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MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS and papers, viz. A. Accompts of Richard Ellys and Robert Nailler, Greaves of the Community of Rotherham, co. York, 29 June, 1537, and of Richard Kare and Thomas Batley, their successors, 28 June, 1538; together with the accompts..., 13th century-19th century
British Library |
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A. R. WALLACE PAPERS. Vol. XXVI (ff. 437). Correspondence on spritualism and related subjects; 1864 -1913, n.d.includes:f. 1 Sir David Brewster, natural philosopher: Letter to -: 1855.: Copy.ff. 3, 141, 144, 148 (draft), 150, 154 (draft) William..., 1864-1913
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXII (ff. 286). July-Sept.1865.includes:ff. 1, 169, 207, 237, 243 Sir William George Anderson, KCB; Assistant Paymaster-General: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1852-1875.f. 3 Revenue: Papers rel. to the Budget: 1848-1883.: Partly p...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXV (ff. 265). Apr.-11 June 1866.includes:ff. 1, 36, 67, 262 Admiral Clarence Edward Paget, GCB; 4th son of Henry, 1st Marquess of Anglesey: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1860-1870.f. 2 Thomas Joseph Weld-Blundell, of Ince-Blundel...
British Library |
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'A SYSTEM OF LOGIC, Ratiocinative and Inductive', by John Stuart Mill. Autograph revised MS. of April-Dec. 1841 (see Mill's Autobiography, 1873, pp. 22I-223) as sent to the printer (first published 1843). The MS. was bequeathed by Mill to William Fid...
British Library |
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John Stuart Mill papers., 1824
British Library |
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Vol. cxlvi (ff. 209). 1858-1861, n.d.includes:ff. 1, 102, 186 Abraham Brewster, judge; Attorney-General of Ireland: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence of Abraham Brewster and Sir James Robert George..., 1858-1861
British Library |
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Vol. XIII. (ff. 478). 1837-Mar. 1838.India: Correspondence and papers of Sir J. C. Hobhouse, as President of the Board of Control: 1834-1841, 1846-1852.includes:f. 8 George Palmer, junior: Letter to R. Biddulph: 1837. ff. 10, 45, 97, 154, 168 Henry ..., 1837-1838
British Library |
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Vol. XIII. (ff. 655). July, 1842-June, 1843.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:f. 1 Hon Theresa Villiers, wife of Hon. Ge...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS autographs and papers., 17th century-19th century
British Library |
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Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st Baron, 1834-1913. Avebury Papers. A. General Correspondence, 1855-1911. Vol. IV (ff. i+166). 1865-1866
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLV (ff. 299). Sept.-Oct. 1873.includes:ff. 1-187 passim Daniel O'Donoghue, The O'Donoghue; MP: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1867-1886.f. 2 Louisa Dorothea Kerr, wife of Lord Henry Kerr: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1873.f. 4 Joh...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCVII (ff. 355). July-Dec. 1859.includes:f. 1 Richard Bentley, publisher: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1850-1868. f. 3 John William Burgon, Dean of Chichester: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1853-1885. f. 5 Alexander Lendrum, Canon of Pert...
British Library |
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BURNS PAPERS. Vol. LXV (ff. 206). (1) Letters to Richard Moore the Chartist from political associates; 1839-1873. Included (ff. 1-6, 8-14) are some letters, etc., 1839-1841, n.d., from Francis Place (d. 1854), apparently all to Moore except one (f. 3..., 1819-1905
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 204). H -O.includes:f. 1 Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax: Treasury warrant authorised by: 1698: Signed. f. 2 Charles Wood, 1st Viscount Halifax: Letter to A. Panizzi: 1857. f. 3 Henry Hallam, historian: Letter to A. Panizzi: circ...
British Library |
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Vol. XII. (ff. 647). July, 1841-June, 1842.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 10, 62, 68, 271, 279, 304, 429, 449,...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXVI (ff. 294). July-Dec. 1863.includes:ff. 1, 67 Alexander Munro, sculptor: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1852-1863.f. 3 John Mason Neale, hymnologist and translator: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1855-1865.f. 5 Sir Richard Madox ...
British Library |
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Grant Duff, Mountstuart Elphinstone, Sir, 1829-1906. Grant Duff Collection, 1852-1916
British Library |
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Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898. Papers. Series A. Correspondence. Vol. XVIII. Correspondence with George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, 1873-1876.
British Library |
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Vol. DCCVII (ff. 302). [19th century]includes:ff. 1-14 Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Digest by W. E. Gladstone of his Praeparatio Evangelica: n.d.ff. 15-25, 169, 181, 182, 225-228 Theology: Memoranda by W. E. Gladstone on theological..., 19th century
British Library |
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Vol.CCCXXVIII (ff.315). June-Dec. 1867.includes:f. 1 James Godkin, Irish writer: Letter to W. E. Gladstone: 1867.f. 3 Thomas Chisholm Anstey, MP: Letter to W. E. Gladstone: 1867.f. 5 Humphrey Lloyd, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin (1867), s...
