New York (State). Temporary Commission on the Constitutional Convention

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The Temporary State Commission on the Constitutional Convention was created by Chapter 443 of the Laws of 1965. The statute directed the commission to make a comprehensive study of the State Constitution with a view to its revision and simplification. The commission was also directed to collect information that would be useful both to delegates to the 1967 constitutional convention and to the people of the state, who would be charged with ratifying any constitutional changes drafted during the convention.

The commission specifically devoted resources to the study of individual rights and liberties; social and economic policies; public finance; the structure and operations of state government; local government; constitutional revision and simplification; and constitutional convention organization and procedure. The commission consisted of the following three subcommittees: Bill of Rights and Social Economic Policies; Public Finance and Local Government; and State Government, Legislative Apportionment, Suffrage, and Methods of Constitutional Amendment.

From the New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY. Agency record NYSV2065754-a

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Ark ID: w6qh4sk5

SNAC ID: 30483928