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Vol. ccxi. (ff. 437). General Correspondence 20 Sept.-10 Oct. 1759.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 36, 50, 66, 134, 170, 208, 266, 300, 322, 334 Phi...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxiv. (ff. 410). General Correspondence 21 Nov.-10 Dec. 1759.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 3, 187 Edward Hawke, 1st Baron Hawke: Advices fro...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVIII. (ff. 486). General Correspondence 16 Feb.-25 Mar. 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 39, 112, 200 Bunge, Swedish Minister at Paris:...
British Library |
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Vol. xlii. (ff. 437). Home Correspondence 26 Apr.-16June,1752.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 57, 63, 121, 164, 244, 408 Andrew Stone, Under-Secretary of Sta...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXIX. (ff. 504). General Correspondence 11 Sept.-9 Oct. 1757.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 129, 144-151, 262, 300, 399, 411, 440, 473, 479...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVII. (ff. 497). General Correspondence Jan.-15 Feb. 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 28 George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax: Corre...
British Library |
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Vol. xliii. (ff. 467). Home Correspondence 16 June-July,1752.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 General John Louis Ligonier, afterwards Earl Ligonier: Corresponde...
British Library |
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Vol. XLV. (ff. 480). Home Correspondence Oct.-Dec. 1752.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 102 Daniel Finch, 7th Earl of Winchilsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham; ...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCI. (ff. 520). General Correspondence 17 Nov.-Dec. 1757.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 130 Newsletters From Germany: Vienna: 1711, 1728, 175...
British Library |
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LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. CXII (ff. 97). Correspondence of Lord Holdernesse with authorities in Ireland, 1751-1756, including:-(1) Lionel Cranfield Sackville, 1st Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant; 1751-1754. ff. 1-80, passim;-(2) Lord George Sackville afte..., 1751-1754
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXVI. (ff. 465). General Correspondence May, June, 1757.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 128, 132, 186-193, 216, 309, 311, 346, 373, 389, 407...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCII. (ff. 499). General Correspondence Jan.-20 Feb. 1758.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 331 Robert Henley, 1st Baron Henley; 1st Earl of Not...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxxx. (ff. 408). General Correspondence 21 Nov.-11 Dec. 1760.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1760-1768.includes:ff. 1, 48, 52, 129, 131, 226, 232, 306, 308, 351 Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover: Cor...
British Library |
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Vol. xxix. (ff. 552). Home Correspondence Jan.-Apr. 1748.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff.1, 18, 29, 44, 63, 96, 139 Charles Bennet, Lord Ossulstone, afterwards 2...
British Library |
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Vol. xxxiv. (ff. 361). Home Correspondence Aug.-Dec. 1749.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 Elizabeth Carmichael, wife of John, 3rd Earl of Hyndford: Letters to ...
British Library |
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Vol. cciv. (ff. 466). General Correspondence 11 Mar.-10 Apr. 1759.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 Thomas Orby Hunter, MP: Letter to S. Martin: 1759.: ...
British Library |
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Vol. XLIX. (ff. 402). Home Correspondence Jan.-Mar. 1754.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 3, 25, 57, 129, 142, 269, 281, 307, 359 Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardw...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCIV. (ff. 486). General Correspondence Apr.-10 May, 1758.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 250, 261, 276, 331 James West, MP for St. Alban's Se...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxvi. (ff. 553). General Correspondence Jan. 1760.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 17, 63, 140, 142, 184, 250, 255, 259, 335, 343, 403, 407, 45...
British Library |
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Vol. xxvi. (ff. 612). Home Correspondence May-June, 1747.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 11, 17, 29, 55, 84, 106, 132, 161, 215, 268, 320, 366, 399, 517 Sir ...
British Library |
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Vol. XLVII. (ff. 737). Home Correspondence June-Sept. 1753.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 Thomas Hay, 8th Earl of Kinnoul: Correspondence with the Duke of New...
British Library |
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Vol. L. (ff. 615). Home Correspondence Apr.-June, 1754.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 3 Arthur Forbes: Letter to the Duke of Newcastle: 1754. f. 4 Bridget Hami...
British Library |
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Vol. xxv. (ff. 516). Home Correspondence Jan.-Apr. 1747.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland: Correspondence with the Duk...
British Library |
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Vol. LII. (ff. 551). Home Correspondence Oct.-Dec. 1754.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 12, 455, 526 William Poole, junior, of Poole: Correspondence with the Du...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXVII. (ff . 641). General Correspondence; Jan., Feb. 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 3, 5, 27, 63, 91, 110, 305, 469, 505 Philip Yorke, ...
British Library |
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EGMONT PAPERS. Vol. LXXXIX B (ff. 167). (1) Letters from Kene Perceval (brother of Charles Perceval, Vicar of Michelstown), Vicar of Powerscourt, co. Wicklow; 1739-1753. ff. 1-58b. (2) Correspondence with William Perceval, barrister, of Dublin (broth..., 1739-1753
British Library |
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Vol. xli. (ff. 523). Home Correspondence Jan.-25 Apr. 1751.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:f. 1 Charles Delafaye, Under Secretary of State: Correspondence with the ...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXV. (ff. 493). General Correspondence 11 Oct.-15 Nov. 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 13, 30, 86, 180, 187, 268, 324, 432 Philip Yorke,...
British Library |
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Vol. XLVIII. (ff. 631). Home Correspondence Oct.-Dec. 1753.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 417, 516, 557 Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holdernesse; Secretary of ...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXVIII. (ff. 535). General Correspondence March, 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 454 Onslow Burrish, diplomatist: Letters to Lord Holdern...
British Library |
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Vol. ccxxxii. (ff. 478). General Correspondence 1-21 Jan. 1761.George III of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1760-1768.includes:ff. 3, 132, 175, 254, 351, 393, 418 Newspapers: Gazette des Pays Bas: 1760. ff. 8,...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXIV. (ff. 461). General Correspondence 6 Sept.-10 Oct. 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 3, 32, 363, 386 Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grant...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXIX. (ff. 565). General Correspondence 26 Mar.-15 May 1756.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 8, 10, 81 Sir Edward Wilmot, 1st Baronet; Physici...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXIX. (ff. 549). General Correspondence Apr.-14 May, 1755.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 7, 44, 46, 214, 216 Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover: Corre...
British Library |
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"CAMILLO'S COMPLAINT: a poem, inscribed to his Grace, George [Stone], Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh" [1747-1765]; and lamenting the brief vice-royalty of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1745-46. In 53 six-line s...
British Library |
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Vol. CCIII. (ff. 461). General Correspondence 6 Feb.-10 Mar. 1759.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 5, 28, 45, 86, 130, 183-188, 223, 262, 264, 302, 3...
British Library |
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Vol. ccv. (ff. 518). General Correspondence 11 Apr.-5 May, 1759.Henry Potts, Comptroller and Secretary of the Post Office: Letters to the Duke of Newcastle: 1746-1767.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.:...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCIII. (ff. 474). General Correspondence 21 Feb.-Mar. 1758.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Home and Diplomatic.includes:ff. 1, 30, 32, 38, 77, 218, 274, 338, 354, 366, 380-386, 4...
British Library |
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Vol. xxiii.(ff. 402). Home Correspondence Aug-.-Sept. 1746.George II of England: Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, Sec. of State, etc.: 1727 -1760.: Diplomatic.includes:ff. 2, 120, 165, 279 George II of England: Correspondence with the Duke o...
British Library |