Becket, Thomas, publisher

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Epithet: Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000295.0x000304

Epithet: publisher

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001091.0x0003c4

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referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: S. Salvatoris Vicecomitis Abbatia, Constantiensis diocesis.Owners of Manuscripts: Foucault (Nicolaus Josephus), Comes Consistorianus.Gocelinus, Monachus Cantuariensis: Confortarius liber: 12th cent.includes:f. 114 b Saint Tho... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of religious tracts, offices, prayers, etc., connected with the Priory of Ely; in Latin (except art. 36). 1. Metrical epitaph on Alan of Walsingham, Prior of Ely (ob. 1364?), beg. "Hos operatorum, dum vixit, corpore sanus " (see Wharton,..., 13th century-15th century British Library
creatorOf MATERIALS RELATING MOSTLY TO PAPAL AND ROYAL JURISDICTION; 16th cent. Latin. Copies and extracts made in the early 16th cent. except for artt. 6 and 19. Contents list, with items added in a 17th-cent. hand,f. vii. 1. ff. 1-19. Copies of Magna Carta a..., 1442-1599 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of transcripts of political tracts and poems, satires, lampoons, epigrams, ballads, etc., illustrating the history of the reigns of Charles II.-Anne, and more particularly the period of the Revolution, with a few pieces dating earlier in t... British Library
referencedIn ROBERTI TURCIENSIS abbatis tractatus in laudem Virginis Mariæ;-S. Leochadiæ Confessio;-Passio S. Livini;-Vita S. Basilii, Cæsariensis Archiepiscopi;-Qualiter virgo Maria Theophilum a servitute diaboli liberavit ;-Vita et actus S. Abrahæ, heremitæ ;-..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn " MIRACVLA " and " Passio " of St. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, viz. :-1. " Incipit liber primus miraculorum beatissimi Thome martiris et Cantuariensis archiepiscopi " . the work of Benedict, Abbot of Peterborough 1177-1193, printed by Robertson... British Library
referencedIn EXCERPTA ex Gennadii libro " de viris illustribus," de scriptis Johannis Cassiani et Prosperi Aquitanici, f. 1 b.;-" Epistola Bernardi, Abbatis Augiensis, ad Fridericum Palatinum," de reprehensione Cassiani a quibusdam, ibid. ;-" Passio Sancti Thome,..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn FRAGMENTS of liturgical and theological manuscripts, in Latin, early 12th-13th centt. :-A. Thirty-four leaves (ten mutilated) from a lectionary, apparently of a church or religious house in the diocese of Beauvais, containing lives of saints, etc. (m... British Library
referencedIn SERMO in verba, Mulierem fortem quis inveniet, Prov. xxi. 10, f. 1 ;-" Vita et Passio B. Thome, Archiepiscopi [Cantuariensis], edita a venerabili Johanne [Sarisberiensi], Episcopo Carnotensi," f. 6 ;-Haymonis, Monachi Savigniacensis, Vita, cum prolo..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn "VERBVM ABBREVIATVM" of Petrus the Cantor of Notre Dame at Paris (1 184, ob. 11 97), with a metrical life of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. 1. "Liber magistri Petri Cantoris Parisiensis: quod (sic) dicitur Verbum Abbreuiatum": the theologic... British Library
referencedIn "VITÆ duæ Thomæ Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis," The first Life is that by Edward Grim, and is transcribed from Arundel MS. 27; the other is by John of Salisbury, from Cott. MS. Claudius B. II. They are preceded by introductory notes upon the various bi..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn 40166. MISCELLANEOUS FRAGMENTS, LETTERS AND PAPERS., 1100-1902 British Library
referencedIn PRAYERS to God, the Virgin Mary, and the Saints, in Latin; followed (f. 71) by the penitential Psalms and Litany; with the beginning of the Gospel of St. John added at the end, f. 84 b. The prayers are ornamented with rough coloured drawings, some of..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn RADULPHUS DE DICETO, minor historical works. The author (whose name appears in charters as Ralph " de Disci," see Harley Ch. 52 G. 20 and 25, Lansdowne Ch. 679) was Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and the MS. closely resembles the MS. of the Ma..., approximately 1195 British Library
