Ducali (Venice : active 1401-1801)

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referencedIn ORIGINAL commission of Andrea Gritti, Doge of Venice, to Giovanni Mauro, appointing him Capitano of Padua; with the laws and statutes to be observed by him. Lat. and Ital.; circa 1530. Imperfect at the end. Vellum; having portrait of Mauro in a minia..., approximately 1530 British Library
referencedIn COMMISION from Giovanni Cornaro, Doge of Venice, to Benedetto Ciurano, as Proveditor and Captain of the Island of Corfu; dated 6 Aug. 1717. Vellum. Octavo.Venice; Ducali: Commissions by Giovanni Cornaro: A.D.1717.Benedetto Ciurano: Commission to, as ... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Pasquale Cicogna, Doge of Venice [1585-1595], to Aluise Baroci, as "Conte" of the island of Curzola. Ital. Imperfect at the end. Vellum. Quarto., 1585-1595 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Giovanni Bembo, Doge of Venice, to Giovanni Battista Pasquialigo, as "Rettor" of Canea [or Khania] in Crete; dat. 17 June, 1616; with a few additional instructions, given on the 19 July, 1616. Lat. and Ital. Vellum; with a bo..., 1616 British Library
referencedIn Commission from Agostino Barbadico [Barbarigo], Doge of Venice, to Lorenzo Giustiniani, as Podestá and Captain of Ravenna; 1 Apr 1498. Lat. Vellum; with an illuminated border round the first page, having the arms of Giustiniani at the bottom, and, in... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Pietro Lando, doge of Venice, to Nicolo Nani, podestà of Istria; Sept. 1543. Ital. Vellum. At the top of the first page, which is ornamented with a richly coloured border, is the portrait of Nani, and his arms are painted in ... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Leonardo Lauretano [Loredano], Doge of Venice, to Pietro Marcello as Count of Sebenico, in Dalmatia; 1 Dec. 1501. Lat. and Ital. Vellum; with a coloured border on f. 2, containing the arms of Marcello. In the original gilt-to..., 1501 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Lionardo Loredano, Doge of Venice, appointing Giovanni Moro Proveditore of the island of Veglia; 31 Mar. 1507. Latin. Vellum; with an illuminated border on the first page, containing the arms of Moro. In a stamped leather bin... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from the same to Benedetto Superantio as Podestà of Bergamo; 3 Sept. 1490. Lat. and Ital. With an index of contents at the end. Vellum; with an illuminated initial and the arms of Superantio on f. 2. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn ORIGNAL commission from Andrea Gritti, Doge of Venice, to Constancio Nani as Podestà of "Canipa," in the district of Friuli; 1 Aug. 1525. Lat. and Ital. Vellum; with a miniature of the Virgin and child, and the arms of Nani on f. 2. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION from Aloysio Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, appointing Aurelio Rezonico to be Podestà of Bergamo; dat. 23 June, 1727. Ital. Vellum. Small Quarto. British Library
referencedIn "COMISSION dell' Illmo. et Eccmo. Sr. Francesco Valier, Proveditor d' i sali nelle Provintie dell' Istria et Dalmatia," issued by Antonio Priuli, Doge of Venice, in 1620. Vellum. At the beginning is an allegorical representation of Venice as Justice;..., 1620 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Leonardo Donato, Doge of Venice [1606-1612] to Pietro Lipomano to be Podestà of Chiozza, near Venice. Ital. Vellum. An allegorical painting is inserted at the beginning. Quarto., 1606-1612 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Marcantonio Memo, Doge of Venice, to Marco Pasqualigo, as "Rettor" of Sitia in Candia, dat. 1 Feb. 1613. Ital. Vellum; with a border to the first page containing the arms of Pasqualigo. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL Commission from [Niccolo da Ponte] Doge of Venice to [-Sanudo] to be Podestà of Crema [1583]. Lat. and Ital. At the beginning is inserted a leaf from a Ducale of Giovanni Cornaro, appointing Zuanne Corer to be Capitano of Padua [1625-1629]..., 1583-1629 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Marino Grimani, Doge of Venice, to Giovanni Battista Loredan, as "Capitano" of Zara; dat. 15 Feb. 1601. Ital. Vellum. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Agostino Barbadico [Barberigo], Doge of Venice, to Paolo Erizzo as Governor of Cattaro [in Dalmatia]; 30 Aug. 1489. Lat. and Ital. Vellum; with the arms of Erizzo on f. 2. Small Quarto. British Library
