Billinsky, John M. (John Milton), 1916-1984

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John Milton Billinsky (1916-1984) was an important figure in the development of the clinical pastoral education movement. He was ordained in 1944 in the United Church of Christ in Old South Church in Boston and was professor of psychology and clinical studies at Andover Newton Theological School from 1945 until 1981.

From the description of John Milton Billinsky Papers, 1923-1983 (Harvard University, Divinity School Library). WorldCat record id: 182061097

John Milton Billinsky (1916-1984) was an important figure in the development of the clinical pastoral education movement. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Hartford School of Education in 1939, received his BD from Hartford Theological Seminary in 1942, and his EdD from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1952. He married Elizabeth French, and served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II. He was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 1944 at Old South Church in Boston and was named chief of chaplains of Boston City Hospital that same year. He was Professor of Psychology and Clinical Studies at Andover Newton Theological School from 1945 until his retirement in 1981, and was named to the Guiles Chair following A. Philip Guiles's retirement in 1952.

From the guide to the Billinsky, John Milton. Papers, 1923-1983., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Billinsky, John Milton, 1916-1984. Papers, 1923-1983 Andover-Harvard Theological Library
creatorOf Billinsky, John Milton. John Milton Billinsky Papers, 1923-1983 Harvard University, Divinity School Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Advisory Committee on Clinical Pastoral Education corporateBody
correspondedWith Allport, Floyd H. person
associatedWith Allport, Gordon W. person
associatedWith American Association of Pastoral Counselors corporateBody
associatedWith American Association of Theological Schools corporateBody
associatedWith American Baptist Publication Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Harrison Ray person
associatedWith Andover Newton Theological School corporateBody
associatedWith A. P. Guiles person
associatedWith Association for Clinical Pastoral Education corporateBody
associatedWith Association of Protestant Hospital Chaplains corporateBody
associatedWith Austin Philip Guiles person
correspondedWith Beatty, Don person
correspondedWith Becker, Arthur H. person
correspondedWith Bertine, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Blodgett, Emerson person
correspondedWith Boisen, Anton T. person
associatedWith Boisen, Anton T. (Anton Theophilus), 1876-1965. person
correspondedWith Boisen, Louise Wylie person
associatedWith Booth, Gotthard person
correspondedWith Bradley, Marie Louise person
correspondedWith Briner, Lewis A. person
associatedWith Bruder, Ernest E. person
correspondedWith Bryan, William A. person
associatedWith Bucknell University corporateBody
correspondedWith Cabot, Richard C. person
correspondedWith Case, Rodney J. person
associatedWith CCT corporateBody
correspondedWith C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology corporateBody
correspondedWith C.G. Jung-Institut corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago Theological Seminary corporateBody
associatedWith Clark, Walter Houston person
correspondedWith Clinical Experience for Students of New England Theological Schools corporateBody
correspondedWith Clinical Workers in Religion corporateBody
associatedWith Clinic and Research Centre for Jungian Psychology corporateBody
correspondedWith Congregational Publishing Society person
correspondedWith Council for the Clinical Training corporateBody
correspondedWith Council for the Clinical Training of Theological Students corporateBody
associatedWith CPE corporateBody
correspondedWith Curley, James M. person
associatedWith Dabney, Vaughan person
correspondedWith Davis, Jerome person
correspondedWith Davis, Ozora S. person
correspondedWith Dickinson, Jr., Leon person
correspondedWith Dicks, Russell L. person
associatedWith Dieckmann, Ute person
associatedWith Dittes, James E. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Alexander D. person
correspondedWith Doren, Alice M. person
correspondedWith Dummer, Ethel P. person
correspondedWith Dun, Angus person
correspondedWith Dunbar, Helen Flanders person
correspondedWith Dye person
