Ovidius Naso, Publius, Roman poet

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Epithet: Roman poet

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001072.0x000118

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referencedIn PUBLII OVIDII NASONIS Metamorphoseon libb. xv., cum glossis. Paper. At the end, "Iste liber est mei Mathei Petri Jouannis Angelelli de Enguvio [in Sicily] . . . . quem scripsi in millesimo quatragentesimo anno xxxio . . . . . et ipsum meis propriis m..., 1431 British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXIX. OVID, Heroides in two books (bk. ii beg. with Paris to Helen, f. 35 b). The letter of Paris to Helen omits ll. 39-142, and Cydippe to Acontius ll. 145-end. Sappho to Phaon comes last. Followed by De Arte Amandi, f. 61, Medicamina Fac... British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Fastorum libri vi., cum calendario Romano antiquo præmisso; -Fjusdem in Ibim carmen. The commencement of the Fasti is wanting. On paper, xvth cent. Small Quarto. [l1,972.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Carmen in Ibim.Publius Ovid..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME intitled Caer Rhun, No. 27, written in the Year 1575, and containing the following pieces in Welsh :-Manaclog yr Ysbryd Glan, the Monastery of the Holy Ghost [probably a translation of the tract attributed to John Alcock, Bp. of Ely], f. 2 b..., 1575 British Library
referencedIn PUBLII NASONIS OVIDII Metamorphosewn libri xv. Membranaceus, sec. xv. In Folio minori. [11,699.], 15th century British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Fastorum libri vi., cum scholiis et glossis uberrimis;-Ejusdem, sive cujuscumnque sit, Epistola consolatoria ad Liviam Augustam, de morte Drusi Neronis, filii ejus. On paper, xvth cent. Small Quarto. [11,973.]Publius Ovidius Naso, ..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn 1. EPITOME of the Canon Law, in Latin hexameters, with glosses. Two copies, both imperfect. ff. 2, 36. 2. "Compendium Rhethorice [M.] Tullii" [Ciceronis, sc. ad C. He. rennium], libri I. et II.; in hexameter verse, with glosses, f. 50. 3. P. Ovidii N..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXVIII. " P. OVIDII Nasonis Peligni, De Arte Amandi," with copious notes to book i. Followed at f. 67 by " De Remedio Amoris " in two books (bk. ii beg. 1. 397), and at f. 90 b (initial and title blank) by Medicamina Faciei Femineae. The r... British Library
referencedIn Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Metamorphoses: 15th cent.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of. British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII Nasonis Tristia, cum glossa interlineari et marginali. Vellum; beginning of the XIVth cent. Small Quarto. [Add. 18,384.] British Library
referencedIn 1. PUBLII Ovidii Nasonis Heroides. Imperfect: Epp. i. 58-xxi. 12; with -losses. f. 2. Ep. xv., "Sappho Phaoni," is at the end, f. 63 b, after the "Finis," and is immediately Preceded, f. 59 b, by a pseudo-Ovidian poem on the story of Phyllis and Dem..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Fastorum libri vi. cum scholiis. The sixth book ends imperfect, with v. 102. On vellum, xiiith cent. Small Folio. [11,969.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Fastorum libri cum scholiis, et calendario antiquo Romano., 13th century British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII Nasonis carmina quædam, cum glossis, viz.: De Arte amandi libri tres. Imperfect; beginning with the 55th line of Book I. At the end is written, "Explicit liber ouidij de amore anno inc[arnationis] 1457," f. 3; "De remedio amoris;" dat. at t... British Library
referencedIn "P. OUIDIJ Nasonis Sulmonensis de Ponto" libri iv. At the end is a colophon, nearly erased, containing apparently the date 1469. Paper. Small Quarto., 1469 British Library
referencedIn JEAN-BAPTISTE LULLY: arias, duets and instrumental pieces from Cadmus et Hermione, Thesée and Le Carnaval Mascarade; circa 1700. Copy, written in ink in the same hand throughout, on four printed staves per page. French. Annotation reads ‘Livre pou..., approximately 1700 British Library
