Barnum Richardson Company.

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Barnum Richardson Company was established in 1830 by Milo Barnum and his son-in-law, Leonard Richardson in Salisbury, CT . Barnum was born in Dutchess County, New York, in 1790 and moved to Lime Rock in Salisbury, CT, in 1820 to engage in business as a merchant. The town of Salisbury was well known, at that time, for its extensive iron bed and for the exceptional quality of its iron ore. The company was based on a foundry that remelt pig iron. Barnum Richardson and Company, as it was first called, was a small firm specializing in the production of clock and sash weights, plow castings, and other small items.

In 1840, Barnum's son, William, joined the company and the firm expanded to include production of hardware for the new railroad industry. The company's first major products were chains, frogs and headblocks for the Boston and Albany Railroad, which had just begun construction.

Salisbury iron proved most valuable in the manufacture of railroad car wheels. The iron did not break easily under tension and it was almost impervious to extremes of heat and cold. Barnum Richardson and Company prospered because of the increasing demand for this high quality iron, and owned a number of the town's manufacturing concerns and most of its housing.

In 1852, Milo Barnum retired from active service and the name of the company was changed to Richardson, Barnum and Company . In 1858, the company purchased the Beckley furnace in East Canaan, and in 1862, obtained the Forbes furnace in the same town. At about the same time, the company purchased another foundry in Chicago. The company was reorganized as a joint stock company and renamed the Barnum and Richardson Manufacturing Company . In 1864, Leonard Richardson died, and the company was reorganized again as the Barnum Richardson Company, a joint stock company with William H. Barnum as president and general manager. The heirs of Leonard Richardson continued to maintain an interest in the company.

A second foundry was built in Salisbury in 1870 and a third furnace in East Canaan in 1872. A new wheel foundry was built in Chicago in 1873. In 1870, the Salisbury foundries produced 10,000 car wheels. The foundries in Chicago had a capacity of three hundred car wheels per day. By 1881, the company owned eight blast furnaces in the Salisbury are which used an average of twelve hundred bushels of charcoal per day and produced eleven tons of iron to each furnace per day. The company also owned and operated its own mine, the Ore Hill mine, which in the late 1880s was providing 20,000 tons of ore per year.

Barnum Richardson merged with several small companies during its history including: Landon, Moore and Company ; S. B. Moore & Company ; Sterling, Chapin & Company ; and Sterling & Moore Company . Subsidiaries of Barnum Richardson included Hunts-Lyman Iron Company, Lime Rock Iron Company, Sharon Valley Iron Company, Cornwall Bridge Iron Company and Millerton Iron Company . Companies affiliated with Barnum Richardson included Brook Pit Mining Company, Forbes Ore-Bed Company, David Digging Company, Adams-Chatfield Company and Chatfield Mining Company .

In 1889, William Barnum died after a long and exceptional career as an industrialist. By the early twentieth century, the Salisbury iron industry was in decline. The newly imported Bessemer steel process, which produced a product more adaptable than the iron produced in small quantities by Barnum Richardson, made the small furnace iron industry of Connecticut obsolete. In 1920, Barnum Richardson Company was purchased by the Salisbury Iron Company . This new firm went out of business in 1923 and shut down what was then the last of Connecticut's iron furnaces.

