Devereux, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex

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Title: 3rd Earl of Essex

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000688.0x0001c9

Epithet: of Add MS 12097

Title: Earl of Essex

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000355.0x00022e

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of historical letters, political tracts, and other papers, viz 1. Qu. Anne Boleyn to Henry Vlll.; " From my dolefull Pryson in the Tower," 6 May, [1536]. " Founde amonge Cromwell's Papers." Printed in Cabala, London, 1691, p. 1. f. 1. 2. ... British Library
referencedIn BARRINGTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 376), July-October, 1643. Correspondence of Sir Thomas Barrington continued, relating almost entirely to the civil war. Many of the letters are addressed to the Deputy-Lieutenants or to the Committee for Essex. Among ... British Library
referencedIn PEDIGREES of English families of various counties, with the arms in trick;-Pedigrees drawn from the Visitation of Norfolk and Suffolk, made by William Harvey, Clarenceux, in 1563, f. 93b.;-List of peers impanelled for the trial of the Earls of Essex ..., 1563-1601 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1819Paper, in 4to., ff. 8, XVII Century; bound with the last.'The case of Robert Earl of Essex and the Lady Frances Howard, as it was heard before the King's Majesty and his Delegates appointed for that purpose by commission under the broad-se... British Library
referencedIn CASSIOBURY PAPERS. Vol. VI. Private and busines correspondence, accompts, etc., of the Morison and Capell families, viz.:-1. Private and business correspondence, 2 Nov. 1584-18 May 1688. The names of the writers are given in the Index. For the Civil..., 1577-1688 British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of the Collections made by Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and Master of the Rolls, temp. James I containing the following legal,and miscellaneous Papers and Letters; most of which are originals:-Notes by Sir J. Cæsa... British Library
referencedIn Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Deeds rel. to the disposal of his personal estate, by his executors: 1647-1654. British Library
referencedIn Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Deeds rel. to the disposal of his personal estate, by his executors: 1647-1654. British Library
creatorOf DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. CCCLIX. Pamphlets, sermons, etc.; 17th-19th cent. 1. 'A Letere (?) to Mr Anthony Bacon An apology of the Earle of Essex against those that falseley and tr[ait?]orously saye . . . to be the onely hindrance of the peac..., 17th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, chiefly of the Nobility, addressed (with few exceptions) to Sir Julius Cæsar, between the years 1579 and 1619. Vol. I.Sir Julius Caesar, judge: Original Letters, chiefly of the Nobility, to: 1579-1619.Sir Henry Brouncker, ..., 1579-1619 British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. LV (ff. 80). A collection of tracts and other papers, transcribed in the same hand, relating to currency, politics, etc., and including many by Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, 1st Bart.; 17th cent. (aft. 1638). (1) 'Of the Proceedings aga..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn OFFICIAL letters addresseed to Colonel William Sydenham, Governor successively of Weymouth and tyhe Isle of Wight, with a few other papers and 1etters; 1643-1659. Many of the letters are from the Council of State, signed by John Bradshaw, President; ..., 1643-1659 British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of the Collections made by Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and Master of the Rolls, temp. James I containing original Letters and Papers chiefly relating to Admiralty affairs. Seventy two letters from [Charles Howard... British Library
