Ramsey Abbey (Huntingdonshire : active 1234-1952)

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Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Firmarius, 1280 ? -1478. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. CELLARERS' accompts; 1388-1537. Preceded, at f. 1, by extracts of similar accompts from the 4th year of Abbat Hugh [de Sulgrave], [1257], to the 30th year of Abbat Richard [de Shenyngdon], [1379]; and, at f. 4 b, by transcripts of Six Chart..., 1257-1379 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the " Custos Feretri Sancti Ivonis, " 1436-1524. British Library
referencedIn 1. "HISTORIA Monasterii Ramesensis": a 17th century copy of the MS. of the Chronicle of Ramsey Abbey now in the Bodleian Library [Rawl. MS. B. 333], and formerly in the possession of Sir Henry Spelman (cf. Macray's edition, Rolls Series, 1886, pp. ix... British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. RECEIPTs and issues, from the 12th to the 14th years of the saute Abbat [1360-1363]. Latin. Paper; ff. 63. Small Folio.Richard de Shenyngdon, Abbat of Ramsey: Accompts: 1350-1363.Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: General accompts: 1350-1526.MSS..., 1360-1363 British Library
referencedIn Vol. VII. COPIES of Charters, extracts of records, fragments of Court-books, and other miseellaneous papers; 1234-1555. At f. 9 is a list of royal charters to the Abbey, tempp . Joh.-Edw. II.; and at f. 51 is a complete list of Abbats with their reg..., 1234-1555 British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Infirmary, 1468-1529. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Plea-rolls in the Banleuca, etc., 1305-1388. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn REGISTER OF RAMSEY ABBEYRegister of the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey, co. Hunt.; early 14th cent. Latin and Anglo-Norman French (ff. 43, 43b, 93, 93b). The contents include copies of papal, royal, episcopal and private charters, fines, inquisitions, s... British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, View of Frankpledge, 1307-1731. British Library
referencedIn Vol. V, ff. 177, 1485-1526. At the end is the coloplon, " Hunc libellum exaravit frater Robertus Tyehemerche."Robert Tychemerche, 'Frater ' of Ramsey Abbey, county Huntingdonshire: Wrote,: in 16th cent.Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: General accompts:..., 1485-1526 British Library
referencedIn SUPPLEMENTARY C.E. WRIGHT PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 126). Notes, correspondence, papers, and photographs relating to buildings worked on by Blore; 1948-1952, n.d.Contents:1. ff. 1-24. Capesthorne; 1952, n.d. Contains correspondence between C.E. Wright..., 1948-1952 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Valor of lands of, in the Court of Augmentations: 1540. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Imperfect accompts, t. Edw. I.-16th cent. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn FORGED CHARTER of William I to Ramsey Abbey, co. Hunt., confirming the grants of all previous kings, etc., with the alleged date 29 Dec. 1077; 12th cent. Spurious First Great Seal of William I. H. W. C. Davis, Regesta Regum A nglo-Normannorum, i, 106... British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Subcellarers, 1285-1529. British Library
referencedIn BOOK OF EXPENSES of Ramsey Abbey, co. Huntingdon, for the 7th year of Abbat Richard [de Shenyngdon, se. 1355-56], arranged under diffrent heads, as " Dona et oblaciones," " Expense coquine," " Expense minute," Expense garderobe," " Robe ot furrure," ..., 1355-1356 British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of Bailiffs, 1324-1550. British Library
referencedIn FRAGMENTS of rolls of courts, accompts, etc., relating to Ramsey Abbey, Co. Hunt., and its possessions; 14th-16th centt. (Formed part of the Ramsey Abbey Rolls, Add. 34270-34933, acquired in 1888, and Add. 39426-39941, acquired in 1893). British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Treasurers' Accompts, 1436-1476. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
creatorOf E. Two mutilated leaves of a French poem on Natural Philosophy [sc. L'Image du Monde of Gautier de Metz], including portions of chapters headed " Combien la terre a de lone entor et despes parmi," and " Du ciel cristalin et du ciel empire qui est des... British Library
