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Certified accounts and releases relating to the Wilson settlement trust, of which Smiles was a trustee, 1883-1886. English.Mostly paper.
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BRIGHT PAPERS. Vol. VII (ff. 383). General correspondence of John Bright, 1845-1887; followed (ff. 378-383) by letters to his son John Albert (1904) and daughter-in-law (1925).includes:ff. 1-5 Harriet Martineau, writer and reformer: Letters to J. B..., 1845-1925
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Vol. XXI (ff. 237). 1836-1848.includes:f. 6 Thomas Wyse, diplomatist; KCB 1857: Letter to R. Cobden: 1837.: Imperf.ff. 12, 14, 16, 48 Sir Rowland Hill, KCB; postal reformer: Letters to R. Cobden: 1838-1855.: extract and copies.f. 24 George Gro..., 1836-1848
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Vol. IV, N-Y. 1790-1931.includes:f. 1 William I of Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands: Letter, as Prince of Orange, to D. Gray: 1795.: Fr.ff. 3-17b passim Alfred Newton, Professor of Zoology at Cambridge University: Letters to T. R. Jones: 1..., 1790-1931
British Library |
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Samuel Smiles, author and social reformer: James Green, fl. 1880s: Leases of 8 Pembroke Gardens to Samuel Smiles by James Green: 1880, 1888.
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SMILES PAPERS. Manuscript of James Nasmyth's autobiography in Smiles's hand, with additions and corrections in Nasmyth's hand. Further explanations of inventions and drawings in Nasmyth's hand are to be found in 71083, from f. 84.
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Eccles Bequest. Vol. CLXXXIII. Photographs of the following, with some caricatures; [1881]-[1919] , n.d.1. William Rothenstein; n.d.2. John Ruskin, with caricature; n.d.3. Tommaso Salvini; 16 May 1876. Signed.4. Clement Scott; n.d. Signed.5. George B..., 1876-1980
British Library |
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Samuel Smiles, author and social reformer: James Green, fl. 1880s: Leases of 8 Pembroke Gardens to Samuel Smiles by James Green: 1880, 1888.
British Library |
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SMILES PAPERS. Manuscript of Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist (1878)., 1878
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Vol. CCCXIII (ff. 333). Jan.-June 1862.includes:ff. 1, 13, 21, 130, 202 Sir Charles Lister Ryan, KCB: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1859-1881.f. 5 Charles Shaw-Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Commons (1839), Viscount Eversley (1857): Let...
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SMILES PAPERS. Vols. XXI-XXIII. Manuscript of Duty (1880)., 1880
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LOVETT ALBUMS AND PAPERS. VOL. I. (ff. i+401). Album of letters, mainly to Lovett; 1828-1876, n.d. The pasted-in letters are enclosed in hand-drawn frames containing Lovett’s own identifications of the authors. Missing some of the original number..., 1828-1876
British Library |
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Vol. XVIX (ff. 114). Seton -Souvestre.includes:ff. 1-4 Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton, 8th Baronet: Letters to T. H. S. Escott from Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton: 1883-1884.ff. 5-6 Thomas Sexton, of the 'Freeman's Journal': Letters to T. H. S. Escott from Th...
British Library |
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SMILES PAPERS. Correspondence and papers of and concerning Samuel Smiles (b.1812, d.1904), author and social reformer; 1782-[1992?]. See also Add. Ch. 76774-76790. The collection relates principally to Smiles's biographical publications, and sub-sect..., 1782-1992
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXVI (ff. 294). July-Dec. 1863.includes:ff. 1, 67 Alexander Munro, sculptor: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1852-1863.f. 3 John Mason Neale, hymnologist and translator: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1855-1865.f. 5 Sir Richard Madox ...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXIV (ff. 304). July-Dec. 1862.includes:f. 1 William Digby Seymour, lawyer: Letter to W. E. Gladstone: 1862.ff. 3, 169 George William Frederick Howard, Viscount Morpeth; 7th Earl of Carlisle: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1838-1864...
British Library |
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Vol. III, ff. 353, P-Z.includes:f. 1 Frederick W. Pailthorpe, illustrator to C Dickens: Letter to W. Miller: 1903. f. 2 Francis Turner Palgrave, poet and anthologist: Letter to -: 1862. f. 3 Edward Henry Palmer, orientalist: Letter to S. 0. Grey: 187...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXIII (ff. 274). Oct.-Dec. 1865.includes:ff. 1, 39, 47 Charles Thomas Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1844-1867.f. 3 Ellis Yarnell, of Philadelphia: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1864-1874.f. 5 Tho...
British Library |
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Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898. Papers. Series A. Correspondence. Vol. XXIII. Correspondence of W. E. Gladstone with his cousin, Mrs. Anne R. Bennett, née Gladstone, of the Saturday Review, 1851-1897.
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