From the guide to the Barnum, Richardson Company Records., undated, 1793-1925., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center .)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Barnum, Richardson Company Records., undated, 1793-1925. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Alabama & Tennessee River Railroad Company corporateBody
associatedWith American Mining Company corporateBody
associatedWith Barnard Hardware Company corporateBody
associatedWith Barnum, Milo, b. 1790 person
correspondedWith Barr, J. N., Esquire person
correspondedWith Britton Company corporateBody
associatedWith Brook Pit Mining Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Brown Car Wheel Works corporateBody
correspondedWith Buffalo Car Wheel Foundry Company corporateBody
associatedWith Cambria Mining Company corporateBody
associatedWith Car Trust corporateBody
associatedWith Chatfield Mining Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Chatfield Mining Company corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago & Canada Southern Railway Company corporateBody
associatedWith Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Chilled Roll Foundry corporateBody
associatedWith Cleveland Bridge and Car Works corporateBody
associatedWith Connecticut Power Company corporateBody
associatedWith Contracting Chill Company corporateBody
associatedWith Cornwall Bridge Iron Company corporateBody
associatedWith David S. Draper person
associatedWith Davis Digging Company corporateBody
associatedWith Delaware & Hudson Canal Company corporateBody
associatedWith Detroit & Lake Superior Iron Manufacturing Co. corporateBody
associatedWith D. Knowlton & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Douglas, George B. person
associatedWith Elkhart Car Works Company corporateBody
correspondedWith E. W. Spurr Company corporateBody
associatedWith Forbes Iron Company corporateBody
associatedWith Forbes Ore Bed Company corporateBody
associatedWith Foundry and machine shop corporateBody
associatedWith Frederick A. Walton person
correspondedWith F. W. Marshall & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Gartshore, John J. person
associatedWith Gaylord Iron Company corporateBody
correspondedWith General Brake Shoes corporateBody
correspondedWith Globe Elevator Company corporateBody
associatedWith G. Menzel & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Griffin Wheel Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Harbison-Walker Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company corporateBody
associatedWith Harvey Manufacturing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Hastings Pavement Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Henshaw, J. O. person
associatedWith Hiram Bundy person
associatedWith Holley Manufacturing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Housatonic Railroad Company corporateBody
associatedWith Hudson Foundry & Machine Shop corporateBody
associatedWith Hunts Lyman Iron Company corporateBody
associatedWith Janney & Hien Coupler Company corporateBody
associatedWith J. H. Congdon person
correspondedWith Keystone Carriage Company corporateBody
associatedWith Landon Branch and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Landon, Moore and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Leonard Richardson person
associatedWith Lillie Mining Company corporateBody
associatedWith Lord, Newman person
associatedWith Lucy Mining Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Manufacturer's Charcoal Company corporateBody
associatedWith Martin McCarthy person
correspondedWith McConihe, Isaac person
correspondedWith McKee, Fuller & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Michigan Central Railroad Company corporateBody
associatedWith Millerton Iron Company corporateBody
correspondedWith National Iron Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company corporateBody
associatedWith Nichols Land & Cattle Company corporateBody
associatedWith Old Hill Mine corporateBody
correspondedWith Osgood Bradley Car Company corporateBody
associatedWith Patent Axle & Box Foundry Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Pennsylvania Car Wheel Company corporateBody
associatedWith Pine Lake Iron Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Company corporateBody
associatedWith Pomeroy Mining Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Pratt & Whitney Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Reeder, Lewis R. person
correspondedWith Rex Buggy Company corporateBody
associatedWith Richardson, Leonard, d. 1864 person
correspondedWith Richland Vehicle Company corporateBody
associatedWith Richmond Iron Works corporateBody
associatedWith Riga Mining Company corporateBody
correspondedWith R.J. Waddell & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Rochester Car Wheel Works corporateBody
correspondedWith Rochester Wheel Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Rodebaugh, G. H. person
correspondedWith Russell Wagons corporateBody
associatedWith Salisbury Iron Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Salisbury Iron Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith S. B. Moore and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Seeman Carriage Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Sheffield-King Milling Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Shortsville Wheel Company corporateBody
associatedWith Sputyen Duyvil Rolling Mill Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Standard Charcoal Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Stanley Works corporateBody
associatedWith Sterling and Moore corporateBody
associatedWith Sterling, Chapin and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Sturtevant, B. F. Company corporateBody
associatedWith Suspension Car Truck Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Syracuse Chilled Plow Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Tire Setting Machine Company corporateBody
associatedWith Union Pacific Railway Company corporateBody
associatedWith Valparaiso Wheel corporateBody
correspondedWith Warner & Landon corporateBody
associatedWith Washburn Car Wheel Company corporateBody
associatedWith Washburn Hunts & Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Wason Manufacturing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Weed Mine corporateBody
associatedWith Welch & Barnum corporateBody
correspondedWith Whitehead Brothers and Company corporateBody
associatedWith William F. Walton person
correspondedWith Wilson & Eaton corporateBody
correspondedWith W. R. Grace & Company corporateBody
associatedWith Yale College corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Decendents' estates
Manufacture of iron products

Corporate Body

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Ark ID: w6tw0qwk

SNAC ID: 31840447