The vice president and business manager's role was overseeing the operations of the university's physical facilities, business transactions, and the budget. Among the departments reporting to Kerr were: Buildings & Grounds, Construction, Housing, Food Service, Bursar's Office, Personnel, Purchasing, Public Safety, Investment, Budget, Auditing, Controller, and Data Processing Services. Many of the departments are documented in the series by correspondence and financial records.
During Kerr's tenure, the position of controller was elevated to vice president and controller, in July, 1969. Arthur T. Schmehling was the vice president and controller–he was previously Kerr's assistant business manager. During 1962 Schmehling was promoted to assistant business manager and controller. Schmehling was in charge of overseeing the budget, the university accountants, payroll, auditing, and data processing. The role of the assistant business manager and controller, and the vice president and controller were essentially the same. Moreover, Kerr conducted the university's business and maintained its physical facilities while Schmehling formulated the budget, which defined the financial bounds of Kerr's business transactions. Upon Schmeling's retirement in 1979, the position of vice president and controller reverted back to the controller, who serves today under the senior vice president for business and finance.
From the guide to the Records of the Vice President & Business Manager, William Kerr, 1944-1980, (Northwestern University Archives)
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