Lazaron, Morris S. (Morris Samuel), 1888-

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Morris Samuel Lazaron was born in Savannah, Georgia, on April 16, 1888 to Samuel L. and Alice (deCastro) Lazaron. He spent his childhood in Savannah, attending public schools and the Savannah Preparatory School.

Lazaron went north to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the Union College and the University of Cincinnati. In 1909 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University and, in 1911, received a Master of Arts degree. He was ordained a rabbi by Hebrew Union College in 1914.

Soon after his ordination Lazaron accepted a call to become rabbi at the Congregation Leshem Shomayim in Wheeling, West Virginia. He remained there until the next year, 1915, when he moved to Baltimore, Maryland to accept the pulpit at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation.

While in Wheeling, Lazaron met and married Pauline Horkheimer. They had three children: Morris, Jr., Harold Victor, and Clementine. Pauline died in 1933 and, in 1945, Lazaron married Hilda Rothschild Rosenblatt.

During World War I Lazaron served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army Officers' Reserve Corps. In 1918 he obtained the rank of major and remained in the Officers' Reserve Corps until 1953. In 1921 Lazaron was one of four officiating chaplains, representing the Jews of America, at the burial of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Also, in 1925 Lazaron was one of twenty founders of the Military Chaplains Association, an interfaith chaplains association.

While in Baltimore, in addition to his rabbinical duties, Lazaron became involved in and emerged as one of the leaders of a national effort to improve Jewish-Christian relations as well as becoming one of the most prominent spokesmen for the non-Zionist movement.

In 1933 and 1935, Lazaron, at the invitation of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, toured the United States with a Catholic priest and a Protestant minister, addressing meetings and conducting seminars in an effort to encourage inter-faith dialogue and support. In 1941, again at the invitation of the NCCJ, Lazaron toured England and Ireland with Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, president of the Conference, and Father Vincent Donovan in order to further study inter-faith relations. While in England, Lazaron gave a blessing in Hebrew to then prime minister, Winston Churchill.

Lazaron's efforts in the non-Zionist movement brought him into conflict with many pro-Zionist leaders, such as Stephen S. Wise, and led to his assisting in the founding of the American Council for Judaism, an organization dedicated to supporting the efforts and goals on the non-Zionist movement. But Lazaron's effort in support of non-Zionism also brought him into conflict with his congregation in Baltimore. Following his resignation as rabbi in 1946 after 31 years of service and his subsequent election as Rabbi Emeritus, Lazaron was asked by the Board of Trustees not to speak on Zionism in his High Holiday sermons to the congregation. Lazaron refused to agree to this and resigned as Emeritus in 1949. In 1957 Lazaron and the congregation settled their differences and Lazaron returned many times thereafter to speak to the congregation.

Lazaron was a member of numerous community organizations and civic groups including the American Merchant Marine Library Association, the Masons, The Order of the Scottish Rite, 33ø, and the League of Nations Association, Maryland branch. In 1934 Lazaron was awarded the Gottheil Medal by Zeta Beta Tau for the greatest contribution to the welfare of American Jewry in 1933. In 1936 he was awarded an honorary Litt. D. degree from Rutgers University and in 1963 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Lazaron authored many books, including: Common Ground: A Plea for Intelligent Americanism (1938); Seed of Abraham: Ten Jews of the Ages (1930); and Olive Trees in Storm (1955). Lazaron was the author of many articles, poems, and numerous other writings.

After his retirement Lazaron lived in New York and Florida, where he taught for a time at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida and North Carolina. He took up painting and his works were displayed in one-man shows in Paris, London, New York, and Boston.

Morris S. Lazaron died on June 5, 1979 in London, England at the age of 91.

