William Denny & Brothers Ltd (shipbuilders and marine engineers: 1918-1963: Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland)

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The Denny family was engaged in steamship construction from as early as 1814 when William Denny Snr ( 1779-1833 ) formed a partnership, located in Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, with Archibald McLachlan. After his death, three of his six sons, William, Alexander and Peter ( 1821-1895 ), set up a partnership in 1844 , known as Denny Brothers , marine architects, to design iron steamers. William had been chief draughtsman in the Belfast, Northern Ireland, yard of Coats & Young before he was appointed yard manager at Robert Napier's Govan yard in 1842 . Alexander had been in business independently as a marine architect in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, and Peter had worked as a clerk before becoming assistant to, first, William in Govan, Glasgow, Scotland, and then Alexander in Paisley. .

Within a year of establishing their new company, the brothers moved back to Dumbarton and were in business as shipbuilders, taking up the lease of a small yard known as Kirk Yard situated on the banks of the River Leven. In 1845 , they leased the Wood Yard which had been their father's old premises and they fitted this out for the building of iron steamers. At this point, the firm employed 14 men and had a capital of £800. The business prospered, and in 1846 , another brother, James Denny, was taken on as a fourth partner

In 1849 , Alexander left the partnership and the name was changed to William Denny & Brothers . In 1850 , with his brother William's agreement, Peter Denny set up a separate marine engineering company in Dumbarton, to fit out the hulls that William Denny & Brothers were building and, up until that point, sending up the Clyde to Glasgow to be engined. His partners in this venture were John McAusland and a Greenock, Inverclyde, Scotland, engineer, John Tulloch. The new company was known as Tulloch & Denny. Within a very short time, however, William Denny died, leaving his younger brothers James and Peter in control of the firm. Peter Denny was the more active partner and he began to expand the company's horizons, investing in other shipping companies, building ships speculatively and operating some vessels. By 1859 , the total assets of the company, covering shipping, shipbuilding and engineering amounted to £136,634. In that year the firm acquired the North Yard on the River Leven and extended the engineering shops of Tulloch & Denny.

In 1862 , James Denny and John Tulloch both resigned. Peter Denny became sole partner of the shipyard, William Denny & Bros and a partner with John McAusland in the re-formed engineering company, Denny & Co. Through his connections in the Free Church of Scotland, Peter Denny came into contact with the partners of the shipping company, Paddy Henderson & Co. In addition to building ships for the company, Peter Denny joined with the partners in speculating in Confederate Bonds and also in building a Blockade Runner, a cargo transporter used by the Confederate navy to evade the Union blockade by trading with Britain and Europe via the West Indian or Caribbean islands during the American Civil War ( 1861-1865 ). The association with Henderson & Co continued and in 1864 , Peter Denny became a major investor, putting up 18 per cent of the capital, in the Albion Shipping Co, Henderson & Co's New Zealand shipping operation. In 1865 , the partners of Henderson & Co and the Denny companies established the Irrawaddy Flotilla & Burmese Steam Navigation Co.

Meantime Peter Denny continued to expand his shipbuilding operation in Dumbarton, and by 1867 , had transferred his whole operation to a new purpose built yard on the River Leven. In 1868 , Peter Denny took the eldest of his sons, William Denny III, into partnership and in 1871 , his nephew Walter Brock joined the company, becoming a partner in 1873 . Walter Brock was an engineer who, while at Dumbarton, developed the quadruple expansion engine and ways of installing it into older vessels. William Denny III was an experimental scientist and in 1870 , he persuaded his father to adopt progressive speed trials over the measured mile, ensuring a qualitatively more standardised product for customers. He also pioneered the construction of double cellular bottoms for cargo vessels and ensured that the company adopted mild steel in vessel construction. In addition he encouraged his father to build a large experimental tank for testing ship models. In 1881 Denny built a tank 300 ft 22 ft and 9 ft deep, the first such experimental tank in any commercial shipyard in the world.

In 1874 , Peter Denny became the chairman and managing director of the incorporated firm of the British & Burmese Steam Navigation Co, jointly owned by Henderson & Co and by Peter Denny, Walter Brock and John McAusland, the latter three partners taking 580 of the 2,299 shares of £50 each. This company, reformed in 1876 as the Irrawaddy Flotilla Co, built flat bottomed river craft for use in the Burma area. In 1882 , encouraged by their success in Burma, the partners set up another company, La Platense Flotilla, to build river craft in the Argentinian and Uruguayan river systems. William Denny III represented the Denny shareholding. The venture ended in financial loss and tragedy when revolution, drought and inflation left the combined Denny and Henderson interests with unpayable gold based obligations and debts entailed in attempts to buy out local competition. William Denny III took his own life and La Platense was wound up in 1890 . It is a tribute to the strength of the business as a whole that it was able to survive losses amounting to over £487,000.

