Louis XVI, of France

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Accession date: 1774

Places: France

Title: of France

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000472.0x0000ae

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referencedIn THE AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. LV. (ff. 365). Office copies of correspondence and papers relating to the East India Company; 1776-1791. 1. " Statement of the political and commercial relation of Great Britain with the East Indies," drawn up with a view to..., 1776-approximately 1791 British Library
creatorOf STEFAN ZWEIG COLLECTION. Vol. CLXIX. Louis XVI: Decree to the Assemblée Législative; 1791 (see f. 1). French.ff. 2. 230 x 187mm.Louis XVI of France: Decree to the Assemblée Législative from Louis: 1791: Fr: Autogr., 1791 British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. CLXXVI (ff. 171). Correspondence of the 5th Duke of Leeds with John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset, William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland, and Daniel Hailes, respectively Ambassador, Envoy and Secretary to the Embassy to France..., 1783-1788 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxvii. (ff. 480). 21 June-July, 1791.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.includes:f. 1 Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1772-1799. f... British Library
referencedIn ROBINSON PAPERS: papers of John Robinson M.P. (b.1727, d.1802), Secretary of the Treasury 1770-1782, Surveyer-General of Woods and Forests, 1787-1802; 1755-1810 [1818?]. Supplementing Add. 37833-37836, and the North/Sheffield Papers, Add. 61860-61876..., 1755-1819 British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of original letters and other documents of princes and illustrious persons of France; from the year 1556 to the beginning of the present century; in Fr. The contents of the letters are often very interesting, and many of them are address... British Library
referencedIn "DESCRIPTION et Relation de tout co qui a été fait et de ce qui s'est passé à l'occasion du Mariage de Louis Auguste, Dauphin de France [Louis XVI.], avec Marie Antoinette Josephe Jeanne, Archiduchesse d'Autriche [le 16 Mai, 1770]. Par M. De la Ferté..., approximately 1770 British Library
referencedIn Vol. V. (ff. 387). 1785-June, 1788.Reverend Richard Denison Cumberland: Correspondence with his brother George: 1772-1825, n.d.includes:ff. 3, 8, 10, 34, 36, 39, 183, 197 Reverend John Symonds Breedon: Letters to G. Cumberland: 1785-1825. ff. 5, 7, ..., 1785-1788 British Library
referencedIn SONG, " Amour, fuis loin de moi," with pianoforte accompaniment, by Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. On f. 1 is written in pencil " Donné par Mr. Bèche à . . . . . . maitre de chapelle de la Reine." Holograph. Paper; ff. 2. Late xviiith cent. Quart... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xvii. (ff. 471). Mar. 1788-Feb. 1789.Charles IV of Spain: Correspondence of W. Eden, English ambassador in Spain: 1788-9.Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen; 5th Duke of Leeds: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1786-1791.includes:... British Library
referencedIn (XIV. ff. 302). Mar.-June, 1779.includes:ff. 1, 94, 214, 276 Thomas Thynne, 3rd Viscount Weymouth; 1st Marquess of Bath: Letters to Sir R. M. Keith: 1777-1779. ff. 2, 37, 51, 66, 103, 119, 205, 222, 252, 266, 289 Miss Frances M-Murray: Letters to S... British Library
referencedIn "Reecoeuil d'Aneedottes anciennes et relatives à la Révolution Françoise, et Liste des Flottes Françoises et Anglaises qui sont sorties des ports respectifs et qui se sont livrés divers Combats dans la guerre des insurgents; de 1776 en 1783," by M. d..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn MEMOIR AND PAPERS RELATING TO CARDINAL LOUIS DE ROHAN; 1786. French, Italian, and Latin. Copies. Memoir and papers relating to the legal proceedings against Cardinal Louis René Edouard de Rohan, bishop of Strasbourg, in the so-called Affair of the Di... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, etc., of Royal and distinguished foreign personages; 1550-1833. l. Petition of John Quentel, of Cologne, printer, to the Emperor Charles V., for a privilege to print certain theological books; n.d. Lat. Holograph. Endorsed with a re... British Library
