Cleverdon, Douglas, 1903-1987

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Douglas James Cleverdon, bookseller and radio producer, was born on Jan. 17, 1903 in Bristol, England, the elder son of Thomas Silcox Cleverdon, master wheelwright, and his wife, Jane Louisa James. He was educated at Bristol grammar school and Jesus College, Oxford, where as an undergraduate he published his first catalogue of books, thus establishing his reputation as a lover of fine printing and illustrated books. In 1926 Cleverdon opened a bookshop in Charlotte Street, Bristol, and also began publishing, with a limited edition of Eric Gill's 'Art and love' appearing in 1927, and an edition of Coleridge's 'The rime of the ancient mariner' with 10 engravings on copper by David Jones appearing in 1929. The Great Depression brought an end to Cleverdon's publishing venture, but he continued to sell books until the end of the 1930s when he began working part-time for the BBC. In 1939 he became a west regional features producer, and in 1943 a features producer in London. Shortly before the Second World War Cleverdon met Elinor Nest Lewis, daughter of James Abraham Lewis, canon, of Cardiff, Wales. They wed in 1944, and during the course of their marriage had two daughters and three sons. Dec. 1942 saw the first broacast of 'The brains trust', an informational radio program which he created with Howard Thomas. It reached an audience of twelve million, which was at that time about 29% of the population of the United Kingdom. After a brief stint in 1945 as a BBC war correspondent in Burma, he began developing a series of radio portraits for the Third Programme. He dramatized David Jones's In Parenthesis (1948) and The Anathemata (1953), broadcast the poems of John Betjeman, Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Siegfried Sassoon, Stevie Smith and Wole Soyinka, and produced the work of Jacob Bronowski, David Garnett, Rose Macaulay, and Compton Mackenzie. In addition to producing programs of folk song with A. L. Lloyd and Alan Lomax, Cleverdon commissioned new music from Lennox Berkeley, Peter Racine Fricker, Alan Rawsthorne, Humphrey Searle, Mátyás Seiber and Aleksandr Tcherepnin. His most famous commission was Dylan Thomas's 'Under milk wood', first broadcast in 1954 with an all Welsh cast and starring Richard Burton. After retiring from the BBC in 1969, Cleverdon returned to publishing. Among the publications of his Clover Hill Editions were works of Michael Ayrton, David Jones, and Reynolds Stone. Douglas Cleverdon died on Oct. 1, 1987 at his home in London.

From the description of The Cleverdon-Jones collection, 1972. (Georgetown University). WorldCat record id: 180766941

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn British Broadcasting Corporation. Third Programme. Third Programme radio scripts, 1949-1978 (bulk 1959-1968). Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. [Book prospectuses] Indiana University
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas,. Correspondence and clipping, 1950-1968. Rosenbach Museum & Library
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. Papers, 1953-1973. Indiana University
creatorOf Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1972. Sir Thomas Phillipps : a biographical portrait / written and narrated by A.N.L. Munby [radio script], 1952. Grolier Club
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. The Truth about Pyecraft / adapted for television by Douglas Cleverdon from the short story by H.G. Wells ; script editor : Eric Crozier ; produced by Douglas Cleverdon. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
creatorOf Rosenbach Company. Correspondence, 1903-1953 Rosenbach Museum & Library
creatorOf Browne, Maurice, 1881-1955. Ellen Van Volkenburg-Maurice Browne general correspondence, 1911- University of Michigan
creatorOf Browne, Maurice, 1881-1955. Ellen Van Volkenburg-Maurice Browne general correspondence, 1911- University of Michigan