referencedIn Kirk of Scotland: Tracts chiefly relating to the disputes in the church and to the abolition of Episcopacy by the General Assembly: 1636-1638.includes:f. 39 Sir John Hamilton, of Orbiston, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland: Instructions to, from his M... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other papers, being contemporary or recent copies, some of them in the handwriting of Thomas Martin, of Palgrave, and others having notes or endorsements by him or Sir John Fenn. The most important are :-1. Extract from ..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn "THE True Tragi-Comedie formarly acted at court and now reuied [revived] by ane eie witnes, before which ar drawn the Liuely pictures or caracters of the most considarable parsons represented." A play in five acts, having for its plot the divorce of ..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH LETTERs of the following persons:-Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, addressed to the Duchess of Burgundy, dat. Greenwich 30 May, 1515 ;-Artus de Cossé de Brissac, Maréchal de France, to the King of Poland [Henri de Valois], dat. Gonnert, 8 ..., 1515-1615 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 233). 1262-1704. 1. Grants of the Honour, Castle, and Rape of Hastings, co. Sussex, to Peter de Savoy, uncle of Henry III.; 4 June, 1262;-to John, son of John, Duke of Brittany, 20 Nov. 1268;-and to John of Gaunt, as Earl of Richmond; 3 ..., 1262-1704 British Library
referencedIn "A BOOKE touching Sir Thomas Overbury, who was murthered in the Tower of London, 15 Sept. 1613," containing, i. The proceedings on the divorce of Lady Frances Howard and Robert Earl of Essex, 1614; ii. The Trials of Richard Weston, Anne Turner, Sir J..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn LAND-RECHT-BUCH, of the city of Auspurch, or Augsburg, compiled in the year 1276, under the Emperor Rudolph; dated, at the end of the work, 1470. Ger. In the original binding, with brass ornaments and clasps. Paper. Folio., 1470 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1710Paper, in folio, ff. 359, XVII Century; bound with Nos.1691 & 1731 A.1. Notae quaedam Historicae pro annis 1176, 1189, 1181. f. 1.2. 'Threneticon Trojae', versibus elegiacis. f. 2.Incip. 'Pergama flere volo, fato Danais data Solo capta dol... British Library
referencedIn LEGAL COLLECTIONS, with additions, viz.:-1. Proceedings in connection with the suit of John [Bancroft], Bishop of Oxford, to recover a debt from Sir Edward Heron; 1633. f. 3. 2. " The argument of Sir Francis Bacon, knight, the kings Attorney-Genera... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers,chiefly political; 1559-1705. Included are:-1. [Pietro Paolo] Vergerio [the younger, Italian reformer] to Queen Elizabeth; Heidelberg, 29 Oct. 1559. Ital. Copy. f. 1. 2. Answer of Queen Elizabeth in council to the Spanish ambass..., 1559-1705 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS letters and papers; 1602-circ. 1711:-1. [Sir Charles Blount] Lord Mountjoy, Lord-Lieutenint of Ireland, to Sir Robert Cecil [afterwards Earl of Salisbury], Secretary of State, recommending [Roland Lynch] Bishop of Kilmacduach for the b..., 1602-approximately 1711 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 283). 1628-1651. 1. Message of the King to the House of Commons concerning liberty of speech; [? circ. 1628]. Copy (18th cent.). f. 1. 2. Privy Council to the " Chiefe officers of the Towne of Colchester," commanding them to assist the o... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of ancient Welsh Genealogies ;-Treatise on the origin of Armorial Bearings, by Thomas ap Llywelyn, in Welsh. At f. 154 is inserted, in a later hand, a list of the regiments serving in the expedition to Cadiz, under the Earl of Essex, 159..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn PAPERS Of John Jones, of Kellilysday, co. Flint; chiefly copies or drafts of letters and petitions written by him while confined in the Fleet Prison, London, in 1641 and 1654-1657, and in Flint Gaol in 1643, complaining of his imprisonment and offeri..., 1641-1657 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of State Trials, etc.:-1. " The proceedings which happened touching the divorce betweene the Ladye Francis Howard [Countess of Essex, afterwards Countess of Somerset] and Robert, Earle of Essex," Jan. 1613/4. As in Howell's State Trials. ... British Library
referencedIn Lady Frances Howard, daughter of Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, and wife (1) of Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex, and (2) of Robert, Earl of Somerset: Case of divorce from Lord Essex: 1613, 1614.Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Case of divorce from Lady F.... British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPHS OF STATESMEN AND NOBBLEMEN, viz. Letter from Thomas Crumwell, Master of the Rolls, (afterwards Earl of Essex,) to the Earl of Cumberland, [Henry Clifford, first earl,] relative to the suppression of riotous assemblages, dat. 18 June, [1536..., 1536-1697 British Library
referencedIn MR. [Edward] Littleton, of the Inner Temple (afterwards Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) his argument and others [viz. William Mason, (afterwards Recorder of London) John Prynne, and the Attorney General, Sir Wm. Noye] in defence of Mr. Stephens his pl..., 1596-1631 British Library