referencedIn PUBLII Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum libri VI.; with a few glosses and notes. On the fly-leaf at the beginning are some elegiac verses signed "Alexius." Vellum; written in Italy late in the XVth cent. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Heroïdes Epistolæ. Two are wanting, namely, from Sappho to Phaon, and from Cydippe to Acontius. On paper, xvth cent., imperfect at the end. Small Quarto. [11,974.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Heroides epistolæ., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Lutyens Collection. Vol. cxcviii. 'The Tyme [is] doth flete' (words, Petrarch translated by Wyatt, Ovid), for mixed chorus with optional prelude and postlude for brass, op. 70; 1968. Draft (ff. 1-6) and fair copy (ff. 7-24) scores, both in pencil;..., 1968 British Library
creatorOf THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION: tracts, sermons, verses, etc.; 14th cent. Latin, unless otherwise noted. Origin: England. Early 14th cent. contents list, f. 1v. Marginalia referring to the text throughout, 14th-15th cent. Financial memorand... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1803Chartaceus, 4to., ff. 21, sec. XVII; cum codicibus 901, 448 A. compactus.1. Tabula abreviationum verborum Latinorum. ff. 1-19.2. Annotationes in Ovidium. f. 21.Grammar Latin: Abbreviationes verborum Latinorum: 17th cent.includes:f. 21 Pu... British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Artis Amatoriæ libri tres, glossa interlineari notisque marginalibus instructi. On vellum, xith cent. Octavo. [ 14,086], 11th century British Library
referencedIn PUBLII Ovidii Nasonis Heroides sive Epistolæ; with a few notes. Imperfect; wanting Ep.xv., "Sappho Phaoni" Ep.xvi. ll 39-142, Ep. xxi. 11. 13-248. The two last lines of Ep. vii. have been interpolated by a later hand. At the end, f. 48, is an Italian..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn HOLKHAM HALL MSS. LETTER of Ernest Henry Alton, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, to Charles Warburton James, librarian at Holkham Hall; 30 May 1931. Signed. Followed (ff. 2-7) by Alton's list of the contents of Add. MS. 49368 and his collation of ... British Library
referencedIn ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Hercules; [HWV 60] 18th century. Copy. (Händel-Gesellschaft IV). Full score. Smith Collection, Vol. 14. For autograph see R.M.20.e.8; for another copy see R.M.19.a.9.ff. 150. 14.5 x 10.25 in.Sophocles: Publius Ovi..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn "GLOSULE Eneidos," sive Commentarius in Virgilii Æneida, cum prologo, inc. ',Auctor iste, sicut Bucolica scripsit," f.1 ;-"Exposicio Georgicorum Virgilii," ab initio ad lib. iv. 1. 557, cum prologo, inc. " Ascreus Esiodus quemdam librum," f. 73; -Com..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS de Remedio Amoris liber, cum scholiis. On paper, xvth cent. Small Quarto. [11,976.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: De remedio amoris cum scholiis., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Codex chartaceus, in 4to., ff. 99, sec. xv. 1. Xenophontis liber de comparatione vitae privatæ et tyrannicæ, e Græco in Latinum versus per Leonardum Bruni Aretinum, cum ejusdem prologo ad Nicolaum Nicoli. fol. 1. Impress. in folio, Bononiæ 1502. 2. A... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL and other tracts, etc., in Latin:-1. Beda, De Natura Rerum. Mutilated at the beginning; beg. " radicitus inherent" (ch. II., ed. Migne, Pairologia, xc. col. 190). A leaf is missing after f. 9, and ch. 48 ("Gnomonica de iisdem," Migne, col..., 12th century-13th century British Library
referencedIn M. ANNÆI LUCANI, Cordubensis, Pharsaliæ libri x. Prefixed are the "Intentiones librorum Lucani, et distinctiones per capitula," and the "Prohemium memorialis summe librorum Ovidii metamorphoseos." On vellum, finely written in Italy, at the close of t... British Library
referencedIn PUBLII Ovidii Nasonis opera containing the "Heroides," beginning at the 8th verse of the 2nd Epistle, f. 1; "Amores," f. 27; "Ars Amatoria," f. 46 b; "Remedium Amoris," f. 65 b; "Fasti," f. 72; and the "Tristia" down to the l9th verse of B. III. Ep. ..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn P.OVIDII NASONIS Metamorphoseon libri xv. On paper, xvth cent., written by Conradus Turrianus. Folio. [11,968.]Conradus Turrianus: Wrote the Add. Ms.Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Metamorphoseon libri., 15th century British Library
