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S. ISIDORE: Isidori Etymologiae (Madrid, Bibl. Nac., MS. Tol. 15, 8), 8th cent. Ed. R. Beer. 1909. (S. de Vries, Codices graeci et latini, etc., tom. xiii.)Saint Isidore,; Bishop of Seville: Etymologiae (Madrid, Bibl. Nac., Tol. 15, 8),: 8th cent.: F...
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VITRUVIUS, De Architectura, Vegetius, De Re Militari, and Palladius, De Agricultura; bound with later theological matter, viz. : 1. De Agricultura by Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus. Beg. without tituli "Pars est prudentie." In twelve books, the..., 12th century-14th century
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COLLECTION RELATING TO THEOLOGY AND MONASTIC DISCIPLINE: apparently compiled at Durham Cathedral Priory; mid 15th cent. Imperfect at beginning and end. Latin. Origin: England. This MS. and its relationship to Cotton MS. Vitel. E. XII is discussed in ...
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Sloane 1617Chartaceus, in 4to, minori, ff. 77. sec. XV. olim Symonis Palmer, de Grenewich, et, ut prae se fert, 'Fratrum Minorum in Zuythamptona.'1. S. Francisci Confessoris, Assisiensis, Vita, Auctore S. Bonaventura, Cardinali et Episcopo Albanensi....
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TREATISES ON THE COMPOTUS by Bede and others; chronicles of Robert Losinga, Bishop of Hereford, and of Hugh of St Victor; and annalsof Dore Abbey, co. Heref.; etc. Latin. The MS. (formerly Chester Beatty Western MS. 59) is described fully by E. G. Mi...
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B. 1. "Cantica Glosata" (in the hand of the list of contents in A, f. 3) : commentary on the Song of Songs, described on the binding as "Gu . . . [? Gulielmus] super Cantica." Pref. beg. "Liber iste uocatur eanticum canticorum," text "Osculetur me . ..., 12th century
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DICTAMINAL TREATISES: collection of dictaminal treatises, etc., formerly belonging to Westminster Abbey; early-mid 13th cent. Latin. Origin: England. See M. Camargo, 'The English manuscripts of Bernard of Meung's Flores Dictaminum', Viator, xii (198...
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PASSIONALE, etc., the first five articles being apparently insertions. Latin. 1. Life, etc, of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, viz. :-(a) The Life by Theoderic of Apolda; imperf. at beginning, wanting about ten leaves (see H. Canisius, Thes. Mon., vol. iv...., 12th century-13th century
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REGINALD PECOCK, Poor Men's Mirror: with other theological works in English, viz.:-1. "Poore mennis myrrour": this title is given in the preface by the author [Reginald Pecock, Bishop successively of St. Asaph, 1444, and of Chichester from 1450 to h...
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DICTAMINAL TREATISES, theological works, etc., compiled at Reading Abbey and written by ' Abendone' (see artt. 18, 19, below); 15th cent. Latin.1. ff. 1-3b. Matteo de' Libri, the shorter 'Summa Dictaminis', beg. 'Cum summe plures et optime compilate ..., 15th century
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THEOLOGICAL COLLECTION: two separate manuscripts bound together; mid -late 15th cent. Chiefly Latin. Origin: England. See Cat. Romances, iii, pp. 686-692. Memoranda at ff. 81-81v connect the MS. with Southwell, co. Notts., in the late 15th-early 16...
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WORKS by SS. Isidore and Alcuin, with a fragment in an Irish hand, viz.:-1. "Liber beati Isidori Hispalensis episcopi ad Florentinam de summo bono": the Sententiae of S. Isidore, Bishop of Seville (Migne, Patr. Lat. lxxxiii. col. 537). In three book..., 12th century
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THEOLOGICAL MISCELLANY: works in Latin by St Bonaventure, St Isidore of Seville, St Anselm of Canterbury, Hugh of St Victor, Bartholomeus Florarius and St Augustine, etc., and two works in Anglo-Norman; late 13th or early 14th cent. Written in Englan...
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" LIBER Ethimologiarum sancti Ysidori Yspalensis episcopi the Etyniologiae of St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville 599-636. Preceded by the letter (" Tue satictitatis," cp. xiii., Migne, Pair. Lat. lxxxiii. col. 914) to Braulio, Bishop of Sara-ossa. Anothe..., 1300-1445
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TRACTS on the Compotus, etc., viz. 1. "Incipiunt capitula Heperici [sc. Helperici, cf. f. 10 b] super compotum annualem," preceded by a prologue: the treatise on the Calendar by Heiricus al. Helpericus, etc., monk of Auxerre, composed probably before..., 12th century
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PALIMPSEST MSS.: Reproductions of photographs from two palimpsest MSS., viz:-(1) two plates of a page of Gaius, Institutiones (i. 3-8), 5th cent., with Jerome, Ep. cxviii. 5-6, 8th cent., superscribed (cf. Facsimile 124). Verona, Bibl. Capitolare, co...
British Library |
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LETTERS, ETC., OF ST BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, and other theological works; circa 1452. Latin. Origin: Germany. A modern edition of the works of St Bernard is in progress, Sancti Bernardi Opera [SBO], ed. J. Leclercq, C. H. Talbot and H. M. Rochais, Edi...
British Library |
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THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, together with copies of some documents relating to English church-history (see artt. 17-20). Latin. 1. On Indulgences, beg. "Sciendum est quod omnes indulgencie." f. 1. 2. "Liber Ysidori de Obitu patriareharum et apostolorum ceter...
British Library |