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R.M.21.c.32-40. ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Anon. [Music for Bassethorns III.]; early 19th century. A numbered set of 65 short pieces, mainly anonymous, arranged for 2 bassethorns, 2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 bassoons and serpent. Separate parts only.Paper. Nine...
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PSALM-TUNES, similar to the preceding and in the same hand, but in voice-score. Paper; ff. 20. xixth cent. Oblong Folio.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Collections of music transcribed by: 18th, 19th centt.Music: Psalm tunes: 19th cent., 19th century
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MISCELLANEOUS vocal music, viz. :-1. "When charming Chloe " :madrigal for five voices, in score, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f. 1.2. " Daughter sweet of voice and air ": glee for five voices, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f 7. 3. The same words, entitl..., 18th century-19th century
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ENGLISH duets, chiefly by Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne and William Jackson, of Exeter, transcribed in score by Richard James Samuel Stevens; 1797. Included also are compositions by Handel (ff. 43, 45 b), John Christopher Smith (f. 30), Stephen Storace (..., 1797
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVII (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th centur..., 19th century
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ANTHEMS and services by Orlando Gibbons, Jeremiah Clarke, Maurice Greene, R. J. S. Stevens, and others; chiefly in score. Paper; ff. 161. xviiith, xixth centt. Oblong Folio.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Sacred music: 18th-19th cent.Maurice G..., 18th century-19th century
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A MISCELLANEOUS collection of music, chiefly in the handwriting of the Rev. Richard James Samuel Stevens, organist of the Charterhouse. In fourteen volumes, containing:-, 18th century-19th century
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DOVASTON MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS (SERIES II). Vol. IV. Collection of songs, duets, glees, etc., together with a few keyboard pieces or arrangements, mostly from published sources; compiled 1805, 1815-1824. The vocal music includes works by R. J. Stevens, D..., 1805-1824
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. VII (ff. ii + 101). Arrangements and adaptations from works by the early madrigalwriters and others, interspersed with original compositions chiefly sketches or rough drafts by Pearsall, including anthems, a canon, a carol, ..., 1835-1838
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XX (ff. i + 32). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th cent..., 19th century
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MUSIC PUBLISHING: album of receipts, agreements and letters of musicians, chiefly relating to the firms John and Thomas Preston (John Preston & Son), and Coventry and Hollier; 1773-1863. Mostly receipts for copyright in musical compositions. The sign..., 1773-1863
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CHURCH Music in score, chiefly in the hand of Vincent Novello, viz. :-1. Responses and a setting of part of Psalm cxix., by Thomas Tallis. 2. "Prevent us, O Lord": anthem, by William Byrd. f. 12. 3. Services and anthems, by Dr. Orlando Gibbons, prece..., 19th century
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVIII (ff. i + 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th c..., 19th century
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PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVI (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th century..., 19th century
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Vol. II. ff. 214.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Secular music: 18th, 19th centt., 18th century-19th century
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MADRIGALS and part-,songs by John Morley, Gerolamo Converso, Jeremiah Saville, John Wilbye, Thomas Linley, Luca Marenzio, John Danby, Samuel Webbe [senior], Lord Mornington, Rev. R. J. S. Stevens, Thomas Ford, Giovanni dalla Croce, Jonathan Battishil..., 19th century
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"DUETS and glees from operas by Richard James Samuel Stevens." Paper; xixth cent. Oblate Quarto., 19th century
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PSALM-TUNES, from Thomas Ravenscroft's psalter downwards, transcribed with figured bass by the Rev. R. J. S. Stevens; 1826. Paper; ff. 63. Oblong Duodecimo.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Collections of music transcribed by: 18th, 19th centt.M..., 1826
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MOTETS by G. P. Colonna, in full score; transcribed by Savage. With notes in the handwriting of the Rev. R. J. S. Stevens, to whom the volume belonged. Paper; ff. 89. Circ. 1800. Quarto.Savage: Motets of G. P. Colonna, transcribed by: circ. 1800.Giov..., approximately 1800
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MISCELLANEOUS vocal compositions by R. J. S. Stevens, viz.:-1. " The Captivity: an oratorio by Dr. Goldsmith." The libretto (in duplicate), followed by a duet and the parts of the choruses. f. 1. 2. Witches' Song from Ben Johnson," in score. f. 55. ..., 18th century-19th century
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