referencedIn Ball mss., 1873-1981 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Thomas, Dylan, 1914-1953. Under Milk Wood : radio script, 1954 / by Dylan Thomas ; produced by Douglas Cleverdon. Rosenbach Museum & Library
creatorOf Cleverdon mss. II, 1926-1988 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Plath, Sylvia. Three women, a monologue for three voices : setting copy / by Sylvia Plath ; produced by Douglas Cleverdon, 1962. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. The Cleverdon-Jones collection, 1972. Georgetown University, Joseph Mark Lauinger Memorial Library
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. Douglas Cleverdon correspondence, 1925-1932, undated. Boston College. John J. Burns Library
creatorOf Thomas, Dylan, 1914-1953. Under Milk Wood : ms., [ca. 1951-1953]. Rosenbach Museum & Library
creatorOf Cleverdon, Douglas. Papers, 1926-1988. Indiana University
creatorOf British Broadcasting Corporation. The Third Programme, Transcripts, 1955-1968. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn David Gascoyne papers, 1822-2010, n.d. British Library: Western Manuscripts
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abercrombie, Lascelles person
associatedWith Acton, Sir Harold Mario Mitchell person
associatedWith Adam, Sir Ronald, bart. person
associatedWith Adam Smith, Janet person
associatedWith Alexander, Michael J. person
associatedWith Alwyn, William person
associatedWith Anderson, Alan person
associatedWith Arlott, John person
associatedWith Asher, Jane person
associatedWith Ashmore, Basil person
associatedWith Aspler, Tony, 1939- person
associatedWith Atkinson, Anthony person
associatedWith Auden, Wystan Hugh person
associatedWith Avery, James Royle person
associatedWith Ayrton, Elisabeth person
associatedWith Ayrton, Michael person
associatedWith Bagnold, Enid person
associatedWith Bainbridge, Henry Charles person
associatedWith Ball family family
associatedWith Banyai, George person
associatedWith Baring, Maurice person
associatedWith Barker, George person
associatedWith Barker, Nicolas John person
associatedWith Barsley, Michael Henry person
associatedWith Bates, Herbert Ernest person
associatedWith Baxter, James K. person
associatedWith Bazley, Sir Thomas Stafford person
associatedWith Beerbohm, Florence (Kahn) person
associatedWith Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956. person
associatedWith Beerbohm, Sir Max person
associatedWith Beinecke, Edwin John person
associatedWith Bennett, Alan person
associatedWith Benoy, John Meredith person
associatedWith Benton, William person
associatedWith Betjeman, John person
associatedWith Bevan, Robert Alexander Polhill person
associatedWith Birney, Earle person
associatedWith Birrell, Francis person
associatedWith Blackburne, Harry W. (Harry William) person
associatedWith Black, Kitty person
associatedWith Blissett, William person
associatedWith Blunden, Claire M. (Claire Margaret) person
associatedWith Blunden, Edmund Charles person
associatedWith Boston, Noel person
associatedWith Boughton, Rutland person
associatedWith Bragg, Melvyn person
associatedWith Brett-Smith, H. F. B. (Herbert Francis Brett) person
associatedWith Bridson, Douglas Geoffrey person
associatedWith Brigham, Clarence Saunders person
associatedWith Brinnin, John Malcolm person
associatedWith British Broadcasting Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith British Broadcasting Corporation. Third Programme. corporateBody
associatedWith Brodzky, Horace person
associatedWith Bronowski, Jacob person
associatedWith Bronowski, Jacob, 1908-1974. person
associatedWith Bronowski, Rita person
associatedWith Browne, Maurice, 1881-1955. person
associatedWith Brown, Oliver F. person
associatedWith Bryant, Douglas W. (Douglas Wallace) person
associatedWith Buchanan-Brown, John person
associatedWith Buck, Jules person
associatedWith Burns, Alan person
associatedWith Burns, Thomas Ferrier person
associatedWith Burton, Philip person
associatedWith Carter, Frederick, -1967 person
associatedWith Carter, John Waynflete person
associatedWith Casson, Lewis, Sir person
associatedWith Casson, Stanley person
associatedWith Causley, Charles person