referencedIn Vol. ii. (ff. 480). 1776-May, 1777.Louis XVI of France: Negotiations with America, during the war: 1777.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:ff. 1, 5, 18, 102, 141, 288, 289 Fred..., 1776-1777 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical letters, etc.; 1375-1810. In two series, English or relating to England and (artt. 87-106) foreign. 1. Andrea Contarini, Doge of Venice, to Edward III. of England, desiring a safe conduct for merchant-ships about to be sent t... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS and papers of Baron Louis Charles Theodore de Gelb, General in the French service, and his family; 1776-1816, in French :-1. Letters to Baron de Gelb from:-[Claude Louis] Comte de Saint-Germain, Minister of War; Versailles, 8 May, 1776, f. 1..., 1776-1816 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxiv. (ff. 478). Jan.-12 Feb. 1791.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.Sistova, Turkey: Negotiations at: 1791.includes:ff. 2, 33, 70, 102, 125, 146, 171, 185, 218, 234, 263... British Library
referencedIn Finances of France. Tables of French national accounts; 1789. Five rolls of tables giving details of imports and exports, economic figures for other major European nations, details of trade with the French colonies, income derived from each départm..., 1789 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxvi. (ff 539). May-20 June, l791.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.Sistova, Turkey: Negotiations at: 1791.includes:ff. 1, 23, 43, 70, 76, 85, 110, 133, 139, 176, 178, 23... British Library
referencedIn CROKER FRENCH REVOLUTION TRANSCRIPTS. Vols. I, II. Miscellaneous contemporary copies and extracts from newspapers, proclamations, etc.; 1783-1792. The newspapers most frequently quoted are the Mercure de la France, Paris, and the Courrier de l'Europe..., 1783-1792 British Library
referencedIn CROKER FRENCH REVOLUTION TRANSCRIPTS. Vol. III (ff. 75). Miscellaneous transcripts of proceedings of public bodies, speeches, and other political and religious literature, relating mainly to affairs in Paris, with a few original documents; 1787-1792,..., 1787-1792 British Library
referencedIn " COLLECTION de Portraits et Médaillons de cheveux de Louis XVI., de la partie de sa famille renfermée avec lui dans la Tour du Temple, et des Princes de son auguste race réunis dans le moment en Angleterre," consisting of pen-and-ink portraits, elab..., 1813 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLX (ff. 395). 1788 (undated), 1789.includes:f. 1 Quarantine family: Regulations: 1788.: Fr.: Extract. ff. 4-29 Wool: Evidence given at the 2nd reading of the pool Bill etc. ff. 30-35 Flax: Papers on the cultivation of: 1788. ff. 36-87 b Law ..., 1788-1789 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxix. (ff. 566). Oct.-Dec. 1791.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence of Lord H. J. Spencer while Minister at the Hague: 1791-1792.includes:ff. 1, 53,135 George Rose, PC; MP: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1785-1806. ff. 2, 12, 16, ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters and papers, etc. 1517-20th cent. Paper; ff. 162. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxiii. (ff. 375). Aug.-Sept. 1792.Louis XVI of France: Declaration to foreign powers: 1792.: Fr.: Printed.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: Co... British Library
referencedIn ADDRESS of Louis XVI. to the Legislative Assembly, 7 Oct. 1791. In the King's handwriting, and signed. Fr., f. 1; Short note from Louis XVI. to the Princesse de Lamballe, 10 Mar. [1791 ?]; with a letter from the Queen, Marie Antoinette, and a few wor..., 1791 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II.Louis XVI of France: Memoirs for the history of the last year of his reign, by A. F. Bertrand de Moleville: 1794.: Fr.Antoine Francois Bertrand de Molleville, French politician and historian: Mémoires pour l'histoire de la dernière année de L... British Library
referencedIn DROPMORE PAPERS. Vol. CCX (ff. 178). 1789-1793, n.d.includes:ff. 2-16v Louis XVI of France: Accounts of the flight to Varennes, etc.,: 1791: Copy.ff. 25-28v Louis XVI of France: George Granville Leveson-Gower, Earl Gower; 1st Duke of Sutherland 1..., 1789-1793 British Library
referencedIn CROKER FRENCH REVOLUTION TRANSCRIPTS. Vol. IV (ff. 34). 'Organisation de l'Instruction Publique': a draft of the projected decree on education submitted to the Legislative Assembly 20-21 April 1792, differing in a number of particulars from the print... British Library
referencedIn Vol V. (ff. 629), 1789-1794.Prisons: Letters and papers relating to J. Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.Panopticon: Correspondence and papers relating to Jeremy Bentham's panopticon: 1789-1812.includes:ff. 1, 5, 41, 53, 66, 115, 133,180, 210, 268, 272..., 1789-1794 British Library
