Digby, George, 2nd Earl of Bristol

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Epithet: Lord Digby, afterwards Secretary of State

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x000085

Title: 2nd Baron Digby; 2nd Earl of Bristol 1653

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x000087

Title: 2nd Earl of Bristol

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000498.0x00026a

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referencedIn VOL. VII. COLLECTIONS relating to the town of Abingdon, among which are:-1. History of the borough of Abingdon, from the "Notitia Parliamentaria" of Browne Willis, f. 1. 2. Description of Abingdon derived from various sources, f. 11. 3. Account of t..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1519Paper, in folio, ff. 243, XVII century. A collection of letters illustrative of English History, addressed for the most part to Thomas third Lord Fairfax.Index of contents. ff. 1-11.1. Letter of Philip II, King of Spain, to Queen Elizabeth... British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVIII, 1663-Mar. 1676;Revenue: Correspondence and papers of Lord Danby rel. to: 1663-1690.includes:f. 1 Privy Council, The: Instructions to Commissioners of Subsidies: 1663.: Copy.f. 1 Subsidies: Privy Council instructions to Commissioners ... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State Papers, 1618-1679, with other pieces:-1. " Brief observations in Chancery Practice." f 3. 2. Proclamation of James I. on the subject of Sunday recreation; Greenwich, 24 May, ao 16 [1618]. f. 4. 3. " The grounds of unity in Relig... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1467Paper, 4to., ff. 154, XVII Century.1. 'A (poetical) dialogue between two zelots concerning etc., in the new oath.' f. 1.Begin: — 'Sir Roger from a zealous peece of freezeRaised to a Vicar of the children threes.'2. 'Articles of the Commons... British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES and other collections relating to Parliament; tempp. Hen. III.-Geo. III. 1. Extracts and notes from Rolls of Parliament, etc., tempp. Hen. III. -Chas. l.; partly (f 13) in the hand of Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of Clarendon. ff. 1-14. 2. (a) " The... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. ff. 221.Rupert, Prince; Count Palatine of the Rhine: Letters to, from various persons: 1644-1649.Fairfax family; of Denton: Correspondence: 1600-1827.William Ackroyd, Rector of Long Marston: Papers relating to his endowment of a University sc..., 1600-1827 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1430Paper, in folio, ff. 85, XVII century; bound up with 3956.1. The articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament against Thomas Wentworth first Earl of Strafford, in maintenance of his accusation, whereby he stands charged of high treason.... British Library
referencedIn LETTERS and papers chiefly relating to the Civil War; 1633-1655. 1. Declaration by Charles I. of the intent of an award, made 8 July, 1632, between the Earls of Arundel and Pembroke relative to the management of certain lands unspecified, and to the... British Library
referencedIn 'COPIES of the ciphered portions of two letters of George, Lord Digby, to Prince Rupert, 12 July and 27 Oct. 1644 (the first printed in Warburton's Memoirs of Prince Rupert; the original of the second in Add. 18,981, f. 312); and of a letter from Pri..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn POLITICAL and other tracts and collections, viz. 1. " Mr. Peter Wentworth's speech in Parliament, anno 1576, for which he was sent to the Tower." f. 1. 2. " A reconciliation made betweene the kinge and his subiects touchinge the demaunde of his right... British Library
referencedIn POLITICAL and miscellaneous papers:-1. "Gervasii Tilberiensis de necessariis Scaccarii observacionibus Dialogus," f. 1. 2. A defence of the statutes of England against the libels of foreign writers and Engish fugitives; circa 1630. Imperfect. f. 14...., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn HODGKIN PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 256). Documents illustrative of social history, etc.; 1573-1843. 1. Deposition, signed by Rycherd Page, Heughe He[y]ward, Davy Myller, and (by a mark) John Blonte, of St. Clement's parish [St. Clement Danes, London], respe..., 1573-1843 British Library