referencedIn HOLKHAM HALL MSS. Vol. XIII (formerly Holkham MS. 39). CLUNIAC BREVIARY AND MISSAL, in Latin, written and illuminated in England, circa 1280-1290, possibly for use when travelling, perhaps by a superior of the jurisdiction of La Charité-sur-Loire in ..., approximately 1280-1290 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. (ff. 203). LIFE of Thomas Becket. ff. 1, 64;-Essay on "Papal Elections." f. 71;-On "Church and Clergy." f. 127;-On the "Middle Ages." f. 156;-" Settlement of the Northmen," ending imperfectly. f. 171;-"Progress of Normandy." f. 186.includ..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US theological treaties, viz.: 1. "Passio beati Thome martyris Cantuariensis archiepiscopi" : the anonymous "Passio" printed from two other MSS. by J. A. Giles, Vita S. Thomae, ii, 1847, p. 137, Migne, Pair. Lat. cxc, col. 317, and by J. C..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US TRACTS in prose and verse, chiefly theological, in Latin, viz.1. "Visiones Tnudali" (so the later title on f. 1 b), beg. "Incipit narracio uisionis de situ Hybernie cap. primum. [H]ybernia insula est in ultimo": the uncondensed version ..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn POEMS of Robert Partes (end of the 12th century), a monk of Reading Abbey; with the Floridus Aspectus of Petrus Riga, Canon of St. Denis, Rheims.1. Poems of Robert Partes, dedicated to his brother William. See William H. Cornog, `The poems of Robert ..., 12th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 367, sec. xiv. 1. Thomæ Becket, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, epistolarum libri tres priores, canplectentes epistolas numero 376. fol. 1. Impress., nonnullis additis, in 4to., Bruxellis, 1682. 2. Ejusdem visio; manu al... British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 154, sec. xv., picturis pluribus adornatus; olim, ut videtur, Thomæ Pelstede, qui natus est 16 Jun. 1515. 1. Kalendarium, in quo notatur dies obitualis Johannis Floctone. fol. 1. 2. Orationes ad Jesum Christum. fol. 7. 3. Or... British Library
referencedIn Liturgies LATIN: Horae B. Mariæ Virginis: 14th-16th cent.: Lat. and Fr.: Fragm.Art. Illuminations and Drawings FLEMISH: Horæ: 15th cent.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:f. 2 b Juan Stucley, wife of Louis Stucley: Obit on 23 Febr., i... British Library
referencedIn MISSALE Romanum. At the end, "Missa pro tribulatione Jerusalem." Offices of St. Thomas Becket and other later saints are entered in the margins. Vellum, latter part of the XIIth cent.; with illuminated initials. Apparently written in Germany. [Add. 1... British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXXXIII. LIVES of Irish saints, etc. Irish. The texts in this MS. are of a type commonly found in MSS. written in co. Cork in the 18th and 19th centt. For a fuller description see Catalogue of Irish MSS., vol. ii (cited below as Cat.), p. ..., 1807-1808 British Library
referencedIn ROTHSCHILD BEQUEST. Vol. VII. Hours of the Virgin, etc., in Latin (except parts of art. 6). Contents:-(1) "Officium beate marie uirginis secundum consuetudinem Curie Romane." f. 2;-(2) "Missa beate marie." f. 82;-(3) "Septem psalmi penitenciales," wi... British Library
referencedIn Art. Illuminations and Drawings ENGLISH: Horæ B. Mariæ Virginis: 15th cent.Liturgies LATIN: Horae B. Mariæ Virginis: 14th-16th cent.: Lat. and Fr.: Fragm.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 2-7 b Kalendars: : 15th-17th cent.: Dutch... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL , treatises, etc., in Latin.1. "Speculum confessionis," compiled from Raymundus [de Pennaforti] Willelmus Durandus, and others; the prologue begins, "Gregorius in cura pastorali," f. 1. 2. Sermones "de oracione dominica," "de articulis fi..., 13th century-14th century British Library
referencedIn " VITA et Passio Sancti Thome Canthuariensis Arehiepiscopi ;" compiled apparently from the Lives by Edward Grim (of whose work the earlier part is an epitome), Herbert of Bosham, and William of Canterbury, but not agreeing with the Quadrilogus. A col..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn PORTLAND PAPERS. Vol. DXIII (29/61). Collection of metrical Lives of Saints; late 13th-early 14th cent. French. All the lives are in octosyllabic couplets, except No. 4 which is in five-line stanzas and No. 11 in quatrains. See Strong, Catalogue, pp.... British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. Transcripts from 1503 to 1682; chiefly in English. A large portion of the volume consists of private and business letters from noblemen, bishops, abbats and others, to officers of the Exchequer; and of papers relating to the Augmentation Off..., 1503-1682 British Library
