The University of Leeds Workshop Theatre, which is closely linked with the School of English, started life in 1960 as the drama lecture room, and was transformed into the Workshop Theatre in 1967 by a new building programme. In 1981 it was given extra rented space in the Emmanuel Institute, allowing the creation of the Studio, extended technical facilities, and general teaching space, together with administrative offices. 1988 saw further developments with the creation of a permanent Chair in Drama and Theatre Studies, and the addition of a third playing area, 'The Other Space'. In 2000 the University purchased the Emmanuel Institute and redeveloped it for the Theatre, which reopened there in 2002. Since 1966 the Workshop Theatre has staged hundreds of productions of plays from all over the world, including many written locally.
From the guide to the Photographs and programmes of Workshop Theatre productions, ca. 1968-1998, (Leeds University Library)