See of London (active 1420-1890)

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referencedIn Master Ralph de Merlawe, Papal Chaplain, Collector of the tenth in the Diocese of London, 1275.Master Ralph de Merlawe, Papal chaplain: Seal: 1275.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn Bileigh Abbey, near Maldon, co. Essex, 1298, 1375. British Library
referencedIn Royal Seal " ad causas ecclesiasticas" for the Commissary of the Consistory of Stortford, London diocese, xvith cent.See of London: Cast of royal seal " ad causas ecclesiasticas " for commissary of consistory of Stortford: 16th cent.Bishop's Stortfor... British Library
referencedIn Vol. III., 1625-May 1660:-1. "Desadueu des armes de M. de Soubize par le Synode Prouincial de L'Isle de France, Picardie, Champa-ne et Beausse, 17 Auril 1625." 2. "Responses du Conseil du Roy [Louis XIII.] sur les plaintes et demandes de ceux de la ... British Library
referencedIn Hospital of St. Giles, Maldon, co. Essex, temp. Edward II.Maldon, Essex: Seal of the Hospital of St. Giles: temp. Edw. II.See of London: Seal of Vicar-General: 1761. British Library
referencedIn Philip Cateby, of London, 1357.Philip Cateby, of London: Seal: 1357.See of London: Seal of Vicar-General: 1761. British Library
referencedIn Fulk Luvel, Collector in the City and Diocese of London, of a tenth for a subsidy of the Holy Land, granted 1279.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555.Fulke Luvel, Collector of a Subsidy in London: Seal: [1279]. British Library
referencedIn Official of London diocese, 1310.See of London: Seals of Officials: 1310, 1361. British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIV (ff. 67). Misc.includes:ff. 3, 39 Bocca, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Turin: Letters to the Royal Society: 1754.: Fr.f. 5 Count Francesco Algarotti,; Italian scholar: Letters to T. Birch: 1756, 1759.: Ital.f. 7 Sir Th... British Library
referencedIn Prior of Holy Trinity Convent, London, as Sub-collector of the above, 1314.London Seals: Prior of Holy Trinity,: 1294, 1314.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn ACCOUNT-BOOK of Thomas Dickins and Thomas Russell of collections and subscriptions from the London diocese for charitable objects handed over to Henry Compton, Bishop of London, whose signed acknowledgements are often added; 1678-1686. Among the item..., 1678-1686 British Library
referencedIn Deanery of Middlesex, 1303.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn Subprior and Sacrist of the Convent of Holy Trinity, London, an collectors of the tenth in the Archdeaconry of London, etc., 1294.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555.London Seals: Prior of Holy Trinity,: 1294, 1314. British Library
referencedIn THEOLOGICAL AND CANONICAL MISCELLANY, compiled probably by a priest of the diocese of London, mid 13th cent.; see the description of this manuscript in C. R. Cheney, English Synodalia of the Thirteenth Century, 1941, p. 80. Latin. Imperfect, by mutil... British Library
referencedIn Gerardus de Rodes, early 14th cent.Gerardus de Rodes: Seal: early 14th cent.See of London: Seal of Vicar-General: 1761. British Library
referencedIn CHARTER of B[enedict], Bishop of Rochester, setting forth the circumstances attending his consecration of Eustace de Faukumberg, Bishop of London; St. Mark's day [25th Apr.], in St. Katharine's chapel, Westminster, 1st year after the translation of S... British Library
referencedIn Abbot and Convent of Westminster, as Collectors of the above, 1306.London; Westminster. Abbey of St Peter: Various Seals,: 1256-1832.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn London Diocesan Fund, 1918.Robert J. Richardson, engraver of medals: Engraved(?), 20th cent.See of London: Seal of the Diocesan Fund: 1918. British Library
referencedIn Official of London Diocese, 1555.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn John Snell, Archdeacon of London [1423-1431].John Snell: Seal, as Archdeacon of London: 1423-1431.See of London: Seal of John Snell, Archdeacon of: 1423-1431. British Library
referencedIn See of Hereford: Casts of seals relating to.See of London: Casts of seals. British Library
referencedIn Prior and Convent of Westminster, as Sub-collectors of the tenth in the above Archdeaconries, 1320.London; Westminster. Abbey of St Peter: Various Seals,: 1256-1832.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn Subprior and Sacrist, vice the Prior and Convent of Holy Trinity, London, as Collectors of the King's tenth in the Archdeaconries of London and Middlesex, 1294.London Seals: Prior of Holy Trinity,: 1294, 1314.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, offi... British Library
