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William Tell; or, The strike of the Cantons, burlesque pantomime preceded by a prologue entitled The library of time, by Tom Taylor, A. R. Smith, F. Talfourd and W. P. Hale. Printed (1856), with MS additions. Licence sent 24 May 1856 for performan...
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, chiefly of British actors, dramatists, authors, musicians, etc., addressed mainly to Morris Barnett, actor and dramatist (b. 1800, d. 1856), and to Wellington Guernsey, song-writer and composer (b. 1817, d. 1885); 182..., 19th century
British Library |
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'Mr. Albert Smith's ascent of Mont Blanc, Holland and up the Rhine', entertainment by Albert Richard Smith. Licence sent 23 December 1854 for performance at the Egyptian Hall the same day. Printed, illustrated programme bound in with MS. Programm...
British Library |
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William Tell; or, The strike of the Cantons, burlesque pantomime preceded by a prologue entitled The library of time, by Tom Taylor, A. R. Smith, F. Talfourd and W. P. Hale. Printed (1856), with MS additions. Licence sent 24 May 1856 for performan...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXXIV (ff. 1081). Nov.-Dec. 1846. (1) 'The Two Rainbows', by T. H. Reynoldson. Autograph (?). ff. 2-55. (2) 'The Red Cap or the Prisoner of Vincennes', by T. Archer. ff. 56-120. (3) 'The Bondman', by A. Bunn. ff. 121...
British Library |
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'Mr. Albert Smith's ascent of Mont Blanc', lecture in two parts by Albert Richard Smith, with illustrative views painted by or under the direction of William Beverley. Printed, with MS additions. There is no mention of this text in the LCO Day Book..., 1854
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXX (ff. 1135). April-May 1845 (see also 42983). (1) 'Who's the Papa? or my New Counterpane'. ff. 2-45. (2) 'L'Habeas Corpus ou Liberté Libertas', by C. Varin and 'L. Boyer'. French. Printed [1845]. ff. 46-55 b. (3) 'Le...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLA1N'S PLAYS. Vol. CXLVII (ff. 961). April-May 1848. (1) 'The Lambton Worm', by S. Roxby. ff. 2-20b. (2) 'The Venetian Maid or the Dark Deed at the Madonna's Shrine', by F. Neale. ff. 21-95. (3) 'The Scarecrow', by J. B. Buckstone. ff. 96...
British Library |
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DEXTER DICKENS COLLECTION. Vol. IV (ff. 88). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers of literary men and artists, including Charles Dickens; 1829-1903, n.d. The items are arranged in groups in alphabetical order of writer or main correspondent. For a..., 1829-1904
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLXVII (ff. 928). Nov.-Dec. 1850. (1) 'The Baby and the Regimentals' al. 'The Baby and the Unmen--s', by J. M. Graham. ff. 2-16b. (2) 'The Duchess of Malfi', by R. H. Horne. ff. 17-144. (3) 'Jolly Jack, the Roscius of t...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CX (ff. 953). March-April 1844. (1) 'The Giant's Causeway! or the Slumber of Wonders!!' al. 'O'Roon (altered from Rory O'Roon) and the Fairies of the Giant's Causeway!' alteredfrom 'Whisky and Wonders or Rory O'Roon and...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXV (ff. 1127). Oct.-Nov. 1844. (1) 'Watch and Ward' altered from 'The Captain of the Watch', by A. S. Wigan, Scene 1. Autograph. ff. 2-18. (2) 'Sam Patch the Jumper'. ff. 19-32 b. (3) 'The Forest Princess or Two Centur...
British Library |
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Vol. X. (fr. 405). 1855-1858.includes:ff. 1, 7, 173, 288, 292, 377 Reverend Henry Octavius Coxe, Bodley's Librarian: Correspondence with Sir F. Madden: 1839-1866.ff. 4, 12, 15, 32, 41, 200 Albert Way, FSA: Correspondence with Sir F. Madden: 1840..., 1855-1858
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLII (ff. 1128). Jan.-Feb. 1849. (1) 'Le Tableau Parlant', by L. Anseaume (see also 42902, art. 9). French. Printed (1816). ff. 2-20b. (2) 'La Double Échelle', by F. A. E. de Planard. French. Printed (n.d.). ff. 21-28b....
