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'Sonnets from the Portuguese' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning; [1849-1850]. Autograph fair copy of Sonnet 42, written on one side only of an octavo leaf of pale green wove paper. No watermark, but embossed 'BATH'. The poem is entitled 'Future and Past'..., 1849-1850
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LOVETT ALBUMS AND PAPERS. VOL. I. (ff. i+401). Album of letters, mainly to Lovett; 1828-1876, n.d. The pasted-in letters are enclosed in hand-drawn frames containing Lovett’s own identifications of the authors. Missing some of the original number..., 1828-1876
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MISCELLANEOUS LITERARY AND HISTORICAL AUTOGRAPHS INCLUDING SOME VERSES; 17th -19th cent. Included among the writers are Bernard Barton, Garibaldi, Edward Bulwer Lytton, William Cobbett, Richard Cumberland, R. L. Edgworth, George IV, Laetitia Landon,..., 17th century-19th century
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SIXTY LETTERS, ETC., OF MARY RUSSELL MITFORD; 1844-1854, n.d. Autograph. See B.M.Q., xxix, 1964-5, pp. 6-10. Quarto., 1844-1854
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British Records Association Collection. Vol. III (ff. 314). Letters from: 1. ff. 1-125. Elton family, etc.; 1846-1854, n.d. 2. ff. 127-142b. J. and Esther Nash; n.d. 3. ff. 143-177. Rev. George Fisk; aft. 1814-1871, n.d. 4. ff. 178-247. Douglas Willi..., 1814-1871
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Vol. LIII ( ff. 350 ). 19 Mar. 1833-11 Feb. 1837.Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Agreements with authors and others: 1829-1871.: Mostly signed.includes:ff. 1 (signed), 305 Mrs Anne Catherine Monkland, novelist: Agreements and accompt with R. Bentl...
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Vol. CCCXLIV (ff. 372). 27 Jan.-14 Feb. 1843.includes:f. 1 Philip Bouton, of Jersey: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1843.f. 3 Frances Adams Lillicrap, icife of Captain J Lillicrap, RN: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1843.ff. 5-11 Sir William Henry Clerke, 9th ...
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. IX (ff. 609). Aug.-Oct. 1825 (see also 42872). (1) 'The Stout Gentleman', by R. B. Peake. ff. 2-43. (2) 'The Green Room or Intrigues and Disasters', by J. Kenney (see also 42879, art. 12). ff. 44-84 b. (3) 'Which is my ...
British Library |
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ORIGINAL LETTERS of sovereigns and noblemen, actors, artists, and authors; arranged in each class, according to the nationalities of the writers, under the beads of England, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and th..., 16th century-19th century
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AYRTON PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 105). Letters and papers found loose in 52335-52342; 1803-1855, n.d. Includes (ff. 4-34) accounts, a plan, etc., of the King's Theatre, 1814-1824, n.d.includes:ff. 1-3b Henry Dance, Secretary, Philharmonic Society: Corres..., 1803-1855
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XVI (ff. 486). Oct.-Nov. 1826. On f. 1b is part of the autograph draft of a review (?) by W. B. Donne (cf. 42872, f. 1b). (1) 'The White Lady or the Spirit of Avenal', by S. Beazley. ff. 3-42 b. (2) 'Young Love and Old ...
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ALBUM OF MARTHA S. BROWNE: commenced in 1828 and maintained by her until at least 1837, with subsequent entries probably collected by others; 1738-1908, n.d. Many entries are by or relate to Mary Ann Browne, Martha Browne's sister, who published seve..., 1738-1908
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41996. MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, 1200-1929
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. II. English literary autographs; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Edmund Waller, Andrew Marvell, John Evelyn, John Locke, John Dryden, Joseph Addison, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, William Congreve, Sir Richard Steele, ..., approximately 16th century-20th century
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BENTLEY PAPERS. Vol. CXXIII (ff. 268). Miscellaneous papers; circ. 1831 -1915, n.d. Viz.:-(1) Material intended for publication; 15 Mar. 1843-circ. 1872, n.d. As follows:-(a) Four original letters from Mary Russell Mitford, novelist, to Lucy Olivi..., 1826-1915
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KENYON PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. i+1). Letter of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Miss Mary Russell Mitford; 20 Aug. 1847. Printed in Kenyon's The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1897, i, pp. 339-42. Note by Kenyon on f. i that it was given to him 'by...
