Frederick I, Emperor

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Title: King of Denmark

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000215.0x000352

Accession date: 1701

Places: Prussia

Title: of Prussia

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000472.0x000029

Title: King of Württemberg

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000215.0x000353

Title: of Sweden

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000215.0x000354

Accession date: 1152

Places: Germany

Title: Emperor

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000387.0x000312

Title: Elector Palatine of the Rhine

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000215.0x000351

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Vol. VIII (ff. 243). July-Nov. 1706.includes:f. 6 Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury: Note by: 1706.ff. 10, 94, 104, 197 Anthonie Heinsius, Grand Pensionary of Holland: Correspondence with Duke of Marlborough,: 1701-1710, n.d.: Mostly Fr: P... British Library
referencedIn SUPPLEMENTARY WENTWORTH PAPERS. Vol. VII (ff. 158). Miscellaneous official and private papers; 1697-1732. Partly printed. Partly French and Spanish.1. ff. 1-17. Military papers; 1697-1713, n.d. 2. ff. 18-52. Papers relating to Strafford's diplomatic ..., 1689-1739 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XCIV (ff. 258). Russia: (1) John Carmichael, 3rd Earl of Hyndford, Ambassador; Mar.-Sept. 1749. Supplementary to Add. MSS. 11365-11387, 45113-45121. ff. 1-118;-(2) Col. Melchior Guy-Dickens, Envoy; 1749-1751. ff. 119-258.Elizabeth; Emperor of Ru... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XI. (ff. 490). 21 Dec. (O.S.), 1709 -11 Oct. 1711.Charles VI; Emperor of Germany: Correspondonce of C. Whitworth as Ambassador to Vienna and Plemipotentiary at the Diets of Augsburg and Ratisbon: 1711-1716.Trade and Commerce: Negotiations of C.... British Library
referencedIn SANCTI Gregorii Magni Vita per Joannem Levitam. At f. 102 b is a copy of an edict, of F[rederic I., Barbarossa], Emperor, in support of the Antipope Paschal III.; Würzburg, kal. Junii. Vellum; xiiith cent.; in double columns. Formerly belonged to the..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIX (ff. 194). 1709.includes:f. 31 Henry Boyle, Baron Carleton; Secretary of State: Correspondence with Sir P. Meadows: 1708, 1709.: Copy and extract.f. 31 Sir Philip Meadows, alias Medows; the younger; diplomatist: Correspondence with H. B..., 1709 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XII (ff. 280). Nov. 1748-Dec. 1749.Ferdinand VI of Spain: Papers conc. foreign relations: 1748-1757.: Engl., Lat., and Fr.John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford: Correspondence with Sir B. Keene: 1748-1751.: Mostly copies.includes:f. 3 Privy Counci... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIV (ff. 225). Aug. 1705-1 July 1707.includes:ff. 5, 128-131b Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford 1640: Correspondence with R. Harley: 1704-1706.: Partly extracts.ff. 5, 128-131b Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford: Correspondence with Lo... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCLXXVII (ff. iii+ 149). Entry-book containing copies of projects and treaties for the supply of troops for the Allied army, and contracts for forage and other supplies for the army in the Low Countries; 1706-1711. Mostly French. Partly Dutch. S..., 1706-1711 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXXXI (ff. i+326). May-Aug. 1749.includes:ff. 11, 56, 244, 254 Netherlands, United Provinces: Resolutions of the States General: 1729-1751.: Dutch, Fr. and Engl.: Copies.f. 31 Admiral Edward Boscawen: Letter to the Admiralty: 1749.: Extract.... British Library