referencedIn 48988. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper and (artt. J,N,O.) vellum; ff. 92. Folio. XI-XX centt., 1000-1940 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS of distinguished persons of foreign countries, or papers signed by them, viz.: "Gilbertus de Corigia Comes Bersili [Gilberto di Corregio Conte di Brescella, captain of Condottieri] ; Soave, 2 May, 1455. Ital. With seal, f. 1; Ludovic..., 15th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxi. (ff. 420). Apr.-May, 1792.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1793.includes:ff. 1, 25, 71, 74, 109, 113, 117, 119, 122, 135, 144, 145, 148, 168, 178, 221, 251, 252 Lord He... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCII (ff. 258). 1788,1789.Trade and Plantations; Board of Commissioners for: Minutes: 1784-1794.Trade and Commerce: Minutes of Committee of Trade: 1784-1794.Fisheries: Minutes of Committee of Trade cone. Newfoundland, Greenland, and other fisher..., 1788-1789 British Library
referencedIn Vol I.Louis XVI of France: Memoirs for the history of the last year of his reign, by A. F. Bertrand de Moleville: 1794.: Fr.Antoine Francois Bertrand de Molleville, French politician and historian: Mémoires pour l'histoire de la dernière année de Lou... British Library
referencedIn Louis XVI of France: Great seal. British Library
referencedIn Louis XVI, Signet, 1789. (136)Louis XVI of France: Signet: 1789. British Library
referencedIn "MÉMOIRE, donné au Roy, en 1778, par M. [Jacques] Necker," concerning the administration of government in the provinces, f. 1; followed by a "Lettre du Marquis de Caraccioli à M. D'Alembert, 1 Mai, 1781," in which the above Mémoire is criticised, f. ..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (I. ff. 382). 1762-1794.includes:f. 1 Richard Howe, Viscount and 1st Earl Howe: Instructions to Capt. Suckling: 1762. f. 1 Captain Maurice Suckling, RN: Instructions to, from Adm. Howe: 1762. f. 8 General Sir John Dalling, Governor of Jama..., 1762-1794 British Library
referencedIn "MÉMOIRE Militaire sur la Province d'Alsace," compiled for the French Minister of War; Strassburg, 28 Dec. 1791. Paper. Folio.Louis XVI of France: Mémoire militaire sur la province d'Alsace: 1791.Province of Alsace: Mémoire militaire sur: 1791. British Library
referencedIn "RÉLATION de Monsieur [le Baron] de Durler, Capitaine au Regiment des Gardes-Suisses et commandant environ 500 hommes, qui se sont defendus sur l'Escalier de la Chapelle et dans l'Intérieur du Château [des Tuileries], le 10 Août, 1792." Paper; ff. 8...., 1792 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIX (ff. 368). Mar. 1782-Dec. 1785.John Robinson, Secretary to the Treasury: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1761-1802.includes:f. 1 Pennel Phippard: Letter to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1782. f. 5 Wilmot Vaughan, Viscount Lisbu... British Library
referencedIn "ETABLISSMENT d'un Corps de Chanoinesses en France," a project for establishing chapters of canonesses in France; with a map of France, showing the proposed districts of the "Corps de Chanoinesses;" 1786. Paper. Quarto., 1786 British Library
referencedIn Vol. viii. (ff. 486). Aug. 1782-Star. 1785.Ireland: Resolutions of Parliament conc. trade with England: 1785.includes:ff. 1, 14, 53, 95, 106, 332, 190, 208, 250, 268, 302, 307, 312, 319, 328, 385, 459, 465 George Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough: Cor... British Library
referencedIn THE AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. LVII. (ff. 372). Papers relating to the East India Company "sent to Mr. Eden, 14 Dec. 1786, by order of Mr. Dundas," member of the Board of Control, viz.:-1. "Exposition of the disputed claims of the French, Dutch and Danes ..., 1786 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, viz.:-A. Letter from Alexander Pope, the poet, to Dr William Cowper, the antiquary, thanking him for his letter and verses, and recommending classical models; Twickenham, 5 Feb. 173½. Copy. Printed in The Correspond..., 13th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. CCCCXCI. MISCELLANEOUS historical collections, 1700-1817, chiefly copies, including:-1. Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, to John Hay, styled Earl of Inverness; Paris, 3 March, 1732. Copy. f. 3. 2. "A short recapitulatio..., 1700-1817 British Library
referencedIn (Xl. ff. 275). Jan.-Apr. 1778.includes:ff. 1, 132, 218 Antony Chamier, Under-Secretary at War: Letters to Sir R. M. Keith: 1774-1780. ff. 7, 40, 49, 55, 61, 70, 81, 84, 102, 111, 147, 165, 184 Sir Morton Frederick Eden, 1st Baron Henley: Corresponde... British Library
creatorOf HISTORICAL PAPERS RELATING TO ROME, THE PAPAL STATES, GRAND DUCHY OF TUSCANY, ETC; 1789-1792. Italian, Latin and French. Partly printed. Table of contents (ff. 1-2v). Owned by Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford, but lacking his armorial bookplate.... British Library