Maurice Denny ( 1886-1955 ), son of Archibald Denny and grandson of Peter Denny, became a partner in William Denny & Brothers in 1911 . He had studied naval architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA, graduating with first class honours in 1909 . In 1918 , the two parts of the business, the Leven shipbuilding firm of William Denny & Brothers and the marine engine works of Denny & Co were amalgamated as a single limited company, William Denny & Brothers Ltd. In 1922 , Maurice Denny became chairman of the company, a post which he held for the next 30 years. After the first world war (1914-1918), conditions became generally more difficult. There were immediate shortages in steel production, and more long-term over-capacity in shipping leading to a worldwide depression of markets. Moreover there was a growth of competition especially in the far-eastern waters where the company had developed much of its earlier business. Nevertheless, the company strove to retain its high reputation for research and innovation, particularly in the areas of high-pressure turbines, for high-speed passenger vessels, hull forms and stabilising systems. The Denny-Brown stabilising system, developed by Maurice Denny in collaboration with William Wallace of Brown Bros, was first fitted extensively during the Second World War to give greater stability for gunnery, but post-war, it became a feature for passenger vessels.

Difficulties in the market, led Maurice Denny into a more politically active role in the industry. He and the firm were founder members of the Shipbuilding Conference established in 1928 to deal, initially, with unfair contract conditions imposed by shipowners. Maurice Denny became a leading official in the Shipbuilders' Employers Federation (Chairman from 1940 ) for which he received a Baronetcy in 1936 . Serving on the Advisory Committee on Merchant Shipbuilding to the Ministry of Shipping during the Second World War Sir Maurice worked with Sir Henry Lithgow to co-ordinate the shipbuilders' work and represent their interests. Sir Maurice perceived clearly that conditions would be very different once the war was ended and sought to prepare shipbuilders for that time, arguing especially that there was a need for shipbuilders and shipowners together to co-operate with government in planning the future development of the whole industry. His hopes were fulfilled, in a limited sense relating to technical innovation, in the setting up of the British Shipbuilders Research Association in 1944 , of which he was a member and later, chairman.

After the second world war, William Denny & Brothers Ltd maintained their place in the market by building fast cross channel passenger craft. But they were increasingly forced into the business of producing cargo vessels where they encountered strong competition from cargo lines like Ellerman and the Bowater Steamship Co and where it was increasingly difficult to rely on existing customer links. Sir Maurice retired from the position of chairman in 1952 . The company did not long survive and went into voluntary liquidation in 1962 . The liquidation was handled by McLellan Moores & Co, then of 112 West George Street, Glasgow. The experiment tank at Dumbarton was purchased in 1964 by Vickers Ltd and was subsequently acquired by the Scottish Maritime Museum.

From the guide to the Records of William Denny & Brothers Ltd, shipbuilders and marine engineers, Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, 1680-1992 (predominant 1844-1992), (Glasgow University Archive Services)

Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A Denny person
associatedWith Africa corporateBody
associatedWith Afrique corporateBody
correspondedWith Aggie Currie person
associatedWith Alexander Charles Kirk person
correspondedWith Alexander Denny person
associatedWith Anthony Denny person
correspondedWith Archibald Denny person
correspondedWith Archibald MacMillan & Son corporateBody
associatedWith Armadale corporateBody
associatedWith Arracan corporateBody
associatedWith Arran corporateBody
associatedWith Ashanti corporateBody
associatedWith Ashburton corporateBody
associatedWith Australind corporateBody
associatedWith Austria Lloyds Steam Navigation Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Barclay, Curle & Co corporateBody
associatedWith Bardic Ferry corporateBody
associatedWith Bhamo corporateBody
correspondedWith Blackwood & Gordon corporateBody
associatedWith Brading corporateBody
correspondedWith Brandon corporateBody
associatedWith Brenda corporateBody
associatedWith Brighton corporateBody
correspondedWith Bristol General Steam Navigation Co corporateBody
associatedWith Bristol Siddley Journal corporateBody
associatedWith British India Associated Steamers Ltd corporateBody
correspondedWith British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd corporateBody
correspondedWith British & North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Buenos Aires corporateBody
correspondedWith Calypso corporateBody
associatedWith Canara corporateBody
associatedWith Canterbury corporateBody
correspondedWith Captain James Carlin person
correspondedWith Carthage corporateBody
associatedWith Caterpillar corporateBody
correspondedWith Channel Excursions Ltd corporateBody
associatedWith Chanticleer corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles McIver person
associatedWith Childers corporateBody
associatedWith China Merchants Steam Navigation Co corporateBody
associatedWith Chivalrous corporateBody
associatedWith City of Karachi corporateBody
associatedWith City of Lucknow corporateBody
associatedWith City of Winchester corporateBody
associatedWith Clan MacKinnon corporateBody
associatedWith Claymore corporateBody
associatedWith Colaba corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia corporateBody
associatedWith Commodore corporateBody
correspondedWith Compania Transatlantica corporateBody
associatedWith Cotopaxi corporateBody
correspondedWith Coulin and Henderson corporateBody
associatedWith Crane corporateBody
correspondedWith Damacus corporateBody
correspondedWith David Hutchison Co corporateBody
associatedWith Defiance corporateBody
correspondedWith Delegacion de la Compania Transatlantica corporateBody
associatedWith Demirhisar corporateBody
associatedWith Denny corporateBody
correspondedWith Denny Bros corporateBody
correspondedWith Denny & Bros corporateBody
associatedWith Denny Brothers 1844-1849 corporateBody
correspondedWith Denny & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Denny & Co, Engine Works corporateBody
associatedWith Dennystoun Forge corporateBody
associatedWith Dolmabahce corporateBody
correspondedWith D R MacGregor person
associatedWith Duchess of Montrose corporateBody
correspondedWith Duke of Devonshire corporateBody
correspondedWith Duke of Westminster corporateBody
associatedWith Eastern Queen corporateBody
correspondedWith Eastern Steam Ship Co Ltd corporateBody
correspondedWith Eastern Steam Tug Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Emile Akan person
associatedWith Emperor Nicolas II corporateBody
associatedWith Empire MacAndrew corporateBody
associatedWith Empire MacDermott corporateBody
associatedWith Europe corporateBody
correspondedWith European & Australian Royal Mail Co corporateBody
associatedWith Falaise corporateBody
correspondedWith Falcon corporateBody
associatedWith Farringford corporateBody
associatedWith Fenerbahce corporateBody
correspondedWith Finlay Campbell Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Finlay Campbell & Co corporateBody
associatedWith Freya corporateBody
associatedWith Fultala corporateBody
associatedWith George corporateBody
associatedWith George & James Burns corporateBody
correspondedWith Glasgow University corporateBody
associatedWith Glen Sannox corporateBody
associatedWith Gollinger Andreal & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Gray, Davies & Co corporateBody
associatedWith Guillemot corporateBody
correspondedWith Hamburgh Steam Wharf corporateBody
correspondedWith Hawea corporateBody
associatedWith Hind corporateBody
correspondedWith H M Brown person
associatedWith HMS Camperdown corporateBody
associatedWith HMY Britannia corporateBody
associatedWith Indarra corporateBody
associatedWith Innisfallen corporateBody
associatedWith Irish Channel Passenger and Mail Service corporateBody
correspondedWith Irrawaddy Flotilla Co corporateBody
correspondedWith J & A Allan corporateBody
associatedWith James Denny person
correspondedWith James Miller & Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Jardine Mathieson & Co corporateBody
associatedWith Jelunga corporateBody
correspondedWith J H Biles person
correspondedWith John Burns person
correspondedWith John Denny person
correspondedWith John Galloway person
associatedWith John Hendry person
correspondedWith John M Denny person
correspondedWith John Ormiston person
correspondedWith John Preston person
associatedWith Jumna corporateBody
associatedWith Junior Institution of Engineers corporateBody
associatedWith Kanbe corporateBody
associatedWith Kentung corporateBody
associatedWith Kvaerner Shipbuilding Group corporateBody
associatedWith Lairds Ben corporateBody
associatedWith Laird's Moor corporateBody
associatedWith Lalpoora corporateBody
associatedWith Landaura corporateBody
associatedWith Lawada corporateBody
associatedWith Leven Shipyard corporateBody
associatedWith Leven shipyard awards committee corporateBody