creatorOf MARLBOROUGH PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 46). Miscellaneous items related to the preceding, added to the collection by Sir Winston Churchill; 1701-1728. 1. ff. 1-14v. Four letters from Marlborough to: -(a) [Arnold Joost van Keppel, 1st Earl of Albemarle],..., 1701-1946 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 405). Vol. III. CORRESPONDENCE (as Lord Strafford), when Plenipotentiary at Utrecht in conjunction with John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol, with Henry St. John, afterwards Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, Secretaries of ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. DLI (ff. iii+227). (1) Letters of Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland as Secretary of State, to Thomas Chudleigh, Envoy at The Hague; 1683, 1684. Copies. ff. 1-16. (2) Letter-book containing copies of letters of the 3rd Earl of Sunderland as Secreta..., 1683-1710 British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of news from [Philip] Plantamour, English Agent at the Court of Prussia, to William Blathwayt, Secretary-at-War; Königsberg, Berlin, and Wesel, 17 Jan. 1701-9 June, 1702. French. Paper; ff. 56. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CLIV (ff. 188). Correspondence with: — (1) Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy; 1703-1710. French and Italian. Mostly signed. Partly copies and cipher. ff. 1-127b. (2) Ignazio Solaro di Moretta, Marchese del Borgo, Savoyard Envoy a..., 1703-1711 British Library
referencedIn Kurfürst Friedrich I. v. d. Pfalz, 1454.Frederick I; Elector Palatine of the Rhine: Seal: 1454. British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXVII (ff. 191). 1703-1705.includes:f. 34 Adam Cardonnel, Secretary to John, 1st Duke of Marlborough: Letters, etc., to, 1692-1711: n.d.: Partly Fr. and Dutch.: Partly printed. f. 34 Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford 1640: Letters to A. C..., 1703-1705 British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, etc., from the collection of George Cubitt, 1st Lord Ashcombe (b. 1828, d. l917) ; 1528-1898, as follows 1. Frederic I of Denmark to Francis I of France demanding satisfaction for injuries caused by the inhabitants of Depen [Dieppe..., 1528-1898 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXVIII (ff. 203).1706.includes:ff. 15-18b Prussia. Army of: Regts in Prussia: 1706, 1708.f. 41 Frauenstadt al. Fraustadt, Poland: Plans of battle at: 1706.f. 41 Army of Sweden: Plans of battle of Frauenstadt: 1706.f. 41 Army of Saxony: ..., 1706 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCCXLV (ff. 162). (1) Italy, including papers relating to Papal-Imperial relations, and Anglo-Venetian commercial relations, with annotations by Sunderland (ff. 32b, 46b); aft. 1702-bef. 1710, n.d. Partly French and Italian. Partly copies. ff. ..., 1702-1711 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XVI (ff. 303). April-Sept.1752.Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle 1715; formerly Pelham; Secretary of State: Correspondence with Sir B. Keene: 1730-1753.: Engl. and Fr.: Mostly copies.Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holdernesse; Secretary of Sta... British Library
creatorOf UNIVERSAL HISTORY; 1st half of 15th cent. Italian and Latin. Universal history from the Creation to Octavian, principally biblical and classical history, inc. (f. 3) 'Siendo deo prima cosa perfettissima', expl. (f. 184) 'dalla veritade chatolicha Ame... British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vols. CXXVIII-CXXX. Correspondence with Frederick I, King of Prussia, and his minister, Johann Casimir Kolbe, Count Wartenberg; 1701-1710. Mostly French. Partly German. Autograph and signed. Partly cipher and copies. Three volumes., 1701-1710 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXVII (ff. 331). 28 Oct. -9 Dec. 1813.includes:ff. 2-300 passim Prince Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg,; alias Metternich; Austrian statesman: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1813-1852.: Engl. and Fr.: copies.f. 15 ... British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK of William Blathwayt, Secretary-at-War, and acting Sec. of State to William III, containing copies or memoranda of official letters, mostly in Latin and French, to foreign potentates and others, with a few instructions for ambassadors, et..., 1695-1701 British Library
