Dix, Edwards & Company.

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Dix, Edwards & Company were the publishers of Putnam's Monthly Magazine.

From the guide to the Dix, Edwards & Company letters and agreements, 1854-1859., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Dix, Edwards & Company letters and agreements, 1854-1859. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith ABBOTT, Gorham C. person
correspondedWith ANTHONY, C. H. person
associatedWith Arthur T. Edwards. person
correspondedWith A. T. Edwards person
correspondedWith BACON, Leonard person
correspondedWith BAKER, George E. person
correspondedWith BRACE, C. L. person
correspondedWith BRADLEY, Mary person
correspondedWith BRADLEY, Mary E. person
correspondedWith BRYANT, W. C. person
correspondedWith BURTON, W. E. person
correspondedWith CALVERT, G. H. person
correspondedWith CAREY, H. C. person
correspondedWith CASSELL, John person
correspondedWith CASSELL, John (Punch) person
correspondedWith CHOATE, J. H. person
correspondedWith CHOATE, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith COOK, Clarence person
correspondedWith COOKE, J. Esten person
correspondedWith COZZENS, Frederick S. person
correspondedWith CURTIS, George W. person
correspondedWith CURTIS, George William person
correspondedWith DE FOREST, J. W. person
correspondedWith DE VERE, M. Schelle person
correspondedWith DEXTER & BROTHER corporateBody
associatedWith Dix, Edward & Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dix, Edwards & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith DIX, Joshua G. person
correspondedWith EDWARDS, Arthur T. person
correspondedWith ELLIOTT, Charles W. person
correspondedWith EMERSON, Ralph Waldo person
correspondedWith FARNHAM, E. W. person
correspondedWith FISHER, Nathaniel person
associatedWith Frederick Law Olmsted. person
correspondedWith FREMONT person
correspondedWith GILES, Henry person
correspondedWith GODWIN, Parke person
correspondedWith GOODRICH, Charles R. person
correspondedWith GREELEY, Horace person
correspondedWith GUERNSEY, A. H. person
correspondedWith GUROWSKI person
correspondedWith HASKELL, Daniel N. person
correspondedWith HAVEN, Mrs. S. L. person
correspondedWith HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel person
correspondedWith HILDRETH, R. person
correspondedWith HOLMAN, Gray & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith HOPPIN, Augustus person
correspondedWith HOWE, N. J. person
correspondedWith HOYT, A. N. person
correspondedWith HURLBUT, William H. person
correspondedWith J. A. Dix person
correspondedWith JOHNSON, Laura W. person
associatedWith John W. Miller person
associatedWith Joshua A. Dix person
correspondedWith J. W. Dix person
correspondedWith KANE, E. K. person
correspondedWith KIDDER, Henry person
correspondedWith KIRKLAND, C. M. person
correspondedWith LAMFORT, H. H. person
correspondedWith LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth person
correspondedWith LUTZ, T. S. person
correspondedWith MAC MULLEN, John person
correspondedWith McDOUGALL, J. N. person
correspondedWith McELRATH, Manus person
correspondedWith MELVILLE, Herman person
associatedWith Miller & Curtis corporateBody
correspondedWith MONTEGUT, Emile person
correspondedWith Mr. Olmsted person
correspondedWith Mr. Putnam person
correspondedWith NAGERE, G. person
correspondedWith O'CONNOR, William D. person
correspondedWith OLMSTED, Frederick L. person
correspondedWith OLMSTED, John H. person
correspondedWith OLMSTED, M. C. person
correspondedWith PARSONS, T. W. person
correspondedWith PEPER, William person
correspondedWith PERKINS, Fred B. person
correspondedWith PHILLEO, C. W. person
correspondedWith PUTNAM, George P. person
correspondedWith PUTNAM, George P. & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Putnam's Magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith Putnam's Monthly corporateBody
correspondedWith SHAW, Frank George person
correspondedWith SILLIMAN, Benjamin (Jr.) person
correspondedWith Spingler Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith STOWE, Harriet Beecher person
correspondedWith STUART, W. person
correspondedWith Sumner, Charles person
correspondedWith TAYLOR, Bayard person
correspondedWith University of Virginia corporateBody
correspondedWith W. A. Edwards person
correspondedWith WHITTIER, John Greenleaf person
correspondedWith William H. Hurlbut person
correspondedWith WINNELEY, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith WISE, H. A. person
correspondedWith WISE, Henry Augustus person
Place Name Admin Code Country

Corporate Body

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