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLXXI (ff.1001). May-July 1851. (1) 'Embrassons-nous Folleville!', by E. M. Labiche and P. C. J. A. Lefranc. French. Printed (n.d.). ff. 1-22b. (2) 'Roméo et Marielle', by 'P. F. Pinel Dumanoir', P. Siraudin and L. I. E...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLIV (ff. 960). April-May 1849. (1) 'Alhamar the Moor or the Brother of Valencia' altered from 'Cavagal or the Brother of Valencia', by E. Fitzball, Act 1 (Acts 2 and 3 form 43017, art. 27). ff. 2-14b. (2) 'The Heart of...
British Library |
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Vol. III, ff. 353, P-Z.includes:f. 1 Frederick W. Pailthorpe, illustrator to C Dickens: Letter to W. Miller: 1903. f. 2 Francis Turner Palgrave, poet and anthologist: Letter to -: 1862. f. 3 Edward Henry Palmer, orientalist: Letter to S. 0. Grey: 187...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXVI (ff. 1150). Nov.-Dec. 1844. (1) 'The Village Outcast! or the Poacher's Wife!', by T. P. Taylor. ff. 2-44 b. (2) 'Young England', by J. M. Morton. ff. 45-60. (3) 'Somebody Else', by J. R. Planché. ff. 61-83. (4) 'S...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol CXXXIX (ff. 1074). April-May 1847 (see also 42967, art. 33). (1) 'The Farmer Emigrant or the Blessings of Peace'. ff. 2-38. (2) 'I Due Foscari' al. 'The Two Foscari', by F. M. Piave. Italian, with English translation. Pr...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XCVII (ff. 886). Jan.-March 1842. (1) 'The Pawnbroker's Window', by E. Stirling. Autograph. ff. 2-29. (2) 'Elena Uberti'. ff. 30-71. (3) 'The Prisoner of War', by D. W. Jerrold. ff. 72-123 b. (4) 'Marriage', by R. Bell....
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CI (ff. 973). Oct.-Dec. 1842. (1) 'Twankey and Son'. ff. 2-83. (2) 'Anthony and Cleopatra', by C. Selby. ff. 84-109. (3) 'The Belle of the Hotel or American Sketches', by J. B. Buckstone. ff. 110 b, 127 are autograph. f...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXII (ff. 1005). June-Aug. 1844. (1) 'Quid pro Quo or the Day of Dupes', by Catherine G. F. Gore. ff. 2-31 b. (2) 'The Mysteries of Paris or Father and Daughter' ('The Mysteries of Paris or Fathers and Sons'). ff. 32-7...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXVI (ff. 1221). Dec. 1845, except art. 39 (Nov. 1845). (1) 'David Hunt or the Backwodsman (sic) and his Daughter, a Tale of the Paire (sic)' al. 'David, Hunt the Backwoodsman or Life, Love and Jealousy, a Tale of the ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXLIV (ff. 1113). Oct.-Dec. 1847 (see also 43007). (1) 'Une Fille Terrible', by E. Deligny. French. Printed (1846). ff. 2-13b. (2) 'Le Chef-d'OEuvre Inconnu', by C. Lafont. French. Printed (n.d.). ff. 14-25 b. (3) 'Fre...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CXXVIII (ff. 1072). Feb.-April 1846 (see also 43007, art. 7). (1) 'Crusaders' al. 'The Betrothed, a Tale of the Crusades', by A. Bunn. ff. 3-74 b. (2) 'The Marble Maiden or Playing at Marbles' al. 'Playing at Marbles', ...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLXX (ff. 1132). April-May 1851. (1) 'Bataille de Dames ou un Duel en Amour', by A. E. Scribe and E. W. Legouvé. French. Printed (1851). ff. 2-47 b. (2) 'Une Chaîne', by A. E. Scribe (see also 42983, art. 25). French. P...
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. IV. Artistic, dramatic and scientific autogaphs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Godfrey Kneller, William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Joseph Wright of Derby, William Blake, David Cox, Si..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 331). 1895-1927 and n.d.includes:f. 1 Sir Walter Besant, novelist: Letter to A. J. Hipkins: 1895.ff. 2, 6, 11 Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, Baronet; composer: Letters to A. J. Hipkins: 1893-1895.ff. 5, 74 Sir Isidor George Hen..., 1895-1927
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. CLXIV (ff. 973). May-July 1850. (1) 'The Woodman's Spirit or Temperance and Intemperance', by E. Stirling. Autograph. ff. 2-17. (2) 'Anato!'. Italian, with English translation. Printed (n.d.). ff. 18-31 b. (3) 'Maremma ...
British Library |