University of Texas (UT) college student Charles J. Whitman killed and wounded 46 people by sniping from the top of the University of Texas Tower in Austin, Texas on August 1, 1966. Following his death at the hands of the police, it was discovered that he had also killed his mother and wife sometime during the previous night. On August 4th, Texas Governor John Connally, through the UT Chancellor and Board of Regents, requested that Dr. R. Lee Clark and his staff at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute (and other appropriate UT biomedical staff) compile and analyze the medical information relating to Whitman. The governor also authorized Clark to obtain medical consultation from any source that might aid in the development of final analyses and conclusions. The goal of the process was a study that might aid in anticipating or preventing similar events in the future.
On August 8th, twelve staff members of M.D. Anderson held an organizational meeting in Houston, Texas to distribute research responsibilities. The group decided to hold a second meeting once the initial research had been completed, at which point they would decide upon consultants. In late August a variety of consultants were requested to come to Houston on September 6 and 7 to study the evidence and to summarize the results with Governor Connally on September 8. The specific objectives of the meeting were to: 1) determine the events and circumstances that surrounded the actions of Whitman on August 1; 2) explore the findings and make such additional examinations as might be indicated by the available factual information; 3) prepare the material for its maximal utilization in evaluating the problem for society; and 4) make recommendations aimed at the detection and prevention of circumstances that might lead to similar incidents. Ultimately, the committee was unable to find a definitive organic explanation for Whitman's actions and, lacking a recent psychiatric evaluation, found it impossible to make a formal psychiatric diagnosis.
From the guide to the Report on the Charles J. Whitman catastrophe, 1966 Sept. 8, (Repository Unknown)