referencedIn WILL of Ælfhelm, whereby he bequeaths to his lord [the king] a hundred mancusæ of gold, two swords, four shields, four spears, four horses, two with trappings and two without; to St. Ætheldryð [Ely Abbey] the land at Wrattinege [Wratting, co. Suff.];... British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the " Custos Capellæ B.V. Mariæ, " 1447?-1496. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Chamberlains, 1355-1535. British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV, ff. 145, 1391-1484;Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: General accompts: 1350-1526.MSS. dated (to A.D. 1500): : A.D. 1339-40; A.D. 1350-1357; A.D. 1355-56; A.D. 1360-1363; A.D. 1388-1537; A.D. 1391-1484; A.D.1393-1538; A.D. 1402-1516 ; A.D. 1464;..., 1391-1484 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Inspeximus and confirmations of privileges of: 1488, 1510. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Court-rolls, 1267 ?-1572. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Articles of the Abbat against the Bishop of Ely: 15th cent.See of Ely: Articles of the Abbot of Ramsey against the Bishop: 15th cent. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Cellarers, 1296-1538. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers of Samuel Disbrowe, or Desborough, of Elsworth, co. Cambridge, Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, 165 1/2-1660, viz. :-1. Warrant of Major-General J[ohn] Lambert for payment of a sum for disbanding the forces in Scotland;..., 1652-1660 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Collectors of Rents, Receivers, etc., 1283 -1539. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts, various, 1253-1519. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Sacrists, 1295?-1538. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Collectors of Anniversary Rents, 1484-1525. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV. 1. COPIES of leases from Sir Richard Williams al. Cromwell (ob. 1545), Sawtry and Ramsey Abbeys, and others, of manors, etc., in cos. Huntingdon and Cambridge; 4-33 Hen. VIII. [1513-42]. f. 2. The vellum cover (ff. 1, 21) is an Indenture whe..., 1562-1636 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COLLECTIONS relating to Ramsey Abbey, co. Huntingdon, from the 10th to the 17th centt., consisting of household books of the Abbats, the Cellarers' accompt-books, general accompt-books, register-books of the Abbats, Chamberlains' books, char..., 1257-19th century British Library
referencedIn Abbott of Ramsey, as collector of Tenths, 1403.Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Seal of the Abbot, as Collector of Tenths: 1403.Revenue: Casts of seals of Collectors of Tenths: 14th-15th centt. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Rentals, 15th cent 1535. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Exchequer acquittance to Sir R. Cromwell al. Williams for purchase money of: 1613.Sir Richard Cromwell, alias Williams: Exchequer acquittance to, for purchase money of Ramsey Abbey, etc.: 1613. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Tax rolls, 1291-1296. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Law proceedings at the Assizes, 1342, and other suits, t. Hen. VII. British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXI. EXTRACTS from the Leiger Book of Ramsey Abbey, with copies of charters, depositions, etc., relating chiefly to the Bounds of cos. Huntingdon and Cambridge, followed (f. 47) by presentments of juries, and miscellaneous papers relating to var..., 17th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND: 'Historia Anglorum' of Henry of Huntingdon, 'Annales Regum Anglie' of Nicholas Trevet, and the 'Continuatio Chronicarum' ascribed to Adam Murimuth, probably written at Ramsey Abbey, co. Hunt.; early-mid 14th cent. (scripts). La..., 14th century-15th century British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, general and miscellaneous, 1243-1600. