Inquisition (active 1301-1893)

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referencedIn "PROCÉDURES curieuses de l'Inquisition de Portugal contre les francs-macons, 1754;" written by a native of Berne, in Switzerland, educated in London and in Paris, and proceeded against by the Inquisition in Lisbon; concluding with observations on the..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Tom. IV.-Report of Fray Antonio de Sotomayor, the King's Confessor, respecting disturbances, in consequence of te appointment of Fr. Geronimo Cayado as Prior of the Carmelites in Lisbon, 22 Apr, 1621, f. 5.-Reports of the same, upon the merits of ca..., 1620-1626 British Library
referencedIn REPRESENTACIONE hecha al Rey por la junta de doce ministros de diferentes tribunales, sobre la jurisdiccion que exercen los Inquisidores en perjuicio de la jurisdiccion real, y la providencia que debe darse para el remedio;-Relacion individual de tod..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn HANOVER PAPERS. Vol. X. (ff. 331). Jan. 1718-2.13 Nov. 1719. The writers are:-Card. Julio Alberoni to the Marquis de Monteleone, Spanish Ambassador at London; Madrid, 26 Sept., 10 Oct. 1718. Printed. ff. 143,159. F-0-d'Artis; Genoa, 14 March, N.S.... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of miscellaneous papers in Spanish and Latin, viz.: 1. "Avisso de Paris de la vida y martirio de la Serinissima Reyna Maria de Escocia, lo qual acontecio a 18 Frebrero de 1587," f. 3. 2. "Memorial al Rey sobre los inconvenientes de vende..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn DECREES, opinions, and other papers relative to the powers claimed by the Inquisition over the property of heretics in Portugal during the reigns of John IV. and Alfonso VI., and to the endeavours of John IV. to grant exemption from confiscation in o..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn "DEFENSA critica de la Ynquisicion, contra los pr[incip]ales enemigos, que la han perseguido, y persiguen injustamente;" by Don M. R. de Macañaz, 1736. Paper. Folio.Melchior Rafael de Macañaz, Fiscal General del Consejo: Defence of the Inquisition: 1..., 1736 British Library
referencedIn STATISTICAL and historical papers on Portuguese affairs under Peter II. [1683-1706] and John V. [1706-1750]. Portuguese and Spanish. Among them are: 1. "Lista das herdades do termo da Cidade de Evora," etc., f. 1. 2. "Comendas da Ordem de Nosso Senho..., 18th century British Library
referencedIn ANONYMOUS COLLECTION OF LIVES of eminent people and Italian heretics condemned by the Inquisition in Rome; late 17th -early 18th cent. Italian. Copy. The texts provide detailed accounts of the lives, trials and executions of : -(a) art. 1, ff. 3-21... British Library
referencedIn BIRCH'S BOWER COLLECTIONS Collection by Thomas Birch of papers, letters, etc., relating to Archibald Bower, lapsed Jesuit, author of the History of the Popes, etc., and Keeper of Queen Caroline's library (d. 1766); circa 1746-1758. The principal cont..., approximately 1746-1758 British Library
referencedIn INQUISITORIAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST FRAY BARTOLOMÉ CARRANZA DE MIRANDA DE ARGA, ARCHBISHOP OF TOLEDO; 1567-1576. Spanish and Latin. Partly autograph. Notarial records relating to the transfer of the trial of Carranza to Rome in 1567 and its proceedings... British Library
referencedIn DESCRIPTIONS of trials and executions of heretics and other people condemned by the Roman Court from the papacy of Gregory XIII (1572-1585) to that of Clement XI (1700-1721); circa 1572-1723, 1747. Italian. Copy, mid 18th cent. The MS. also includes:... British Library
referencedIn "HISTORIA y Nobleza de el Reyno de Leon y Principado de Asturias, por D. Lazaro Diaz del Valle y de la Puerta, Cronista General de su Magd y sus reynos de Castilla y Leon, Año de 1665." The second part of a history of Castile and Leon, from 1407 to 1..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn DEEDS relating to the Inquisition in Spain, viz.:-(a) Six appointments by the Inquisitors of Toledo of various persons as familiars and public notaries of the Inquisition in Madrid, 1603-1638. Spanish. 67080-67085;-(b) Admission to the Fratemity and ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS, 1528-1871 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of papers relating to the dispensation for the marriage of Wolfgang William, Duke of Neuburg, with Catharine Charlotte, daughter of John II. Count Palatine of Zweybrück; consisting of letters, discussions on the dispensing power, proceedings o..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn "REPRESENTACION hecha al Rey [Philip V.] en justificacion del Escrito de 55§§ que prohivió el Cardenal [Francisco] Yudice [Bishop of Ostia], Ynquisidor General, por Edicto de 30 de Julio de 1714;" by Melchor Raphael de Macañaz, Fiscal General del Con..., 1714 British Library
