper, owned and published by her father (Alfred Smith Wathen): remembers what her father said about the closing of the saloons in Bardstown: tells of making home brew in their home, recalls the code used between her father and a Louisville paper company executive to buy whiskey: mentions the closing of the saloons: she names several schools in the county and Bardstown: tells of list kept of those arrested for public intoxication: comments on Mrs. Wallace Mudd, nickname used by Mr. Wathen for her, selling moonshine whiskey: tells of the sale of the T. W. Samuels Distillery: tells that there was no advertising of alcoholic beverages outside saloons until after Prohibition: speaks of low whiskey production at distilleries before Prohibition, Maker's Mark Distillery had a quart house where they would fill bottles for individuals: Mrs. Hibbs recalls a family story of using whiskey in a home remedy for morning sickness.
From the description of Elizabeth Walls interview, September 26, 1988. (Kentucky Historical Society). WorldCat record id: 780189823
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