referencedIn NARRATIVE of the exile of the convent of Canterbury, and of the translation of S. Thomas; a fragment, consisting of the first quire only of an apparently unknown work. Rubric of prologue beg. "Incipit prologus in exilium conventus Cantuariensis necno... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, etc., in Latin:-1. On the Decalogue, beg.: " Si vis ad vitam ingredi." f. 3. 2. " Privilegia diei Veneris ": list of events in sacred history said to have occurred on Friday. f. 24. 3. On the Lord's Prayer, beg.: " Legitur quod d..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn "VITA beati Thomæ arehiepiscopi et martiris": the Quadrilogus, or compilation by E[lias?] of Evesham, from the four Lives by John of Salisbury, Herbert of Boseham, William of Canterbury, and Alan, Abbot of Tewkesbury. The prologue begins "Post summi ... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, together with copies of some documents relating to English church-history (see artt. 17-20). Latin. 1. On Indulgences, beg. "Sciendum est quod omnes indulgencie." f. 1. 2. "Liber Ysidori de Obitu patriareharum et apostolorum ceter... British Library
referencedIn Volumen membranaceum, in 4to., ff. 95, sec. xiii.; duos codices complectens, quorum posterior olim per tinebat ad quendam Thomam Lothryngham de Wymundham. 1. Liber pœnitentialis ex variis decretis scriptisque excerptus, inter quæ pluries memorantur P... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1777Membranaceus, in Quarto, ff. 100, sec. XIV.1. Epistolae Thomae Becket, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi et aliorum, spectantes ad ipsius Thomae exilii: scilicet: — a. Thomas Cantuariensis archiepiscopus Henrico Regi Angliae. (Imperfect). f. 1.D... British Library
referencedIn Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.Saint Thomas Becket,; Archbishop of Canterbury: Cast of seal of. British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 48, sec. xiii. ineuntis; ad calcem mutilus. 1. Vita beat Thomae Archiepiscopi et Martyris per Edmundum Grime conscripta, ut ad fol. 40 manifeste patet. fol. 1. Incip. prologue, "Professores arcium seculi." Desin. "or... British Library
referencedIn Copies of Parliamentary papers and political tracts:-1. "Articles propounded by the clement," respecting the defence of the realm; 15 Mar. 1623[4], f. 2. 2. "A coppie of the Arche Bishopes letter of Canterberye [George Abbott] to the Bishope of Norw..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn PRAYERS and Meditations, in Latin and English, partly in verse. Much of the English part occurs also in the Vernon MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 1. Form of confession in Engl. prose, with explanation of the commandments, sins, senses and wor... British Library
referencedIn Tom. VI.-" Lettere concernenti à quanto è successo in Lombardia doppo l'arrive in quella delle due armate, Gallispana e Tedesca" [from 29 July, 1701, to 30 June, 1704], f. 3 ;-" Relatione della gloriosa intrapresa delli Colonelli Cuergeni [Ebergini] ..., 1700-1713 British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in folio, ff. 119, haud una manu exaratus, sec. xiii. vel xiv. 1. "Vita Sti. Thome de plurium narratione colleta, scilicet quatuor, Magistri Johannis Sarresbiriensis, Magistri Hereberti de Boseham, Magistri Willi. Cantuariensis, B... British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 195, ex variis codicibus compositus, sec. xiv., olim fratrum Carthusiensium prope Moguntiam. l. Passionale, seu Compendium de vitis et moribus Martyrum aliaque legenda in festis totius anni; in eo-Prologus. fol. 1. Incip. "... British Library
referencedIn Art. Illuminations and Drawings ENGLISH: Horæ B. Mariæ Virginis: 15th cent.Saint Barbara: Memoria de, metrice: 15th cent.Liturgies LATIN: Horae B. Mariæ Virginis: 14th-16th cent.: Lat. and Fr.: Fragm.includes:ff. 3-14b Kalendars: : 15th-17th cent.:... British Library
referencedIn CUSTOMARY OF THE SHRINE OF ST THOMAS BECKET: by John Vyel and Edmund Kingston, followed by two Lives of Thomas Becket in French verses by Beneit de Saint Alban and Garnier de Pont-Saint-Maxence; England, Canterbury and Oxford, late 13th cent. and 142..., 1260-1428 British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 79, sec. xv., quondam Thomæ Jakes. 1. "Prologus Nigelli [de Longo Camposive Wirekeri] in librum sequentem, quem Burnellum vocal." fol. 1. 2. Ejusdem "Liber, cui Burnellus nomen est", sive Speculum Stultorum. fol. 5. I... British Library
referencedIn VITA B. Thomæ, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, auctore Magistro Johanne Sarisberiensi ;-Ejusdem Johannis de Saresberia Epistolæ. Codex membranaceus, sec. xiii. In Folio minori. [11,506.], 13th century British Library
referencedIn INDULGENCE of 800 days of pardon granted by Thomas [FitzAlan], Archbishop of Canterbury, and Richard [Scrope], Archbishop of York, Papal Legates, Robert [de Braybrooke], Bishop of London, Gye [Guy de Mohun], Bishop of St. David, Walter [de Skirlaw], ... British Library
