Snell family

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Ebenezer S. Snell was born in North Brookfield, Massachusetts on October 7, 1801, the son of Dr. Thomas Snell and Tirzah Strong. Snell graduated with the first graduating class at Amherst College in 1822. His life is closely associated with the development of Amherst College. In 1827 he was appointed Instructor of Mathematics. In 1829 he became Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. From 1834 to 1876, he served as Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.

On September 8, 1828, he married Sabra Clark of Conway, Massachusetts. They had five daughters. He died in Amherst on September 18, 1876, at the age of 74.

Basic biographical data for Professor Snell, a copy of which follows, is found in the Amherst College Biographical Record, 1973.

SNELL, Ebenezer Strong. s Rev Dr Thomas and Tirzah (Strong) b No Brookfield Oct 7 1801. MA Amh 1825; LLD Amh 1860; Western Reserve 1865. prep with father and at Amherst Acad for sophomore class; Williams 1819-21. Asst later prin Amherst Acad 1822-25; tutor Amh 1825-27; instructor in mathematics 1827-29; asst prof math and nat philos 1829-34 prof same 1834-76. Ed with revisions Olmsted's School Philosophy; Sch Astronomy; College Natural Philosophy (twice); College Astronomy (twice). d Amherst Sep 18 1876. See Tyler History of Amherst College pp 570-575. m Sep 8 1828 Sabra C dr Scotte Clark, Conway. ch Rebecca; Mary L; Martha P; Tirzah S: Sabra C (Portrait in possession of Amh).

Snell's biographical file in the Archives contains further basic biographical data.

Birth and death dates for other important family members include:

Thomas Snell - Nov. 21, 1774-May 4, 1862 - father of ESS Tirzah Strong - Apr. 22, 1780-June 8, 1855 - mother of ESS Sabra Cobb Clark Snell - 1807-1883 - wife of ESS Rebecca Emerson Snell - Jul. 2, 1829-Dec. 5, 1841 - daughter of ESS Mary Louisa Snell - Aug. 8,1831-1899 - daughter of ESS Martha Porter Snell - Oct. 30, 1835-1860 - daughter of ESS Tirzah Strong Snell (Hall) - Nov. 10, 1839-1925 - daughter of ESS Sabra Clark Snell - Jan. 31, 1845-Mar. 8, 1932 - daughter of ESS

For a more detailed biography of Professor Snell, see Tyler's History of Amherst College During Its First Half Century, 1821-1871.

From the guide to the Snell Family Papers, 1793-1940, 1835-1870, (Amherst College Archives and Special Collections)

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