referencedIn DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. CCCLVII. Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, Bart., 'A short vew of the Rainge of King Henry the 3d cum ceteris'. Contains in addition a number of 17th-cent. tracts relating to such figures as Sir Walter Ralegh and the Earl of ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn SUMMARY of proceedings in the divorce-suit brought against Robert Devereux, 3rd -Earl of Essex, by his wife, Lady Frances Howard, 1613[4] ; and in the trials of the murderers of Sir Thomas Overbury, 1615. Printed as A True and Historical Relation of ... British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE Of the family of Pitt, chiefly of Sir William Pitt, Teller of the Exchequer and Commissioner of the Navy (ob. 1636), and of his son Edward Pitt, Teller of the Exchequer (ob. 1643) 1598-1650. Included are the following letters, etc. 1. ..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of political and other letters and papers, collected for Sir Francis Fane, cr. Earl of Westmoreland in 1624, to whom and to whose family and estates, especially in co. Kent, many of the documents refer. The contents, which relate chiefly ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 401). 1588-1649. 1. " Queene Elizabeth's whole army at sea agaynst the Spanish forces in anno 1588 ": list of the ships, with number of men and names of captains. f. 1. 2. Instructions for Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake commanding..., 1588-1647 British Library
referencedIn Historical collections, miscellaneous political papers, etc.; including:-1. Extracts from chronicles, rolls of parliament, etc.; tempp. Stephen-James I. Eng. and Lat. ff. 1-47. 2. List of "the Statute Lawes of this Realme in force concerning the St..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, chiefly of the Nobility, addressed (with few exceptions) to Sir Julius Cæsar, between the years 1579 and 1619. Vol. II.Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon: Letter to Sir J. Caesar: 1611.Sir Julius Caesar, judge: Original Lett..., 1579-1619 British Library
referencedIn VOL. III. Official copies, translations, etc., of the following documents:-Confirmation of the endowment by John, son of Reginald de Grey. of the collegiate church of St. Peter, in Ruthyn, co. Denb., 18 Edw. I. [1280], f. 2; -Confirmation of the cha..., 1208-1728 British Library
referencedIn ANTHONY BACON PAPERS Collection of letters and papers on state affairs, chiefly originals, from the papers of Anthony Bacon and addressed to him, used by Birch in his Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols., 1754, and his Historical View of ..., 1584-1657 British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Sommers (John), Lord Chancellor.includes:ff. 1-46 b James I of England: Narrative of the divorce between Lord Essex and his wife in 1613, written by Archbishop Abbot.: 17th cent.: Copy.ff. 1-47 Lady Frances Howard, daughter... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS English original letters, etc.; 1592-1812. 1. [Sir] F[rancis] Knollys [Treasurer of the household] to the keeper of the park at Hartingfordbury, co. Hertford; Hampton Court, 10 Oct. 1592. Signed. f. 1. 2. Fragment of a warrant of the Pr..., 1592-1812 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1856Paper, in 4to., ff. 73, XVII Century; bound with Nos. 326 & 3906.1. 'A discourse of Mr. Oliver St. John's affirming that thes kind of benevolence demanded is against law, reason and religion,' addressed to 'the Right Worsh. Mr. Mayor of Ma... British Library
referencedIn JESSOP PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 173):-(1) Miscellaneous papers of or relating to Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex, and other members of his family; 1585-1641. The principal contents are:-(a) Articles propounded by his wife Frances Devereux (Lady Fran..., 1585-1647 British Library