referencedIn VOL. V. 1. Table of contents of this and the following volume, f. 1. 2. "Elenco o sia epilogo delle gravi pendenze giuridizionali superate;" 1751, f. 7. 3. Letter of Onofrio Rossi, Vicar-General of Salerno, accompanying the preceding paper; Salerno, ..., 1725-1753 British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPT of deeds in the papal archives relating to proceedings of the Inquisition of Barcelona, in 1350 and 1351, against certain ecclesiastics, for heresy; made in 1511. Vellum; in the original binding of stamped leather. Purchased in the XVIIth ..., 1511 British Library
referencedIn TRACT on the arrest of P. Fray Froylan Diaz, Confessor to Charles II. of Spain, by the Inquisition; circa 1700. Paper. Folio.Inquisition: Tract on the arrest of the Confessor of Charles II., of Spain: circ. 1700.: Span.Fray Froylan Diaz, Confessor to..., approximately 1700 British Library
referencedIn "TRACATUS de practica officii Inquisitionis heretice prauitatis, maxime in partibus Tholosanis, Careassonensibus, Albiensibus, et in prouincia Narbonensi et circumuicinis dyocesibus," in five parts, by Bernardus Guidonis, of the Friars Preachers, Inq..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn LAYARD PAPERS. Vol. CXX (ff. 328). Original MSS. of contributions by Sir A. H. Layard, as first President (1885-1894), to the Proceedings and Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, 1887-1893, together with drafts of, and notes for, unpublish..., 1887-1893 British Library
referencedIn DESCRIPTIONS of Autos da Fé in Spain, at various times between 1559 and 1723, with a few other papers of the Inquisition; some of them printed. Span. Paper; xviiith cent. Folio., 18th century British Library
referencedIn INQUISITION OF TOULOUSE, 1308-1323 British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. Papers, some by Mariana, relating to the Polyglot Bible of 1569-1573; Rabbinical and prohibited books; Provincial Councils, especially in reference to the Council of Toledo; with Latin translations of three orations by Ælius Aristides, "de ... British Library
referencedIn Accounts of Autos da Fé, and other papers connected with the Inquisition; 1539-1655. Span. Paper; xviith cent. Folio.Kingdom of Spain: Descriptions of autos de fé: 1559-1723.Inquisition: Accounts of Autos de Fé, with other papers: 1559-1723, 1539-165..., 1539-1655 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS tracts, etc., chiefly theological, containing 1. A list of professors and deputy-professors appointed by royal decree to the University of Coimbra, 11 Sept. 1772. Portuguese. f. i. 2. Proceedings of an " Acto pxiblico da Fé " against Ma..., 15th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn SERMONS for sundays and holidays throughout the year; with a sermon preached at an Auto da fé at Coimbra, f. 215, and a translation of one on the occasion of the blessing of the banner of Sebastian, King of Portugal, before the expedition to Africa [..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn LICENCE to carry arms from the Inquisitors of Seville to Andrés Bezerra of Constantina, a familiar of the Holy Office; 1570. Spanish. Endorsed with a certificate of the document's production to the authorities of Constantina. Decorated border in red,..., 1570 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2103Paper, in folio, ff. 265, XVI Century.1. 'An inventary made the xi day of Janyver 1547, in presence of the wurshipfull Mr. Emanuel Lucas, marchanttaillour, deputie unto the right wurshipfull fellawshipp of marchauntes adventurers in the ci... British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Aversa, Italy
Villaviçoza, Portugal
Angola, Africa
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Sant' Angelo, Naples
Evora, Portugal
Terra di Lavoro, Province of, Italy
Coimbra, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
Toulouse, France
London, England
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Netherlands, Europe
Leon, Province of, Spain
Mora, Spain
Catalonia, Spain
Naples, Italy
Isle of Wight, England
Toledo, Spain
Córdoba, Spain
Holland, the Netherlands
Netherlands, Europe
Toulouse, France
Carcassone, France
Cuença, Spain
Brazil, South America
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Portugal, Europe
Altamura, Italy
Syracuse, Sicily
Flanders, Belgium
Barcelona, Catalonia
Carcassone, France
Santarem, Portugal
Paris, France
Fondi, Italy
Seville, Andalusia
Coimbra, Portugal
Barcelona, Catalonia
Coimbra, Portugal
Cosenza, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Narbonne, France
Alby, France
Lisbon, Portugal
Portugal, Europe
Trigueros, Andalusia
Cordes, France
Seville, Andalusia
Atalaya, Portugal
Coimbra, Portugal
Japan, Asia
Augsburg, Germany
Narbonne Province, France
Pontecorvo, Italy
Pamiers, France
Macerata, Italy
Burgos, Old Castile
Evora, Portugal
Corisco, Africa
Messina, Sicily
Venice, Italy
Spain, Europe
Messina, Sicily
Carmona, Spain

Corporate Body

Active 1301

Active 1893

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Ark ID: w6vf6m34

SNAC ID: 31529201