referencedIn FRANCIS PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 102). Miscellaneous papers, 1722-1812. The most noteworthy are:-(a) Notes on the Francis family. ff. 1-4;-(b) A portion of E. Burke's Sketch of the Negro Code. f. 25;-(c) List of pamphlets in the library of Sir Philip Fran..., 1722-1812 British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH letters and signatures of Royal and illustrious persons, chiefly of England and France, of the l9th century. Amongst them is the signature of H.M. Queen Victoria when Princess, dated in the year 1823. The collection is stated to have been f..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn WINDHAM PAPERS. Vol. XIII. (ff. 189). Correspondence of W. Windham with the following:-1. Francis Maseres, chiefly on mathematical subjects; 20 June 1791-8 July 1805. ff. 1-34. 2. Thomas Mudge, jun., Count Brühl, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir George Shuckb..., 1791-1812 British Library
referencedIn (XXIII. ff. 311). 17 Mar.-30 June, 1782.includes:f. 1 Andrew Staley: Letter to Sir R. M. Keith: 1782. ff. 2, 11, 19, 40, 57, 71, 120, 124, 133, 154, 185, 196, 206, 220, 226, 233, 243, 259, 273, 288, 307 William Fraser, Under Secretary of State: Lett... British Library
creatorOf CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century British Library
creatorOf HISTORICAL PAPERS RELATING TO ROME, ETC.; 1784-1804. Italian, Latin, French and German. Mostly printed. The papers relate largely to the Papacy's responses to the French Revolution and the French invasion of Italy and more particularly to the events ... British Library
referencedIn ROSE PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 379 in two parts: A, ff. 1-189; B, ff. 190-379). General correspondence of George Rose; 1777-1817.includes:f. 1 Edward Southwell, 20th Lord Clifford: Letter to G. Rose: 1777.ff. 3-53 b Hugh Percy, 2nd Duke of Northumbe..., 1777-1817 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLVI (ff. 339). 1782-1784.includes:f. 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Macdonald, 71st Regt: Memorial on behalf of his widow and children: 1781. ff. 1, 5-12, 14-19, 25-30, 115 Army; England: Various papers rel. to: 1768-1783. f. 5 Lieutenant-Col..., 1782-1784 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCXXXII (ff. 393). Mid. 18th cent.-1788.includes:f. 14 Fountaine Cook, Solicitor to the Mint: Observations on the accompts of' 1754. f. 24 Paul Elers, of Bourton Place, county Oxfordshire: Correspondence with the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1763-177... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXXXIII (ff. 165). circ. 1833-1848, and undated.includes:ff. 1-126 Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinson, 3rd Earl of Liverpool: Official papers: circ. 1833-1851. f. 3 Dr F[enwick?] Skrimshire: Plan for medical attendance on the poor: early 19th cent.:..., approximately 1833-1848 British Library
referencedIn DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. LVIII. Anonymous paper: 'Memoirs and observations upon the late Revolution in France during the semaine memorable'; written at Brussels, Sept. 1789. Partly French.Louis XVI of France: Anonymous memoir and observation... British Library
creatorOf HOPKINS PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 149). Correspondence of Edward Hopkins and miscellaneous papers; 1644-1793. Partly drafts and copies. Contents: -1. ff. 1-113v. Correspondence of Edward Hopkins, M.P., as secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Mast..., 1644-1793 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCIV. (ff. 240). 6 Jan. 1791-31 Mar. 1792.Corn: Minutes of Committee of Trade rel. to: 1789-1793.Trade and Plantations; Board of Commissioners for: Minutes: 1784-1794.Trade and Commerce: Minutes of Committee of Trade: 1784-1794.Excise: Minutes o... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xvi. (ff. 454). Nov. 1787-Feb. 1788.includes:ff. 1, 3-16, 19-22, 42, 52-55, 72, 76, 96, 97, 104-111, 127, 134, 159, 173-178, 204, 214-217, 222, 265, 268, 269, 281, 294, 369, 374--379, 385, 387, 388, 403, 434-436 Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marque... British Library
referencedIn WHITEFOORD PAPERS. Vol. V. (IF. 382). Literary, and a few official, papers of Caleb Whitefoord, senior, as follows:--(a) Preliminary articles of the treaty with America negotiated at Paris in 1782-1783 by a British commission, to which Whitefoord wa..., 1782-1783 British Library