referencedIn Official of London diocese, 1361.See of London: Seals of Officials: 1310, 1361. British Library
referencedIn Official of the Archdeacon of London, 1361.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn The Sub-prior and Sacrist of the Convent of Holy Trinity, London, as Collector of the tenths in the Archdeaconries of London and Middlesex granted to the King, 1294.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555.London Seals: Prior ... British Library
referencedIn RETURN OF BENEFICES in the diocese of London which in 30 Elizabeth [1587-8] were in the presentation of the crown, with all the presentations since made whether by the crown or others. Dated 10 Nov. 1632. Seven vellum membranes, 2 ft. 2 in. X 10 in.,... British Library
referencedIn -100; LVII. 1-21. SULPHUR casts of seals relating to the Dioceses of Bath and Wells, Canterbury, Hereford, Salisbury, London, and York. British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL RETURN of "Nomina beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum taxatorum ad x libras et ultra, ac nomina capellanorum cantariarum vii marc. vel ultra obtinentium aut salarium siue stipendium vii marc. vel ultra aut cum cibariis xl s. per annum recipientium..., 1420 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical pieces, of the first half of the XVIIth cent., viz.: 1. "Parte of the liffe of Kinge James of ffamous memorye, with diuers matters of consequence which hapned in his Raigne." Printed in the Somers Tracts (1809), Vol. II., p. ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn SULPHUR cuts of seals relating to the Diocese of Hereford. British Library
referencedIn John Lovel, Archdeacon of Colchester, as Collector of the tenth in the Bishopric of London, 1277, 1278. 35. John Soudan, Collector of the above tenth, 1277. British Library
referencedIn CONFIRMATION by Robert [de Watford], Dean, and the Chapter, of St. Paul's, London, of the grant by W[illiam de Ecclesia S. Mariæ], Bishop of London, to the Prior and Convent of Rappendon [Repton, co. Derby], to retain for their own sustentation the r... British Library
referencedIn Garinus, Treasurer of the New Temple, London, Collector of the tenth in the Diocese of London, 1275.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555.Garinus, Treasurer of the New Temple, London, etc: Seal: 1275. British Library
referencedIn John de Nevile, de Essex, 1357.John de Nevile, de Essex: Seal: 1357.See of London: Seal of Vicar-General: 1761. British Library
referencedIn Prior and Convent of Westminster, as Collectors of the above, 16 Edw. II. [1322 -23].London; Westminster. Abbey of St Peter: Various Seals,: 1256-1832.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn John Whittingham: Letters of administration for his estate: 1823.Charles Whittingham, senior, owner of the Chiswick Press: Letters of administration to: 1823.See of London: Seal of the Vicar General: 1823. British Library
referencedIn Officialty of London Diocese, 1302.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
referencedIn Vol. DCCXIV (ff. 162). 1880-1890.includes:f. 1 Cyprus: Diploma of the Academy: 1880.: Gr. f. 3 Franz Josef I; Emperor of Austria: Address to W. E. Gladstone from Bosnian and Herzegovinan representatives: 1880.: Fr. f. 6 Army; England: Statistics: 18..., 1880-1890 British Library
referencedIn Prior and Convent of St. Bartholomew's, London, as Collectors of the tenth in the Diocese of London, 1346.London Seals: St. Bartholomew's Priory: 1346, 1443-1444.See of London: Seals of Archdeacons, officials, etc.,: 1275-1555. British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Lechlade, Gloucestershire
Great Baddow, Essex
Cirencester, Gloucestershire
Ireland, Europe
Nîmes, France
Maldon, Essex
Quebec, Province of, Canada
Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire
Oxfordshire, England
Boulogne, France
Egypt, Africa
Ré, Brittany
Dunkirk, France
Chichester, Sussex
London, England
Switzerland, Europe
Somerset, England
Ireland, Europe
Latheron, Caithness-shire
London, England
South Africa, Africa
Crumlin, Antrim
Canary Islands, Spain
Netherlands, Europe
Sta. Cruz, the Island of Teneriffe
Newport, Isle of Wight
Sark, Channel Islands
Cyprus, Asia Minor
Ré, Brittany
Sudan, Africa

Corporate Body

Active 1420

Active 1890

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Ark ID: w60m1x85

SNAC ID: 30606696