From the guide to the Morris S. Lazaron Papers., 1851-1979, 1930-1950, (The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Sigerist, Henry E. (Henry Ernest), 1891-1957. Henry Ernest Sigerist papers, 1891-1991 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn The Nation, records, 1879-1974 (inclusive), 1920-1955 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Everett R. Clinchy papers, 1919-1984 University of Minnesota Libraries. Social Welfare History Archives
creatorOf Andrews, Wyatt. Valediction addresses at the University of Virginia [manuscript], 1948, 1980-1998. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Henry Ernest Sigerist papers, 1891-1991 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Andrews, Wyatt. Valediction addresses at the University of Virginia [manuscript],, 1948, 1980-1998. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Lefkowitz, David, 1875-1955. Papers, 1929-1931. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
creatorOf Morris S. Lazaron papers, 1851-1979 (bulk 1930-1950) The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn Louis Wolsey Papers The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn Lessing J. Rosenwald Papers, 1891-1979, (bulk 1932-1979) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Warburg, Felix M. (Felix Moritz), 1871-1937. Papers, 1895-1937. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Acheson, Dean person
correspondedWith Adamic, Louis person
correspondedWith Adler, Cyrus person
correspondedWith Adler, Mortimer person
correspondedWith American Academy of Political and Social Science corporateBody
correspondedWith American Committee for Aid to British Medical Societies corporateBody
correspondedWith American Council for Judaism corporateBody
correspondedWith American Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith American Friends of the Hebrew University corporateBody
correspondedWith American Friends of the Middle East corporateBody
correspondedWith American Jewish Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith American Legion corporateBody
correspondedWith American Merchant Marine Library Association corporateBody
correspondedWith American Red Cross corporateBody
correspondedWith American Union for Righteous Government corporateBody
correspondedWith American Unitarian Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Ames, Joseph S. person
correspondedWith Andrews, Matthew Page person
correspondedWith Anti-Defamation League corporateBody
correspondedWith Appelbaum, Saul B. person
correspondedWith Associated Groups for Repeal of Jim Crow Law corporateBody
correspondedWith Association for a Progressive Reform Judaism corporateBody
correspondedWith Backer, George person
correspondedWith Baerwald, Mr. and Mrs. Emil person
correspondedWith Baerwald, Paul person
correspondedWith Baker, Mrs. Henry F. person
correspondedWith Baker, Newton D. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, H. Streett person
associatedWith Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (Baltimore, Md.) corporateBody
associatedWith Baltimore Hebrew Congregaton (Baltimore, Md.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Barbey, Daniel E. person
correspondedWith Baruch, Bernard M. person
correspondedWith Baxter, James P. person
correspondedWith Beck, James M. person
correspondedWith Berger, Elmer person
correspondedWith Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Irving person
correspondedWith Bernheim, Isaac W. person
correspondedWith Bernstein, Philip S. person
correspondedWith Bettman, Irvin person
correspondedWith Bevin, Ernest person
correspondedWith Billikopf, Jacob person
correspondedWith Binstock, Louis person
correspondedWith Birckhead, Hugh person
correspondedWith Blair, John person
correspondedWith Blaustein, Jacob person
correspondedWith Bloch, Chaim person
correspondedWith Blondheim, Mrs. David S. person
correspondedWith Bouton, S. Miles person
correspondedWith Bowman, Isaiah person
correspondedWith Bracken, Brendan person
correspondedWith Brandeis, Louis D. person
associatedWith Brandeis, Louis Dembitz person
correspondedWith Breitstein, M. L. person
correspondedWith Calisch, Edward N. person
correspondedWith Campbell, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Caraker, Andrew person
correspondedWith Carleton, Alford person
correspondedWith Castle, William R. person
correspondedWith Castro, Morris F. de person
correspondedWith Central Conference of American Rabbis corporateBody
correspondedWith Central Conference of American Rabbis Union Hymnal revision corporateBody
correspondedWith Chapiro, Joseph person
correspondedWith Clinchy, Everett R. person
correspondedWith Clotheir, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Cohen, A. K. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Alfred M. person
correspondedWith Cohen, D. person
correspondedWith Cohn, Adolph D. person
correspondedWith Cohon, Beryl D. person
correspondedWith Cohon, Samuel S. person
correspondedWith Columbia Broadcast System, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee on the Referendum for Budgeting corporateBody
correspondedWith Common Cause National Religious Council corporateBody