referencedIn "DEFENSE Générale de la Normandie en 1787," in two parts; including a military survey of the province, and measures for defending it. Paper; xviiith cent. Folio., 18th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. xiv. (ff. 416). June-19 Aug. 1787.includes:ff. 3, 9, 56, 57, 183, 200, 224, 319, 362 Joseph Matthias Gérard the de Rayneval, French diplomatist: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1786-1800. ff. 6, 10, 24, 30, 33, 45, 46, 61, 63, 121, 123, 125,... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCXX (ff. 396). June, 1782-1801.includes:f. 1 Peter Michell, Secretary to the E India Company: Letters to the 1st Earl of Liverpool: 1778-1782. f. 10 China: Papers on British trade with: aft. 1783-1812. ff. 12, 259, 260 Nathaniel Smith, Chairm... British Library
referencedIn Vol. x. (ff. 460). Mar.-July, 1786.George III of England: Negotiations with France for commercial treaty: 1786.Louis XVI of France: Negotiations of W. Eden for commercial treaty with: 1786.Trade and Commerce: Correspondence nd papers relating to a co... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLVII (ff. 400). Jan. 1785-July, 1786.Trade and Commerce: Papers rel. to: 1784-1788.includes:f. 1 Fisheries: Lumber and fish exported from Shelburne to the W. Indies: 1784, 1785. f. 1 Nova Scotia, North America: Lumber and fish exported from Sh... British Library
referencedIn THE AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. LVIII. (ff. 245). Collection of papers on the disputes with the French in the East Indies": official copies, beginning with Art. 13 of the Treaty of Versailles, 3 Sept. 1783, and ending with a letter of the Governor General ..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn FORTH PAPERS. Vol. I. Diary of N. P. Forth; Oct. 1777-Nov. 1778. Containing accounts of his transactions as special envoy with William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, and his nephew Lord Stormont and with the French minister, the Comte de Maurepas, co... British Library
referencedIn FOX PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 236). (1) Correspondence with:-(a) Thomas Grenville, as Minister to France, 1782. ff. 1-34;-(b) George Montagu, 4th Duke of Manchester, as Ambassador to France, 1783. ff. 35-143b. (2) Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re..., 1779-1804 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLIII (ff. 322). 1773-1777.includes:ff. 1, 2 Sir George Chetwynd, 1st Baronet Clerk of the Privy Council: Minute of oath of the 1st Earl of Liverpool as a Privy Councillor, deed by: 1773. f. 1 (oath, f. 2) Privy Council, The: Minutes of swearin..., 1773-1777 British Library
referencedIn Vol. vi. (ff. 416). Jan. 1780-July, 1781.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:ff. 1, 43 Peter Johnson, Recorder of York: Letters to W. Eden: 1780-1785. ff. 3. 36 Adam Ferguson, ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. ff. i+93.Bookplates and Book-stamps: Hennell (Edward Whittaker): circ. 1885.Bindings ENGLISH: Red morocco, gold-tooled, by J. Zaehnsdorf: 19th-20th cent.Joseph Zaehnsdorf, bookbinder: Bound, 19th-20th cent.includes:ff. 2, 3b, 5 Art. Portra... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxv. (ff. 566). Dec. 1792-10 Jan. 1793.Louis XVI of France: Papers cone. relations with England: 1792-1793.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: C... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS AUTOGRAPHS, viz.-(a) Signatures of English Sovereigns from George II to Queen Victoria; ff. I-II ;-(b) Letters, etc., of authors, scientists and statesmen, including Sir Walter Scott, William Wordsworth and Thomas Carlyle; ff. 12-39. A ..., 1742-1902 British Library
referencedIn Vol. ix. (ff. 456). Apr. 1785-Feb. 1786.includes:ff. 1, 51, 100, 243, 282, 318, 365, 385, 415, 445 449 John Lees, Secretary to the Irish Post Office: Letters to Lord Auckland: 1776-1800. ff. 5, 21, 440, 443 Hugh Elliot, diplomatist: Correspondence w... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCI (ff. 251). 23 Aug. 1786-26 Dec. 1787.Trade and Plantations; Board of Commissioners for: Minutes: 1784-1794.Trade and Commerce: Minutes of Committee of Trade: 1784-1794.Fisheries: Minutes of Committee of Trade cone. Newfoundland, Greenland, a... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCXXXIII (ff. 378). 1789-1796.includes:ff. 1, 3, 5, 13-17, 31, 35, 37,118, 124, 120, 266 Matthew Boulton, engineer: Correspondence and papers rel. to the copper coinage: 1787-circ. 1799, n.d. f. 7 William Baillie, Commissioner of Stamps: Corre..., 1789-1796 British Library