associatedWith Cecil, Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne- person
associatedWith Chute, Desmond person
associatedWith Clark, Kenneth McKenzie Clark, baron person
associatedWith Cleverdon, (Elinor) Nest (Lewis) person
associatedWith Coburn, Kathleen person
associatedWith Cockerell, Sydney Morris person
associatedWith Coke, Desmond person
associatedWith Coldstream, William person
associatedWith Colombo, John Robert person
associatedWith Colville, Sir Richard person
associatedWith Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish person
associatedWith Cooney, Seamus person
associatedWith Coppard, Alfred Edgar person
associatedWith Cornford, Frances Darwin person
associatedWith Cotton, John person
associatedWith Cranston, Maurice, 1920-1993. person
associatedWith Cranston, Maurice William person
associatedWith Crook, Arthur Charles William person
associatedWith Crosby, Theo person
associatedWith Crutchley, Brooke person
associatedWith Cunard, Nancy Clara person
associatedWith Dathorne, Oscar Ronald person
associatedWith Davenport, John person
associatedWith David Higham Associates Ltd. person
associatedWith Davies, Aneirin Talfan person
associatedWith Davies, Rhys person
associatedWith Davis, Carl person
associatedWith Day Lewis, Cecil person
associatedWith Dean, Antony Musgrave person
associatedWith De la Mare, Walter John person
associatedWith Dobell, Percy John person
associatedWith Dobrée, Bonamy person
associatedWith Dodgson, Campbell person
associatedWith Dorival, Bernard person
associatedWith Douglas, Norman person
associatedWith Dowling, Basil Cairns person
associatedWith Drabble, Margaret person
associatedWith Dreyfus, John person
associatedWith Driberg, Thomas Edward Neil person
associatedWith Dromgoole, Patrick person
associatedWith Duval, Kulgin Dalby person
associatedWith Eddison, Robert person
associatedWith Edel, Leon person
associatedWith Edinburgh International Festival. corporateBody
associatedWith Eliot, Esmé Valerie (Fletcher) person
associatedWith Ellis, Osian person
associatedWith Esher, Oliver Sylvian Baliol Brett, viscount person
associatedWith Essick, Robert N. person
associatedWith Ezekiel, Nissim person
associatedWith Fairbank, Alfred John person
associatedWith Feldman, Lew David person
associatedWith Fernald, John Bailey person
associatedWith Figueroa, John person
associatedWith Flanders, Michael person
associatedWith Flight, Claude person
associatedWith Flower, Desmond person
associatedWith Forman, Maurice Buxton person
associatedWith Forster, Edward Morgan person
associatedWith Foss, Hubert J. (Hubert James) person
associatedWith Foster, Sir Idris Llewelyn person
associatedWith Fricker, Peter Racine person
associatedWith Fuller, Roy Broadbent person
associatedWith Fulton, John Farquhar person
associatedWith Gane, Crofton Endres person
associatedWith Gardner, Kenneth Burslam person
associatedWith Garnett, David person
associatedWith Gascoyne, David Emery person
associatedWith Gascoyne, David Emery, 1916-2001 person
associatedWith Gathorne-Hardy, Robert person
associatedWith Genn, Leo person
associatedWith Gielgud, Sir Arthur John person
associatedWith Gill, Eric, 1882-1940. person
associatedWith Gill, Evan R. person
associatedWith Gilliam, Laurence, -1964 person
associatedWith Gill, Macdonald person
associatedWith Gittings, Robert person
associatedWith Glixon, David Morris person
associatedWith Goacher, Denis person
associatedWith Goldstein, Kenneth S. person
associatedWith Goodacre, Selwyn Hugh person
associatedWith Gooden, Stephen person
associatedWith Grant, Duncan James Corrowr person
associatedWith Graves, Robert person
associatedWith Gray, Nicolete person
associatedWith Griffith, Hugh person
associatedWith Guinness, Sir Alec person
associatedWith Gunn, Thom. person
associatedWith Gunn, Thomson William person
associatedWith Gysin, Brion. person
associatedWith Habakkuk, H. J. person
associatedWith Hagreen, Philip person
associatedWith Hagstrom, Jack Walter Carl person
associatedWith Hague, René. person
associatedWith Hague, René person