associatedWith Congregation Leshem Shomayim (Wheeling, W.Va.). corporateBody
associatedWith Congregation Leshem Shomayin (Wheeling, W.Va.) corporateBody
associatedWith Coughlin, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Council of Jewish Youth at Baltimore (Baltimore, Md.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Cowles, John H. person
correspondedWith Curley, Michael J. person
correspondedWith Davis, Dwight D. person
correspondedWith Denny, George V. person
correspondedWith Deomocratic National Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Deutsch, Monroe E. person
correspondedWith Dickson, Frederick S. person
correspondedWith Dodd, William E. person
correspondedWith Dohme, A. R. L. person
correspondedWith Dryfoos, Orvil person
correspondedWith Eden, Anthony person
correspondedWith Efros, Israel person
correspondedWith Egelson, Louis I. person
correspondedWith Elbogen, Herman and Ismar person
correspondedWith Elliot, Frederic M. person
correspondedWith Emanuel, Alice person
correspondedWith Ember, Aaron person
correspondedWith Emergency Committee in Behalf of Religious Liberty corporateBody
correspondedWith Epstein, Jacob person
correspondedWith Epstein, M. person
correspondedWith Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America General Committee on Army and Navy Chaplains corporateBody
correspondedWith Feibelman, Julian B. person
correspondedWith Feinberg, Abraham L. person
correspondedWith Fellman, Edward Z. person
correspondedWith Fertig, M. Maldwin person
correspondedWith Field, Marshall person
correspondedWith Fineberg, Solomon A. person
correspondedWith Fineshriber, William H. person
correspondedWith Finesinger, Abraham L. person
correspondedWith Finkelstein, Louis person
correspondedWith Finney, J. M. T. person
correspondedWith Fosdick, Harry E. person
correspondedWith Frank, Eli person
correspondedWith Freehof, Solomon B. person
correspondedWith Friedman, Lee person
correspondedWith Frisch, Ephraim person
correspondedWith Fromm, Erich person
correspondedWith Gerstenfeld, Norman person
correspondedWith Gibbons, Herbert A. person
correspondedWith Glueck, Nelson person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Maxwell H. person
correspondedWith Goldberg, Norman M. person
correspondedWith Goldeson, Samuel H. person
correspondedWith Goldschmidt, Fred person
correspondedWith Gompers, Samuel person
correspondedWith Good Neighbor League corporateBody
correspondedWith Gottschall, Andrew W. person
correspondedWith Goucher College corporateBody
correspondedWith Greenbaum, Edward S. person
correspondedWith Greenberg, Rose person
correspondedWith Haas, Jacob de person
correspondedWith Harman, Avraham person
correspondedWith Harmel, Merel person
correspondedWith Harriman, W. Averell person
correspondedWith Harrison, Earl G. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Harry, J. E. person
correspondedWith Hartogensis, B. H. person
correspondedWith Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion corporateBody
correspondedWith Heller, Bernard person
correspondedWith Heller, James G. person
associatedWith Henderson, Loy W. (Loy Wesley) person
correspondedWith Henriques, Basil L. Q. person
correspondedWith Herman, Abraham person
correspondedWith Herrmann, Ernest C. person
correspondedWith Heymann, Hans person
correspondedWith Hirsch, Emil G. person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
correspondedWith Hodes, Aubrey person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Conrad, Jr. person
correspondedWith Holmes, John Haynes person
correspondedWith Holt, Hamilton person
correspondedWith Hoover Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Howard, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Hughes, Charles E. person
correspondedWith Hull, Cordell person
correspondedWith Hunt, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Hurwitz, Henry person
correspondedWith Institute of Public Affairs corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute on Man and Science corporateBody
correspondedWith International Rescue Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Israel, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Isserman, Ferdinand M. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Howard W. person
correspondedWith Jacobs, Henry B. person
correspondedWith Jaffe, Sidney person
correspondedWith Jewish Federation of St. Louis (St. Louis, Mo.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Jewish Palestine Exploration Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Jewish Telegraphic Agency corporateBody
correspondedWith Jewish Welfare Board corporateBody
correspondedWith Kahn, Ludwig person
correspondedWith Kaplan, Israel person
correspondedWith Kaplan, Louis L. person
correspondedWith Karpf, Maurice J. person
correspondedWith Kaufman, Frank A. person
correspondedWith Kaufmann, Edmund I. person
correspondedWith Kellerman, Heinz person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Arthur and Paul person
correspondedWith Kemler, Edgar person
correspondedWith Kennedy, John F. person
correspondedWith Kohler, Rose person
correspondedWith Kuhn, Paul person