referencedIn F. Order for. the election of the deputies of the Tiers Etat, for Dinan 16 Mar. 1789. Printed. Signed by Louis XVI. f. 21. Presented by Dr. P. de Villiers.includes:f. 21 Louis XVI of France: Order for election of deputies of the Tiers État, for Dinan... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxiv. (ff. 457). Oct.-Nov. 1792.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-179... British Library
referencedIn VOL. III. 1781-1783. 1. Accounts of expenses of the E. I. Company; 4 Jan. 1781-1 Dec. 1783, ff. 1, 6, 23, 43, 46, 73, 79, 122, 207, 258, 264, 366. 2. Papers and letters relating to the forces of the E. I. Company; 14 Jan. 1781-31 Dec. 1783, ff. 2-10,..., 1781-1783 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. 1. Letter of [Paul Jean François Nicolas], Comte de Barras, to de Montégut (?), on affairs at the Cape of Good Hope; 16 July 1783. f. 1. 2. Letter of [Charles Alexandre] de Calonne, Comptroller-General of Finance, to [Charles Gravier ?], Comt..., 1783-1794 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXI (ff. 351). Jan. 1790-July, 1791.includes:f. 1 Henry Colgate: Signature as witness at Framfield: circ. 1790. f. 1 Framfield, Sussex: Petition, with signatures of parishioners: n.d. f. 1 Elizabeth Sinderford, widow, of Framfield: Petition ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. xv. (ff. 495). 21 Aug.-31 Oct. 1787.Louis XVI of France: Correspondence of W. Eden while special minister in: 1787.Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen; 5th Duke of Leeds: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1786-1791.includes:f. 1 T... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CC (ff. 373). 11 Jan.-23 Aug. 1786.Trade and Plantations; Board of Commissioners for: Minutes: 1784-1794.Trade and Commerce: Minutes of Committee of Trade: 1784-1794.Fisheries: Minutes of Committee of Trade cone. Newfoundland, Greenland, and ot... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS Papers, 1796-1844, viz.:-1. Plan of N. Vansittart on the Spanish Colonies; Aug. 1796. f. 1. 2. " Mémoire sur St. Domingue," by General [Charles François] Dumouriez. f. 5. 3. Short essay on the reign of Louis XVI. by N. Vansittart. f. 2..., 1796-1844 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of official letters, articles of treaties, diplomatic memoirs, and other papers, enclosed in dispatches of English ambassadors to Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Caermarthen and 5th Duke of Leeds, Secretary of State; 1782-1794 included ..., 1782-1794 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxviii. (ff. 493). Aug.-Sept. 1791.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: Correspondence, etc., of Lord Auckland while Minister at the Hague: 1790-1... British Library
referencedIn DRAKE PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 271). (1) Correspondence with Foreign Secretaries and members of the Foreign Office; 1791-1814. ff. 1-145. (2) Correspondence of Drake as Secretary of Legation, etc., at Copenhagen; 1790-1792. ff. 146-271b.Republic of Genoa:..., 1790-1814 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxii. (ff. 464). June-July, 1792.George III of England: Proclamation against seditious writings, etc.: 1792.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: ... British Library
referencedIn THE AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. LI. (ff. 277). Minutes of evidence of manufacturers and others, taken before the Board of Trade, relative to the negotiations for a commercial treaty with France; 1786. A few other official papers on the same subject are als..., 1785-1786 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I, 1764 – 1777.William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland: Correspondence and papers: 1764-1813, n.d.Eden family; Barons and Earl of Auckland: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 1688-1879, n.d.includes:f. 1 Sir James Macdonald, 8th Baronet; mathe..., 1764-1777 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLVIII (ff. 399). Aug.-Dec. 1786, etc,.Trade and Commerce: Papers rel. to: 1784-1788.includes:ff. 1-7, 161-202 Charles III of Spain: British despatches, etc., rel. to proposed commercial treaty with: 1786.: Copies. f. 8 Iron: Minutes of Commit... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 133). 1701-1768. Included are the wills of;-(a) William [Cavendish, lst] Duke of Devonshire, dated 1707. f. 20;-(b) Sir John Holt, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1708. f. 26;-(c) Hugh Fortescue, of Filleigh, co. Devon, 1714. Draft,... British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH letters and signatures of French sovereigns and royal personages; 1410-1833. Fr.: 1. Jehan [Duc de Berri, son of John II. of France] to his nephew [Louis II. d'Anjou, titular] King of Jerusalem and Sicily; Paris, 28 Aug. [circa 1410 ?], f. ..., approximately 1410-1833 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xxxvi. (ff. 502). 11 Jan.-5 Feb. 1793.Louis XVI of France: Papers cone. relations with England: 1792-1793.William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1787-1814.Netherlands, United Provinces: Cor... British Library