associatedWith Hall, Margaret person
associatedWith Hammer, Carolyn Reading person
associatedWith Handley-Taylor, Geoffrey person
associatedWith Hanley, James person
associatedWith Harling, Robert person
associatedWith Harradine, Archie person
associatedWith Harrod, Sir Roy Forbes person
associatedWith Hart-Davis, Sir Rupert Charles person
associatedWith Hearst, Stephen person
associatedWith Higham, David. person
associatedWith Hillier, Bevis person
associatedWith Hill, Susan person
associatedWith Hine, Daryl person
associatedWith Hine, Daryl. person
associatedWith Holloway, Edgar person
associatedWith Holme, Constance person
associatedWith Hughes, Olwyn person
associatedWith Hughes, Ted person
associatedWith Hughes, Ted, 1930-1998. person
associatedWith Hürlimann, Bettina person
associatedWith Isham, Sir Gyles person
associatedWith Jackson, Holbrook person
associatedWith Jackson, Laura (Riding) person
associatedWith Jackson, William Alexander person
associatedWith James, Philip Brutton person
associatedWith Jay, Antony person
associatedWith Jenkin, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth) person
associatedWith Jenkins, David person
associatedWith Jepson, Selwyn person
associatedWith Johnson, John de Monins person
associatedWith Jones, David, 1895-1974 person
associatedWith Jones, David, 1934-2008. person
associatedWith Jones, David Michael person
associatedWith Jones, George William person
associatedWith Jones, Gwyn person
associatedWith Jones, Judith Bailey person
associatedWith Kahn, Samuel person
associatedWith Kauffer, Edward McKnight person
associatedWith Kavanagh, Patrick person
associatedWith Ketton-Cremer, Robert Wyndham person
associatedWith Keynes, Milo person
associatedWith Keynes, Sir Geoffrey Langdon person
associatedWith Kindersley, David person
associatedWith Kitchin, Laurence person
associatedWith Knaster, Roland person
associatedWith Koch, Rudolf person
associatedWith Kroll, Steven person
associatedWith Lancaster, Sir Osbert person
associatedWith Larkin, Philip Arthur person
associatedWith Laver, James person
associatedWith Lee, Laurie person
associatedWith Lehmann, John Frederick person
associatedWith Leyris, Pierre person
associatedWith Lightbrown, R. W. person
associatedWith Lister, Raymond person
associatedWith Lloyd, Albert Lancaster person
associatedWith Longwell, Daniel person
associatedWith Lousada, Anthony Baruh person
associatedWith Macaulay, Dame Rose person
associatedWith MacCarthy, Fiona person
associatedWith MacGregor, Robert Mercer person
associatedWith MacInnes, Colin person
associatedWith Mackenzie, Sir Compton person
associatedWith Macy, George person
associatedWith Macy, Helen person
associatedWith Madan, Falconer person
associatedWith Maggs, H. Clifford person
associatedWith Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie person
associatedWith Malleson, Lady Constance person
associatedWith Manning, Olivia person
associatedWith March, Richard person
associatedWith Marks, Barry person
associatedWith Marshall, Norman person
associatedWith Martin, Basil Kingsley person
associatedWith Martin-Harvey, John, Sir person
associatedWith Masson, Irvine, Sir person
associatedWith Matthias, John person
associatedWith Maud, Ralph. person
associatedWith Maud, Ralph Noel person
associatedWith Maugham, William Somerset person
associatedWith May, Derwent person
associatedWith Mayo, Eileen person
associatedWith McLean, Ruari person
associatedWith Merwin, William Stanley person
associatedWith Merwin, W. S. (William Stanley), 1927- person
associatedWith Meyerstein, Edward Harry William person
associatedWith Meynell, Alix person
associatedWith Meynell, Francis, 1891-1975. person
associatedWith Meynell, Sir Francis person
associatedWith Meynell, Wilfrid person
associatedWith Michie, James person
associatedWith Millard, Christopher person
associatedWith Miller, Gilbert Heron person
associatedWith Miller, Liam person
associatedWith Miller, Liam. person
associatedWith Mitchell, Adrian person
associatedWith Mitchell, Adrian, 1932-2008. person
associatedWith Moffat, Douglas M. (Douglas Maxwell) person
