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Epithet: St, Cardinal-bishop of Albano

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000387.0x0000b9

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creatorOf THEOLOGICAL MISCELLANY: works in Latin by St Bonaventure, St Isidore of Seville, St Anselm of Canterbury, Hugh of St Victor, Bartholomeus Florarius and St Augustine, etc., and two works in Anglo-Norman; late 13th or early 14th cent. Written in Englan... British Library
referencedIn LIVES OF FEMALE SAINTS and other theological works, etc., in Latin prose and verse. As follows:-(1) 'Breuiloquium fratris Bonauenture supra totam sacram scripturam': Breviloquium of St Bonaventura, Cardinal-bishop of Albano (d. 1274), beg. 'Flecto ge... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL and other tracts and collections, in Latin, viz.:-1. Extracts "de actibus Antichristi," etc., from St. G regory's "Moralia," libb. xxxii., xxxiii.; followed by various theological and other commonplaces, f. 4. 2. "Allegorie super [utrumqu..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn S BONAVENTURÆ Soliloquium de quatuor mentalibus exercitiis, f. 1; Johannis Lotharii, Cardinalis, postea Papæ Innocentii III., de miseria conditionis humanæ libri iii., f. 18; Meditationes B. Bernardi, f. 31 Liber Soliloquiorum B. Augustini, Episcopi ..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn S. BONÆ FORTUNE [BONAVENTURÆ,] tractatus qui intitulatur " Lignum Vitæ; "-Vita Judæ Symonis Scariothis;-De nativitate, dignitate, morte et supplicio Pylati, præsidis Judææ;-Petri Alfunsi Dialogi xii. de Christianæ Legis præstantia. On vellum, xiiith ..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn 1. "ÞE MYPROUR of þe blessede lyfe of Jhesu Crist." Translated, as conjectured, by John Morton, from the "Speculum vitæ Christi" of Bonaventura. Imperfect, f. 1. See other copies, Royal 18 C. x.; Arundel 112 and 364. 2. "A short tretis of þe hiest an... British Library
referencedIn TRACTATUS theologici: 1. "Liber ac (sic) regimine conscientie Beati bonauenture gardinalis de ordine fratrum Minorum," f. 3. 2. "Opus extractum de libro contra Gentiles S. Thome" Aquinatis, f. 23. 3. Passio sanctarum uirginum Euphemie, Dorothee, Tecl..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXXXIII. LIVES of Irish saints, etc. Irish. The texts in this MS. are of a type commonly found in MSS. written in co. Cork in the 18th and 19th centt. For a fuller description see Catalogue of Irish MSS., vol. ii (cited below as Cat.), p. ..., 1807-1808 British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL treatises, in Latin, viz.: 1. S. Johannis Bonaventuræ Breviloquium, f. 2. 2. "Questiones magistri Alexandri super [libros] quatuor sentenciarum," f. 55. 3. Tractatus de statu angelorum, etc. Imperfect. f. 100. 4. Preces quædam. Imperfect...., 14th century British Library
referencedIn SPECULUM Humanæ Salvationis, plurimis figuris rudi penicillo depictis instructum;-S. Bonaventuræ Stimulus Arnoris Domini Jhesu Christi; -Magistri Cunradi Soltow tractatus super Symbolo Apostolorum libris duodecim, cum tabula præmissa. Codex chartaceu..., 1438-1486 British Library
referencedIn S. BONAVENTURÆ extractiones super quartum librum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi, f. 3; Sententiæ theologicæ et morales, per exempla expositæ, ordine alphabetico, f. 50. Vellum; XIVth cent. In ancient binding. [At the beginning are fragments of the MSS. ..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL TRACTS, viz.:-1. " Liber de exemplis sacre scripture compositus a fratre Nicolao de Hanapis, ordinis predicatorum, patriarcha Ierosolomitano " : a compilation several times printed (Lyons, 1559, etc.) under the true name of the author, t... British Library
referencedIn ITINERARIUS eternitatis, seu liber de itineribus eternitatis;" auctore S. Bonaventura, cum indice rerum præmisso. At the end is the following note, " Explicit manerium eternitatis, seu liber de itineribus eternitatis, anno 1497, mense Octobris, die S..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn MIRROR Of the Life of Christ: translated from the Speculum vitæ Christi of St. Bonaventura by Nicholas Love, prior of the Carthusian monastery of Mount Grace, co. York. The preface is headed, " Here bigynnep De prohemie of De book Dat is clepid De my... British Library
