Hwa was born on July 12, 1924 in Hankow, China. He received his B.S. in chemistry at St. John's University in China in 1945, and his M.S. and Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry at the University of Illinois in 1947 and 1949 respectively. He began his professional career with the Rohm and Haas Company in Philadelphia. From 1963-1985, he worked in various research and development positions within the Stauffer Chemical Company. Much of his research centered on organic and polymer chemistry. Beginning in 1985, he served as President of Hwa International, Inc., a chemical and electrical consulting firm. He served the American Chemical Society in numerous capacities, and founded the Chinese American Chemical Society.
From the description of Jesse C. Hwa Notebooks and Memoir 1943-1998. (Chemical Heritage Foundation). WorldCat record id: 48805419
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