associatedWith Monro, Harold person
associatedWith Monteith, Charles Montgomery person
associatedWith Moody, John Percivale person
associatedWith Moore, Henry person
associatedWith Morison, Stanley, 1889-1967. person
associatedWith Morris, Cedric person
associatedWith Morshead, O. F. (Owen Frederick), Sir person
associatedWith Mortimer, Raymond person
associatedWith Moynihan, Berkeley Moynihan, baron person
associatedWith Muir, Percival Horace person
associatedWith Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1972. person
associatedWith Murphy, Richard person
associatedWith Murphy, Richard, 1927- person
associatedWith Nangle, Julian person
associatedWith Nash, Paul person
associatedWith Naughton, Bill. person
associatedWith Newby, Percy Howard person
associatedWith Newby, P. H. (Percy Howard), 1918- person
associatedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
associatedWith Newman, Charles person
associatedWith Newton, Eric person
associatedWith Nicolson, Sir Harold George person
associatedWith Nowell-Smith, Simon Harcourt person
associatedWith O'Connell, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis) person
associatedWith O'Donovan, Desmond person
associatedWith Ogilvie, Frederick Wolff, Sir person
associatedWith Okigbo, Christopher person
associatedWith Oliver, Leslie M. (Leslie Mahin) person
associatedWith Ó Riada, Seán. person
associatedWith Osborn, James Marshall person
associatedWith Painting, Norman person
associatedWith Pearn, Pollinger & Higham, Ltd. (see: David Higham Associates, Ltd.) person
associatedWith Pepler, Conrad, 1908- person
associatedWith Pepler, H. D. C. (Hilary Douglas Clarke), 1878-1951. person
associatedWith Phelps, Wayne Howe person
associatedWith Physick, John Frederick person
associatedWith Piggott, Patrick person
associatedWith Piper, John person
associatedWith Plath, Sylvia. person
associatedWith Plomer, William Charles Franklyn person
associatedWith Pollard, Graham person
associatedWith Pope, Quentin person
associatedWith Porteus, Hugh Gordon person
associatedWith Poston, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Praz, Mario person
associatedWith Price, Nancy person
associatedWith Priestley, John Boynton person
associatedWith Priestley, Mary Holland person
associatedWith Proctor, Dennis person
associatedWith Prokosch, Frederic person
associatedWith Raffalovich, André person
associatedWith Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003. person
associatedWith Raine, Kathleen Jessie person
associatedWith Ransom, Will person
associatedWith Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una person
associatedWith Raverat, Gwendolen Mary (Darwin) person
associatedWith Reade, Brian person
associatedWith Read, Herbert, 1893-1968. person
associatedWith Read, Sir Herbert Edward person
associatedWith Reeves, John person
associatedWith Reiniger, Lotte person
associatedWith Reynolds, Graham person
associatedWith Rhodes, Marjorie person
associatedWith Richards, Frances person
associatedWith Roberts, Eirlys Rhiwen Cadwaladr person
associatedWith Roberts, Richard Ellis person
associatedWith Roche, Paul person
associatedWith Rogers, Bruce person
associatedWith Rosenbach Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Rota, Anthony person
associatedWith Russell, Gordon, Sir person
associatedWith Russell, Leonard person
associatedWith Russo, Bill, 1928- person
associatedWith Russo, William J. person
associatedWith Rutherston, Albert Daniel person
associatedWith Ryder, John person
associatedWith Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary person
associatedWith Sadleir, Michael person
associatedWith Salisbury, Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of person
associatedWith Samuel, Sir Herbert Louis Samuel, viscount person
associatedWith Sasson, Siegfried Lorraine person
associatedWith Sauvage, Sylvain person
associatedWith Schmoller, Hans person
associatedWith Searle, Humphrey person
associatedWith Seeger, Peggy person
associatedWith Seelhammer, Ruth person
associatedWith Sewell, Brocard person
associatedWith Seymour, John person
