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‘Our wife! or, The rose of Amiens’, drama in two acts by J. M. Morton. Licence sent 14 August 1856 for performance at the Princess’s 18 November 1856. Songs included in MS. Keywords: French influence, dance, fashion, aristocracy.ff. 34.Charles A....
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLA1N'S PLAYS. Vol. CXLV111 (ff. 1144). May-June 1848. (1) 'A Fairy Tale'. ff. 2-34. (2) 'The Lords of Ellingham', by H. Spicer. Printed (1843). ff. 35-76b. (3) 'The Daughter (al. Child) of the Regiment' altered from 'La Fille du Régiment'...
British Library |
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'The chevalier de St George!', a drama in two acts adapted by C. A. Somerset from the French of ‘Monsieur Mélesville’ (i.e. Baron A. H. J. Duveyrier) and Roger de Beauvoix. Licence sent 16 August 1853 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 22 August...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCV (ff. 927). July-Sept. 1841. (1) 'The Two Jack Sheppards or a Slight Mistake', by C. A. Somerset. ff. 3-58. (2) 'Barnaby Rudge', by C. Selby and C. Melville. ff. 59-171. (3) 'The Rake's Progress', by W. L. Rede (see ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XXIX (ff. 672). Nov.-Dec. 1828, except art. 3 (Nov. 1831). (1) 'The Castle of Wolfenstein or the Accusing Spirit' altered from 'The Accusing Spirit', by T. J. Thackeray. ff. 1-33. (2) 'Sublime and Beautiful', by T. Mort...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XXXIII (ff. 652). Sept.-Oct. 1829. (1) 'William Thompson or which is he?', by Caroline Boaden. ff. 1-80. (2) 'Procrastination or the Late Mr M.' ('Procrastination or the Unready Gentleman'), by J. H. Payne (see also 428...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXI (ff. 1033). April-June 1844. (1) 'The Destruction of the Bastile'. ff. 2-47 b. (2) 'The Will Forgers' al. 'Letitia Wingrove or the Crime Slumber of Forgery' ('Emma Wingrove or Crime Slumbers'), [by T. Mildenhall?]. ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXV (ff. 960). Nov. 1845 (see also 42990, art. 39). (1) 'The Ruined House at Millbanke', by T. P. Taylor. ff. 2-28. (2) 'The Princess who was changed into a Deer'. ff. 29-73 b. (3) 'Maritana', by E. Fitzball. ff. 74-18...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol CLXXIV A (ff. 1093). Nov.-Dec. 1851. (1) 'Mr and Mrs Briggs or Harlequin Punch's Festival', by G. H. B. Rodwell and R. N. Lee. ff. 3-35 b. (2) 'The Two Bonnycastles' ('A Highway Robbery'), by J. M. Morton. ff. 36-56 b. ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCVI (ff. 991). Sept.-Dec. 1841 (see also 42957, artt. 9, 20), except art. 7 (Oct. 1840). (1) 'Vanity! or what will the World say?' ('What will the World say?'), by M. Lemon. f. 49 b autograph. ff. 3-102. (2) 'Hans of I...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. VOL. CLXVI (ff. 897). Oct.-Nov. 1850. (1) 'Born with a Caul', by G. Almar. ff. 2-125. (2) 'The Cousins Cozened', by Mary A. Thompson. ff. 126-138b. (3) 'O'Shauhgan (sic) or the Fatal Secret', by Mary A. Thompson. ff. 139-16...
British Library |
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‘Good night, Monsieur Pantalon’, comic operetta in one act, adapted from the French by Charles A. Somerset. Licence sent 9 March 1852 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 15 March 1852. Signature of the Grecian’s proprietor appears on title page. ...
British Library |
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'The angel at Islington, or, The merrie days of Shakespeare and Queen Bess', romantic and historical drama in two acts by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 25 June 1855 for performance at the Britannia Saloon 5 June 1855. Signed by Samuel Lane, proprie...