referencedIn ROYAL and papal letters, a dictaminal collection, chiefly illustrating the duties, etc., of sovereigns; followed by a catalogue of a scholar's library. A. Letters as above, the sources of which include the following:-1. Plutarch, Life of Alcibiades,... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CXXIX (ff. 173). July 1705-1706.includes:ff. 15-20b Baden-Baden, Margrave of. Louis William: Correspondence with Frederick I of Prussia: 1705.: Fr. and Germ.: Copies.f. 94 Anne of England: Correspondence with Frederick I of Prussia: 1705-170... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of letters of Frederic [I.], King of Prussia, Sophia, Electress [of Hanover], [Camille d'Hostun, Duc] Maréchal de Tallard, Juan Sylva, Conde de Tarouca, M. de Sorba, the Baron d'Esparre, M. de St. Sevrin d'Ausson, and [Jean Baptiste Colbert, M..., 1703-1714 British Library
referencedIn KNIGHTLEY MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. III (ff. 223). Royal letters and papers, etc.; 1718 -1904, n.d. Viz.:-(1) Further papers of William IV (supplementary to Add. MS. 46356), chiefly comprising family correspondence, but including letters addressed to him w..., 1718-1904 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLVIII (ff. 205). (1) Letters from Jean de Barjac, Marquis de Rochegude; 1707-1710. French. Partly signed and copies. ff. 1-27. (2) Letters from the Marquis des Porcellets Foix, agent of the Camisards at Brussels; 1706-1710. French. Partly signe..., 1703-1711 British Library
referencedIn Vol. DLXX (ff. 199). (1) Correspondence of the Duke and his wife with George III and other royalty; 1781-1803. Partly French. ff. 1-35b. (2) Letters to the Duke and his wife from John Moore, Bishop of Bangor (1775), Archbishop of Canterbury (1783); 1..., 1766-1800 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 418). Vol. II. FURTHER correspondence during his embassy to Berlin, Jan. 1709-Mar. 1711 ; and to the Hague, Apr.-Sept. 1711. Included are:-1. Letters of Col. James St. Pierre, Col. Edward Montague, Col. George Benson and other officers of the R... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCCLXXV (ff. 95). (1) Letters, etc., of William Blencowe, official decipherer, to Sunderland, Addison and Pringle relating to the decipherment of intercepted letters; 1707-1710. Partly French and cipher. Partly copies. Followed (ff. 45-49) by t..., 1702-1723 British Library
referencedIn "CRONICA sigeberti gemblacensis [Gembloux] monachi;" with the continuation of Anselmus Gemblacensis to the year 1131. [See Pertz's "Monumenta," Vol. vi., p. 375.] Prefixed to the Chronicle, and in different hands, are:-1. Calendar of obits of the mo..., 7th century-14th century British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPHS of the reigning families of Prussia, Poland, and the German States; from 1525 to 1794, viz.: 1. Albert, Cardinal Archbishop of Magdeburg and Mentz, Margrave of Brandenburg, to the Chapter of Magdeburg, respecting arrears due from the distr..., 1525-1794 British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCXCI (ff. 212). (1) Letters from German sovereigns, Circles, cities, etc.; 1707-1710. Latin, Italian and French, with translations. ff. 1-54b. (2) Correspondence with Swiss Protestant cantons, cities and ecclesiastical authorities, and with th..., 1702-1710 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 442). Vol. IV. FURTHER correspondence of Lord Strafford and Dr. John Robinson, Plenipotentiaries at Utrecht, with Lords Bolingbroke and Dartmouth; interspersed with correspondence of Lord Strafford, as First Commissioner of the Admiralty, with J... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XCIII (ff. 330). France: William Anne Keppel, 2nd Earl of Albemarle, Ambassador; Lt.-Col. the Hon. Joseph Yorke (Baron Dover 1788), Secretary of the Embassy; William Mildmay, Commissary; 1749-1751.Louis XV of France: Papers of Lord Holdernesse c..., 1749-1751 British Library