associatedWith Shaw, George Bernard person
associatedWith Sherek, Henry person
associatedWith Siberell, Lloyd Emerson person
associatedWith Sidgwick, Frank person
associatedWith Sieveking, Lance de Giberne person
associatedWith Sieveking, Maisie Dèle (Meiklejohn) person
associatedWith Sitwell, Edith person
associatedWith Sitwell, Sir Osbert, bart. person
associatedWith Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell, bart. person
associatedWith Skelton, John person
associatedWith Skelton, Robin person
associatedWith Smith, Florence Margaret person
associatedWith Smith, Stevie, 1902-1971. person
associatedWith Soyinka, Wole v person
associatedWith Spalding, Frances person
associatedWith Sparrow, John Hanbury Angus person
associatedWith Spender, Stephen person
associatedWith Stallworthy, Jon Howie person
associatedWith Stevens-Cox, James person
associatedWith Stone, Janet (Woods) person
associatedWith Stone, Reynolds person
associatedWith Stonor, Oliver person
associatedWith Stow, Randolph person
associatedWith Stratford-upon-Avon Poetry Festival. corporateBody
associatedWith Strong, Leonard Alfred George person
associatedWith Strong, Roy C. person
associatedWith Sutherland, Graham Vivian person
associatedWith Swann, Donald, 1923-1994. person
associatedWith Swinnerton, Frank Arthur person
associatedWith Sykes, Christopher Hugh person
associatedWith Tambimuttu, Thurairajah person
associatedWith Tardieu, Jean person
associatedWith Taylor, Robert H. person
associatedWith Telfer, William Prince. person
associatedWith Teller, Neville person
associatedWith Templewood, Samuel John Gurney Hoare, 1st viscount person
associatedWith Tennyson, Hallam person
associatedWith Tennyson, Sir Charles Bruce Locker person
associatedWith The Folio Society person
associatedWith Thomas, Dylan, 1914-1953. person
associatedWith Thomas, Florence (Williams) person
associatedWith Thorndike, Sybil, Dame person
associatedWith Thornton, Alfred Henry Robinson person
associatedWith Tiller, Terence person
associatedWith Todd, Ruthven person
associatedWith Tracy, Honor person
associatedWith Trevelyan, Julian Otto person
associatedWith Unwin, Sir Stanley person
associatedWith Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford person
associatedWith Vaughan Williams, Ursula (Lock) person
associatedWith Velmans, Michel person
associatedWith Wain, John Barrington person
associatedWith Wainwright, Alexander D. (Alexander Dallas) person
associatedWith Walker, Sir Emery person
associatedWith Walpole, Sir Hugh Seymour person
associatedWith Wanamaker, Sam person
associatedWith Warde, Beatrice person
associatedWith Warner, Sylvia Townsend person
associatedWith Watkins, Gwen, person
associatedWith Watkins, Gwendoline Mary (Davies) person
associatedWith Watkins, Vernon Phillips, 1906-1967. person
associatedWith Watson, Francis, 1907- person
associatedWith Watson, Rowland person
associatedWith Way, Robert E. person
associatedWith Wheldon, Sir Huw Pyrs person
associatedWith White, Eric Walter person
associatedWith Wickham, Glynne William Gladstone person
associatedWith Williams, Bransby person
associatedWith Williams, Emlyn person
associatedWith Williams, Robert Coleman person
associatedWith Williams, W. E. (William Emrys), Sir person
associatedWith Wilson, Arnold person
associatedWith Wing, Donald Goddard person
associatedWith Wise, Thomas James person
associatedWith Wishart, David Matthew Garrick person
associatedWith Wolfit, Sir Donald person
associatedWith Woolf, Leonard Sidney person
associatedWith Worth, Irene person
associatedWith Wright, Basil person
associatedWith Wright, David John person
associatedWith Wright, Paul person
associatedWith Young, Alexander person
associatedWith Zeitlin, Jacob Israel person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Great Britain
Great Britain
Booksellers and bookselling
Publishers and publishing
Authors, English
Authors, English
Book industries and trade
Cleverdon, Douglas
Fine books
Radio producers and directors
Radio plays


Birth 1903-01-17

Death 1987-10-01



Ark ID: w6w3800z

SNAC ID: 32604276