British Library |
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‘Venus with a tippet on!’ musical comic drama in one act by Charles A. Somerset. Licence sent 30 April 1852 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 5 July 1852. Theatre manager’s name on the title-page. Songs included in MS. For another version, s...
British Library |
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'Mary Price, or, The memoirs of a servant girl’, drama in two acts by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 1 November 1852 for performance at the Bower Saloon 1 November 1852. 'Founded on the popular work by G. W. M. Reynolds.' For another version see Ad...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXXXVIII (ff. 678). June-Sept. 1839. (1) 'The Organ of Order'. ff. 2-17. (2) 'Foreign Airs and Native Graces', by 'W. T. Moncrieff'. ff. 18-30. (3) 'The Loves of Lord Bateman and the Fair Sophia', by C. Selby. ff. 31-70...
British Library |
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‘Carlo Brunari, or, The mounted brigands of the Abruzzi’, original equestrian spectacle in two acts by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 8 May 1856 for performance at Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre 12 May 1856. Cover signed William Cook, lessee and manage...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCIII (ff. 912). Sept.-Dec. 1840 (see also 42960, art. 7), except artt. 9, 20 (Sept.-Oct. 1841). (1) 'Master Clarke', by T. J. Serle. ff. 67-69, 81 are autograph. ff. 2-83. (2) 'Robespierre or the Fête Day and the Fall'...
British Library |
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'War and peace, or, Harlequin and the great bear', pantomime written and invented by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 24 December 1855 for performance at the Pavilion 26 December 1855. Signed by J. C. Morgan, prompter. Keywords: black characters, fai...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CV (ff. 1025). Oct. 1843. (1) 'Madelaine'. ff. 1-16 b. (2) 'Slight Mistakes', by J. M. Morton. Autograph. ff. 17-57 b. (3) 'The Road of Life or Romance and Reality' ('The Road of Life or Lights and Shadows'), by E. L. L...
British Library |
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'King Blusterbubble, and the demon ogre, or, Harlequin Prince Honorbright and the dwarf king of the ruby mines', pantomime by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 14 December 1857 for performance at the Theatre Royal Birmingham the same day. Keywords: har...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CIX (ff. 1155). Feb.-March 1844. (1) 'Richard the Third', by J. S. Coyne. ff. 2-19. (2) 'Zopyrus, the Hero of Persia', by W. Cooper. ff. 20-55 b. (3) 'The Twenty Fourth of May!!', by T. H. Reynoldson. Autograph ff. 56-7...
British Library |
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'The royalist and republican', drama in one act by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 14 March 1855 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 26 March 1855. Signed by Ro. Conquest, actual and responsible manager. Second signature appears on title page. Li...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CI (ff. 973). Oct.-Dec. 1842. (1) 'Twankey and Son'. ff. 2-83. (2) 'Anthony and Cleopatra', by C. Selby. ff. 84-109. (3) 'The Belle of the Hotel or American Sketches', by J. B. Buckstone. ff. 110 b, 127 are autograph. f...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXX (ff. 1135). April-May 1845 (see also 42983). (1) 'Who's the Papa? or my New Counterpane'. ff. 2-45. (2) 'L'Habeas Corpus ou Liberté Libertas', by C. Varin and 'L. Boyer'. French. Printed [1845]. ff. 46-55 b. (3) 'Le...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLXXIII (ff. 1009). Sept.-Nov. 1851. (1) 'King Liberty or the Devil in the Heart'. ff. 3-59. (2) 'The Forest Rose' ('The Forest Rose and the Yankee Ploughboy'), by S. Woodworth. ff. 60-94b. (3) 'Emma Hardy or the Murde...