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Custos, and Magister Operum, or Master of the Works, 1507-1534. British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. RECEIPTS and issues, from the 2nd to the 8th years of Abbat Richard [de Shenyngdon], [1350-1357]. Latin. Vellum; ff. 111. Small Folio.Richard de Shenyngdon, Abbat of Ramsey: Accompts: 1350-1363.Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: General accompts:..., 1350-1357 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Vol. VI. 1. REGISTER of Abbat John [Tychemersh]; 1431-1441. Latin. f. 4. 2. Proceedings of Courts of the Abbats' Chamberlains; 1393-1538. Latin. f. 18. On f. 3 b are brief notes of the foundation of the Abbey in the year 969 by Ailwin " dux oriental..., 1393-1538 British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of " Elemosynarii, " 1449-1524. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Hunt.: Ramsey Abbey, Accompts of the Cellarers, 1434-1502. British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Inspeximus and confirmations of privileges of: 1488, 1510. British Library
referencedIn CHARTER of Walterus fil. Rob. de Sybethorpe releasing to Hugh, Abbat of Ramsey, his right to the land of Krowenesthille, and near Wauberge [Warboys], co. Hunt. [Add. Ch. 5949.] British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1744Paper, in 4to., ff. 212, XVII Century; written by Thomas Robson.A volume containing several alchymical tracts and treatises, with several alchymical processes here and there interspersed; the following appear worthy of notice: — 1. 'Cornel... British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
referencedIn Co. Huntingdon: Ramsey Abbey, 1115? -1615. British Library
referencedIn CHARTER of King Stephen, confirming to the Church of St. Benedict of Ramsey the Hundred of Herstingestane, co. Hunt., at the annual payment of four mares, as granted previously by Henry 1. [Add. Ch. 5861.] British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1301Paper, in folio, ff. 424, end of XVII century.1. Note of the contents of the volume. f. 1.2. Excerpta ex evidentiis libri de Thetford ff. 2-23, 78, 413, 414.3. Catalogus eorum, qui fuerunt Admiralli Angliae, f. 24.4. Catalogus Seneschallor... British Library
referencedIn Ramsey Abbey; Huntingdonshire: Court-rolls, accompts of various officers, etc.: 1243-1666. British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Peckforton Castle, Cheshire
Exning, Suffolk
Wratting, Suffolk
Warboys, Huntingdonshire
Wingfield, Suffolk
Harston, Cambridgeshire
Rainham, Essex
Landwade, Cambridgeshire
Great Baddow, Essex
Newmarket, Suffolk
Sherburn in Elmet, Yorkshire
Burghley House, Lincolnshire
Haseley, Oxfordshire
Lavenham, Suffolk
Brickendon (?), Hertfordshire
Goodrich Court, Herefordshire
Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire
Crow-Nest-Hill, Huntingdonshire
Dover, Kent
Cheshire, England
Stratford, Essex
Merevale Hall, Warwickshire
York, Yorkshire
South Pool, Devon
Letheringham, Suffolk
Whepstead, Suffolk
Walton, Suffolk
Burwell, Cambridgeshire
Dunstable, Bedfordshire
Buckinghamshire, England
Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire
Wraxhall House, Warwickshire
Stoke by Neyland, Suffolk
Faulkbourne, Essex
London, England
Lincolnshire, England
Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire
Grantchester, Cambridgeshire
Cheveley, Cambridgeshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Brittany, France
Preston, Suffolk
Burstead, Essex
Huntingdonshire, England
Essex, England
Suffolk, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Evesham, Worcestershire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Hinchingbrooke, Huntingdonshire
Isleham, Cambridgeshire
Normandy, France
Penrhyn Castle, Carnar
Aylesford, Kent
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Witham, Essex
Suffolk, England
Lynn, Norfolk
Abbotsford House, Roxburghshire
Dennington, Suffolk
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Thetford, counties Norfolk and Suffolk
Glatton, Huntingdonshire
Huntingdonshire, England
Upwood, Huntingdonshire
Pelynt, Cornwall
Heanheala, Essex (?)
Long Melford, Suffolk
Essex, England
Wistaston, Cheshire
Coolhurst, Sussex
Great Moreton Hall, Cheshire
New England, America
Wiston House, Sussex
Northampton, Northamptonshire

Corporate Body

Active 1234

Active 1952

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Ark ID: w6hb8tct

SNAC ID: 42571128