referencedIn EARLY ENGLISH POEMS and prose treatises, transcribed about 1380-1400, and closely agreeing with portions of the somewhat earlier Vernon MS. in the Bodleian Library. The volume is very imperfect, and at present consists of only 172 leaves; 177 are wan... British Library
referencedIn "DIVERSE Oraciones et dicta beati Ancelmi, Cantuariensis Arehiepiscopi; Meditaciones Bernardi; Stimulus Amoris; Proverbia moralia Senece et aliorum; et plura alia." The contents are as follows :-" Tabula libri per capitula distincta," f. 2 ;-" De eff..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 30, sec. xv., olim Carthusiensium juxta Moguntiam. 1. De vita activa et contemplativa excerptum e libro Prosperi Aquitani. fol. 1. 2. Excerptum ex Isidoro "ad instructionem bonæ vitæ." fol. 2. 3. Excerpta "ex libello ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS theological tracts, as follows: 1. "Explanacio super decem precepta," beg. "Audi Israel. . . . In hiis verbis spiritus" : the Preceptorium of Nicolaus de Lyra, printed at Paris, 1491, etc. (see Hain, Repertorium, nos. 10400-10407). Some..., approximately 1455 British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-52 Richard Rolle, of Hampole, hermit and author: Melos amoris Ricardi Heremite: 14th cent.ff. 52 b-61 b Richard Rolle, of Hampole, hermit and author: De contemptu mundi: 14th cent.ff. 62-63 b Saint Anselm,; Archbishop of Canterbu... British Library
creatorOf Brandenburg, Hilprand, 1442-1514,. Theological works : manuscript, [14--]. Houghton Library
referencedIn 1. "HISTOIRE morale et philosophique du Jeu des Echecs" a French version by Johan Ferron, Friar Preacher of Paris, of the "Liber Moralis de ludo Scaccorum" of Jacobus de Cessolis. It is dedicated" a noble homme Bertran Aubert de Tarascon," and was co..., 14th century-15th century British Library
referencedIn Paper, in 4to., ff. 144, xv. Cent. "The myrrour of the blessed lyfe of oure Lorde Jhesu Criste", translated from the Latin of Bonaventura, with some additions by the translator, and a Treatise at the end on the Body of Christ against the Lollards. Th... British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to., ff. 11, sec. xiv, cum superioribus compactus. S. Bonaventuræ alio nomine Johannis Fidanzæ, sive cujusunque sit, Compendium metriceum scholasticum utriusque Testamenti versibus dimetris iambicis. fol. 50. Incip. prologus, "Quoni... British Library
referencedIn Volumen, in quo codicum duorum olim rarce venustatis fragmenta continentur, in folio, ff. 136, sec. xiv. ineuntis. 1. Tabula de decem legis praeceptis. fol. 2. b. 2. Tabula similis de octo remunerationibus. fol. 3. 3. Rota de septem orationis Dominic... British Library
referencedIn Vellum, 4to., ff. 223, xv. Cent. 1. The Mirror of the Life of Christ, from the Latin of Bonaventure, with a prologue. fol. 1. The Author of this version is unknown, but it must have been written after 1395, since Walter Hylton, Canon of Thurgastone, ... British Library
referencedIn THE MIRROR of the Life of Christ, translated from the Latin of Bonaventure, by John Morton [wanting the first portion]; -A shorte tretise of the hiest and moste worthy sacrament of Cristis blessid bodi, and the myracles thereof [imperf.] ;-The life ..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1617Chartaceus, in 4to, minori, ff. 77. sec. XV. olim Symonis Palmer, de Grenewich, et, ut prae se fert, 'Fratrum Minorum in Zuythamptona.'1. S. Francisci Confessoris, Assisiensis, Vita, Auctore S. Bonaventura, Cardinali et Episcopo Albanensi.... British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL and other tracts. Latin. With table of contents at the beginning, viz.: 1. "Breuiloquium fratris Bonaventure;" with marginal notes, f. 2. 2. "Breuis tractatus de ortu antichristi;" beginning, II Nascetur Antichristus de progenie Dan," f. ..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn WALTER HILTON, treatise of a Contemplative Life, in two books;-A chapter from Bonaventura's book of the Life of Christ;-Verses on the instruments of the crucifixion, etc.; all in English. On vellum. xvth cent. Small Quarto. [11,748.], 15th century British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXI. JOHANNES DIRKSZOON van Schoonhoven, Tractatus de passione, and St. Augustine, Manuale : Dutch versions with other theological pieces in Dutch.1. Translation, in 10 chapters, of the Tractatus de passione Domini (also called the Exhorta..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS OFFICES, etc., in Latin, viz. :— (1) Officium nominis Iesu, f. 2 ;— (2) Prayers to be said before and after Communion; a prayer to the Virgin, f. 19 b, has the marginal note in a late 16th cent. hand " Non audit beata virgo nostras prae... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US THEOLOGICAL WORKS, in Latin. Contents:-(1) Boethius, 'De consolatione philosophiae' (Migne, Patr. Lat., lxiii, cols. 579-862), with colophon (f. 117) consisting of seven lines of verse beg. 'ut gaudere solet fessus iam nauta labore'. f... British Library