associatedWith Lindula corporateBody
associatedWith Lochfine corporateBody
associatedWith Loch Seaforth corporateBody
associatedWith London and North Western Railway Co corporateBody
associatedWith London, Brighton & South Coast Railway Co corporateBody
associatedWith London, Midland & Scottish Railway Co corporateBody
associatedWith Loodiana corporateBody
associatedWith Lord Warden corporateBody
associatedWith L.S.T.3035 corporateBody
associatedWith Lyra corporateBody
associatedWith Maid of Orleans corporateBody
associatedWith Mare Fraissinet corporateBody
associatedWith Margaret Bowater corporateBody
associatedWith Markland corporateBody
associatedWith Martaban corporateBody
associatedWith Mary Queen of Scots corporateBody
correspondedWith Mataura corporateBody
associatedWith Merchants' House of the City of Glasgow corporateBody
associatedWith Mermaid corporateBody
correspondedWith Metidjah corporateBody
associatedWith Monte Video corporateBody
associatedWith Mr John Denny person
correspondedWith New Zealand Shipping Co corporateBody
associatedWith Nicky corporateBody
associatedWith Normannia corporateBody
associatedWith Obdurate corporateBody
associatedWith Obedient corporateBody
associatedWith Okhla corporateBody
correspondedWith Oneida corporateBody
associatedWith Oolobaria corporateBody
associatedWith Opossum corporateBody
associatedWith Ordia corporateBody
correspondedWith Oriental corporateBody
associatedWith Ormara corporateBody
correspondedWith Otago Steamship Co corporateBody
associatedWith Otaki corporateBody
associatedWith Parthia corporateBody
correspondedWith P Denny person
associatedWith Pegu corporateBody
correspondedWith Peter Denny person
correspondedWith P Henderson & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith P MacNaughton person
associatedWith Poli corporateBody
associatedWith Pretoria Castle corporateBody
associatedWith Princess Victoria corporateBody
associatedWith Prome corporateBody
associatedWith Queen Mary corporateBody
associatedWith Queen Mary II corporateBody
associatedWith Queen of the Channel corporateBody
associatedWith Rangoon corporateBody
associatedWith R Napier & Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert Duncan & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert Napier corporateBody
correspondedWith Robert Sinclair person
associatedWith Robinows & Marjoribanks corporateBody
associatedWith Royal Daffodil corporateBody
associatedWith Royal Iris corporateBody
associatedWith Royal Sovereign corporateBody
associatedWith Sagaing corporateBody
correspondedWith Scotia corporateBody
associatedWith Scottish Borderer corporateBody
associatedWith Semiramis corporateBody
associatedWith SGB7 corporateBody
associatedWith SGB 8 corporateBody
associatedWith Shanklin corporateBody
correspondedWith Shaw Savill & Albion Co Ltd corporateBody
correspondedWith Shiliff corporateBody
correspondedWith Smith, Fleming Co corporateBody
associatedWith Snipe corporateBody
correspondedWith South Eastern & Chatham Railway Co corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Railway Co corporateBody
associatedWith Southsea corporateBody
associatedWith Sparrow corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Achille Adam corporateBody
associatedWith SS Assyria corporateBody
associatedWith SS Biarritz corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Damacus corporateBody
associatedWith SS Duke of York corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Gambia corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Melita corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Memphis corporateBody
associatedWith SS Phoebe corporateBody
associatedWith SS Tara corporateBody
correspondedWith SS Thebes corporateBody
correspondedWith Stork corporateBody
associatedWith Sultanhisar corporateBody
associatedWith Sulzer corporateBody
associatedWith Sutlej corporateBody
correspondedWith Tara corporateBody
correspondedWith Taroba corporateBody
associatedWith Termagent corporateBody
associatedWith Terpsichore corporateBody
correspondedWith T H Begbie person
associatedWith The Second Snark corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Stirling Begbie person
associatedWith Tofua corporateBody
associatedWith Trenchard corporateBody
correspondedWith T S Begbie person
correspondedWith TS Begbie person
associatedWith TSS Atlanta corporateBody
correspondedWith Tulloch & Denny corporateBody
correspondedWith Undaunted corporateBody
correspondedWith Union Steam Ship Co corporateBody
associatedWith Van Galen corporateBody
associatedWith Vladimir corporateBody
correspondedWith W Denny & Bros corporateBody
associatedWith W Henley corporateBody
correspondedWith William C Bee & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith William Denny person
correspondedWith William Denny & Bros corporateBody
associatedWith William Denny & Brothers 1849-1918 corporateBody
correspondedWith William Lindsay person
associatedWith William Roxburgh person
associatedWith Winchester corporateBody
associatedWith Wm Alexander person
correspondedWith Wm Denny person
correspondedWith Wm Denny and Bros corporateBody
correspondedWith Wm Denny & Bro corporateBody
correspondedWith Wm Denny Bros corporateBody
correspondedWith Wm Denny & Bros corporateBody
associatedWith Woodpecker corporateBody
correspondedWith Woolwich Belle corporateBody
associatedWith Wren corporateBody
correspondedWith Yaroslavl corporateBody
associatedWith Yoma corporateBody
associatedWith Yomah corporateBody
correspondedWith Yunan Company corporateBody
associatedWith Zebra corporateBody
associatedWith Zenith corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Dumbarton (Scotland)
Shipbuilding industry

Corporate Body

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Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w64037gc

Ark ID: w64037gc

SNAC ID: 37565234