British Library |
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MISCELLANE0US AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, signatures, etc.; 1830-1878, n.d. The letters are taken mainly from correspondence of Thomas Sansom (d. 1872), of the Custom House, Liverpool (and later of Newcastle), Fellow of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh and ..., 1830-1878
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Vol. LVII ( ff. 329 ). 17 June 1851-29 Sept. 1854.Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Agreements with authors and others: 1829-1871.: Mostly signed.includes:ff. 1-2 (drafts), 3 (signed) George Routledge, bookseller and publisher: Letter to, and agreem...
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Letter from Sydney Cockerell to T. J. Wise (ff. 22-23) concerning his copy of Byron's English Bards and Scotch Reviewers with the famous inscription linking Byron with Teresa Macri, forged by De Gibler, but which Wise and Seymour de Ricci had pronoun...
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Vol. XXVII (ff. 177). 1801-1823.includes:f. 1 Mary Caroline Duff, wife of James, 4th Earl Fife: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1801.f. 3 Major Alexander Dun Cameron, 95th Foot: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1804.f. 5 Captain William Willermin, Royal..., 1801-1823
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Senior / Hughes Correspondence. Letters received by Nassau William Senior, political economist (b. 1790, d. 1864), his daughter-in-law Jane, née Hughes, school inspector (b. 1828, d. 1877), and other members of the Senior and Hughes families; 1812-1..., 1812-1896
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Vol. LII ( ff. 342 ). 13 Jan. 1827-14 Mar. 1833.includes:f. 1 George Colman, the younger; dramatist: Agreement with H. Colburn: 1827.: Signed.ff. 1-20 passim, 46 Henry Colburn, publisher: Agreements with authors: 1827-1829.: Mostly signed.f. 3 ...
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XLV (ff. 730). Feb.-April 1831. (1) 'My Great Aunt' altered from 'Expectations' ('My Great Aunt or where there's a Will'), by J. R. Planché (the Finale forms 42907, art. 10). ff. 1-40. (2) 'Taken by Surprise' altered fr...
British Library |
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Letter from Robert Browning to Mary Russell Mitford; 9 March 1849. Printed in Letters of Robert Browning, ed. T. L. Hood, 1933, p. 22.Octavo (letter) and large folio (binding); ff. ii+2.Robert Browning, poet: Mary Russell Mitford, novelist and dramat...
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. LXVI (ff. 968). March-June 1835. (1) 'Confusion worse Confounded' ('Patrician and Parvenu or Confusion worse Confounded'), by J. Poole. ff. 1-69 b. (2) 'Théobald ou le Retour de Russie', by A. E. Scribe and A. F. Varner...
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DEXTER DICKENS COLLECTION. Vol. IV (ff. 88). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers of literary men and artists, including Charles Dickens; 1829-1903, n.d. The items are arranged in groups in alphabetical order of writer or main correspondent. For a..., 1829-1904
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BENJAMIN ROBERT HAYDON: papers of and rel. to Benjamin Haydon, historical painter; 1824-1858. Art. 1 purchased at Sotheby's, 2 April 1973, lot 262. Arts. 2 and 3 were sold as lot 265 at the same sale, and were purchased subsequently from Francis Edwa..., 1824-1858
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MACMILLAN ARCHIVE. Vol. CLXXXVIII. Mary Russell Mitford: copies of letters to various correspondents, probably intended for publication; 1824-1853, n.d.Mary Russell Mitford, novelist and dramatist: Correspondence of, prepared for publication: 1824-18..., 1824-1853
British Library |
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LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAYS. Vol. XXVIII (ff. 616). Sept.-Nov. 1828. (1) 'The Absent Son or Fatherly Feelings', by J. B. Buckstone. ff. 1-87 b. (2) 'Management or the Prompter Puzzled' altered from 'Straits and Strategems or how to move the Stars', by J...
British Library |