British Library |
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'The school for kings’, drama in three acts by Charles A. Somerset. Licence sent 2 March 1853 for performance at Theatre Royal Drury Lane 7 March 1853. LCO Day Book Add. 53703 records the stipulation that the word 'God' be omitted. Keywords: medi...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXIII (ff. 1206). Aug.-Sept. 1844. (1) 'Gramachree Molly or the Bodach of the Boyne', by G. D. Pitt. ff. 2-52. (2) 'Woman's Life and Trials of the Heart or the Witch and the Spectre', by G. D. Pitt. ff. 53-113 b. (3) 'S...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXXV (ff. 982). Jan. 1847 (see also 43004, arts. 24-29), except artt. 9-14 (Jan. 1848). (1) 'Helen Fortescue or the Shipbuilder's Daughter'. ff. 2-75 b. (2) 'The Battle of Life, a Love Story', by C. A. Somerset. ff. 76...
British Library |
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'The tender chord, or, How to touch the ladies' hearts’, a vaudeville in one act adapted from the French by Charles A. Somerset. Licence sent 23 March 1853 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 28 March 1853. Signed by manager, but name illegible....
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CII (ff. 816). Jan.-March 1843. (1) 'A Thumping Legacy', by J. M. Morton. ff. 2-32 b. (2) 'The Nautical Tom and Jerry or Life of a True British Sailor', by C. A. Somerset. ff. 33-92. (3) 'Uncle Brayling or the Fishermen...
British Library |
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‘Paul Pry on horseback! or, Harlequin and the magic horseshoe!’, grand comic equestrian pantomime written expressly for Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 19 December 1856 for performance at Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre 26 D...
British Library |
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‘Bonaparte in Egypt’, military spectacle in two acts, adapted by Charles A. Somerset from the French five act spectacle. Licence sent 26 March 1852 for performance at Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre 12 April 1852. Title page reads ‘the property of W. ...
British Library |
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Grieve Family Collection of Theatre Designs, 1813-1857
Senate House Library (University of London) |
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'The life and struggles of a working man', a domestic drama in three acts from the French novel by Émile Souvestre—A working man in Paris, adapted by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 7 November 1853 for performance at the Pavilion 12 November 1853. Sign...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCIX (ff. 910). April-July 1842 (see also 42962). (1) 'Intimate Friends'. ff. 2-72. (2) 'Jack in the Water or the Ladder of Life', by W. L. Rede, lacking Act 3, Scene 5 and part of Scene 6 (the last page forms 42964, ar...
British Library |
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'The French in Algiers, or, Love and honor', grand equestrian and military spectacle in three acts. Licence sent 9 April 1857 for performance at Astley's Royal Amphitheatre 13 April 1857. Cover signed William Cooke, lessee and manager and W. West,...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXXXV (ff. 794). Oct.-Dec. 1838 (see also 42950, art. 16). (1) 'The Bayaderes' ('Buy-em-dears alias Bay-a-deres'), by Miss E. Rouse. ff. 2-33. (2) 'The Printer's Devil', by J. R. Planché. ff. 34-51. (3) 'The Sign Manuel...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CVII (ff. 997). Dec. 1843. (1) 'Harlequin Tam O' Shanter and his Steed Meg! or the Witches of Alloway Kirk!', by R. N. Lee. ff. 2-30 b. (2) 'Beds for Two', by E. Stirling. ff. 31-45 b. (3) 'The Marriage Certificate', [b...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXXVII (ff. 954). Feb.-March 1847, except art. 4-11 (Feb. 1848). (1) 'The Death of Xavier, the Prussian Brothers or the Victim of the Violet' altered from 'The Prussian Brothers or the Victim of the Violet', by G. D. ...
British Library |
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'The electric telegraph, or, The fast man in a fix! A touch at the Times', farce in one act by C. A. Somerset. Licence sent 10 June 1853 for performance at the Grecian Saloon 13 June 1853. Title page signed by proprietor. Detailed description of ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXXII (ff. 1086). Aug.-Oct. 1846, except art. 25 (June I846). (1) 'May Marsden and Foul Weather Jack', [by C. Z. Barnett?], Acts 1 and 2. ff. 2-33. (2) 'The Origin of Powder' altered from 'The Rape of the Barber or the...
British Library |