referencedIn EGMONT PAPERS. Vol. XCIII (ff. 209). Royal correspondence, mostly of the 2nd Lord Egmont; 1737-1828, n.d. (1) Correspondence with Frederick, Prince of Wales; 1737-1750. Partly autograph. Followed (f. 25) by a letter on behalf of his widow, Augusta, 1..., 1737-1828 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XLVII (ff. 296). July -Nov. 1830.includes:f. 4 Baron JeanBaptiste George Marie Bory de Saint-Vincent,; naturalist: Memorandum for Prince Polignac rel. to Greece: 1830.: Fr.: Copy.f. 4 Greece: Memorandum by J. B. G. M. Bory de Saint-Vincent r... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXVII (ff. 208). (1) Germany: — (a) The Empire; 1707. ff. 1-2; — (b) The Emperor; 1705-1709. ff. 3-37b; — (c) Bavaria; 1702-1704. ff. 38-45b; — (d) Brandenburg-Prussia; 1690-1710. ff. 46-139b; — (e) Brunswick-Lüneburg-Celle and Brunswick-Lüneb..., 1690-1710 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of letters and papers, of a commercial and diplomatic character, mostly referring to foreign affairs.Included are some original letters, imperfect or unsigned drafts, etc. The names of the writers, etc. are to be found in the..., 16th century-18th century British Library
creatorOf AACHEN CORONATION ORDER: Imperial Coronation Order from the Cathedral at Aachen; circa 1200, with an addition, early 14th cent. Latin. Origin: North? Germany. See: H. Keussen, 'Aquensia in der Handschriften-Sammlung des Britischen Museums zu London'... British Library
referencedIn CHRONOGRAMS: mostly of German origin; circa 1654-circa 1702. Collected and partly transcribed by James Hilton, F.S.A., 1899. Mostly Latin, with French and German; Hilton's transcriptions in Latin and English. A note by Hilton on f. 1 gives the origin..., approximately 1654-approximately 1702 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XL (ff. 202). July 1708-1709.includes:ff. 18-21b Joseph I; Emperor of Germany: Correspondence, etc., with Frederick I of Prussia,: 1707-1708: Gr.: copies and transl.ff. 18-21b Frederick I of Prussia: Correspondence with Emperor Joseph I: 170... British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXV (ff. 184). 1827.includes:ff. 1, 165 Prince Alexandr Mikhailovich Gorchakov,; Russian Chancellor: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: [1821?] -1827.: Fr.ff. 3, 70 Prince Ivan Alekseevich Potemkin,; Russian diplomatist: Correspondence with..., 1827 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CCCCI (ff. 110). Articles of agreement of, and memorials, etc., relating to, diplomatic and military agreements, 1655-1720; including (ff. 37-39b) an original protocol of the Anglo-Tripolitanian peace treaty of 1703; (ff. 68-69..., 1655-1720 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXIX (ff. 203). 1707-May 1708.includes:f. 43 Louis XIV of France: Letters to Pope Clement XI: 1707, 1708.: Fr. and Ital.: Copies.f. 43 Clement XI; Pope: Letters, etc., to: 1707-1709.: Fr., Ital. and Span.f. 80 Joseph I; Emperor of Germany... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CXXVIII (ff. 163). 1701-June 1705.includes:f. 62 Anthony Günther, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst: Letter to Duke of Marlborough: 1703.: Fr.f. 93 Baron Thomas Christian von Berlepsch,; Prussian diplomatist and Adjutant-General: Instructions to: 170... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS to Lord Raby, afterwards Earl of Strafford, Ambassador to Berlin, and to the States General, from François de Langes, Baron de Lubières, Madame Marie de Drevon, and other French Protestant refugees from the Principality of Orange; 1704-1713...., 1704-1713 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. VOI. CXXXIII (ff. 219). (1) Letters from Baron Dubislav Gneomar von Natzmer, Prussian Field Marshal; 1703-1712. French and German. Partly signed. ff. 1-73b. (2) Letters from Georg Abraham von Arnim, Prussian Field Marshal; 1705. Fren..., 1703-1712 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. VOI. CXXXIV (ff. 21 1). (1) Letters from Sophia, widow of Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover, 1702-1708; preceded (f. 1) by a letter from the Electress to Charlotte née Hesse, widow of Robert Killigrew, 1701. French. Mostly autograp..., 1702-1711 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CXXXII (ff. 194). Correspondence with Baron Wolfgang von Schmettau, Prussian Envoy at The Hague; 1702-1710. French, Dutch and German. Partly signed, copies and printed. Including (ff. 124b-125) a plan of the battle of Frauenstad..., 1702-1710 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 562). Vol. I CORRESPONDENCE during his embassy to Berlin; 17 Dec. 1697, 9 June, 1703-31 Dec. 1708. Included are:-1. Letters of Col. James St. Pierre, Col. James Crofts, and the other officers of the Royal or First Regiment of Dragoons, of which... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXVI (ff. 127). Multilateral negotiations, mainly political, 1648-1715; including negotiations between third parties under British or Anglo-Dutch mediation and Allied negotiations with France, 1701-1711, with some annotations (ff. 7-9b) by Marl..., 1648-1715 British Library
referencedIn Vol. xiii. April-June, 1701.Charles Whitworth, Baron Whitworth; Resident at Ratisbon, Envoy to Russia, Prussia, and the Hague: Letters to J. Ellis: 1698-1705.Philip Plantamour, agent in Berlin: Letters to J. Ellis: 1696-1703.: Fr.James Dayrolle, Resi... British Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, etc., from the collection of George Cubitt, 1st Lord Ashcombe (b. 1828, d. l917) ; 1528-1898, as follows 1. Frederic I of Denmark to Francis I of France demanding satisfaction for injuries caused by the inhabitants of Depen [Dieppe..., 1528-1898 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. CLX (ff. 246). (1) Letters from Baron Jobst van Scholten, Danish general; 1702-1710. French. Signed. ff. 1-58b. (2) Letters from Johann Rantzau, Danish general; 1703-1708. French. Mostly signed. ff. 59-90b. (3) Correspondence wi..., 1701-1710 British Library
referencedIn Vol. i., 1656-July, 1712.includes:f. 1 Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Cleveland: Order for his release from the Tower: 1656. f. 2 Anthony Wigley: Firman to travel in Syria: 1664.: Transl. f. 3 India: Regulations of the Charter of the E. I. Company: 1665... British Library
referencedIn DIPLOMATIC PAPEERS of George Stepney, relating to his negotiations at the same courts, with a few papers of earlier date; 1677-1707. They include some original letters of Prince Francis Rákóczy and others connected with the revolt of Hungary in 1704..., 1677-1707 British Library
referencedIn HANOVER PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 525). 2 Oct. 1692-3 Jan. 1707. The writers are:-J-d'Alais; Hanover, 27 Nov. 1705. f. 339. François d'Auxy, Comte de Monceaux; Cassel, 17 Dec. 1703. f. 219. Louis William, Mar,-].ave of Baden-Baden, to the Duke of Marlbo... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCCXXXVIII (ff. 218). (1) Denmark; 1707-1709. ff. 1-1 3b. (2) Germany: — (a) The Emperor, 1706-1710; including (ff. 67-70, 106) annotations by Sunderland. ff. 14-128b; — (b) Hanover; 1709. ff. 129-138b; — (c) Lorraine; 1708. f. 139; — (d) Meckl..., 1706-1710 British Library
referencedIn ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. XIII (ff. 330). Correspondence with members of the Royal Family and with foreign Sovereigns (including members of their families and of their households, etc.); 1829-1860:-(1) Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, and (1837) Kin..., 1813-1860 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XLVI (ff. 273). March-June 1830.includes:ff. 3, 78, 170 Greece: Memorandum on, and extracts of letters rel. to, by Gen. Sir R. Church: 1830.: Copies.ff. 3, 78, 170 Sir Richard Church, GCH; General in the Greek army: Memoranda, etc., on Gree... British Library
referencedIn TOM. II.-" Confirmazione d' Investitura dello Stato di Milano, fatta da Rodolfo, Imperatore, à Filippo II., Rè di Spagna ;" 28 Feb. 1579, Lat. [Cf. 16,469, f. 207], f. 11 b. ;-" Conferma dell' Investiture del Ducato di Milano, et altri sue attenenze,..., 1579-1701 British Library
referencedIn EXTRACTS and copies of correspondence between [John Churchill], Duke of Marlborough, and [Charles Townshend], Viscount Townshend, English plenipotentiaries at the Hague, and Henry Boyle, Principal Secretary of State; 8 May 1709-21 July 1710. Included... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CCCCXXVIII (ff. 193). Jan.-June 1709.John Chetwynd, 2nd Viscount Chetwynd; diplomatist: Correspondence, etc., partly on his behalf, with Lord Sunderland, etc.,: 1706-1710: Partly Ital., Fr. and Lat.: Mostly signed. Partly cipher, printed and ext... British Library