correspondedWith Landau, Jacob person
correspondedWith Landman, Solomon person
correspondedWith Laseron, Dora person
correspondedWith Lasker, Albert D. person
correspondedWith Laski, Neville person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Bertha person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Harold V. person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Hilda R. person
associatedWith Lazaron, Morris S. person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Jr. person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. person
correspondedWith Lazaron, Pauline H. person
correspondedWith Lazarus, Robert person
correspondedWith League for Labor Palestine corporateBody
correspondedWith League of Nations Non-Partisan Association corporateBody
correspondedWith LeBrun, Julia person
correspondedWith Leeman, Judson S. person
correspondedWith Lee, William C. person
correspondedWith Lefkowitz, David, 1875-1955. person
correspondedWith Leikin, George person
correspondedWith Leiper, Henry S. person
correspondedWith Levi, Mr. and Mrs. Harry person
correspondedWith Levin, Harry O. person
correspondedWith Levinson, Bertram A. person
correspondedWith Levinson, Salmon O. person
correspondedWith Lieberman, George B. person
correspondedWith Lieberman, Morris person
correspondedWith Loeb, Joseph P. person
correspondedWith Long, Breckinridge person
correspondedWith Lord Cranborne person
correspondedWith Lord Halifax person
correspondedWith MacArthur, Douglas person
correspondedWith MacFarland, Charles S. person
correspondedWith Macht, Evelyn person
correspondedWith MacLeish, Archibald person
correspondedWith Magnes, Judah L. person
correspondedWith Magnin, Edgar F. person
correspondedWith Malcolm, A. C. E. person
correspondedWith Mandelstam, Abraham person
correspondedWith Mann, Louis L. person
correspondedWith Marcus, Jacob R. person
correspondedWith Marshall, George C. person
correspondedWith Marshall, Louis person
correspondedWith Mattuck, Israel person
correspondedWith McDonogh School corporateBody
correspondedWith McElroy, Robert M. person
correspondedWith Mencken, H. L. person
correspondedWith Mendes, Pereira person
associatedWith Mene Grande Oil Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Menorah Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Merchants and Manufacturing Association of Baltimore (Baltimore, Md.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Merriam, Gordon P. person
correspondedWith Merrill, John person
correspondedWith Merz, Charles person
correspondedWith Messersmith, George person
correspondedWith Metzger, Fraser person
correspondedWith Montagu, Lily H. person
correspondedWith Moore, R. Walton person
correspondedWith Morgenstern, Julian person
correspondedWith Morgenthau, Henry person
correspondedWith Moses, Philip person
correspondedWith Muskie, Edmund S. person
correspondedWith Muste, A. J. person
correspondedWith National Association for the Advancement of Colored People corporateBody
correspondedWith National Catholic Welfare Council corporateBody
correspondedWith National Conference of Christians and Jews corporateBody
correspondedWith National Council of Catholic Men corporateBody
correspondedWith National Economy League corporateBody
correspondedWith National Refugee Service corporateBody
correspondedWith Nation (New York, N.Y. : 1865). corporateBody
correspondedWith Neumann, Cissie person
correspondedWith Newman, Louis I. person
correspondedWith Nice, Harry W. person
correspondedWith Nierenberg, David person
correspondedWith Niles, Emory H. person
correspondedWith Nixon, Richard M. person
correspondedWith Norman, Edward A. person
correspondedWith O'Conor, Herbert R. person
correspondedWith Orton, William A. person
correspondedWith Parkes, James W. person
correspondedWith Patak, Erna person
correspondedWith Pennsylvania State College corporateBody
correspondedWith Perles, Felix person
correspondedWith Philipson, David person
correspondedWith Pick, Mrs. Robert B. person
correspondedWith Pilchik, Ely E. person
correspondedWith Powell, Noble C. person
correspondedWith Power, Victor H. person
correspondedWith Price, William B. person
correspondedWith Princeton University corporateBody
correspondedWith Proskauer, Joseph M. person
correspondedWith Rabbinical Assembly of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Rabinowtiz, Isaac person
correspondedWith Radcliffe, George L. person
correspondedWith Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy person
correspondedWith Randall, Daniel R. person
correspondedWith Ranson, Marius person
correspondedWith Reed, John L. person
correspondedWith Reichert, Irving F. person
correspondedWith Reich, Nathaniel J. person
correspondedWith Religious Union for Democracy corporateBody
correspondedWith Reynolds, Fred C. person
correspondedWith Ritchie, Albert C. person
correspondedWith Rollins College corporateBody
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Rosenau, William person
correspondedWith Rosenberg, James N. person
correspondedWith Rosenwald, Lessing J. (Lessing Julius), 1891-1979 person
correspondedWith Rothschild, Anthony de person
correspondedWith Rusk, Dean person