correspondedWith Earhart Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Eastman, Fred person
correspondedWith Edinger, Edward person
associatedWith Edward C. Whitmont person
correspondedWith Elia, Andrew D. person
associatedWith Eliade, Mircea person
associatedWith Eliot H. Rodnick person
correspondedWith Ellison, J. M. person
correspondedWith Episcopal Theological School corporateBody
correspondedWith Fackre, Gabriel person
associatedWith Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America corporateBody
associatedWith Ferré, Nels F. person
correspondedWith Flemming, Arthur person
associatedWith Fosdick, Harry Emerson person
correspondedWith Fricke (?), Helen person
associatedWith Gareth Hill person
correspondedWith Gezork, Herbert person
correspondedWith Gillespie, S. Hazard person
correspondedWith Greenawalt, Jack C. person
associatedWith Groesbeck, C. Jess person
correspondedWith Guiles, A. Philip person
correspondedWith Guiles, Austin Philip person
correspondedWith Guiles, Louise E. person
correspondedWith Handspicker, Jerry person
associatedWith Hannah, Barbara person
correspondedWith Harrelson, Walter person
associatedWith Harrelson, Walter J. person
correspondedWith Hartford School of Religious Education corporateBody
associatedWith Hiemstra, William L. person
correspondedWith Higuchi, Kazuhiko person
correspondedWith Hillman, James person
correspondedWith Hiltner, Seward person
correspondedWith Holt, Arthur E. person
associatedWith Hopkins, Ruth person
correspondedWith Institute of Pastoral Care corporateBody
associatedWith IPC corporateBody
associatedWith Ira Progoff person
correspondedWith Johnson, Eleanor H. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Paul E. person
associatedWith Joint Commission on Theological Education corporateBody
associatedWith Joseph Fletcher person
associatedWith Katherine Bradway person
correspondedWith Keller, William S. person
correspondedWith Koehler person
associatedWith Laurance S. Rockefeller person
associatedWith Leary, Timothy person
correspondedWith Link, Henry C. person
correspondedWith Livingston person
correspondedWith Maes, John L. person
associatedWith Maslow, A. H. person
correspondedWith Massachusetts Department of Mental Diseases corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Home Missionary Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Maxfield, Otis A. person
associatedWith M. C. Froyd person
correspondedWith McGiffert, Jr., Arthur Cushman person
associatedWith Meek, Frederick M. person
correspondedWith Meier, C. A. person
correspondedWith Menninger Sanitorium corporateBody
associatedWith M. Esther Harding person
correspondedWith Miller, Samuel H. person
correspondedWith Minear, Paul person
correspondedWith Missildine, W. Hugh person
associatedWith Mowrer, O. Hobart person
correspondedWith Muelder, Walter G. person
associatedWith National Association on Clinical Pastoral Education corporateBody
associatedWith New York Association for Analytical Psychology corporateBody
correspondedWith Noyes, Arthur P. person
correspondedWith Page, Frederick Harlan person
correspondedWith Palmer, Albert W. person
correspondedWith Park, John Edgar person
correspondedWith Patton, Carl S. person
correspondedWith Pearson, Roy person
correspondedWith Pope, Edward V. person
correspondedWith Potter, Rockwell Harmon person
correspondedWith Rasche, Robert person
associatedWith Reichstein person
correspondedWith Rhode Island Public Welfare Commission corporateBody
correspondedWith Rice, Wayland R. person
correspondedWith Second Church in Newton corporateBody
associatedWith Shakow, David person
correspondedWith Smith, Donald E. person
correspondedWith Smith, John I. person
correspondedWith Sperry, Willard L. person
correspondedWith Stokes, G. Allison person
correspondedWith Stolz, Karl R. person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Harry Stack person
correspondedWith Thayer, V. T. person
associatedWith Thelma Lebeaux person
associatedWith Tillich, Paul Johannes person
associatedWith von Franz, M. L. person
associatedWith Warren Weaver person
correspondedWith Washburn, Henry B. person
correspondedWith Westberg, Granger person
correspondedWith Wise, Carroll A. person
correspondedWith Zeckhausen, Bill person
associatedWith Ziegler, Jesse H. person
correspondedWith Zon, Raphael person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Clinical pastoral education (Movement)
Pastoral theology


Birth 1916

Death 1984



Ark ID: w63r4644

SNAC ID: 38530198