referencedIn BARRINGTON PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 316), 1632-June, 1643. Letters addressed chiefly to Joan, Lady Barrington, and Sir Thomas Barrington, 2nd Bart., on family matters and private business down to the outbreak of the civil war, after which they relate p... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-8 b Barker, Puritan Minister at Pytchley, county Northamptonshire: Speech at his execution for adultery and murder: 1637.f. 9 Philip IV of Spain: Proposals of James I. and Gregory XV. on the Spanish match: [1623].f. 9 Gregory XV;... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS OF STATE PAPERS, 1605-1625, as follows:-(1) Answer of James I to the Memorial of Grievances of the Commons; 1605. For copies of the Grievances and the Answer see Cotton MS. Titus F. iv, ff. 25, 86. ff. 1-11 . (2) Petition of the Commons ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1697Paper, in folio, ff. 117, XVII Century.Miscellaneous collections relating to judicial astrology, astronomy, etc. Calculations of nativities, influence of planets and comets, tables of eclipses, calendars, etc. ff. 1-116. At the end is an a... British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 2-67 George Ruggle, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge: Ignoramus: comoedia: 1615.ff. 67 b-91 James I of England: Vox populi, or " Newes from Spayne": [1620].ff. 67 b-91 Philip III of Spain: Vox... British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL papers and letters chiefly relating to England; 1436-1721, viz:-1. "La moustre de vint lances a cheval et soysante archers de la retenue de Monsieur de Talbot chevalier banneret;" Andely-sur-Seine, 23 Mar. 1436. Signed by Pierre Baille, ..., 1436-1721 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS addressed to Thomas, Ferdinando, and Thomas, lst, 2nd, and 3rd Lords Fairfax, principally by members of their families; with a few military papers of Thomas, 3rd Lord, the Parliamentary General; 1625-1688. The writers are as follows:..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn ESSEX (DEVEREUX) PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 18). Transcripts of papers relating to the Earls of Essex. Viz:-(1) 'An apologye of ye Earle of Essex agaynst all those that falsly and maliciously holde hym to bee a disturber of ye Peace and quyet of this coun... British Library
referencedIn Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Licence to travel overseas: 1620. British Library
referencedIn (ff. 29). BARRINGTON PAPERS. Select letters addressed to Sir Thomas Barrington, 2nd Bart., etc.; 1629, 1643. 1. Roger Williams, the Puritan minister, to Joan, Lady Barrington, desiring a marriage with her niece; n.d., 2 May, 1629. ff. 1, 3. 2. John P..., 1629-1643 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1470Paper. 4to., ff. 275, XVII Century; made up of different tracts.1. The lives and deaths of friars of several orders: namely, of three Augustine Eremites, viz. Friars John Baptiste, Anthony de Roia, Francis de la Cruz. ff. 1-7; of three Fra... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, royal warrants, orders of council, etc., on military and other affairs, found among. the papers of, and partly addressed to, Sir William Sydenham, Governor of the Isle of Wight, etc.; 1618-1656 1. Warrants of James I. to Sir Oliver ..., 1618-1656 British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of Heraldic and Historical treatises, chiefly from the reign of James I. to the reign of Charles II, comprising the following articles. " An Analysis of a certeyne discourse concerning the distribution of his Majesties [Charles I.] Honours;"..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK of Sir Samuel Luke, Knt., M.P. for Bedford, when in command of Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks, garrisoned for the Parliament; 10 Oct. 1644-12 Mar. 1644 [5]. The contents consist of transcripts of letters to Sir S. Luke from his father Sir Oli... British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. POLITICAL and other papers relating to the Army and the Civil War, consisting of demands for loans from members of the Hale family, assessments for expenses of the Militia, returns of arms levied on various towns in co. Hertford, quartering..., 1611-1714 British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN) OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES: a collection of copies closely resembling those in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Tanner 82 (see Cat. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., Pt. iv, Codices T. Tanneri, ed. A. Hackman..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn JESSOP PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 185). Miscellaneous official and private correspondence and papers of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex; 1614 -1646, n.d.Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 17th cent.includes:ff...., 1614-1646 British Library