correspondedWith Rutgers University corporateBody
correspondedWith Ryttenberg, Mrs. Charles person
correspondedWith Saenger, Herman M. person
correspondedWith Sanderson, Ross W. person
correspondedWith Schachtel, Hyman J. person
correspondedWith Schiff, Otto M. person
correspondedWith Schneiderman, Harry person
correspondedWith Schulman, Samuel person
correspondedWith Schwartzman, Sylvan D. person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Sam person
correspondedWith Sharretts, Mrs. Charles R. person
correspondedWith Sheldon, Albert B. person
correspondedWith Shotwell, James T. person
correspondedWith Shroder, William J. person
correspondedWith Shusterman, Abraham person
associatedWith Sigerist, Henry E. (Henry Ernest), 1891-1957. person
correspondedWith Silberman, Lou H. person
correspondedWith Silver, Abba Hillel person
correspondedWith Simon, Abram person
correspondedWith Simon, Morris person
correspondedWith Singer, Isidor person
correspondedWith Sobeloff, Simon E. person
correspondedWith Sommerfeld, Bruno person
correspondedWith Speers, T. Guthrie person
correspondedWith Spence, H. E. person
correspondedWith Starrels, Solomon E. person
correspondedWith Statistical Bureau of the Synagogue Council of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Steele, S. Tagart person
correspondedWith Stern, Hans person
correspondedWith Stern, Nathan person
correspondedWith Stokes, Anson Phelps person
correspondedWith Straus, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron person
correspondedWith Straus, Roger W. person
correspondedWith Strauss, Lewis L. person
correspondedWith Stroock, Sol M. person
associatedWith Sulzberger, Arthur Hays person
correspondedWith Szold, Henrietta person
correspondedWith Tarshish, Allan person
correspondedWith Taylor, Myron person
correspondedWith The Student Christian Movement in New York State corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas, Elbert D. person
correspondedWith Thomas, John W. person
correspondedWith Thomas, Norman person
correspondedWith Thurman, Mordecai M. person
correspondedWith Travis, Maury M. person
correspondedWith Trowbridge, A. Buel person
correspondedWith Tydings, Joseph D. person
correspondedWith Tydings, Millard E. person
correspondedWith Union of American Hebrew Congregations corporateBody
correspondedWith Union of American Hebrew Congregations Board of Managers - Department of Synagogue and School Extension corporateBody
correspondedWith Union of American Hebrew Congregations Board of Managers reports corporateBody
correspondedWith United Jewish Appeal corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations Association corporateBody
correspondedWith United Nations Association League of Nations Association corporateBody
correspondedWith United Palestine Appeal corporateBody
correspondedWith Unity Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith VanKirk, Harold A. person
correspondedWith Villard, Oswald G. person
correspondedWith Warburg, Felix M. (Felix Moritz), 1871-1937. person
correspondedWith Warburg, Frieda S. person
correspondedWith Warburgh, Felix M. person
correspondedWith Warburg, James P. person
correspondedWith Warburg, Max M. person
correspondedWith Warfield, Robert person
correspondedWith Watson, Clarence person
correspondedWith Webb, Bruce person
correspondedWith Weglein, David E. person
correspondedWith Weihl, Elsa person
correspondedWith Weisfeld, Israel H. person
correspondedWith Weis, J. Max person
correspondedWith Welles, Sumner person
correspondedWith Weyrich, Harvey S. person
correspondedWith Wile, Frederic W. person
correspondedWith Williams, Frankwood E. person
correspondedWith Williams, Henry D. person
correspondedWith Williams, J. L. B. person
correspondedWith Willkie, Wendell L. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Hugh R. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Mrs. Henry T. person
correspondedWith Wise, Jonah B. person
correspondedWith Wise, Stephen S. person
correspondedWith Witherspoon, Maurice M. person
correspondedWith Witt, Louis person
correspondedWith Wohl, Samuel person
correspondedWith Wolf, Horace J. person
correspondedWith Wolfson, Benjamin L. person
correspondedWith Wolsey, Louis person
correspondedWith Wolsey, Louis, 1877-1953. person
correspondedWith World Court Movement corporateBody
correspondedWith World Unity Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Wright, Frank Lloyd person
correspondedWith Wunder, Clinton person
correspondedWith Wyckoff, Ventrees J. person
correspondedWith Yale, William person
correspondedWith Yates, Julian E. person
correspondedWith Young Men's Christian Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Young Women's Christian Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Zielonka, David L. person
correspondedWith Zierinsky, Edward person
correspondedWith Zionist Organization of America Baltimore District Seaboard Zionist Region corporateBody
correspondedWith Zionist Organization of America ( Keren Hayesod ) corporateBody
correspondedWith Zolin, Hertha person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Christianity and other religions


Birth 1888

Death 1979



Ark ID: w6834fbq

SNAC ID: 32071552