Lull, Ramón, of Majorca; of Sloane MS 1091

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Epithet: of Majorca; of Sloane MS 1091

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000705.0x0001d3

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referencedIn Sloane 1524Paper, in folio, ff. 80, XV and XVI centuries. 1. Explanation of some Chinese words. ff.1b-7.2. The Arabic syllabary. ff.8b-10.3. 'The resemblant letters.' f.11.4. The Mallayan alphabet. f.11.b.5. 'A discourse of the philosophers stone mad... British Library
referencedIn Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Liber secretorum: 16th cent.: Engl.includes:ff. 1-3 b Monaldus, Monk of S Benedict's Abbey, Paris: Prologus in R. Lulli librum De secretis naturæ: 15th cent.: Engl.: Imperf.ff. 1-3 b Ramón Lull, of Majorca: "Prologus Monal... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 3-51 Jabir Ibn Haiyan, Al-Tarsusi: Summa perfectionis: 15th-17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.f. 51 b Joannes Tici... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1255Chartaceus, in folio, ff. 279, sec. XVII.A collection of treatises and poems on alchemy, the Philosopher’s stone, etc. viz:-1. Anonymi cujusdam libellus de lapide philosophico, cum figuris. ff. 6-11Incip. "Si vis bene intelligere totum opu... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-16 George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Tractatus alchymici: 17th cent.f. 16 b Poetry ENGLISH: Ve... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2055Chartaceus, in folio, ff. 163, Sec. XVII.1. Opus Trognianum alchymicum. ff. 2-6.2. Opus magnum Emanuel Cretensis philosophi. ff. 7-9.3. Various alchymical processes. French. ff. 10-16.4. 'Lapis triplex Mineralis vegetabilis animalis, Trogn... British Library
referencedIn Sloane family: Pedigree: 1726.includes:ff. 2 b-32 Henry Clitherow, Merchant of London: Trading accompts: 1578-1580.ff. 2 b-32 Roger Clark, Merchant of London: Trading accompts: 1578-1580.ff. 32b, 33, 109 b-112 William Blomefield, MB: Compendiar... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-39 Philipp Aureol Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus: Alchemical treatises: 17th cent.ff. 1-39 b, 48-109 b Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological ord... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-102 b Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.ff. 1-21 Salomon, King of Israel: Key of Knowledge: 17th cent.ff. 22-38 Sir Edward Kelley, Alche... British Library
referencedIn Charles I of England: Papers relating to church worship in Scotland: 1637-1639.includes:ff. 1-29 714 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Experiments: 15th-17th centt.: Lat., Engl. and Fr.f. 30 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: List of the writings of, with references ... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2006Chartaceus, in 4to., ff. 387, Sec. XVI; olim P. Saunders (?) 1606.1. 'Liber compositus per magnificentissimum comitem de Treves et de Neges in Germania de transmutatione metallorum ex Gallico conversus in Latinum per Guilielmum Rogozanum.'... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2174Paper, in folio, ff. 140, XVI and XVII Centuries.1. A collection of alchymical tracts and observations in the same handwriting as the preceding volume; the following may be particularly noticed: —a. The rules or canons of philosophy. ff. 1... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2036Paper, in Quarto, ff. 93, XVII Century.1. 'The practise of philosophers — this chapter followinge declareth the word of Avicen in the chapter next before where he saith, 'first let the spirit's soule be shut from the body, then after that ... British Library
referencedIn Fr: Nicholson: Chemical tract and collection of chemical and alchemical receipts and processes: 1676/7, 17th cent.Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:... British Library
referencedIn Prices of Manuscripts: MS. was valued at œxx: in 1536.Writers of Manuscripts: Frelove (Robert), Mercer.: 1536.Robert Freelove, alias Frelove; Mercer, of London: R. Lully's alchemical tracts; copied by: 1536.includes:ff. 2-8 b Ramón Lull, of Majorca... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 2-21 Thomas de Bononia, Physician to Charles VIII. of France: Alchemical treatise inscribe to, by Bernard, C... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-120 Giovanni Bracesco: Lignum vitæ: 1585.ff. 1-120 b Gulielmus Gratarolus, MD: J. Braceschi Lignum vitæ in Latinum versus per: 1585.ff. 121-155 Ricardus Anglicus, Magister: Correctorium Alchymiæ: 1572.: Engl. and Low Germ.ff. 156... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1, 8-1 1b, 19-24, 26, 29, 32-133 b Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.ff. 2-7 b Poetry ENGLISH: Songs in the Theatre of Music: 18th cent.ff. ... British Library
referencedIn Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Artes magna et brevis: 1446. British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-8 b Arnaldus de Villa Nova: Quæstiones essentiales et accidentales ad petitionem Regis Aragonum: 16th-18th... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-9 b, 113-117 b Roger Bacon: Speculum secretorum Alchimiæ: 14th-18th cent.ff. 20-46 b Nicolaus de Comitib... British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Elyott (John): 1572.Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.Writers of Manuscripts: Elyott (John): 1572.includes:ff. 3-21 Receipts: Miscel... British Library
referencedIn Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Theorica, capp. 49-67: 16th cent.: Engl.Henry Clitherow, Merchant of London: Trading accompts: 1578-1580.Nicolaus de Comitibus, of Padua and Florence: Epistle on alchemy: 16th cent.William Blomefield, MB: Compendiary of alchem... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-65 b Johann Monte-Snyders: Metamorphosis Planetarum: 17th cent.: Engl. transl.ff. 118-136 Ramón Lull, of... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-93 Robert de Cisterna: Curæ super Viaticum Isaaci Judæ: 15th cent.ff. 1-93 Ishák Ibn Sulaimán al-Isráili, Physician of the Court at Kairwan, in Tunis: R. de Cisterna Curæ super Viaticum: 15th cent.ff. 93b-94b Rogerius, Parmensis:... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 10, 12 Vincentius, Bellovacensis: Extracts from the Alchymy of: 17th cent.ff. 18-26 Hermes, Trismegistus: ... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2008Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 356, Sec. XVII; olim peculium R. Saunders.1. Testamentum seu theorica in lapide Philosophorum Raymundi Lullii. ff. 3-149.2. Practica Testamenti. ff. 150-188.3. Liber Phoenix in declaratione Libri turbae philosoph... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-19 A-Perroquet, Prestre: Apologie de la vie et des escrites de R. Lulle: 17th cent.: Extract.ff. 1-19 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Extrait de l'Apologie de sa vie par M. Perroquet: 17th cent.ff. 20-51 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Ars brev... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 1-71 George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington: Compound of Alchemy, in ve... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 2-18 Michael Sendivogius, a Pole: Exposition of his Tractatus xii. de Lapide Philosophorum: 17th cent.ff. 20-37 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Potestas divitiarum,: 17th, 18th centt.: Engl.ff. 37 b-41 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Accurtations:... British Library
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Netherlands, Europe
China, Asia
Padua, Italy
Amboyna, Indian Ocean
Leek, Staffordshire
Florence, Italy
Naples, Italy
Cremona, Lombardy


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Ark ID: w69x0w5x

SNAC ID: 41324118