Robert Henry Walker

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Robert Henry Walker (1857-1939), Archdeacon of Uganda was educated at Dedham School, and St John's College, Cambridge where he obtained his BA ( Theology) in 1879. He was ordained a deacon in 1880 and a priest in 1881 and became curate of All Souls, Langham Place, London until 1887 when he was accepted as a Church Missionary Society missionary. He served largely at Mengo, Uganda. In 1892 he was appointed Archdeacon of Uganda by Bishop Tucker and he was also Secretary of the Uganda Mission. He married Eleanor Barbour in 1910 and retired from missionary service in 1913. He translated Oxford Helps to Study of the Bible into Luganda.

Reference: Register of missionaries (clerical, lay & female) and native clergy from 1804 to 1904 (Church Missionary Society, 1905) ; unpublished additions to this register in the CMS archives.

From the guide to the Walker Manuscripts, 1887-1946, (University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections Department)

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Ark ID: w6b43119

SNAC ID: 31263367