Henry Denecke, Jr . was timpanist with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra for eleven years, ending in 1952. Previously he had played with the Cleveland Symphony and the Pittsburgh Symphony.
Peter Kogan is the Principal Timpanist of the Minnesota Orchestra. In the introduction to the final transcript, Kogan says: "About three years ago, I was coming off stage from a morning children's concert, when Marv Dahlgren introduced me to a distinguished elderly gentleman with a proud bearing: Henry Denecke, Jr., his teacher and former timpanist of the Minneapolis Symphony. What a surprise! I began wondering about the wealth of knowledge and career experience he must have had. So last May I found myself at his doorstep with a borrowed tape recorder and a camera in hand."
From the guide to the Henry Denecke, Jr. Interview, May 1993, (University of Minnesota Libraries. Performing Arts Archives, Manuscripts Division [paa])