Mackiewicz, Józef.

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Józef Mackiewicz (1902-1985) was a Polish novelist, journalist, and publicist. He was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1902 and in 1907 his family moved to Wilno, Poland. He fought as a Polish volunteer in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920 and studied at Warsaw University. He worked in Wilno (under Polish control 1920-1939) as a journalist until the Red Army drove him west in 1945. He spent the rest of his life in exile in Rome, then London, and finally Munich. He was the brother of journalist Stanisław Mackiewicz (1896-1966), and the husband of writer Barbara Toporska (1913-1985).

His first venture as a writer was in 1922 in the Vilnius-based daily newspaper Słowo ( The Word. ). He later wrote semi-documentary historical novels on the fate of the Poles and other ethnic groups during World War II and also wrote about the 1919-1921 Polish-Bolshevik war. He wrote consistently anti-communist political journalism, stories, and memoirs.

From the guide to the Józef Mackiewicz papers, 1945-1970., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Józef Mackiewicz papers, 1945-1970. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Barbara Toporska person
correspondedWith Bochenski, Joseph M., 1902- person
correspondedWith Breyer, Richard. person
correspondedWith Brykczyński, Stefan. person
correspondedWith Caldra House, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chmielowiec, Michał. person
correspondedWith Czapski, Józef, 1896- person
correspondedWith Czubatyj, Taras. person
correspondedWith Dembiński, Ryszard. person
correspondedWith Dygnas, Aleksander. person
correspondedWith Dziennik Polski, London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Garanin, E. person
correspondedWith Giedroyć, Jerzy. person
correspondedWith Ginalska, Maria J. person
correspondedWith Godlewski, Józef, 1890- person
correspondedWith Grobicki, Jerzy. person
correspondedWith Jacewicz, Alfons. person
correspondedWith Jankowski, Paweł. person
associatedWith Juliusz Sakowski person
correspondedWith Karasiewicz, Józef, 1881-1969 person
associatedWith Karol Zbyszewski. person
correspondedWith Kossowska, Stefania. person
correspondedWith Kowalewski, Janusz, fl. 1955- person
correspondedWith Krzeczunowicz, Kornel. person
correspondedWith Lozoraitis, S. (Stasys), 1924-1994 person
correspondedWith Melichar, Janina. person
correspondedWith Messing person
correspondedWith Meysztowicz, Walerian, 1893-1982 person
correspondedWith Milosz, Czeslaw. person
correspondedWith Okulicz, Kazimierz. person
correspondedWith Ostrowski, Wiktor, fl. 1959- person
correspondedWith Pawlikowski, Michał K. person
correspondedWith Popławski, Włodzimierz. person
correspondedWith Pragier, Adam, 1886-1976 person
correspondedWith Roos, Hans, 1919-1984 person
correspondedWith Rostworowski, Jan. person
correspondedWith Rubanov, Leo. person
correspondedWith Rumsza, Kazimierz person
associatedWith Sapieha, Lew person
correspondedWith Siemaszko, Zbigniew S. person
correspondedWith Sopicki, Stanisław, 1903- person
associatedWith Stanisław Alexandrowicz person
correspondedWith Stankevich, Stanislaŭ. person
correspondedWith Struve, Gleb. person
correspondedWith Tomeczek, Józef. person
associatedWith Toporska, Barbara. person
correspondedWith Vincenz, Kazimierz F. person
correspondedWith Vincenz-Poniatowska, Halszka. person
correspondedWith Wędziagolski, Karol. person
associatedWith Wiesław Wohnout, 1902-1988 person
correspondedWith Wraga, Ryszard. person
correspondedWith Zabłocka, Anna. person
correspondedWith Zabłocki, Tadeusz. person
correspondedWith Zbyszewski, Karol, 1904- person
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Ark ID: w6n14s20

SNAC ID: 3908219