referencedIn ALBII TIBULLI Carmina, cum glossis interlinearibus. Subjiciuntur Epitapbium, summa vitæ et rerum, atque Ovidii Nasonis Epistola de morte Tibulli. On paper, xvth cent. Small Quarto. [11,962.]Albius Tibullus: Carmina; cum epitaphio ejus.Albius Tibullus..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn TRANSLATION in verse of Ovid's Metamorphoses, by Thomas Orger. Autogr. Folio. [11,392.] Presented by the Author. British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Fastorum libri vi. On paper, written in the year 1463. Small Quarto. [11,971.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Fastorum libri cum scholiis, et calendario antiquo Romano., 1463 British Library
referencedIn 1. P. OVIDII NASONIS poemata, scilicet, Artis Amatoriæ libb. III., f. 1 ; De Reniedio Amoris, f. 42; De Pulice, f. 60; De Medicamine faciei, f. 60 b; De Somno, f. 62; De Cueulo, f. 63; De Medicamine aurium, f. 63 b. 2. Sappho ad Phaona, f. 56. 3. P. ..., 1468-1469 British Library
referencedIn 1. PSEUDO-OVIDII Nasonis Poema de Vetula, cum Vita præmissa, f. 1. 2. Hermanni Clerici Vitæ Sanctorum, f. 18. Vellum; XIVth cent. Folio., 14th century British Library
referencedIn FLORES Claudiani, Prudentii, Persii, Juvenalis, Horatii, Virgilii, Ovidii, Cypriani et Ciceronis, with quotations from Petrus Ravennas, Stephanus — and Hugo de S. Victore. Vellum; XIIIth cent. Duodecimo. [Add. 18,459. ], 13th century British Library
referencedIn ARNOLDI Drakenborg, Professoris in Academia Trajectina, Annotationes in Ovidii Heroidum epistolas. Vol. I. xviiith cent.Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Notes on the Heroides, by A. Drakenborg: 18th cent.: Lat.Arnoldus Drakenborg, Professor at Utrec..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn FABII PLANCIADIS FULGENTII Mythologiarum libri tres;-Fabulae Ovidii Nasonis, in ejus Metamorphosewn volumine descriptæ, soluta oratione compilatæ, ad Catum, presbyterum Carthaginensem. Codex chartaceus, sec. xv. Quarto. [10,092.], 15th century British Library
referencedIn ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Hercules (a ‘musical drama’ by Thomas Broughton, after texts by Sophocles and Ovidius) (HWV 60); 1744. Autograph. (Händel-Gesellschaft IV). The MS. (cf. the Preface to H-G.) contains the divisions into acts and sc..., 1744 British Library
creatorOf HOLKHAM HALL MSS. Vol. XVIII (formerly Holkham MS. 322). OVID, FASTI, POEMS OF EXILE AND AMATORY POEMS, ETC.; early 13th and 14th cent. Textually a good representative of the recentiores. Usually cited in editions as Codex Holkhamicus (H). See 49368*... British Library
referencedIn PUB. PAP. STATII Achilleidos libb. v.; cum glossa, f. 1; Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides sive Epistolæ; cum glossa, f. 20. Paper; written in the year 1411, by an Italian hand. Quarto. [Add. 17,408.], 1411 British Library
referencedIn ARNOLDI Drakenborg, Professoris in Academia Trajectina, Annotationes in Ovidii Heroidum epistolas. Vol. II. xviiith cent.Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Notes on the Heroides, by A. Drakenborg: 18th cent.: Lat.Arnoldus Drakenborg, Professor at Utre..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn PUBLII Ovidii Nasonis Epistolarum ex Ponto libri iv., cum glossis interlinearibus et marginalibus. On f. 57 b is the epistle of Lentulus to the Roman Senate concerning Christ, in Latin. Vellum. Written in Italy in the XIVth cent. On the fly-leaf is t..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1361Chartaceus, in 4to, ff. 305, sec XVII.1. "Antiquitates, facta praeclara, exempla illustria quaedam, civili vitae accommodata, tum et communem ad discursum apprime necessaria; anno verbi incarnati 1653." ff. 1-53, 57.2. Hymnus ad Pampinum e... British Library
referencedIn P. VIRGILII MARONIS opera, scil. Bucolica, f. 4;-Georgica; witli the arguments attributed to Ovid (Riese, Anthologia Lat., 1869, No. 2), f. 13;-Æneis; with arguments (Riese, No. 1), and, at the beginning, "Versus Ouidii Nasonis [al. Basilii] super xi..., 12th century-1800 British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Fastorum libri vi.; adjecto iii fine calendario antiquo Romano. On vellum, xvth cent., elegantly written by a certain Angelus, for Marinus Tomacellus. On the first page are emblazoned the arms of Tomacelli of Naples. Small Quarto. [..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn PUBLII OVIDII Metamorphoseon libri quindecim; cum commentario, et glossa interlineari ; præmisso prooemio de vita Ovidii. On paper, xivth cent. Folio. [15,733.], 14th century British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS de Arte Amandi libb. iii.: "Finitus tertio nonas Aprilis 1461, per Mathiam quendam, . . . manu sinistra," f. 1; Ejusdem liber de Remedio Amoris, f. 48. Vellum, with arms. Octavo. [Add. 17,300.], 1461 British Library