referencedIn WEST PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 365). Historical documents, extracts from records, naval and parliamentary papers, etc., many original; 1065-1759. Among them are:-1. "Homagium Malcolmi [ Malcolm III. Canmore] Regis Scocie et Edwardi filii ejus primogeni..., 1065-1759 British Library
referencedIn Vol. IX (ff. 173). April 1644-May 1645.Sir Philip Perceval, Clerk and Registrar of Irish Court of Wards and Liveries: Correspondence and papers: 1628-1647.Ireland: Correspondence and papers rel. to the Civil War in: 1642-1647.: Partly copies.Army; En... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1200Paper, in folio, ff. 129, XVII century.1. The several speeches etc. delivered in Parliament, April 1640Grievances discussed in the House of Commons; 13 April 1640. ff. 3 and 36.Serjeant Glanvile’s speech to the King, 15 April 1640 f. 4. b.... British Library
referencedIn C. Section II. CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF THE 2ND EARL OF BRISTOL61483-61485. BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vols. CCCLXXXIII-CCCLXXXV. Correspondence and papers of George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol, fatherin-law of Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland; 1646-1..., 1646-1667 British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff 341). Sept.-Dec. 1673. 1. " A relation of the French Squadron sent to his Highnesse Pr. Rupert by Monsr de Martell, their Vice-Admirall ": an account of the engagement of the English and French Fleets with the Dutch on 20 A... British Library
referencedIn EXTRACTS from Public Records, etc., relating to the Chancery, the custody of the records, etc., with other miscellaneous papers, viz. :-1. Extracts from records, and copies of documents, relating to the custody of the Public Records, tempp. Edw. III.... British Library
referencedIn Major Richard Salwey, Prisoner in the Tower: Allowance of materials to, for petitioning Charles II.: 1661.Philip V of Spain: Account of Spanish ships taken and burnt in Rodondello Harbour by the English and Dutch,: 1702.includes:f. 1 Elizabeth I of E... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS political and other papers; 1640-circa 1660; belonging to the preceding collection:-1. Reports of speeches, etc., in Parliament, and London news-letters; 3 Nov. 1640-16 Feb. 164.0/1, f. 1. 2. Proposicions sent from Kilkenny touchinge a..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters and autographs of eminent persons; 1587 1835: 1. Thomas Wilkes, English Ambassador at the Hague, to Queen Elizabeth; Hague, 16 Feb. 1586[7]; with seal. f. 2. 2. Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin and Lord Chancellor of Ireland, to Sug..., 1587-1835 British Library
referencedIn KEYS to cyphers used by Sir Edward Nicholas; 1646-1658, and undated. The names of the correspondents are [Henry Jermyn, 1st] Lord Jermyn; 1646, f. 1. Charles I.; n. d., 1647, ff. 3, 5. Henry May, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Richard Lane and others; 1649, f. ..., 1646-1658 British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of the Council of Wales and the Marches, circ. 1586-1634, with a few entries (f. 52) as late as 1644, containing copies of the Instructions given from time to time to the Council, their orders for proceedings in the Court of the Marches, app..., 1554-1833 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIX, Apr. 1676-1690, n.d. Included in Vol. XXIX, ff. 167-170 b, are lists of pensions paid, 1679, which are printed by Browning, op. cit., iii, pp. 47-50.Revenue: Correspondence and papers of Lord Danby rel. to: 1663-1690.includes:f. 1 Colone... British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. XXXIII (ff. 102). Tracts, etc., relating to foreign affairs; 1669-1670. (1) 'Project of a Treaty of Commerce between England and France': evidently a copy of the draft treaty sent to the French by Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, 9..., 1669-1679 British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 280. Vil:-(1) The Dutch Commissioners for the treaty with Sweden, to the States General; Copenhagen, 16/26 Apr. 1660. Dutch and English translation. Copies. Op. cit . vii, p. 898. ff. 1-4. (2) Charles Longland, Agent at Le... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical papers and original letters, 1452-1874, viz.:-A. 1. Extracts from the Flores Historiarum (Rolls Series ed., ii. pp. 190-221) relating to Hubert de Burgh. In a hand of the end of the l5th cent. f. 1. 2. Copy of proclamation ..., 1452-1874 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. XII. (ff. 237). Copies of treaties and miscellaneous papers relating for the most part to the correspondence contained in the preceding volumes; 1470-1663. The contents are :-1. Treaties between France and the Swiss; 1470-1579.... British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CXCVII (ff. i+171). Cipher-keys, with letters in cipher, etc., largely taken from captured royalist papers; circa 1623-1 July 1647, n.d. Partly cipher and deciphered. Partly Latin and French. Also included are some ciphers used ..., 1618-1647 British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN) OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES: a collection of copies closely resembling those in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Tanner 82 (see Cat. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., Pt. iv, Codices T. Tanneri, ed. A. Hackman..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn PAPERS of Sir Edward Walker, Garter king of arms, relating to the order of the Garter; 1523-1677. In the later portion often autograph. They contain notes on procedure and ceremonials, lists of knights, investitures, fees, etc., and a few letters. Th..., 1523-1677 British Library
referencedIn " A COLLECTION of proceedings in the House of Commons touching the impeachment of the late Earle of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor," etc.; 26 Oct. -18 Dec. 1667. A duplicate of the preceding MS.; with the articles of impeachment at the end. Paper; ... British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. CXVII (ff. 299). Papers of Lord Holdernesse relating to home affairs, 1751-1761. Included are:-(1) Oath of Lord Holdernesse as Privy Councillor and Secretary of State, 1751, and papers relating to the office of Secretary of State...., 1751-1761 British Library
referencedIn Vol. iv. (ff. 471.) 1656-1659. Sir Alexander Hume; Hague, 3 Jan. 1656-17/27 May, 1659, ff. 1, 16,18,22,37, 289, 366, 380, 403, 410. Sir Henry de Vie; Brussels, 3 Jan. 1656-18 Dec. 1657, ff. 2, 10, 17, 23, 32, 40, 49, 117, 121, 165, 166, 180. George..., 1656-1659 British Library
referencedIn VOL. I. 1. Letters to the Duke of Richmond and Lennox; 1661-1670, from Roger Payne; Cobham Hall, etc., 1661-1669, ff. 1, 174, 220, 223, 241, 252, 272. [Anthony Ashley Cooper] Lord Ashley [afterwards Earl of Shaftesbury]; dat. 18 June, 1661, 9 Aug. 1..., 1661-1670 British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vol. XLIV (ff. 205). Kenelm Digby Papers, consisting of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Sir Kenelm Digby (d. 1665), illustrating his multifarious interests in literature, philosophy, theology and alchemy; 1636/7-1663, n.d..., 1637-1664 British Library
referencedIn PAPERs relative to differences of Christopher Hatton, lst Lord Hatton, with James Compton, 3rd Earl of Northampton, and Philip Willoughby, including original letters of Lords Northampton and Hatton, Sir William Compton, Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary..., 1636-1646 British Library
referencedIn includes:f.1 George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol: Proceedings relating to, in the House of Commons,: 1 July, 1663.ff. 3, 7 Charles II of England: Speeches of the King in Parliament: 1663, 1667.f. 7 Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Lord Keeper: Speech on op... British Library
referencedIn " THE Picture of the body and minde of Mris Venetia Stanley (since Lady Digby), made by Mr. Benjamin Johnson "; with elegies on her by Ben Jonson, Thomas May, Joseph Rutter, Thomas Randolph, George Lord Digby, William Abington, and Aurelian Townshend..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 296). Opinion of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, on the legality of marriage between cousins german; Westminster College, 2 Mar. 1640/1. Autograph. f. 146.includes:ff. 99, 100 John Barlee: Letters to -: 1612.f. 146 John Williams, D... British Library
