Campbell-Bannerman, Sarah Charlotte, wife of Sir H Campbell-Bannerman

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Epithet: wife of Sir H Campbell-Bannerman

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001219.0x000139

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. IX (ff. 98). 1. ff. 1-60. Letters of Campbell-Bannerman to his wife, Sarah Charlotte, née Bruce, supplementing Add. MS. 41246, ff. 203-312; 1892-1895. 2. ff. 61-98. Letters to John Sinclair, 1st Baron Pent..., 1892-1919 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXVI (ff. 265). Folio size, Vol. i. 1871-1903.includes:ff. 2-21, 136-140 Army; England: Papers rel. to organisation: [1871?]-1892.: Partly printed.f. 22 Dunfermline, Fifeshire: Resolutions of Town Council rel. to Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman: ..., 1871-1903 British Library
referencedIn CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN PAPERS. Vol. XLI (ff. 321). 1. Letters from Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman to his cousin, James Campbell of Tullichewan, a merchant of Glasgow; 1881-1900. Hologr. There is a letter from James Campbell, 1884, at f. 4, and letters from hi..., 1835-1906 British Library
referencedIn CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN PAPERS. Vol.XLVI A,B. Diarynotebooks (without printed forms) of S[arah] C[harlotte] Campbell-Bannerman, with (usually very brief) entries under each day, covering parts only of the years 1881-1887, viz.:-, 1881-1887 British Library
referencedIn CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN PAPERS. Vol. XLV A-C. Journals of Lady Campbell-Bannerman on her earlier tours with Sir Henry in Europe, 1862-1864, viz.:-, 1862-1864 British Library
creatorOf Vol. VI (ff. 187). 1892-1904.includes:ff. 1-4b, 5 Army; England: Notes, etc., for speech by Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman rel. to volunteers,: 1892: Mostly typewritten.f. 6 General Sir Redvers Henry Buller, GCB: Circular, signed by,: 1892: Printed.f...., 1892-1904 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III, 1886-1901Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, GCB; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Gladstone: 1886-1908.includes:f. 3 John Sinclair, 1st Baron Pentland: Letter to J. G. Legge: 1892.f. 9 James Bryce, Viscount Bryce; historian and polit..., 1886-1901 British Library
referencedIn Vol. IV, 1902-1908Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, GCB; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Gladstone: 1886-1908.includes:f. 21 Samuel Catlow, of Colne, county Lancashire: Telegram to Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman: 1902.ff. 39, 90, 92, 114 Herbert ..., 1902-1908 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean
Australia, Australia
Inverness, Invernesshire
Carrickfergus, Antrim
County Durham, England
Scotland, United Kingdom
Ireland, Europe
Manchester, Lancashire
Dunfermline, Fifeshire
South Queensferry, West Lothian
India, Asia
Malta, Europe
Perthshire, Scotland
Stirling, Scotland
Stirling, Scotland
South Africa, Africa


Active 1835

Active 1919

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Ark ID: w69m4xmk

SNAC ID: 3353504