The Center for Human Organization In Changing Environments (CHOICE) was started in 1969 with the purpose of enabling Pacific Lutheran University to respond to community needs more rapidly than ordinarily feasible. CHOICE was closely affiliated with the churches in the Northwest, both the three Lutheran Synods and ecumenical organizations. CHOICE provided volunteer opportunities, referrals to action agencies, and aced as a resource in other ways, such as a avenue for black-white dialogues. Along with the other services, CHOICE also had the goal of influencing the curriculum through interaction with the community. Some major outcomes of CHOICE were the sponsorship of three university wide symposia, 14 workshops, 18 student-faculty research projects, 5 public policy forums, 10 faculty research projects, 12 student research and travel awards, and numerous guest lectureships along with the formation of the Center for the Study of Public Policy and A Master's in Social Services degree program. CHOICE also was influential in founding the Family and Children's Center. Lastly, CHOICE functioned as a grant developer bringing more than $1,069,000 in from external funding. CHOICE quietly ended in 1986 after 17 years of service to PLU and its community.
From the guide to the Center for Human Organization in Changing Environments(CHOICE), 1967-1986, (Pacific Lutheran University)