referencedIn ESSEX PAPERS. Vol. VIII. (ff. 448). Jan.-May, 1675. 1. Letters from Sir Charles Harbord, Surveyor General, relating to Essex House; Strand, 9 Jan.-15 May, 1675. ff. 30, 86, 139, 165, 206, 396. 2. Letters from Sir William Temple; Hague, 22 Jan., 5 Feb... British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES in Parliament, etc.; 1558-1695. 1. "Queen Elizabeths speech (a) to her secretary [Sir W. Cecil] and other her Lords," 20 Nov. 1558. In a hand of the 18th cent. f. 1; -(b) to the two Houses, 12 Nov. 1586. f. 2. 2. "Answeres to the first part ... British Library
referencedIn VOL. 1. (ff. 513). 1560-1649. John [Jewell, Bishop of] Salisbury; London, etc., 23 Feb.-7 Oct. 1560, 19 Mar. 1562 [3], ff. 1-6. Sir J[ohn] Evelyn, of co. Wilts; 26 Sept. 1621, f. 10. Matthew Nicholas, brother of Sir Edward, Dean successively of Brist..., 1560-1649 British Library
referencedIn REPORT of various speeches and of proceedings in Parliament in the year 1640. Imperfect. At f. 94 is the speech of Pym before the House of Lords, impeaching the Earl of Strafford, on he was committed into custody; 11 Nov. 1640. Paper; xviith cent. Fo..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1644 -1762. As follows:-(1) Letter from Charles I to Prince Rupert concerning the relief of Newark; Oxford, 7 March 164 ¾Sign-manual, and autograph postscript. Endorsed by the same hands as other letters..., 1644-1762 British Library
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 321). Miscellaneous State papers, etc., 1603-1659. The principal contents are as follows :-1. Weekly statistics of burials in London from the plague and otherwise, 24 Dec. 1602-22 Dec. 1603, and 6 Jail.-22 Dec. 16..., 1602-1659 British Library
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Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
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Somerset, England
Netherlands, Europe
Lisbon, Portugal
Salcey Forest, Northamptonshire
Wormleighton House, Warwickshire
Cheshire, England
Wolvesley Castle, Hampshire
Northamptonshire, England
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
St Christopher, West Indies
Lincolnshire, England
Ireland, Europe
Tangier, Morocco
Cropredy Bridge, Oxfordshire
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Croydon, Surrey
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Whittlewood Forest, Oxfordshire, and Buckinghamshire
Ireland, Europe
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Cork, Ireland
Cape Trafalgar, Spain
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Rutland, England
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London, England
Marston-Moor, Yorkshire
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Liscarroll, Cork
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Dublin, Ireland
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Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Ettrick Forest, Selkirkshire
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St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean
Bearwood, Berkshire
Coventry, Warwickshire
Ludlow, Shropshire
Hampton Court, Middlesex
River Thames, England
Tattersett, Norfolk
Hertfordshire, England
Virginia, U.S.A.
Mullingar, Westmeath
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Kerry, Ireland
Somerset, England
London, England
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Lowestoft, Suffolk
Dardanelles, Greece
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Berkshire, England
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Rhé, Brittany
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Oxfordshire, England
St Lucia, the Carribean
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Leicestershire, England
Ireland, Europe
Kent, England
Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire
Burton, Somerset
Ludford, Herefordshire and Salop
Geneva, Switzerland
Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Kent
Sussex, England
Scilly Islands, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
West Indies, America
Killkenny, Ireland
East, Hundred of, Rutland
Netherlands, Europe
Studley, Oxfordshire
Cathay, China
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Yale, Denbighshire
Derbyshire, England
Ireland, Europe
Redondela, Spain
Cork, Ireland
Nérac, France
London, England
Bromfield, Denbighshire
Merton, Oxfordshire
Switzerland, Europe
Ireland, Europe
St. Malo, France
Shropshire, England
Athlone, Roscommon
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Belgium, Europe
Abingdon, Berkshire



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