referencedIn Art. Illuminations and Drawings ENGLISH: Horæ B. Mariæ Virginis: 15th cent.Bindings ENGLISH: Embroidered needlework: late 14th cent.Owners of Manuscripts: Harleston, Family of.Owners of Manuscripts: England, Sovereigns of. Mary.Liturgies LATIN: Horae... British Library
referencedIn PROPHECIES in prose and verse concerning England, the end of the world, etc., attributed to Merlin, St. Thomas of Canterbury, Geoffrey Chaucer, Johannes de Reputissa [Rupescissa], and others. Eng. and Lat. At f. 19 are the "Carmina Vaticinalia" of Jo..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. 97, aliquantulum humore leesus, sec. xiii. 1. Vita et passio beati Thomae [Becket] Archiepiscopi et Martiris ex quatuor ejusdem scriptoribus contractius compilata. fol. 1. Impress. in 4to., Bruxellis, 1682. pp... British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to, ff. 152, sec. xv., rnultis picturis adornatus, inter quas ad fol. 19 b. habetur cædes S. Thomæ a Becket; desunt folia nonnulla olim excisa. 1. Kalendarium. fol. 1. 2. "Quindecim Orationes." fol. 8. 3. "Commemoratio de Sancta Tri... British Library
referencedIn EXCERPTA quædam ad historiam Anglicam spectantia, ex libro primo Polichronicæ Rogeri Cestrensis, f. 1 ;-Abbreviatio Chronicorum Angliæ, a Bruti tempore ad Danorum adventum, f. 12 ; -Rogeri Cestrensis Polychronicæ liber quintus, usque ad annum 1339 d..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. 1748-1815.John Douglas, DD; Bishop of Salisbury: Letters to, from distinguished Statesmen and authors: 1748-1813.includes:ff. 1, 5, 9 John Blair: Letters to Dr. Douglas: 1748, 1749.f. 3 Lady M-Allen: Letter to Dr. Douglas: 1748.f. 8 W..., 1748-1815 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1767Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 66, sec. XVII.1. 'Icon ecclesiastici, sive concertatio D. Thomae in regia cruce armati cum Henrico principe et tenebrarum principibus.' ff. 2-4.Incip.'Henric. Quo ruit inermis rabula!Thom. In fibras ruam.'2. Epin... British Library
referencedIn "HEREBERTI de Boseham Liber Melorum una cum Homilia de Beato Thoma Cantuariensi, Archiepiscopo et Martyre." The homily is followed by the Constitutions of Clarendon. A transcript, made in 1845 by P. Madelin, from a MS. of the XIIIth cent. at Arras; w..., 1845 British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 217). Abbot's Langley-Bushev.includes:ff. 1-21 Maps and Plans: Co. Herts: 16th-19th centt. ff. 22-36 Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire: View of the church, etc.,: 19th cent. ff. 37-40 Aldbury, Hertfordshire: Views of Pendley Manor-house, e..., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Nicholas de Chaddesden. Subject: the Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury. Legend: NICHOLAI DE . CHADDISDEN . VOS . OMNES SANCTI . MISEREMINI AMEN, 15th century.Nicholas de Chaddesden: Seal: 15th cent.Saint Thomas Becket,; Archbishop of Canterbury: ... British Library
referencedIn REGISTRUM brevium Cancellariæ. Compiled about the year 1335 [see f. 11]. Prefixed, are some astrological notes, f. 2 b; and a relation in Latin, by Thomas Becket, Archbishop, of a vision of the Virgin Mary, f. 4. Hymns to the Virgin and verses on sac..., 14th century British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
Loretto, Italy
Victoria, Australia
Palestine, Asia Minor
Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire
Bengeo, Hertfordshire
York, Province of, England
Aldenham, Hertfordshire
India, Asia
Aspenden, Hertfordshire
Hornby, Lancashire
Hythe, Kent
Antwerp, Belgium
Darien, Panama
Great Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire
Barkway, Hertfordshire
Gateshead, Durham
New Radnor, Radnorshire
Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire
Aldbury, Hertfordshire
Little Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire
Seitz, Styria
Wayland Hundred, Norfolk
Amwell, Hertfordshire
Kent, England
Braintfield, Hertfordshire
Florence, Italy
Colchester, Essex
London, England
Bennington, Hertfordshire
Gloucestershire, England
Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Jamaica, Central America
Ireland, Europe
Manchester, Lancashire
Braughing, Hertfordshire
Jerusalem, Israel
Barnet, Hertfordshire
Netherlands, Europe
Strasburg, France
Liverpool, Lancashire
Broxbourne, Hertfordshire
Pendley Manor House, Hertfordshire
Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire
Jerusalem, Israel
Bari, Naples
London, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Arras, France
Ireland, Europe
Ashwell, Hertfordshire
London, England
Shropshire, England
Normandy, France
Baldock, Hertfordshire
Southampton, Hampshire
Mayence, Germany
Bushey, Hertfordshire
Clarendon, Wiltshire
Flanders, Belgium


Active 1101

Active 1845

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Ark ID: w6q344w6

SNAC ID: 39843681