referencedIn Vol. II, 1778-1834.Eden family; Barons and Earl of Auckland: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 1688-1879, n.d.includes:f. 1 Paul Wentworth, MP; British agent: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1777, 1778.ff. 1, 1b Edward Bancroft, MD; FR..., 1778-1834 British Library
referencedIn Louis XVI, Small seal after the Constitution, after 1790. (135)Louis XVI of France: Small seal after the Constitution: [aft. 1790]. British Library
referencedIn CHARLES AND MARY LAMB: narrative of the travels of a lady in France; aft. Sept. 1822-bef. March 1833. Autograph fair copy, with revisions. Imperfect. This fictitious work, which takes the form of a letter addressed to 'My dear friend', was probably i... British Library
referencedIn Vol. iii. (ff. 574). June-Dec. 1777.Paul Wentworth: Letters to W. Eden, etc.: 1776-1789.British America, and United States: Papers, etc., relating to the war and public affairs: 1776-1781.includes:ff. 1, 34, 382, 385, 406, 422, 443 Captain Joseph Hyn... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Italy, Europe
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Greenland, Denmark
United States of America
St. Vincent, West Indies
South Carolina, America
James Island, R. Gambia
Ajaccio, Corsica
Sardinia, Italy
Quebec, Province of, Canada
Metz, Lorraine
British America, America
Ireland, Europe
San Domingo, the Carribean
Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Windsor, Berkshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Culloden, Invernesshire
Nova Scotia, North America
United States of America
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
Lisbon, Portugal
Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
United States of America
Southwark, Surrey
United States of America
Ireland, Europe
Mantua, Italy
United States of America
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
United States of America
Jamaica, Central America
Port Anzio, Italy
Quebec, Province of, Canada
Birmingham, Warwickshire
Canada, North America
Canada, North America
Bahama Islands, the Carribean
Paris, France
West Indies, America
Ludford, Lincolnshire
China, Asia
Grenada, the W. Indies
Genoa, Italy
Georgia, U.S.A.
New Granada, Federation of, America
Yucatan, Mexico
Netherlands, Europe
Scotland, United Kingdom
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
America, North America
Liverpool, Lancashire
Turkey, Asia Minor
Versailles, Seine-et-Oise
Turkey, Asia Minor
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
Alsace, Province of, France
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Whitchaven, Cumberland
Netherlands, Europe
Barbados, the Carribean
Bahama Islands, the Carribean
Jamaica, Central America
Germany, Europe
United States of America
Toulouse, France
Greenland, Denmark
India, Asia
Melfi, Italy
River Gambia, West Africa
Ireland, Europe
Tobago, the Carribean
Jamaica, Central America
Ireland, Europe
Portugal, Kingdom of, Europe
Prussia, Germany
Grenada, the W. Indies
Ireland, Europe
Nova Scotia, North America
India, Asia
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Greenwich, Kent
Norberne, Norway
Plymouth, Devon
Netherlands, Europe
Dominica, the W. Indies
St Petersburg, Russia
Greenland, Denmark
Gloucestershire, England
Ireland, Europe
Coromandel, India
Banbury, Oxfordshire
Warwickshire, England
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
India, Asia
New York, N. America
Berne, Canton of, Switzerland
Poona, India
Netherlands, Europe
West Indies, America
Dartmouth, Devon
St Petersburg, Russia
Netherlands, Europe
United States of America
Dunkirk, France
Newfoundland, Canada
British America, America
Turkey, Asia Minor
Ireland, Europe
Greenwich, Kent
Bayonne, France
County Durham, England
Poland, Kingdom of, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Chinsura, Bengal
India, Asia
Plympton, Devon
St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean
New Brunswick, North America
Scotland, United Kingdom
Newfoundland, Canada
Newfoundland, Canada
Barbados, the Carribean
New Brunswick, North America
Vivarais, Bas
Spanish America, Americas
Quebec, Province of, Canada
Buckinghamshire, England
Greenland, Denmark
Cornwall, England
Warburg, Westphalia
Genoa, Italy
Birmingham, Warwickshire
Australia, Australia
Westphalia, Germany
Ireland, Europe
Virginia, U.S.A.