British Library |
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Vol. XXXIII, 1862-1883.Sir Edwin Chadwick, sanitary reformer: Correspondence with Florence Nightingale: 1857-1883.includes:f. 58b Sir Harry Verney, 2nd Baronet: Correspondence with Florence Nightingale: 1859-1896.f. 75 Sir Edwin Chadwick, sanitar..., 1862-1883
British Library |
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MACKINTOSH PAPERS (3RD SERIES). Vol. II (ff. 148).1. ff. 1-17v. Letters from Robert Percy ‘Bobus’ Smith, M.P.; 1804-1819.2. ff. 18-50v. Correspondence with Richard ‘Conversation’ Sharp, M.P; 1804-1819. Supplements Add. MS. 52451 A. 3. ff. 51-58v. Let..., 1804-1830
British Library |
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Vol. XI. (ff. 748). 1840-June, 1841.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 93, 566 John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell; ..., 1840-1841
British Library |
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Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898. Papers. Series A. Correspondence. Vol. LVI, LVII. Correspondence with Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby, 1850-23 Oct 1883.
British Library |
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John Stuart Mill papers., 1872
British Library |
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Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898. Papers. Series A. Correspondence. Vol. X. Correspondence with W. P. Adam, 1865-1880; J. G. Hubbard, 1st Baron Addington, 1852-1884; Henry Allon, 1866-1891; Arthur Arnold, 1873-1891
British Library |
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LOVETT ALBUMS AND PAPERS. VOL. I. (ff. i+401). Album of letters, mainly to Lovett; 1828-1876, n.d. The pasted-in letters are enclosed in hand-drawn frames containing Lovett’s own identifications of the authors. Missing some of the original number..., 1828-1876
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLIV (ff. 330). June-Aug. 1873.includes:f. 1 Edward George Barnard: Letter to W. E. Gladstone: 1873.f. 6 Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1862-1889.f. 8 James Martineau, brother of Harr...
British Library |
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LETTERS AND PAPERS OF LOUIS REY, Protestant pastor at Avignon, concerning John Stuart Mill and his stepdaughter Helen Taylor; circ. 1871-1914. (1) Letters from Rey to Miss Azeline Lewis, in connexion with her translation of his pamphlet Le Roman de J..., 1866-1914
British Library |
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FIFTEEN LETTERS OF JOHN STUART MILL to Thomas Hare, political reformer, relating to the latter's system for the representation of minorities in Parliament; 3 March 1859-26 Jan. 1863. Hare's system, commended by Mill in an article in Fraser's Magazine...
British Library |
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POSITIVIST PAPERS. Vol. XVIII (ff. 167). Miscellaneous groups of letters, viz.:-(1) Letters to Congreve from Dr Thomas Arnold of Rugby and his wife Mary; 1837-1843. Congreve was a Rugby boy (1832-1837) and subsequently a master there (1845-1848). ff...., 1837-1899
British Library |
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Vol. XIV. (ff. 746). July, 1843-Dec. 1844.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 83, 144, 472 B-Edward Pote: Letters to M. Napier: 1842-1843. ff. 4, 6, 31, 146, 194, 235, 261, 324, 342, 356, 374, ...
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. DCLXXI (ff. 328). Memoranda relating to the formation of his first ministry (including interviews with the Queen), disestablishment of the Church of Ireland, etc., 1868. Quarto.includes:f. 1 Henry Neville Gladstone, Baron Gla..., 1868
British Library |
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Vol. XVI. (ff. 661). 1846-Nov. 1847.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 125, 404 John Russell, 1st Earl Russell; Prime Minister: Letters to M. Napier: 1843-1846. ff. 3, 17, 40, 477, 507 Thomas B..., 1846-1847
British Library |
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Vol. IX. (III. ff. 296). 1835-1837.includes:ff. 13 b, 168, 170 Thomas Gibson: Correspondence with F. Place: 1835-1840. ff. 16 , 26 b, 60 b, 176 Henry Warburton, Secretary of the Geological Society, etc: Correspondence with F. Place: 1831-1842. ff...., 1835-1837
British Library |
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MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz ' '-A. Letters of distinguished persons, addressed, except where otherwise stated, to Frederick James Furnivall; 6 May 1851-3 June 1876, n.d. For a similar group of letters see Add. MS. 34813, ff. 24-30, and cf...., 17th century-19th century
British Library |
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DILKE PAPERS. Vol. XXIV (ff. 258). Letters from:-(1) John Stuart Mill; 1869-1872. ff. 1-39b. (2) Edmund Dene Morel, Secretary of the Congo Reform Association; 1906, 1909, ff. 40-126, followed (ff. 128-258) by typewritten copies of correspondence; 19..., 1869-1910
British Library |
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GROTE PAPERSPAPERS OF GEORGE GROTE, the historian of Greece, and Harriet, formerly Lewin, his wife, viz.:-(1) Two letters from George Grote to Joseph Parkes of Birmingham on political matters ( the second lacks a beginning ). An extract from ff. 1 -..., 1831-1878
British Library |
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Eccles Bequest. Vol. CLXXXII. Photographs of the following, with some caricatures; [1869]-1976, n.d.1. Laurence Irving; n.d.2. Proof of a caricature of John Keble by Nicholas Bentley; n.d.3. Matheson Lang as Hamlet; 1909.4. Lillie Langtry; [1929], n...., 1869-1982
British Library |
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AUTOGRAPH, 16th century-19th century
British Library |
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Vol. XV. (ff. 569). 1845.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 64, 84, 89, 93, 144, 314, 325, 364, 370, 419, 426, 428, 440, 450, 455, 506 Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey; critic; Lord Advocate: Lette..., 1845
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXIV (ff. 281). Jan.-Mar. 1866.includes:ff. 1, 16, 51, 222 Thomas Moffatt, physician, of Hawarden: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1866.ff. 2, 29, 154 Henry Paull, politician: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1864-1866.f. 4 Ed...
