Grosh, A. B. (Rev.)

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Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Armor, Thomas person
correspondedWith Baird, Spencer F. person
associatedWith Bannister, H. M. person
correspondedWith Bentley, E. T. person
correspondedWith Butterfield, W. W. person
associatedWith Clark, J. K. person
correspondedWith Coffman, Isaac Z. person
correspondedWith Collins, G. person
associatedWith Commissioner Of Agriculture person
associatedWith Cowles, Calvin J. person
correspondedWith Crane, George W. person
associatedWith Doak, W. S. person
correspondedWith Feaster, Jacob person
correspondedWith Force, William Q. (Peter Force's Son) person
associatedWith Glavis, George O. person
correspondedWith Grinnell, James S. person
associatedWith Haldeman, Samuel Stehman person
associatedWith Haswell, J. R. person
associatedWith Henderson, William P. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Hoffer, J. R. person
correspondedWith Jones, W. Martin person
correspondedWith Jorgensen, C. S. person
correspondedWith Leveridge, R. C. person
associatedWith Lippincott, J. S. person
associatedWith Little, J. T. person
associatedWith Livingston, Prof. person
associatedWith Lombard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Lull, James S. person
correspondedWith Lumsden, B. D. person
associatedWith Marsh, M. M. person
associatedWith Marsh, M. M., Mrs. person
associatedWith Mccann, Dwight J. person
associatedWith Mcmore, P. A. person
associatedWith Mead, Chauncey person
associatedWith Morris, O. W. person
associatedWith Newton, Isaac (Comm. Of Agriculture) corporateBody
correspondedWith Norton, C. M. person
associatedWith Reinhardt, Prof. person
correspondedWith Roe, Justus person
associatedWith Seltz, Charles person
associatedWith Shorless, Jesse person
correspondedWith Smith, C. H. person
correspondedWith Smith, Elijah A. person
associatedWith Smith, George person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Snell, E. S. person
correspondedWith Southall, J. C. person
correspondedWith Spooner, Stillman person
correspondedWith Stabler, J. P. person
correspondedWith Steele, George E. person
associatedWith Stewart, F. L. person
associatedWith Stripe, William C. person
associatedWith Strong, Oscar person
correspondedWith Stuntebeck, H. J. person
correspondedWith Stuntebeck, P. H. person
associatedWith Thomas, A. C. (Rev.) person
associatedWith Thurston, Curtis person
associatedWith Townsend, Nathan person
associatedWith Waters, James person
associatedWith Whitehead, William A. person
correspondedWith Williams, J. Gilbert person
associatedWith Williams, John Gilbert person
correspondedWith Wray, W. Alec person
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Ark ID: w68x9pc7

SNAC ID: 31557858