Stevens, Richard John Samuel, composer

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British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000386.0x0002e4

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creatorOf R.M.21.c.32-40. ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. Anon. [Music for Bassethorns III.]; early 19th century. A numbered set of 65 short pieces, mainly anonymous, arranged for 2 bassethorns, 2 oboes, 2 horns, 2 bassoons and serpent. Separate parts only.Paper. Nine... British Library
referencedIn PSALM-TUNES, similar to the preceding and in the same hand, but in voice-score. Paper; ff. 20. xixth cent. Oblong Folio.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Collections of music transcribed by: 18th, 19th centt.Music: Psalm tunes: 19th cent., 19th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS vocal music, viz. :-1. "When charming Chloe " :madrigal for five voices, in score, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f. 1.2. " Daughter sweet of voice and air ": glee for five voices, by Samuel Webbe. Autograph. f 7. 3. The same words, entitl..., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn ENGLISH duets, chiefly by Dr. Thomas Augustine Arne and William Jackson, of Exeter, transcribed in score by Richard James Samuel Stevens; 1797. Included also are compositions by Handel (ff. 43, 45 b), John Christopher Smith (f. 30), Stephen Storace (..., 1797 British Library
referencedIn PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVII (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th centur..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn ANTHEMS and services by Orlando Gibbons, Jeremiah Clarke, Maurice Greene, R. J. S. Stevens, and others; chiefly in score. Paper; ff. 161. xviiith, xixth centt. Oblong Folio.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Sacred music: 18th-19th cent.Maurice G..., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn A MISCELLANEOUS collection of music, chiefly in the handwriting of the Rev. Richard James Samuel Stevens, organist of the Charterhouse. In fourteen volumes, containing:-, 18th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf DOVASTON MUSIC MANUSCRIPTS (SERIES II). Vol. IV. Collection of songs, duets, glees, etc., together with a few keyboard pieces or arrangements, mostly from published sources; compiled 1805, 1815-1824. The vocal music includes works by R. J. Stevens, D..., 1805-1824 British Library
referencedIn PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. VII (ff. ii + 101). Arrangements and adaptations from works by the early madrigalwriters and others, interspersed with original compositions chiefly sketches or rough drafts by Pearsall, including anthems, a canon, a carol, ..., 1835-1838 British Library
referencedIn PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XX (ff. i + 32). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th cent..., 19th century British Library
creatorOf MUSIC PUBLISHING: album of receipts, agreements and letters of musicians, chiefly relating to the firms John and Thomas Preston (John Preston & Son), and Coventry and Hollier; 1773-1863. Mostly receipts for copyright in musical compositions. The sign..., 1773-1863 British Library
referencedIn CHURCH Music in score, chiefly in the hand of Vincent Novello, viz. :-1. Responses and a setting of part of Psalm cxix., by Thomas Tallis. 2. "Prevent us, O Lord": anthem, by William Byrd. f. 12. 3. Services and anthems, by Dr. Orlando Gibbons, prece..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVIII (ff. i + 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th c..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn PEARSALL COLLECTION. Vol. XVI (ff. 33). Neat copies of madrigals, part-songs, glees, etc., for four or five voices, in parts, a few by Pearsall (or slightly altered by him), but most of them by the English and Italian madrigalists of the 16th century..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. II. ff. 214.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Secular music: 18th, 19th centt., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn MADRIGALS and part-,songs by John Morley, Gerolamo Converso, Jeremiah Saville, John Wilbye, Thomas Linley, Luca Marenzio, John Danby, Samuel Webbe [senior], Lord Mornington, Rev. R. J. S. Stevens, Thomas Ford, Giovanni dalla Croce, Jonathan Battishil..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn "DUETS and glees from operas by Richard James Samuel Stevens." Paper; xixth cent. Oblate Quarto., 19th century British Library
referencedIn PSALM-TUNES, from Thomas Ravenscroft's psalter downwards, transcribed with figured bass by the Rev. R. J. S. Stevens; 1826. Paper; ff. 63. Oblong Duodecimo.Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer: Collections of music transcribed by: 18th, 19th centt.M..., 1826 British Library
creatorOf MOTETS by G. P. Colonna, in full score; transcribed by Savage. With notes in the handwriting of the Rev. R. J. S. Stevens, to whom the volume belonged. Paper; ff. 89. Circ. 1800. Quarto.Savage: Motets of G. P. Colonna, transcribed by: circ. 1800.Giov..., approximately 1800 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS vocal compositions by R. J. S. Stevens, viz.:-1. " The Captivity: an oratorio by Dr. Goldsmith." The libretto (in duplicate), followed by a duet and the parts of the choruses. f. 1. 2. Witches' Song from Ben Johnson," in score. f. 55. ..., 18th century-19th century British Library
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Active 1701

Active 1863

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Ark ID: w6r59kxx

SNAC ID: 39528106