The Texas House of Representatives' University Lease Investigating Committee was created by an unnumbered simple substitute resolution during the Fifth Called Session of the 41st Legislature in 1930. The committee was initially proposed by Representative Long of Wichita County on March 13 for the purpose of investigating possible University of Texas mismanagement of certain university oil and gas leases, possible expenditures of funds contrary to law, and possible fraud committed by certain oil companies. The proposed committee was to be composed of five representatives who were to work with and assist the State Auditor in the investigation of matters, patents, leases, royalty payments, expenditures, and acts relating to sales of University leases as well as the acts of the Board of Regents. The committee could call upon the Attorney General for assistance, if necessary, and was to report to the next session of the Legislature. The resolution was sent to the Committee on Public Lands and Buildings which, on March 17, presented a committee substitute resolution proposing a similar investigation (though with less emphasis on the Board of Regents since legislation was under consideration to make legal the actions the Regents were already taking) and a similar committee. The substitute resolution was approved and Representatives H.N. Graves, Coke R. Stevenson, Ray Holder, Bob Long, and Alfred Petsch were appointed to serve. The members met for the first time on March 19 and appointed Representative Graves as Chair and Representative Long as Secretary. The committee adopted a resolution calling upon the State Auditor to examine all University mineral leases (with the help of the Attorney General if needed), to audit all royalties, and to audit all expenditures of funds by the Board of Regents. The committee then met off and on during the interim. Official meetings in 1930 occurred on July 21, October 3, and November 4 and 5. The committee's final report, presented to the Regular Session of the 42nd Legislature on May 10, 1931, was read on May 14 and approved on May 15. The report covered the University Available Fund, grazing leases, oil and gas leases, and casinghead gas. Generally, the committee found that the University had not committed fraud and that, while some mismanagement had occurred, the problems had been or were in the process of being corrected. The committee also recommended that in the future state agencies should not employ private legal counsel and that the Attorney General should assist the University of Texas in following up on properly constituting oil and gas lease contracts and on obtaining restitution for wasted casinghead gas.
From the guide to the Proceedings, 1930, (Repository Unknown)