referencedIn TOWNSHEND PAPERSLetters from Horatio Walpole (1st Baron Walpole of Wolterton 1756), as Ambassador to France, and Thomas Robinson (1st Baron Grantham 1761), as Secretary of the Embassy, to Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend of Raynham, Secretar... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Zelle, Hanover
Toulon, Var
Genoa, Italy
Netherlands Southern Provinces, the Netherlands
Cévennes, France
Netherlands, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Neuchâtel, Principality of, Switzerland
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Netherlands, Europe
Dettingen, Germany
Germany, Europe
Buda, Hungary
Orange, Principality of, France
Bremen, Germany
Swabia, Circle of, Germany
Paris, France
Hatfield, Yorkshire
Lindau, Lake Constance
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Paris, France
Genoa, Italy
Canary Islands, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Newfoundland, Canada
Flushing, the Netherlands
Forlì, Italy
Switzerland, Europe
Königsberg, Prussia
Switzerland, Europe
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Brunswick-Lüneburg, Germany
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Netherlands, Europe
Siena, Italy
Germany, Europe
Cremona, Lombardy
Netherlands, Europe
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
Transylvania, Central Europe
Husum, Denmark
Netherlands, Europe
Almenara, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Mantua, Italy
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Königsberg, Prussia
Austria, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Grisons, the Netherlands
Danzig, Germany
Germany, Europe
Osnabrück, Hanover
Bloni, Poland
Greece, Europe
Venice, Italy
Geneva, Switzerland
Transylvania, Central Europe
Saxony, Germany
Grisons, the Netherlands
Switzerland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Nijmegen, Gelderland
Mons, Hainault
Ulm, Swabia
Greece, Europe
Grisons, the Netherlands
Altona, Germany
Montagnac, France
Lübeck, Germany
Genoa, Italy
West Friesland, Holland
Transylvania, Central Europe
Neuchâtel, Principality of, Switzerland
Hungary, Europe
Husum, Denmark
Paris, France
Spires, Germany
Netherlands, Europe
Riga, Livonia
Netherlands, Europe
La Grande Chartreuse, France
Étampes, Bailliage of, France
Savoy, Germany
Brittany, France
Bruges, Belgium
Rijswijk, Holland
Geneva, Switzerland
Dunkirk, France
Aix La Chapelle, Germany
Neuchâtel, Principality of, Switzerland
Netherlands, Europe
Silesia, Central Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Puymirol, France
Spain, Europe
Lion, Gulf of, Mediterranean Sea
Magdeburg, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Berne, Canton of, Switzerland
Spain, Europe
Swabia, Circle of, Germany
Hague, the Netherlands
Liege, Belgium
Vigo, Spain
Spain, Europe
Constantinople, Byzantine empire
Antwerp, Belgium
Schweinfurt, Bavaria
Salzburg, Austria
Elbing, Poland
Switzerland, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Toulon, Var
Southampton, Hampshire
Spain, Europe
Zurich, Canton of, Switzerland
Grisons, the Netherlands
Lerida, Catalonia
Portugal, Europe
Montauban, France
Frauenstadt al. Fraustadt, Poland
Italy, Europe
Maidstone, Kent
Worms, the Rhineland
Ghent, Flanders
Warsaw, Poland
Mortagne, Tournai
Netherlands, Europe
Milan, Italy
Münster, Westphalia
Tobago, the Carribean
Munster, Province of, Germany
Kent, England
India, Asia
Venice, Italy
Nova Scotia, North America
London, England
Étampes, Bailliage of, France
Turin, Piedmont
Hungary, Europe
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Ireland, Europe
Greece, Europe
Frauenstadt al. Fraustadt, Poland
Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Tripoli, North Africa
River Pruth, Eastern Europe
Silesia, Province of, Central Europe
Saragossa, Spain
Furnes, West Flanders
Boston, Massachusetts
Netherlands, Europe
Sète, Hérault


Active 1528

Active 1898



Ark ID: w6gg0m0f

SNAC ID: 39629068