referencedIn Vol. DLXXXI (ff. 189). (1) Family papers, etc.; [1602?]-bef. 1668. Partly Latin. ff. 1-8b. (2) Papers concerning the collection of ship money in Hertfordshire; 1636, 1637. Contemporary copies, presumably used as precedents by Boteler. ff. 9-18. (3) A..., 1601-1668 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1519Paper, in folio, ff. 243, XVII century. A collection of letters illustrative of English History, addressed for the most part to Thomas third Lord Fairfax.Index of contents. ff. 1-11.1. Letter of Philip II, King of Spain, to Queen Elizabeth... British Library
referencedIn "A DECLARACION of the principall actions and severall journies made by the righte hoble. the Lo. Leiutenaunte and Governour Generale [Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex] since his arrivall in the realme of Irelande, beinge the -daye of Aprill 1599 :" to... British Library
referencedIn Sir Horace Vere, Baron Vere of Tilbury 1625: Letters, etc., to Lord Essex: 1620-1628.Frederick V; Elector Palatine of the Rhine; King of Bohemia: Frederick V. Commission by Sir H. Vere to the Earl of Essex for service in: 1620.Robert Devereux, 3rd Ea... British Library
referencedIn Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Deeds rel. to the disposal of his personal estate, by his executors: 1647-1654. British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Northamptonshire, England
Bennington, Hertfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Devizes, Wiltshire
Ruthyn, Denbighshire
Carlton, Bedfordshire
Little Chart, Kent
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Mereworth Castle, Kent
Ré, France
Biggleswade, Bedfordshire
Chellington, Bedfordshire
Boston, Lincolnshire
Stamford, Lincolnshire
Knebworth, Hertfordshire
Louviers, France
Salford, Lancashire
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reading, Berkshire
Netherlands, Europe
Surrey, England
Marden, Kent
Burgundy, Duchy of, France
Totteridge, Hertfordshire
Kempston, Bedfordshire
Middletone Milton?, Kent
Cahors, France
Croydon, Surrey
Abingdon, Berkshire
Saxlingham, Norfolk
Essex, England
Plymouth, Devon
Suffolk, England
Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire
Needwood Chase, Staffordshire
Ayot St. Peter, Hertfordshire
Pavenham al. Patenham, Bedfordshire
Millbrook, Bedfordshire
Jersey, Channel Islands
Holland, the Netherlands
Icklingham, Suffolk
Dunton, Bedfordshire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Healing, Lincolnshire
London, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Norfolk, England
Colchester, Essex
Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire
River Medway, England
Baldock, Hertfordshire
Netherlands, Europe
Ireland, Europe
Toddington, Bedfordshire
Tewin, Hertfordshire
Rushton, Northamptonshire
Netherlands, Europe
King's Lynn, Norfolk
Otford, Kent
East Friesland, Germany
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Ponteland, Northd
Huntingdonshire, England
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Weymouth, Dorset
Hungary, Europe
Exeter, Devon
Cadiz, Spain
Flanders, Belgium
Welwyn, Hertfordshire
Peru, South America
Kent, England
Flintshire, Wales
Cranfield, Bedfordshire
Walkington, Yorkshire
Leyland, Lancashire
Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Nottinghamshire, England
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Kent, England
Isle of Wight, England
Rayne, Essex
Honeybourne, Gloucestershire
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Ireland, Europe
Graveley, Hertfordshire
Rye, Sussex
Warmington, Northamptonshire
Flanders, Belgium
Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire
Norfolk, England
Ireland, Europe
Spain, Europe
Lancashire, England
Ireland, Europe
Southampton, Hampshire
Hindringham, Norfolk
Northamptonshire, England
Kent, England
Huntingdonshire, England
Suffolk, England
London, England
Barnstaple, Devon
Lakenheath, Suffolk
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
King's Lynn, Norfolk
Hertford, Hertfordshire
Paris, France
London, England
Wiltshire, England
Watford, Hertfordshire
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Tewin, Hertfordshire
Letchworth, Hertfordshire
Brenchley, Kent
Westoning, Bedfordshire
Newborough, Anglesey
Wymington, Bedfordshire
Castle Rising, Norfolk
Nijmegen, Gelderland
Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire
Bletsoe, Bedfordshire
Ashwater, Devon
Hastings, Sussex
Kent, England
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Littlington, Cambridgeshire
Higham Gobion, Bedfordshire
Burghley House, Northamptonshire
Normandy, France
Hertfordshire, England
Dover, Kent
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Hertfordshire, England
Cadiz, Spain
Newbury, Berkshire
Guernsey, Channel Islands
King's Walden, King's
Virginia, U.S.A.