British Library |
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Vol. XVIII. 610). 0 t. 1863-1899.includes:f. 1 John Henry Alexander, American scientist: Correspondence with C. Babbage: 1857-1863. f. 1 John Henry Alexander, American scientist: Correspondence with C. Babbage: 1857-1863. ff. 3, 24, 73, 293, 381, 5..., 1863-1899
British Library |
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LETTERS of John Stuart Mill, written in his fifteenth year to his father, and containing a journal of a tour in the South of France; June-Oct., 1820. Engl. and Fr. Paper; ff. 80. Small Octavo. Presented by the writer's sister, Mrs. Clara Esther Digwe...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters, etc.; 1612-1894. A. Letters addressed chiefly, if not entirely, to Father Arnold Jerome Matthews by (1) William Bernard Ullathorne, R.C. Bishop of Birmingham, on the Benedictine order; Birmingham, 19 June, 1873. f. 1;..., 1612-1894
British Library |
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Senior / Hughes Correspondence. Letters received by Nassau William Senior, political economist (b. 1790, d. 1864), his daughter-in-law Jane, née Hughes, school inspector (b. 1828, d. 1877), and other members of the Senior and Hughes families; 1812-1..., 1812-1896
British Library |
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Letters received by Horace Hayman Wilson, orientalist, 1812-1860
British Library |
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Vol. CII (ff. 284)John Stuart Mill, philosopher: Marginal comments on proof of Florence Nightingale's 'Suggestions for Thought': 1860.
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXVI (ff. 274). 12 June-Dec. 1866.includes:ff. 1, 88, 119 James Moncreiff, 1st Baron Moncreiff 1874: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1839-1885.ff. 2, 131, 255 Cyrus West Field, projector of the Atlantic cable: Correspondence with W....
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. CXXII (ff. 315). Correspondence with :-1. A[braham] Hayward, Q.C., essayist, 1839-1883. f. 1. 2. Lord Arthur C[harles] Hervey, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1840-1893. f. 218. Quarto.includes:ff. 1-215 Abraham Hayward, QC; essay..., 1839-1893
British Library |
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(ff. 168). Correspondence with:1. ff. 1-29. Graham Wallas; 1889?-1929.2. ff. 30-64. Diana Watts; 1923-1950.3. ff. 65-108. Sidney Webb, Baron Passfield; 1883-1938. Partly copy.4. ff. 109-117v. Beatrice Webb, Lady Passfield; 1913-1942.5. ff. 118-1..., 1883-1950
British Library |
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NIGHTINGALE PAPERS. Vol. XLIX (ff. 269). Correspondence with:-(1) John Stuart Mill; 1860-1868. ff. 1-53. (2) The Hon. Charles Pelham Villiers, M.P.; 1864-1867. ff. 54-107b. (3) Gathorne Hardy, afterwards Gathorne-Hardy, Viscount (1878) and 1st Earl ..., 1860-1898
British Library |
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John Stuart Mill papers.
British Library |
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KNIGHTLEY MANUSCIPTS. Vol. IV A (ff. 249). Letters and papers, mostly autograph, of peers, statesmen, men of letters, etc., arranged alphabetically; 1690 -1908. Included are three letters, in French, addressed to the Marquise du Châtelet (supplement..., 1690-1908
British Library |
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Papers of members of the Campbell Family, 1798-1912
British Library |
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Vol. XXXII, 1857-1861Sir Edwin Chadwick, sanitary reformer: Correspondence with Florence Nightingale: 1857-1883.includes:f. 11b John Sutherland, MD; sanitary reformer: Correspondence with Florence Nightingale: 1856-1888.f. 24b John Sutherland, MD..., 1857-1861
British Library |