Born, 1886; educated at Eton, University College London; Reader in Thermodynamics, Oxford University, 1921-1936; elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 1923; Professor of Chemical Technology, Imperial College, 1936-1952; Secretary, Royal Society, 1938-1948; Knighted, 1943; Rumford medal of the Royal Society, 1946; Chairman of Scientific Advisory Council to Minister of Fuel and Power, 1948-1953; Director, Salters Institute of Industrial Chemistry, 1949-1959; Emeritus Professor of Chemical Technology, University of London, 1953-1959; Chairman, Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, India, 1954; died, 1959. Publications: The 1939 Callendar Steam Tables with G S Callendar (E Arnold & Co, London, 1939); editor of Fuel ; lectures and papers largely relating to combustion and utilization of energy.
From the guide to the EGERTON, Sir Alfred (1886-1959), 1908-1958, (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)