referencedIn Lutyens Collection. Vol. ccxxi. *'A Phoenix' (words, Ovid translated by Golding), for solo soprano, violin, clarinet and piano, op. 71; 1968. See also Add. 64693 art. 2 below. Draft full score in pencil, incomplete, wanting pp. 7-10 (ff. 1-8); -..., 1968 British Library
referencedIn A MISCELLANEOUS collection, in prose and verse, of the xviith century, written in various hands. The following pieces may be noticed:-Sonnets by N. Tornkyns, f. 1 ;-Verses on the death of Henry, Prince of Wales, f. 4;-Stanzas in praise of music, by ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn THE METAMORPHOSES Of Ovid, translated into French verse. On vellum, of the xvth century. Quarto. [10,324.], 15th century British Library
referencedIn P. VIRGILII MARONIS Opera, scilicet, Bucolica, cum scholiis, Georgica, et Æneidos libri xii., cum Ovidii argumentis in singulos ; ad calcem subjicittur Maphæei Vegii Æneidos liber tertius decimus. On paper, xvth cent. In the eighth book of the Æneid,..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn BREVE COMPENDIO de Vincentio Calmeta Collo sopra Ovidio de Arte Amandi; ad instantia del divo principe Lodovico Sforza, Duca di Milanno. On vellum, of the end of the xvth century. Quarto. [10,426.] British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-9 L. Junius Moderatus Columella, Gaditanus; scripsit sub Claudio Imperatore: De Re Rustica liber x.: 15th cent.ff. 9-30 b Quintus Serenus Sammonicus: De medicina carmen: 15th cent.f. 30 b Cornelius Severus: Carmen de morte Cicero... British Library
creatorOf POWIS PAPERS: letters to Henrietta Antonia Clive, Countess of Powis, together with some of her private papers; 1792-1823, n.d. The private papers are mostly copies and translations of poetry, partly in French and Italian, but also include a plan of p..., 1792-1823 British Library
referencedIn ROYAL MUSIC COLLECTION. G.F. Handel: Miscellaneous collections and selections vol. XXX; circa 1745. Copy. Aylesford Collection. ff. ii + 38. 9 x 11.25 in. [HWV 60]1. ff. 1-32v. Hercules (H-G. IV). Part of Iole. Voice and Continuo. For autograph see R..., approximately 1745 British Library
referencedIn PUB. OVIDII NASONIS Metamorphoseon libb. xv.; cum glossa. Paper; written in Italy in the XVth cent. Octavo. [Add. 17,416.], 15th century British Library
referencedIn FRANÇOIS FRANCOEUR (b.1698, d.1787) and François Rebel (b.1701, d.1775): ‘Pirame et Thisbé, tragedie’, opera in 5 acts with a prologue to a libretto by J.-L.-I. de La Serre, after Ovid; circa 1730. Vocal score, in ink. Copy. French. First perform..., approximately 1730 British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Amorum libri iii., cum glossis. On vellum, xiiith cent. Octavo. [11,975.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Amorum libri, cum glossis., 13th century British Library
creatorOf PARLIAMENTARY DIARY OF JOHN BOYS, of Betteshanger, M.P. (b. 1607, d. 1678), 1647-1648, with classical quotations, etc., in another hand, n.d. Paper; ff. 86. Octavo. Circa 1629; 1647-1648. Watermarks of a coat of arms, in two forms, variants of no. 57..., 1624-1648 British Library
creatorOf HOLKHAM HALL MSS. Vol. XVII (formerly Holkham MS. 320). OVID, FASTI, in six books; early 13th cent. Preceded (ff. 1-3) by the Roman calendar from January to June, early 13th cent. Includes, like Add. MS. 49368, book ii, ll. 203-204; omits iv, 136-137... British Library
referencedIn P. OVIDII NASONIS Metamorphoseon librorum ii., iii., iv., v. et vi. fragmenta, cum glossis interlinearibus et marginalibus. On vellum, xth cent. Folio. [11,967.]Publius Ovidius Naso, Roman poet: Metamorphoseon libri., 10th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of political, satirical and other poems of the reign of Cliarles II., chiefly relating to the years 1679-1681. The whole MS. is in one hand down to art. 39, which is an addition dated 1687. With lists of contents at ff. 2, 165. 1. " The Ci..., approximately 1679-approximately 1687 British Library
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Holkham Hall, Norfolk
Holkham Hall, Norfolk
Tunbridge Wells, counties Kent and Sussex
London, England
Burghley, Northamptonshire


Active 0901

Active 1968

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