Bocking, Essex
Derbyshire, England
Netherlands, Europe
Mapledurham, Oxfordshire
Essex, England
Datchworth, Hertfordshire
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
Augsburg, Germany
Eynesbury, Huntingdonshire
Eyeworth, Bedfordshire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Northall, Middlesex
Banbury, Oxfordshire
Netherlands, Europe
Lubec, Germany
Basing House, Southton
Yaxley, Huntingdonshire
New England, America
Bromham, Bedfordshire
Essex, England
Kinsale, Cork
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Leicestershire, England
Suffolk, England
London, England
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Little Barford, Bedfordshire
Northamptonshire, England
St Christopher, West Indies
Westminster, Middlesex
Walkern, Hertfordshire
Wootton, Bedfordshire
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Hockley, Essex
Llannas, Beaumaris
Great Wymondley, Hertfordshire
Netherlands, Europe
Yarmouth, Norfolk
Campton, Bedfordshire
Datchworth, Hertfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Renhold, Bedfordshire
Orthez, France
Norfolk, England
Colmworth, Bedfordshire
Guernsey, Channel Islands
New England, America
Twyford Hundred, Kent
Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
Guildford, Surrey
Eure, Buckinghamshire
Weymouth, Dorset
Walden, Essex
Netherlands, Europe
Anglesey, Wales
Dover, Kent
Digswell, Hertfordshire
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Norfolk, England
Looe, Cornwall
Colchester, Essex
Hastings, Sussex
Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire
Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Winchester, Hampshire
Bolnhurst, Bedfordshire
Astwick, Bedfordshire
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight
Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire
Bayonne, France
Sherborne Castle, Dorset
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Slavescombe, Gloucestershire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Melcombe Regis, Dorset
River Wandle, Surrey
London, England
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Lidford, Devon
Yorkshire, England
Middlesex, England
London, England
Wales, United Kingdom
York, Yorkshire
Dorset, England
Girtford, Bedfordshire
Chideock House, Dorset
Harrow, Middlesex
Hertfordshire, England
Aston, Hertfordshire
Wapping, London
Widecombe, Devon
Hartingfordbury Park, Hertfordshire
Hoxne Hundred, Suffolk
West Derby, Lancashire
Dublin, Ireland
Colchester, Essex
Ireland, Europe
Bray, Berkshire
Walkern, Hertfordshire
Flitwick, Bedfordshire
Stafford, Staffordshire
Kingswood, Warwickshire
London, England
London, England
London, England
Hertfordshire, England
Abington, Cambridgeshire
Harrold, Bedfordshire
Hereford, Herefordshire
Taunton, Somerset
Essex, England
Kennecogh, Beaumaris
Italy, Europe
Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire
Rochester, Kent
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Ireland, Europe
Luston, Herefordshire
Clavering, Essex
Lammas, Anglesey
Southill, Bedfordshire
Maplescomb, Kent
Dorchester, Dorset
Kirkby-Stephen, Westmorland
Weymouth, Dorset
Ireland, Europe
Algiers, Africa
Surinam, South America
India, Asia
Edington, Berkshire
Kent, England
Northamptonshire, England
Stebbing, Essex
Barton, Bedfordshire
Pembroke, Pembrokeshire
Cookham, Berkshire
Weymouth, Dorset
Newton Bromswold, Northamptonshire
Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire
Beaumaris, Anglesey
Coventry, Warwickshire
Bedfordshire, England
Taunton, Somerset
Cliffe Regis, Northamptonshire
Dorset, England
Southampton, Hampshire
Little Staughton, Bedfordshire
Norfolk, England
Bordeaux, France
Newfoundland, Canada
Canterbury, Kent
London, England
Essendon, Hertfordshire
Barbados, the Carribean
Field Dalling, Norfolk
Dartmoor, Devon
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Yorkshire, England
Odell, Bedfordshire
Essendon, Hertfordshire
Watton, Hertfordshire
Cheshire, England
Saybrook, Connecticut
Dunstable, Bedfordshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Suffolk, England
Sandy, Bedfordshire
Liverpool, England
Stowood Forest, Oxfordshire
Maidstone, Kent
London, England
Ampthill, Bedfordshire
Aspall Stoneham, Suffolk
Shotover Forest, Oxfordshire
Isle of Wight, England
West Malling, Kent
Wormley, Hertfordshire
Guernsey, Channel Islands
New Forest, Hampshire
Chalfont, Buckinghamshire
Isle of Wight, England
Buckinghamshire, England
Troy, Asia Minor
Nieuwpoort, Flanders
Shropshire, England
Linton, Cambridgeshire
Ireland, Europe
Harlington, Bedfordshire
Poole, Dorset
Bottisham, Cambridgeshire
Burton, Yorkshire
Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire
Netherlands, Europe
Liverpool, Lancashire
Fulham, Middlesex
Nonsuch Palace, Surrey
Lidlington, Bedfordshire
East Meon, Hampshire
Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire
White Waltham, Berkshire
Stepney, Middlesex
Bedfordshire, England
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
Cévennes, France
London, England
Old Warden, Bedfordshire
Zeeland, Province of, the Netherlands
London, England
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Bushmead, Bedfordshire
Poole, Dorset
St Thierry, France
Hereford, Herefordshire
Nantwich, Cheshire
Old Warden, Bedfordshire
Ratisbon, Bavaria
Knowle, Kent
Greasley, Nottinghamshire
Shillington, Bedfordshire
Burgh under Staynemore, Westmd
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Huntingdonshire, England
Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire


Active 1262

Active 1812

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6dc7wpq

SNAC ID: 40056804