referencedIn Commission from Pietro Lando, Doge of Venice, to Tomaso Contarini, as Podestà of Verona; 26 Nov. 1540. Lat. Vellum; with an illuminated border round the first page, containing the arms of Contarini. In the original gilt binding. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION from Francesco Venerio, Doge of Venice, to Leonardo Donato as Provisor of Lonato; dat. 22 Mar. 1555. Lat. and Ital.; with an ornamental frontispiece, containing the arms of Donato. Vellum. Large Octavo. British Library
referencedIn A LIST Of Venetian Ducali [1367-1794] in the British Museum, the National Library at Paris, and various private collections, with sketches of arms, descriptions of medals of Doges, etc.; by John Holmes, F.S.A., with later additions in the handwriting..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Andrea Gritti, Doge of Venice, appointing Giovanni Moro Luogotenente in Udine; dat. 17 Sept. 1526. Latin. Vellum; with an illuminated border on the first page (bound, by mistake, as f. 9), containing the arms of Moro. In a st... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Antonio Priolo [or Priuli], Doge of Venice, to Alisandro Diedo, as "Prouueditor" of Marano; dat. 21 Mar. 1623. Ital. Vellum. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Francesco Veniero, Doge of Venice, to Francesco Soranzo, as one of the Council of Six, for the district or "Sexterium" of San Paolo; dat. 1 Feb. 1554. At the beginning are autobiographical notes by Soranzo. Lat. and Ital. Vel... British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION from Aloysio Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, to Iseppo Pizzamano as Podestà of Bugei; 24 Oct. 1571. Ital. Vellum. In the original binding, of an oriental character, with sunk compartments, having on one side the lion of St. Mark, and on the othe... British Library
referencedIn 1. COMMISION from Girolamo Priolo, Doge of Venice, to Giacomo Soranzo, cavaliere, to be Bailo in Constantinople; Venice, 19 Mar. 1566. Ital. f. 1. 2. Commission from Domenico Contareno, Doge of Venice, to Marino Zorzi as Ambassador to Spain; Venice, ... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Lionardo Loredano, Doge of Venice, appointing Sebastiano Moro Podestà and Capitano of Treviso; about 1506-1519, in which latter year Moro was made Luogotenente in Cyprus. Latin. Vellum; with an illuminated border on the first... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL Commission of Francesco Molini, Doge of Venice, to Luca Calbo, as Podestà of Feltre in the Republic of Venice; 15 Apr. 1048. Lat. and Ital. Vellum; with three illuminated pages at the beginning. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION from Laurentio Priolo, Doge of Venice, to Marco Antonio Griti as Podestà and Capitano of Bassano; 13 Jan. 1558. Lat. and Ital.; with an illuminated frontispiece, containing the arms of Griti. Vellum. Large Octavo. British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of Miniatures, chiefly the frontispieces of Ducali, or commissions from Doges of Venice, from the XVth cent. to the year 1620. The two first of the series are, a portion of a border of a titlepage of a book, representing within an archit..., 15th century-1620 British Library
referencedIn COMMISSION of the "Doninium Venetiarum" to Maro Calbo, as Castellan of Cerigo, Ionian lsles; 2 Sept. 1689. Ital. Vellum; with an illuminated frontispiece. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission of Marco Foscarino, Doge of Venice, to Lodovico Manin, as Podesà of Brescia ; 18 Aug. 1762. Ital. Vellum. At the beginning is an allegorical painting with the arms and portrait of Manin. Octavo. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL commission from Marino Grimano, Doge of Venice, to Giustiniano Badoero as Proveditore of Asola [near Mantua]; 28 Feb. 1604. Ital. Vellum; with the arms of Badoero on f. 1. In the original binding, of oriental pattern. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL COMMISSION from Francesco Erizzo, Doge of Venice, to Alessandro Diedo, as "Rettor" of Sitia in Candia; dat. 12 May, 1633. Ital. Vellum. Quarto. British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Lonato, Italy
Feltre, Venetia
Brescia, Italy
Bergamo, Italy
Bugei, Italy
Asola, Mantua
Istria, Austria
Ravenna, Italy
Bergamo, Italy
Padua, Italy
Crema, Italy
Canipa, Venitia
Verona, Italy
Cattaro, Lower Dalmatia
Paris, France
Chioggia, Venice
Padua, Italy
Ionian Islands, Greece
Bassano, Italy

Corporate Body

Active 1401

Active 1801

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Ark ID: w6r30ps8

SNAC ID: 31113920