referencedIn THE History of the Passion and Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord, professing to be a translation from St. Bonaventura, as appears from the colophon (f. 15 b): "Explicit liber Aureus de passione et resurrectione Domini, per dominum Bonaventuram, ..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn LATIN ACROSTIC in praise of the Cross, forming the words " Frater Martinus;"-Tresdevot blason des Armes de nostre Redempcion; in verse, with an illumination;-Lystoire de la Passion nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist;-Le mistère de la Resurreccion nostre Sei..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Codex chartaceus et membranaceus, in folio minori, ff. 100, sec. xiv., sed nec una manami, nec uno tempore exaratus; quoad ff. 6-9, 82-89, 95-100 sec. xiii.; quondam, ut videtur, peculium Ricardi de Segbrok, monachi Dunelmensis. 1. "Exposicio duodeci... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1870Codex membranaceus, in 4to. minori, ff. 124, Sec. XIV.1. S. Bonaventurae, alio nomine Johannis Fidanzae, sive cujuscunque sit, Compendium metricum scholasticum utriusque Testamenti, versibus dimetris iambicis, cum glossa interlineari perpe... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS theological tracts, as follows:-(1) "Officium de corpore Ihesu Christi": a copy of the bull of Urban IV [11 Aug. 1264], instituting the feast of Corpus Christi (Potthast, Regesta, no. 18999; Magnum Bullarium Romanorum Pontificum, Aug. ..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL treaties, in Latin, viz.:-1. "Tractatus Ricardi [Rolle de] Hampole de eme[n]dacione uite," f. 2. 2. "Incendium amoris secundum Ricardum Hampole," f. 60. 3. "Sermo beati Bernardi, abbatis [Clarevallensis], de admirandis beneficiis dei," f...., 15th century British Library
referencedIn SPECULUM B. Mariæ Virginis, sive commentarius in "Ave Maria," auctore S. Johanne Bonaventura, f. 2; -Homiliæ in Evangelia pro diebus dominicis, per circulum anni ; cum prologo, f. 67 b. ; -" Cronice Ordinis Carthusiensis," usque ad tempora Chigonis ..., 13th century-14th century British Library
referencedIn "B. AUGUSTINI, Episcopi [Hipponensis], Manuale de aspiratione anime ad Deum," f. 3; Excerpta ex ejusdem Meditationibus, f. 18 b; S. Bonaventuræ Stimulus Amoris, f. 23; Ejusdem "Invitatorium ad amorem sancte humilitatis et paupertatis," f. 68. Vellum;..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Codex membranaceus, in 8vo, ff. 234, sec. xiii.; olim liber Domini W. Hertiylpulle, Monachi Dunell. postea ecclesiæ S. Cuthberti Dunelmensis. 1. Tractatus de decem præceptis, de septem peccatis, de septem petitionibus in oratione Dominica, de virtuti... British Library
referencedIn PARHAM MS. LXV. ALEXANDER. de Villa Dei, Doctrinale; with seven fragments of MSS. of Italian provenance. I. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale. Printed by D. Reichling, Das Doctrinale des Alexander de Villa-Dei, 1893, in the series Monumenta germania... British Library
referencedIn 1. [S. BONAVENTURÆ] Stimulus Amoris, in tres partes distinctus. Imperfect. f. 2. 2. [Henrici Susonis] Horologium divinæ Sapientiæ, f. 58. 3. Meditationes excitatiue compunctiones (sic) ex sacra scriptura et sanctorum sentenciis compilate presertim se..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn Membranaceus, in 4to. minori, ff. 38, sec. xiv., quondam Carthusiensium prope Moguntiam. 1. Excerpta, ut videtur, ex confessionibus S. Augustini, capitibus duodecim inclusa. fol. 1. Tit. "Soliloquium Beati augustini episcopi." Incip. "Magnus es, Domi... British Library
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Place Name Admin Code Country
Camberon, France
Palestine, Asia Minor
Rebdorf, Bavaria
Amiens, France
Durham, Church of St. Cuthbert, Durham
Rouge Cloître al. Roode Kloster, Belgium
Camerino, Italy
Rome, Italy
Bedford, Bedfordshire
Southampton, Hampshire


Active 0014

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Ark ID: w6m36hzg

SNAC ID: 34459542