Tunis, Tunisia
Newfoundland, Canada
Pera, India
Netherlands, Europe
St. Vincent, West Indies
New Brunswick, North America
Jamaica, Central America
United States of America
Turkey, Asia Minor
Dominica, the W. Indies
Levant, Asia Minor
Paris, France
Jersey, Channel Islands
Jamaica, Central America
Scotland, United Kingdom
Bahama Islands, the Carribean
Dôle, France
Needwood Forest, Staffordshire
Gretna Green, Dumfriesshire
Ireland, Europe
Egypt, Africa
Corsica, France
Turkey, Asia Minor
Worcester, Worcestershire
West Indies, America
Brazil, South America
New Shoreham, Sussex
Canso, Nova Scolia
London, England
Scotland, United Kingdom
Madrid, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Birmingham, Warwickshire
Jamaica, Central America
Gelderland, the Netherlands
Aix in Provence, France
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Honduras, Central America
Gibraltar, Spain
Liverpool, Lancashire
Netherlands, Europe
Ostend, Flanders
Granville, France
North America, America
Flanders, Belgium
Tunis, Tunisia
Greystoke, Cumberland
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Rhio, Singapore
Bridport, Dorset
Mauritius, Indian Ocean
Newfoundland, Canada
Nova Scotia, North America
St. Menges, France
Normandy, France
Ireland, Europe
Shirburn Castle, Oxfordshire
Ipswich, Suffolk
Netherlands, Europe
Scotland, United Kingdom
United States of America
Netherlands, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Nova Scotia, North America
Great Kimble, Buckinghamshire
Dominica, the W. Indies
Netherlands, Europe
Bahama Islands, the Carribean
Newfoundland, Canada
Charleston, South Carolina
St. Vincent, West Indies
Norway, Europe
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Canada, North America
Budge-Budge, India
Prussia, Germany
Greenland, Denmark
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Sistova, Turkey
Sistova, Turkey
Zeeland, Province of, the Netherlands
Netherlands, Europe
Quebec, Province of, Canada
United States of America
Benares, India
Italy, Europe
Dartmouth, Devon
Netherlands, Europe
New York, N. America
United States of America
St John Isle, Gulf of St. Lawrence
Eastern Archipelago, Lau Islands
Bruges, Belgium
Jersey, Channel Islands
Antigua, the Carribean
Framfield, Sussex
Barbados, the Carribean
Persia, Asia Minor
London, England
America, North America
Holland, the Netherlands
Mauritius, Indian Ocean
Dinan, Brittany
Osimo, Italy
Canada, North America
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Marseilles, France
Hanover, Germany
India, Asia
Massachusetts, North America
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Newfoundland, Canada
Barbados, the Carribean
St John Isle, Gulf of St. Lawrence
Chaleur Bay, Canada
Ireland, Europe
India, Asia
Netherlands, Europe
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Dominica, the W. Indies
Berlin, Germany
Portugal, Europe
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Sherrington, Buckinghamshire
Netherlands, Europe
Steinhorst, Lauenburg
Asnières, France
West Indies, America
Viterbo, Italy
India, Asia
Montserrat, West Indies
United States of America
Netherlands, Europe
Quebec, Province of, Canada
West Indies, America
West Indies, America
Dalmatia, Croatia
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Dort, Holland
India, Asia
Ireland, Europe
Newfoundland, Canada
West Indies, America
Antigua, the Carribean
New Brunswick, North America
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Ireland, Europe
Osborne House, Isle of Wight
Newport, Monmouthshire
Bridport, Dorset
Portugal, Kingdom of, Europe
Nova Scotia, North America
Lewes, Sussex
Jamaica, Central America
Turkey, Asia Minor
Gothenburg, Sweden
Bordeaux, France
New England, America
Greenland, Denmark
Honduras Bay, Central America
Sussex, England
Nova Scotia, North America
San Domingo, the Carribean
United States of America
Drumclog, Lanarkshire
United States of America
China, Asia
Burma, Asia
Corsica, France
Netherlands, Europe
Canso, Nova Scolia
Paris, France
Liege, Belgium
Penzance, Cornwall
United States of America
Pett, Sussex
Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Paris, France
New Guinea, Melanesia
Grenada, the W. Indies
Antwerp, Belgium
Zafarin Islands, Morocco
Aire, Artois
Netherlands, Europe
Hamburg, Germany
Dominica, the W. Indies
Netherlands, Europe
British America, America
Scotland, United Kingdom
Cape Guardafui, Somalia
Jamaica, Central America
United States of America
South America, Americas
Viviers, France
Flanders, Province of, Belgium
Netherlands, Europe
British America, America
United States of America
Ceylon, Asia
Bahama Islands, the Carribean
Silesia, Central Europe
Brighton, Sussex
Ireland, Europe
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Bo'ness, Linlithgow
Chandernagore, India
India, Asia
San Domingo, the Carribean
Gibraltar, Spain
Versailles, Seine-et-Oise
India, Asia
Normandy, France
Great Addington, Northamptonshire
West Indies, America
Vesuvius, Italy
Rhône et Loire, département of, France
Netherlands, Europe
India, Asia
Dover, Kent
Ireland, Europe
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Greenland, Denmark
Bourges, France


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